Were Caylee's Remains Moved?

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves

How did the Body Get placed in the Woods near the A's?

  • KC acted alone and put her body there?

    Votes: 230 92.0%
  • Someone in the A's moved the Body there?

    Votes: 18 7.2%
  • Jose had the Body Moved there?

    Votes: 1 0.4%
  • Some other person outside the A's, Jose, private Investiagtors put the body there?

    Votes: 1 0.4%

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  • Poll closed .
I think she was killed at home on the 15th or 16th then the KC tried to hide the body in a couple of places (back yard, trunk) before just throwing her in the woods.

I think KC acted alone during all this, but by the time the 3rd 911 call was made, the family knew something was up and that KC was at the helm of the sinking ship. Hence all the lies and cover ups.

IMO the entire household is guilty as sin.
I think she was in the backyard a couple days and then she put her in the trunk for a week or so and then dumped her where she was found.

That is what the dogs and the physical evidence say, too.

Anyone aiding Casey would have had the gas and the smarts to take Caylee further from Casey's parent's house. She didn't have help.

I just want to know when Mark F became a correspondent for Fox News? After watching him a couple of nights ago, he seemed to be changing his story from his original. He basically said nothing, except to allude to the body being moved:bang:...Is he drinking the Fox koolaide?:waitasec:
I believe the body was first wrapped in the Pooh blanket and put in the trunk, then moved briefly to the yard, then back to the trunk for several days before the final dump in the woods. Casey acted alone.

I think trunk first because I don't believe Casey casually strolled around Blockbuster the evening of June 16 and spent the night with TL while her daughter's body lay in the yard to very possibly be discovered by her parents. I think the day she backed the car into the garage and borrowed the neighbor's shovel was when the body first left the trunk. Contemplating burial in the yard, she started digging but quickly reconsidered. The effects of decomp were well advanced at this point, so Casey double bagged the body with the laundry and trash bags before placing it back in the trunk. It remained there until Casey summoned the guts to venture a few feet into the bug and reptile infested woods and dump her child.
KC did it, but not immediately. I think Caylee was in the trunk for a while before KC disposed of her. Something is throwing off the 2point whatever days of decomp-maybe the re-wrapping in plastic bags? Perhaps at first she was only in the hamper bag and not packaged in plastic until a few days later? I still believe her remains spent a week or two in the trunk of the car....
I think Caylee was placed much further down into the wooded area that is why nobody had noticed the bags and such first time over there.

FAYE and all the flood waters lifted the bag and moved her up there if they check the water level per stains and other ways to detect water level..i think they LE should go deeper into the woods for more DNA and other stuff..
I think she may have floated up there seriously...
so if LE goes down deeper into the woods they will find more KC dna and stuff.

Defense is hoping to find beer cans or other stuff but you know others were in there toatlly unrealated to the case so that would throw people off of Kc's trail..
I just want to know when Mark F became a correspondent for Fox News? After watching him a couple of nights ago, he seemed to be changing his story from his original. He basically said nothing, except to allude to the body being moved:bang:...Is he drinking the Fox koolaide?:waitasec:

I don't know when he signed on for them, but he's been a correspondent with them for several years now, I've seen him off and on for at least 2 or 3 years on various homicide cases.
"Mark *advertiser censored*****, who is now a forensic and crime scene consultant for Fox News Channel, has been following the Caylee case since day one."
Usually I give a lot of credence MF's theories, but in this case it is obvious to me that he is waaaay behind on his facts.
I voted KC acted alone.
I think Caylee was killed very early on the 16th. Put into laundry bag on the afternoon of the 16th and placed in trunk. Body leaked fluids through the laundry bag and onto the carpeting of trunk until the 18th. Removed on the 18th with the thought of backyard burial. Placed in plastic bag to stop the leaking and returned to the trunk. (This stopped the 2.6 day clock of discovered stain.)
Discarded out of necessity on the 23rd when KC ran out of gas close to home. KC intended to return later to move somewhere else, but never did.
I think KC may have put her in the back yard then moved her becasue her parents could see the soil disturbed, but I think it all happened the same day she died. She then allowed her to ride in the truck for days. I think she got scared and dumped her in the woods the day GA wanted to get in the truck for the gas cans. That is why she went off on him IMO. I would have thought she would have put her in a dumpster rather than dump her so close to home. KC is not as smart as she thinks she is.
I think that one of the most important clues here may be that Caylee's teeth were separated from her skull. The fact is, at 2.5 years old, the baby teeth are firmly rooted into place by the skull bone. The roots only begin to dissolve around age 6 as the adult teeth begin to come in. Even ancient children's skulls often have all of the baby teeth intact. I believe the fact that several of the teeth were found outside the bag and that tape was placed on the mouth is significant and the teeth and tape are related to each other.
I think that one of the most important clues here may be that Caylee's teeth were separated from her skull. The fact is, at 2.5 years old, the baby teeth are firmly rooted into place by the skull bone. The roots only begin to dissolve around age 6 as the adult teeth begin to come in. Even ancient children's skulls often have all of the baby teeth intact. I believe the fact that several of the teeth were found outside the bag and that tape was placed on the mouth is significant and the teeth and tape are related to each other.

Are you saying you think Caylee's teeth were knocked out during the murder?
Well, actually the evidence says she was in the car for 2.6 days, which according the to the LE timeline would mean Monday afternoon to sometime in the afternoon on the 18th.

The common misconception is that the body was put in the car after being dead for 2.6 days but that isn't what the report said - it said that there was a decompositional event of 2.6 days in the trunk of that car that took place in anaerobic conditions. The measured ratio of calcium to magnesium which is a constant in HDEs was such that the body was in the car from the time the decomp began until the body was removed after 2.6 days.
Are you saying you think Caylee's teeth were knocked out during the murder?

Another possible explanation for the missing teeth? (bold/underline mine):

Animal evidence in human remains has been systematically registered and studied since 1943, including the action of a variety of species, such as wild dogs, large cats, bears, cows, horses, poisonous snakes, marine animals, constricting snakes, rodents, birds, and domestic dogs. The types of injuries and typical feeding behaviors of various species are also well documented. One of the indications of animal scavenging on human remains involves bones or body parts that are scattered, such as a skull found some distance from the body, with teeth lost after death. This is common in bodies left on the surface or buried on shallow graves in woods or country areas. Missing body parts or bones are often retrieved from dens of coyotes, foxes, or skunks along tracks and pathways used by these animals

Well, actually the evidence says she was in the car for 2.6 days, which according the to the LE timeline would mean Monday afternoon to sometime in the afternoon on the 18th.

The common misconception is that the body was put in the car after being dead for 2.6 days but that isn't what the report said - it said that there was a decompositional event of 2.6 days in the trunk of that car that took place in anaerobic conditions. The measured ratio of calcium to magnesium which is a constant in HDEs was such that the body was in the car from the time the decomp began until the body was removed after 2.6 days.

Hi Bev,

Thanks for your input--I always appreciate your posts. Could you kindly point me to the portion of the report that states that the event took place in the trunk?
I just want to know when Mark F became a correspondent for Fox News? After watching him a couple of nights ago, he seemed to be changing his story from his original. He basically said nothing, except to allude to the body being moved:bang:...Is he drinking the Fox koolaide?:waitasec:

I'm very disappointed in Mark F. He is joining Geraldo and Greta in their pro-defense stance. In fact, Greta's show has gone way downhill recently. She doesn't seem to be up to date on the facts of the case. I wish the old panel i.e. Ted, Bernie, Michael would return.
Even some of the ME's that have discussed this case have questioned the 2.6 days forensic evidence as they are indicative from the air samples of the trunk only. If the remains were repackaged after 2.6 days in something air tight (garbage bags and duct tape) it may have allowed a gap in the timeline. IMO-she remained in the trunk longer than some suggest.
They're not presuming 2.6 days based on air samples, they're basing the 2.6 days on what the LIBS tells them. The air tests are saying that the body was in anaerobic conditions from the beginning which explains the higher level of chloroform.
Another clue from the docs? If an animal carcass would have to be "wrapped" to produce anaerobic compounds in the the trunk, wouldn't this apply to human remains also? In other words: The trunk would not be sufficiently anaerobic on its own? Underlining mine:

While these are very preliminary results, the results at this point appear to be consistent with a decompositional event having occurred in the trunk of the vehicle. This does not mie out the possibility that an animal carcass (had to be wrapped to produce anaerobic

I believe she died at the A's home, Casey loaded her into the trunk, after all she had a big date with TonE and Blockbusters, she returned a couple days later, removed her from the trunk, laid her in the backyard, tried to dig a hole, scrapped that Ideal bagged her up and dumped her down the road and went on her merry way
Wanna know what I think? I think that she killed Caylee sometime between the evening of the 15th and the evening of the 16th. Then she either put the body in the trunk, or hid it somewhere in the backyard (sandbox maybe). That sounds pretty risky, though, so I am leaning towards the trunk. After 2 1/2 days, she realized that she needed to put it somewhere else, so she went home when no one was there, backed into the garage and asked the neighbor if she could borrow a shovel. She was going to bury the body in the backyard and dug a little bit (remember from the doc dumps, the small area of disturbed soil in the Anthony's backyard). She probably laid the body down while she was digging, so that once her hole was dug, she could put the body in it, and cover it back up. But after digging a little bit, she realized that it was too much work. So, she scrapped that idea, put the body back into the trunk, drove around the corner and threw it in the woods.

Hope, I think you're right on the money with this description.

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