Welcome Tony Padilla

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Hi Tony welcome to the forum:) I have a question:) Do you honestly think Mr. Baez is gonna let your uncle question Casey? Reason I ask is because IMO I honestly dont think Mr. Baez will let his client out on bail with you and your uncle if it means Casey will say something to incrimate herself or this case.Mr. Baez first priority is Casey not Caylee thats his job.While your intentions seem to be good I dont think Mr. Baez is gonna let anything hurt his client JMO:)

I was wondering about that issue also.
Since no family has been there and in person since the visits are made public.
I do not think Baez will go along with any line or style
of questioning like this?
This seemed to be futile...
I actally had hoped an outside group of professional Bloodhound and search dog handlers could visit the locations that are in question.
Tony's apartment,Amy's apartment,Anthony home, & anyplace Casey was with Caylee.
Sawgrass Apartments.
She mentioned THE BEACH? What Beach?
Disneyland, also the lot at FUSION.

If she had not lied in the beginning, none of this would be happening now.
If her mother had not called LE, nobody would know she was missing.
We are as curious & caught up in the lies as the family.
How can anybody on earth help?
You have to have solid truth to go on.
Not lies that lead nowhere.
Wish I was here when this was all happening! :(

Me too.
The thing that's bothering me the most is that Casey is going to
feel some sort of entitlement from getting bailed out by some
famous bounty hunter. This is only going to feed her ego and make
her all the more determined to keep quiet about what happened to
Caylee. This woman needs something to bring her down to reality,
not something to make her feel "special". jmo:twocents:
Me too.
The thing that's bothering me the most is that Casey is going to
feel some sort of entitlement from getting bailed out by some
famous bounty hunter. This is only going to feed her ego and make
her all the more determined to keep quiet about what happened to
Caylee. This woman needs something to bring her down to reality,
not something to make her feel "special". jmo:twocents:

Something tells me she won't feel special for long:eye:
I think, that when we heard about a bond for Casey, to me, it felt like the bondsman was on her side, felt that she'd been jailed unfairly? Then, WS posts were full of anger, I know mine was. I was even amazed some posted they thought it was a good idea. Now that I've heard from Tony P, I feel so much better. I see he and his uncle are reasonable sharp men.

The ones who posted that they were doing this for financial gain, I think, bothered Tony P the most. Those are the lies he may have been worried about. This is all my opinion only. I'm excited now! But darn, I'm leaving Thurs for a vacation, no TV!!!! I'm gonna flip out I tell you.
Mr. Padilla,
I also appreciate your drive to find Caylee. Regardless of wether that is hanging out with Casey 24/7 or out searching 24/7 with your team of people, (respectfully snipped)

What I would like to see your team do, is announce a community search, and begin on foot. Take Casey, tie her to your side, and make her walk miles upon miles daily to help find her daughter.

There's a good thought....MAKE Casey actually LOOK for her daughter, it would be the first positive action she's done...:furious:
I really do not know the hard core facts of this case. I will say again Caylee is what is most important here. Nothing else but her!! I have not seen any other bondsman willing to put up a bond for her release and then have someone try to get information out of the person who probably has the most information. If LE has a better plan and they can convince us that there i nothing that can be done then we are done and no bond will be posted. We have the right to surrender Casey at any time which means that we can take her to jail and be done with the bond. I am not doing this to feed my ego or my uncle's ego or the ego of the media. I have another resource that can possibly find Caylee and with Leonard's expertise then it is a possiblity. Why not explore that avenue? I know that if one of my kids were missing I would entertain anything to get results!!

Thank you for what you are doing. I have to apologize for my comments that you are just in this for the 'fame' (on the radio show last night). I am sorry I said that. I pray that you/your people can make a difference in this case.
you know how we are all so consumed with this case and that beautiful angel .. isnt it possible that people that do have the resources want to help too ? just because you have money doesnt mean your doing it to get more .. i mean cant some people just be kind and careing ? i think the only motive is to find the baby . she has captured all of our hearts why not thiers?
I'm curious what email address TP used to register here. I wonder what the exchange was? I'm thinking it had to be @whatever the name of his biz is..Can any mods confirm if a valid email address..valid meaning coming from his .com business address.

I'm not doubting anyone just curious.
Wish I was here when this was all happening! :(
Me too... as always I was a day late, a $ short!:doh:

I certainly wish both of the Padillos all of the luck in this world... they're going to be up against a very scarey, lying, cunning sociopath who cares only about herself! And as the good Judge stated, "Miss Anthony and the truth are strangers".
I read this last night and it gave me hope that Casey won't get out. It reinforces my thought that it's easy to offer up money when you don't have to actually cough it up.


The owner of a bond company that plans to post bond for Casey Anthony said it's possible the Orange County Sheriff's Office could try to add more charges in the case.

In a statement issued Saturday morning about the cancellation of the visit, jail offiicials said they were unaware of an attempt by a Califonia bondsman to post a bond for Casey Anthony, noting that there are conditons that must be met for her to be released, including notifying the Orange County Sheriff's Office which is investigating the case.
I'm curious what email address TP used to register here. I wonder what the exchange was? I'm thinking it had to be @whatever the name of his biz is..Can any mods confirm if a valid email address..valid meaning coming from his .com business address.

I'm not doubting anyone just curious.
I wouldn't expect them to do that to anyone! Our privacy is protected by WS.
Thank you for what you are doing. I have to apologize for my comments that you are just in this for the 'fame' (on the radio show last night). I am sorry I said that. I pray that you/your people can make a difference in this case.

Christine, you are a much better person than I am. :blowkiss:

I stand behind my thoughts that the Padillas are not equipped to crack a sociopath, protect her from herself or an angry public that says they want to cap her. They are muddying the waters and playing a dangerous game with the only person who holds the key as to what happened to Caylee. They need to do the right thing and remove themselves from this case.
I'm curious what email address TP used to register here. I wonder what the exchange was? I'm thinking it had to be @whatever the name of his biz is..Can any mods confirm if a valid email address..valid meaning coming from his .com business address.

I'm not doubting anyone just curious.
I would wager that the mods have asked for verification of his identity. If he is not for real, they will let us know. We have had imposters post in the past and it doesn't sit real well with management.
So, if they haven't verified it yet, they are most likely working on it.
Hi everyone! I'm trying to catch up so forgive me if this has been asked/answered, but I wonder what he (Tony) will do if Casey admits to killing Caylee. Not that I think that she will ever admit to it but what if she did? Would he just revoke her bond & send her back to jail or would he tell LE? From what I understand, her lawyer stated that he had no problem with Tony bonding her out as long as it did not interfere with her defense. I would think a confession would "absolutely" do that! lol I'm sure Jose has advised her not to say anything that would harm her case..... I guess I just dont see how this will play out if Caylee isnt alive.
I'm curious what email address TP used to register here. I wonder what the exchange was? I'm thinking it had to be @whatever the name of his biz is..Can any mods confirm if a valid email address..valid meaning coming from his .com business address.

I'm not doubting anyone just curious.
I too have some valid concerns. I just emailed mods/Tricia. For now that's all I am going to say, and the last time I will post on this thread.
In the past we've emailed (not to the email provided to WS) the person at their business or website and asked if they are indeed the person who is posting here. When we've gotten a response back that they are that person, you can usually be assured it is the real person here. Has anyone done this?
I appreciate that he took the time to come here and answer questions respectfully. Of course everyone is not going to agree on what actions are being taken with regard to Casey being bailed out or not. I for one was very embarrassed by how some posters treated him, and am thankful the mods stepped in and put a stop to it.

All I want is Caylee found, and for me the bottom line on how that is accomplished or methods used makes no difference to me. I do not think Casey will tell anyone where Caylee is and that makes me extremely angry, but I am not going to direct that anger at people that are at least trying to find Caylee I will contiue to direct that anger at Casey.
In the past we've emailed (not to the email provided to WS) the person at their business or website and asked if they are indeed the person who is posting here. When we've gotten a response back that they are that person, you can usually be assured it is the real person here. Has anyone done this?

Yes. I did.
I was emailing with Leonard before Tony Joined.
I emailed him this morning asking to verify.
I would wager that the mods have asked for verification of his identity. If he is not for real, they will let us know. We have had imposters post in the past and it doesn't sit real well with management.
So, if they haven't verified it yet, they are most likely working on it.

I agree. The owner(s) of this forum have every right in the world to check out email addresses and IPs. We are essentially in their home when we visit here, and we have to abide by certain rules in order to stay.
My son owns his own web hosting company and occasionally hackers and other trouble makers attempt to disrupt the servers. He has the ability to block them, and also on certain forums to block impostors as well.

This is done behind the scenes, no information is passed on to anyone else,
so there is no invasion of privacy.
I wish you the best in trying to find Caylee.

If you can one truth out of Casey it will be a miracle.
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