Wendy Murphy: Klonopin + pineapple?

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JBean said:
My son takes it for his epilepsy from time to time. But it is more for the anxiety that often accompanies his disorder.
It works for seizures associated with brain turmors too and the anxiety associated with a terminal condition. My mom was on it.
drtee said:
I believe the most logical explanation for why the Rams lied about the pineapple is that it would indicate that she died earlier rather than later. It obscures time of death. It is unlikely they fed her pineapple at, say, 3 am, thus putting t.o.d. at about 5. But if the death is set earlier, they are closer to being implicated.

As for the garotte, I've never thought that it was staging but was rather the initial cause of unconsciousness and then the blow to the head was to finish her off. The reason I think this is that I believe she was garotted before the ransom note was written. The note warns that if the Rams don't follow orders, she will be BEHEADED. What a strange thing to say. I think "they" thought that they might be cutting her head off to cover up the garotting (cut at the point of ligature). Something caused this plan to be aborted, either that they couldn't go through with it or ran out of time, or maybe someone called the damned police too early.

I still find it peculiar that JB ate pineapple sometime before she was killed.
Why pineapple? Why not a cookie or cracker? A glass of milk? Even a bowl of cereal. I just don't think of pineapple as a snack food.

And if she ate the pineapple 2 hours before she was killed it would have to be
around 10pm or 11pm. And then did the killer wait for JB to digest the pineapple before cracking her head?

The pineapple is one piece of evidence that could go with both IDI and/or RDI.
The one major reason I don't believe there was a *advertiser censored* ring or *advertiser censored* pictures is that Patsy definitely had JB in training for Miss America and there's no way she would have wanted or allowed pictures to exist that would have ruined JB"s chances of the Miss America title.

Very good point, however, it is possible that Patsy didn't know it.

It is also quite likely, in my opinion, that Patsy went looking for John, and heard some noise down in the basement. She grabbed the flashlight, quietly
went downstairs and discovered John molesting Jonbenet, and hit him with the flashlight.... but missed and accidentally killed Jonbenet.

Talk about a GOOD REASON to cover for each other!!
Tristan said:
Very good point, however, it is possible that Patsy didn't know it.

It is also quite likely, in my opinion, that Patsy went looking for John, and heard some noise down in the basement. She grabbed the flashlight, quietly
went downstairs and discovered John molesting Jonbenet, and hit him with the flashlight.... but missed and accidentally killed Jonbenet.

Talk about a GOOD REASON to cover for each other!!
Very true. Or I wonder if she didn't use a golf club since she supposedly requested that her sister Pam retrieve those from the house.
Per the autopsy report

Toxicologic Studies
blood ethanol - none detected
blood drug screen - no drugs detected
Tristan said:
Very good point, however, it is possible that Patsy didn't know it.

It is also quite likely, in my opinion, that Patsy went looking for John, and heard some noise down in the basement. She grabbed the flashlight, quietly
went downstairs and discovered John molesting Jonbenet, and hit him with the flashlight.... but missed and accidentally killed Jonbenet.

Talk about a GOOD REASON to cover for each other!!

Cover?????? My husband is molesting my child - or any other child for that matter - and I found out he'd be done for - no cover up!!! If she did accidentally hit JB with the flashlight, why didn't she call 911 - she could have still been alive --- unless, of course, she was terrified of John and went along with the cover up in fear of her own life....??? Doesn't make sense to me.

AND, if this were the case, the woman was on her dying bed - spill the beans!
Zelda said:
I still find it peculiar that JB ate pineapple sometime before she was killed.
Why pineapple? Why not a cookie or cracker? A glass of milk? Even a bowl of cereal. I just don't think of pineapple as a snack food.

And if she ate the pineapple 2 hours before she was killed it would have to be
around 10pm or 11pm. And then did the killer wait for JB to digest the pineapple before cracking her head?

The pineapple is one piece of evidence that could go with both IDI and/or RDI.
Hi, I am new to this forum and have been watching this case with interest from Australia. The pineapple has always confused me also. Why the Ramseys would lie about JB having pineapple (if one of them did give her the pineapple) is a mystery to me. I think the pineapple points more to RDI than IDI because, as you say, why would an intruder give JB pineapple and then hang around for 2-3 hours for the pineapple to digest before killing her? It just does not make sense. If JB was awake when the Ramseys arrived home and they gave her some pineapple and then she went to bed what difference would it make to their case? I just don't get it.
poco said:
Cover?????? My husband is molesting my child - or any other child for that matter - and I found out he'd be done for - no cover up!!! If she did accidentally hit JB with the flashlight, why didn't she call 911 - she could have still been alive --- unless, of course, she was terrified of John and went along with the cover up in fear of her own life....??? Doesn't make sense to me.

AND, if this were the case, the woman was on her dying bed - spill the beans!
I've wondered about the psychological mind games going on between PR and JR. If he was molesting JBR, he might very well insist to PR that it was her fault because she (PR) had not been satisfying him as of late (due to cancer). THis is a twisted line of reasoning more than one hubby has used to molest his daugher and then lay the blame on the wife. And if in an ensuing ordeal, JBR ends up with a serious head wound, then JR would really insist to PR that it was her fault. I wonder if he didn't INSIST that she write the ransom note---no way he was gonna have anything written in his handwriting. And the fact that he immediately hired two top gun criminal defense teams, one for Patsy and one for himself, only reinforces my suspicions along these lines.
"Dave, that comes across as naive kindergarten talk."

Oh, really? Admittedly, my emotions did get the better of me, but my point is made.

"Wendy has the same massive exposure as do people posting in this forum who state they know (or otherwise express absolute certainly) that one or more of the Ramseys murdered JonBenet or committed a heinous sex crime against her person."

Your point being?

"Even worse for Wendy would be the fact that she is a lawyer. The Judge would nuke her."

Don't lecture me, Wudge. I'm really not in the mood for it. Anyway, I for one, am DAMN glad she's out there!

"In a trial, Wendy or others would have to establish their statement(s) to be true."

Actually, if you read libel/slander laws, you'll see that the burden is on the person bringing the suit to establish that the person they say injured them did so KNOWING that it wasn't true. Remember that. And like I said, don't underestimate her. I seem to recall the FOXNEWS people didn't have any trouble.

"Do you really think Steve Thomas settled his libel suit by establishing his ridiculous defamation to be the truth?"

We don't know what happened there, Wudge. You assume much. It's more likely he just ran out of money.

"For his defamatory efforts, Steve Thomas got whacked over his head with a hard reality check."

I seem to remember that he can still sell his book, which is the real damager. Some loss.

"A lot of people should wise up."

Yeah, I can think of a few of them right now...

"Good one, Dave!"


And Wudge... I know you have a sense of humor lurking in there some where...

"Your comment back to Dave actually reminded me of the old Satruday Night live skit... 'Jane, You ignorant S---!...'"

And I'm doing my best to be a gentleman about it, savvy?

"IMO, as 'ignorant' as some here might think it is, if you take the cameras off of Wendy Murphy and put her in a courtroom, she would be a force to be dealt with..."

Damn skippy!
Nedthan Johns said:
Bipolar people don’t sleep well. They can stay up for days on end. That’s why most of them have to take something like Klonopin. I have a friend that takes 5 pills a night for his bipolar disorder. They have stages of depression, mixed state and manic stages. It’s highly correlated with raw intelligence. Many bipolar people are high achievers and have exceedingly high expectations of others. They can get highly irritated at times and fly into a rage. They have out of control shopping sprees and buy things they don’t necessarily need. They can have heightened bouts of sexuality and at other times be completely uninterested in it. Without treatment they can spin out of control. The medication just takes off the edge. I have been told they feel like the want to crawl out of their skin. Some also suffer from hallucinations.

Thanks Ned........All the above is true. Believe me, my daughter was bipolar.

SuperDave said:

Actually, if you read libel/slander laws, you'll see that the burden is on the person bringing the suit to establish that the person they say injured them did so KNOWING that it wasn't true. Remember that. And like I said, don't underestimate her. I seem to recall the FOXNEWS people didn't have any trouble.


In an earlier posr, I noted the "per se" provision (statultory presumption of damages) would almost certainly apply; nothing's changed. When there is no reliable factual basis to support a defaming statement, Courts readily recognize outlandish statements, i.e., self-evident falsehoods, to be nothing more than hateful slurs made with the intend to destory a person's reputation.

You are very wrong if you think you can say anything you want about another person and that a Judge will require a heinously defamed person to prove that your statement is false through means other than noting that no reliable evidence exists to support the defaming statement.

The more outlandish the slur, the greater the defamation. Hence, given that Wendy is a lawyer and given her monstrously egregious defamation of John Ramsey, the Judge would use a flame thrower on her.
Contrary to what you might think, I am not stupid. Nor is she.

"You are very wrong if you think you can say anything you want about another person and that a Judge will require a heinously defamed person to prove that your statement is false through means other than noting that no reliable evidence exists to support the defaming statement."

You just nailed it, Wudge. You don't really think she's stupid enough to go into this without getting her ducks in a row, do you?

"Hence, given that Wendy is a lawyer and given her monstrously egregious defamation of John Ramsey, the Judge would use a flame thrower on her."

I find it interesting that you word it like she's already lost. Last I recall, no one's made a move yet. If you think she's not ready for this, you better think again.

On a personal note, I don't believe in slander/libel lawsuits. I believe that matters such as that should be settled a different way.
SuperDave said:
"Dave, that comes across as naive kindergarten talk."

"Do you really think Steve Thomas settled his libel suit by establishing his ridiculous defamation to be the truth?"

We don't know what happened there, Wudge. You assume much. It's more likely he just ran out of money.

"For his defamatory efforts, Steve Thomas got whacked over his head with a hard reality check."

I seem to remember that he can still sell his book, which is the real damager. Some loss.

"A lot of people should wise up."

like whom?
"For his defamatory efforts, Steve Thomas got whacked over his head with a hard reality check."

I seem to remember that he can still sell his book, which is the real damager. Some loss.
Not only can he still sell his book, his website is still up and he can still use his consitutional right to "freedom of speech" concerning his beliefs about this case. So in what way did the Ramsey's win? I'm not being a smart behind, I'm truly curious as to how the R's call this "settlement" a win.
s_finch said:
"For his defamatory efforts, Steve Thomas got whacked over his head with a hard reality check."

I seem to remember that he can still sell his book, which is the real damager. Some loss.
Not only can he still sell his book, his website is still up and he can still use his consitutional right to "freedom of speech" concerning his beliefs about this case. So in what way did the Ramsey's win? I'm not being a smart behind, I'm truly curious as to how the R's call this "settlement" a win.
Well, the Rams are notorious for taking their own point of view about wins and loses. This settlement is one example...how about their absolution from their own paid polygrapher, and the very "minute likihood" of Patsy having written the ransom note...as declared by "some handwriting experts"? Lin Wood is a good SPIN DR. and knows how to take "gut punches" and turn 'em into simple glancing body blows!:bang:
JMO8778 said:
SuperDave said:

"A lot of people should wise up."

like whom?

Like people who post defamatory remarks in a high-profile forum that knowingly and willfully allows such defamation to stand.

Lawyers who make a living out of defamation suits have a saying: "The higher up a monkey climbs, the more their rear is exposed."
Wudge said:
Like people who post defamatory remarks in a high-profile forum that knowingly and willfully allows such defamation to stand.

Lawyers who make a living out of defamation suits have a saying: "The higher up a monkey climbs, the more their rear is exposed."
Put two very intelligent humans in a round room with an innocent bystander, a bottle of wine and some cheese. Lock the door behind them. There are no windows in the room. Tell the two intellectuals to stand in the corner. One intellectual spends several hours using the nail file on his clippers in his pocket to pick the lock and exits. The other uses his nail file on his clippers to open the cork on the wine, and to cut the cheese. He shares the wine and cheese with the innocent bystander. When finished they exit out the unlocked door. Which is the most contented intellectual?

Dave, It's nice to view you as the intellectual who would select the wine and cheese, the one who would be considerate enough to also share it with the innocent bystander, and yet, the one who would achieve the same end with a smile on his face. ;)
Like people who post defamatory remarks in a high-profile forum that knowingly and willfully allows such defamation to stand.

is that a THREAT, Wudge? Because if it is, I'm sure you're well aware of Tricia's stance toward Mr. Wood's lawsuits. I believe her exact words were, "I'd love for him to sue me."

"Lawyers who make a living out of defamation suits have a saying: 'The higher up a monkey climbs, the more their rear is exposed.'"

I prefer Shakespeare: Kill all the lawyers.

Wudge, let me put it in simple terms: there's something in this country called the First Amendment. A lot of people died to make it reality. A lot of people have died to keep it a reality. I'll be DAMNED if I'm going to let some little BULLY like Lin Wood take it without a fight!

Because you know what? If he can do it to me, or Wendy, or whomever, he can do it to YOU!
I've certainly never heard that someone posting in an anonymous forum can be sued.Freedom of speech,first amendment,yes,it's our consitutional right.The problem with the Ramsey's is they don't mind if you talk,as long as you're on their side.That's not true freedom of speech.
SuperDave said:
Like people who post defamatory remarks in a high-profile forum that knowingly and willfully allows such defamation to stand.

is that a THREAT, Wudge? Because if it is, I'm sure you're well aware of Tricia's stance toward Mr. Wood's lawsuits. I believe her exact words were, "I'd love for him to sue me."

"Lawyers who make a living out of defamation suits have a saying: 'The higher up a monkey climbs, the more their rear is exposed.'"

I prefer Shakespeare: Kill all the lawyers.

Wudge, let me put it in simple terms: there's something in this country called the First Amendment. A lot of people died to make it reality. A lot of people have died to keep it a reality. I'll be DAMNED if I'm going to let some little BULLY like Lin Wood take it without a fight!

Because you know what? If he can do it to me, or Wendy, or whomever, he can do it to YOU!

You have a right to say what comes to mind, but there can be severe consequences in doing so. For example, yelling fire in a crowded threatre or during a concert could result in a murder charge. Similarly, if you are at an airport and you talk about a bomb, you should not expect much fun to be coming your way.

Moreover, if you defame someone, they too have a right. The right to sue you -- and/or others, if the defamation occurs via the internet.

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