WESH: Duct Tape Info in the Document Release

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THANK YOU SO MUCH for this link!!! I have been looking for it!:blowkiss:
Yes Paladine, I thank you too.:) I have really missed Blink! I didn't know where she was or what had happened to her! I'm so glad she's ok, and still sleuthing and writing! I love reading her stuff. Thanks so much for the link!:blowkiss:
Oh, go ahead and get excited. I believe Blink. She has gotten so much info long before media reports, including GC/TB months before reported. Blink says she called clerk's office and was told KC's fingerprints on duct tape. I'm acquainted with Blink online, through WS and I know enough about her to know she wouldn't make this up. She's got a rep and wants to keep it good. She does her homework in triplicate. You wouldn't believe some of the info she has found, documented and shared that weeks or months later was reported on by mainstream media. Here's the link:


And here's the quote:

"I spoke exclusively to an inside source within the 9th Circuit offices, and was advised that the prints on the duct tape match that of Caylee’s Mother and the woman charged with her murder, Casey Marie Anthony."

I will bet my farm that Blink was told that by someone at the clerk's office. Absolutely no way she'd make that up. None.

Nope, no way. Blink has an awesome reputation, she would not risk it. There has NEVER been a time that Blink was incorrect about anything she reported. I repeat NEVER.
I dunno <shrug> ... I've seen the media make all sorts of major mistakes with their reporting on this case already. What's one more?

Local 6's source says no fingerprints. Blink's source says their are fingerprints. Wesh's source would not say there were fingerprints, but did not say there were none either. Leonard "Pull My Finger" Padilla's source says there are fingerprints.

I'm going to speculate that there were none found, and no DNA was found. If there is something in the dump related to the duct tape that is incriminating, I am guessing that one of the torn edges match a torn edge on the gas can duct tape.

Blink identified her source as being part of the court. Local 6 could be relying on defense people. Or even TB.
Oh, go ahead and get excited. I believe Blink. She has gotten so much info long before media reports, including GC/TB months before reported. Blink says she called clerk's office and was told KC's fingerprints on duct tape. I'm acquainted with Blink online, through WS and I know enough about her to know she wouldn't make this up. She's got a rep and wants to keep it good. She does her homework in triplicate. You wouldn't believe some of the info she has found, documented and shared that weeks or months later was reported on by mainstream media. Here's the link:


And here's the quote:

"I spoke exclusively to an inside source within the 9th Circuit offices, and was advised that the prints on the duct tape match that of Caylee’s Mother and the woman charged with her murder, Casey Marie Anthony."

I will bet my farm that Blink was told that by someone at the clerk's office. Absolutely no way she'd make that up. None.

I believe her too. She wouldn't risk kicking off her new site with a whopper.
Nope, no way. Blink has an awesome reputation, she would not risk it. There has NEVER been a time that Blink was incorrect about anything she reported. I repeat NEVER.

Oh, go ahead and get excited. I believe Blink. She has gotten so much info long before media reports, including GC/TB months before reported. Blink says she called clerk's office and was told KC's fingerprints on duct tape. I'm acquainted with Blink online, through WS and I know enough about her to know she wouldn't make this up. She's got a rep and wants to keep it good. She does her homework in triplicate. You wouldn't believe some of the info she has found, documented and shared that weeks or months later was reported on by mainstream media. Here's the link:


And here's the quote:

"I spoke exclusively to an inside source within the 9th Circuit offices, and was advised that the prints on the duct tape match that of Caylee’s Mother and the woman charged with her murder, Casey Marie Anthony."

I will bet my farm that Blink was told that by someone at the clerk's office. Absolutely no way she'd make that up. None.

Channel 6 is claiming no prints on the tape. Maybe they are upset that WESH upstaged them by Channel 2 being the only station that had the news of the duct tape and reported it first.
I try to watch all 4 of the local news channels here in Orlando. Friday night WESH had a big lead in with the story of the duct tape while 6 just had a blurb. Channel 9 was reporting on the Orange county schools budget cuts and it was almost 8 mins after 11 before anything was even said about the A case and they focused on JB being in the hospital.
Ok, now I'm even more confused!
What is going on? They have evidence that the defense won't like, as reported last night, but are now reporting no fingerprints??? WTH? No, no, no!!!
PLEASE!!! Say it ain't so!

Blink says it ain't so. Therefore, consequently, and ultimately, no way it's so. Hope you're reassured now. ;)
Nope, no way. Blink has an awesome reputation, she would not risk it. There has NEVER been a time that Blink was incorrect about anything she reported. I repeat NEVER.
I agree, she's on top of things! And she's always right! She is a heavy duty sleuther, that's for sure! Wish she was still here!:(
Oh, go ahead and get excited. I believe Blink. She has gotten so much info long before media reports, including GC/TB months before reported. Blink says she called clerk's office and was told KC's fingerprints on duct tape. I'm acquainted with Blink online, through WS and I know enough about her to know she wouldn't make this up. She's got a rep and wants to keep it good. She does her homework in triplicate. You wouldn't believe some of the info she has found, documented and shared that weeks or months later was reported on by mainstream media. Here's the link:


And here's the quote:

"I spoke exclusively to an inside source within the 9th Circuit offices, and was advised that the prints on the duct tape match that of Caylee’s Mother and the woman charged with her murder, Casey Marie Anthony."

I will bet my farm that Blink was told that by someone at the clerk's office. Absolutely no way she'd make that up. None.
Thank you for this reassurance. Although I am a newbie I remember reading Blink's posts and feel the same way about her reliability...I'm EXCITED ! :clap:
well, remember when ca said "science is just science"

Wonder if she will deny this science.

SA should put the DP back on the table.

...and murder is just murder Cindy!

Local 6 is saying that no fingerprints were found on duct tape


I hope they are wrong!

someone earlier mentioned that there could be DNA on the tape if she ripped it with her teeth!

That would work!

Nope, no way. Blink has an awesome reputation, she would not risk it. There has NEVER been a time that Blink was incorrect about anything she reported. I repeat NEVER.

I also have great respect for Blink and do not feel she would risk her reputation unless she was sure. So I am going to vote that Blink is right and there ARE fingerprints...unless...Blink's source is LP and HE has it wrong...:waitasec:
I agree, she's on top of things! And she's always right! She is a heavy duty sleuther, that's for sure! Wish she was still here!:(

I respect her investigative skills, but I don't believe she is always right. I am still not able to make her theory that KC posed as ZG during a traffic violation and then payed a portion of the ticket work. The pings sort-of work, but KC would have to move fast, as would the traffic clerk. I mean real fast.
I got the same vibe too Seamus. Especially the fact they concluded their "story" with the bit of gossip about LP.

I thought that was an oddly unprofessional way to end a "news" article.

Yes, very odd! Never seen a newspaper article written quite that way.
And to think, Baez is the very person that brought LP into the Casey circus to begin with!
Remember, the mother of the year was going to 'talk' and 'help' find little Caylee! :furious:
I respect her investigative skills, but I don't believe she is always right. I am still not able to make her theory that KC posed as ZG during a traffic violation and then payed a portion of the ticket work. The pings sort-of work, but KC would have to move fast, as would the traffic clerk. I mean real fast.

When has she reported something as fact when it wasn't? Never, to my knowledge. When she is speculating, she's clear that's what she's doing and doesn't claim phony babysitters or sources.
...and murder is just murder Cindy!

I hope they are wrong!

That would work!

I also have great respect for Blink and do not feel she would risk her reputation unless she was sure. So I am going to vote that Blink is right and there ARE fingerprints...unless...Blink's source is LP and HE has it wrong...:waitasec:

Blink's source is from the courthouse, not LP.
I just got the 12:00 update from clickorlando and it said Casey's fingerprints were NOT on tape.:waitasec:
I just got the 12:00 update from clickorlando and it said Casey's fingerprints were NOT on tape.:waitasec:

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