Wesley Hadsell Arrested 21-22 March 2015

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That "outstanding" warrant was issued on the 7th of October. The same day this showed up on WAVY http://wavy.com/2015/10/07/hadsell-charged-with-possession-of-heroin/

If he was already charged, and already IN CUSTODY, how does he have an outstanding warrant? It's not like they don't know where he is...
He was Transferred into Federal Custody Wed, Sept 9:


Heroin charges were filed on Oct 7. Warrants are considered outstanding until they are served. Not sure what the process is of serving warrants on persons in Federal Custody.
I'm thinking out loud here with some facts we now know and some questions. Bear with me as I may seem redundant:

On August 20, 2015 a state search warrant was obtained for WH's iphone which was recovered from WH himself on March 20, 2015 at the Norfolk Police Operations Center.

(Why did it take five months to get a search warrant for Wes' phone? At first I thought they went for that right after AJ's official COD came in but I went and checked and that came in at the end of June - so it was still two months later before they searched the phone that had been sitting in their custody all along.)

The search warrant was for any and all subscriber info, call logs, sms/text messages, contact list & images on the phone. Warrant recites it was issued in relation to two offenses: abduction and murder. On August 27, 2015 "search inventory and return" filed in circuit court notes a dvd containing electronic data" was seized.

I'm guessing that means the search was complete and the data from Wes' phone transfered to a dvd?

The government has provided discovery (for the phone) to the defense but will NOT provide a copy of the probable cause affidavit that enabled the phone search warrant, OR the related affidavit & search warrant for the motel room. "The Government has represented that the affidavit (along with the related search warrant and a search warrant and related affidavit for a hotel room 1) is sealed pursuant to sealing orders in the Norfolk Circuit Court."

Am I understanding correctly that the state hasn't disclosed the probable cause for the search warrant for the phone, in addition to the probable cause and search warrant for the motel room - only the search warrant itself, for the phone?

If that is the case, and that sure seems to read that way to me, why is WH's defense only concerned about the probable cause for the phone, and not the PC and warrants for the motel room?

I suppose the 64k question at this point is: what gave LE probable cause, enough that it convinced the judge to sign off on the warrant?

My guess? (and this is total speculation here) is that they LE used WH's violent criminal history (previous abduction) against him, AND there was something else discovered during the course of AJ's autopsy (some type of violence - aside from the COD - a type of violence also connected to WH's criminal history) that pointed right at him, without any actual physical proof it WAS him.

I'm still stumped on why it took five months to get that search warrant for his phone.

The Def HAS rec'd copy of Search Warrant for phone but NOT the Affidavit to get the Search Warrant. It is Sealed. That is how I understood it. And I agree why did it take so long.
1The defense has received a copy of the search warrant for the iPhone as well as the search warrant
and affidavit for Mr. Hadsell’s alleged hotel room from the Government.
He was ransferred into Federal Custody Wed, Sept 9:


Heroin charges were filed on Oct 7. Warrants are considered outstanding until they are served. Not sure what the process is of serving warrants on persons in Federal Custody.

He is in a different Jail now, and it doesn't have link for inmate search, but Vinelink shows him there. From the media report I read, it states they won't say where they found the drug or when it was found. The charges are not listed on the drugs on the Federal Case nor is there a new one. I do not find any new cases in the Norfolk courts either.

At present he is in jail on the Federal ammo charge. Maybe they are holding that charge to see if this one sticks? Whole thing seems odd. JMHO
He is in a different Jail now, and it doesn't have link for inmate search, but Vinelink shows him there. From the media report I read, it states they won't say where they found the drug or when it was found. The charges are not listed on the drugs on the Federal Case nor is there a new one. I do not find any new cases in the Norfolk courts either.

At present he is in jail on the Federal ammo charge. Maybe they are holding that charge to see if this one sticks? Whole thing seems odd. JMHO
Warrant has to be served before it will show up as a case in the system, because technically he hasn't been 'arrested' for the possession charge.
WH drug charge is showing as an Outstanding Warrant in City of Norfolk.... could be why they won't unseal the Affidavit?


Curious why you think that outstanding drug charge might be the reason they won't unseal the affidavit? I'm not making the connection (but the legal part of these cases tends to throw me off, so it's no surprise there). Can you clarify your thinking on this one?
The Def HAS rec'd copy of Search Warrant for phone but NOT the Affidavit to get the Search Warrant. It is Sealed. That is how I understood it. And I agree why did it take so long.

Okay I just read it incorrectly then. Thanks for clearing that up. Just as an aside, where are you finding these documents? It would be helpful to read them in full.
After reading this page over and over, it seems to me, [ and I could be wrong] that the warrant was issued 'in relation to' abduction /murder------which means, I think, that the warrant was issued so the detectives could see if there was any evidence of murder/kidnapping in Wes's hotel room. I wonder what they used for 'cause' to get that warrant okayed?

I think that is what Wes and the lawyer want to get their hands on. The warrant says that the search is in relation to an abduction / murder investigation (still being conducted by the Norfolk PD) that could be considered separate from the federal ammo charge, yet there was no clear indication of either by LE before that time.

In order to convince the judge that they believed they needed to investigate the phone to pursue those charges, they would first have to explain to the judge the reason why they believe a murder or abduction was what happened. Wes either wants LE to reveal some of the evidence they have for a future kidnap / murder case against him, or force the federal officials to drop the ammo charges against him in order to hide the evidence, allowing him to get out of jail. The latter could be the reason that we now see the new warrant for the drug charge by the Norfolk PD. They need to keep him in jail until they complete the murder investigation and need more time to build their case.
So Wes gives them his phone voluntarily. They then get a judge to sign off on a warrant for the records. (I assume the probable cause was enough for that judge) On that phone is a video of Wes with a handgun (not even bringing AJ into it for now). That is enough for the current charge. Additionally they have the actual ammo in his hotel room and witness testimony that they saw him put it in the vent. Maybe they have his fingerprints on them too. While they are no longer trying to argue against probable cause, they now want to stall for access to sealed documents that are part of a different case.

I say the court give him those documents, and redact every last thing in them that doesn't explicitly have to do with the video or the ammo.
thank you for all the informative posts. been awhile since I checked in. I sure remember Websleuths being like therapy to sort through the madness... it's very sad cause this shouldn't have happened. lies did this to her. She lived in a house of lies constructed by the ones who were supposed to protect and care for her. these lies took her from me - the only one I believe who could have protected her, had the lies not prevailed. keep shedding light on the scurrying little liars til only truth remains.
by the way, I think the policy of 'family or victim friendly' is absurd if you don't know who is the perpetrator/s. the point is to find justice, regardless of feelings hurt. and I also don't understand not being able to reference social media. those are things people clearly say that could shed valuable light. but I'm sure there's plenty of good reasoning behind it.
don't get me wrong, the main perpetrator in this situation is very clear although there are a lot of unanswered questions. but in other cases and even still this one, ALL possibilities should be considered.
by the way, I think the policy of 'family or victim friendly' is absurd if you don't know who is the perpetrator/s. the point is to find justice, regardless of feelings hurt. and I also don't understand not being able to reference social media. those are things people clearly say that could shed valuable light. but I'm sure there's plenty of good reasoning behind it.

The problem with allowing Social Media info in here is that there is so much rumor/innuendo/drama/deceit involved. And it just becomes a huge crazy mess. JMO
From following only two cases on Websleuths, it has been my experience that there are plenty of WSers who greatly consider all possibilities and factor in social media as well - they discuss these things, call in tips, etc... - but they do it outside of this very public forum. WS could easily devolve into a "free for all" without these rules in place, I think.

don't get me wrong, the main perpetrator in this situation is very clear although there are a lot of unanswered questions. but in other cases and even still this one, ALL possibilities should be considered.
i understand but i think respectful inquiry should definitely be allowed considering most murders are committed by people known to the victim that could be construed as victims.
by the way, I think the policy of 'family or victim friendly' is absurd if you don't know who is the perpetrator/s. the point is to find justice, regardless of feelings hurt. and I also don't understand not being able to reference social media. those are things people clearly say that could shed valuable light. but I'm sure there's plenty of good reasoning behind it.

Zach, as much as I can, I understand where you're coming from. The family/victim friendly policy here is a courtesy. In most cases, MOST of the family of a victim are in fact victims as well. In the event a family member is actually named by LE as a suspect or person of interest, the gloves come off here at WS.

As for social media, it's just a nightmare of lies, rumors and drama. People get emotional, say things they have no facts to back up, and all sorts of junk. People lie, people point fingers, etc. Leaving that sort of thing off the forums here (as much as possible) helps us to focus on what we know to be fact, backed up by evidence, testimony, etc. Frustrating? Yes indeed, it often is, but in the long run it's way better to leave the SM stuff out of the conversation.

That said, my heart goes out to you. Still praying constantly for justice for AJ.
O.K. Seems to me that WH has been linked to AJ; he was last one to see her alive, as far as we know. Now, he is being linked to heroin, which killed AJ.

[AJ + WH + Heroin] + (- AJ) + (- Heroin) = WH + [abduction & murder.]
= WH abducted and murdered AJ[SUP]99[/SUP]*

Could the reason for not producing the affidavit supporting the search warrant be for witness protection? Where, even if witness name(s) were to be redacted, the identification of the informant (witness) would be so obvious as to make him a target to be done away with?:put em up:

It may be a little late to be asking this question, but: Has the actual search warrant itself (without the affidavit) been produced to defendant?
Just a wild stab ... and MOO.

*No surprise I flunked Algebra.
I think the reason it took so long for LE to search WH's phone (one of his phones!):stormingmad::furious:
is that they did not focus on it until they began interviewing witnesses who revealed information that could be corroborated by searching WH's phone.

I still maintain that WH did not voluntarily saunter on down to the police station to coffee klatsch :liar: :silly::coffeews::coffeews:with them about AJ's disappearance.:liar: He was arrested and taken into custody at his motel room, in the wee hours of the morning, on Sat., 03/21/2015. [If I am wrong about any of this, I stand to be corrected.] He has remained in custody since that day.

When he was arrested, I'm sure he took his phone with him. It was taken away from WH when LE checked him in at the PD, and was part of his "property" which LE inventoried, along with whatever else they got off of him (some of the credit card pieces, I believe). Since WH wasn't being released on bond, or otherwise set free, the phone wasn't going anywhere either. There was no hurry on getting a search warrant for WH's phone. They could always get around to that after they had their other ducks in a row. :hen: :rubberducky: :chicken:

It was good that he went nowhere after he was arrested. All of that evidence on his phone would have been gone! (I think?)

(All above is Just My opinion:thinking:)
thank you for all the informative posts. been awhile since I checked in. I sure remember Websleuths being like therapy to sort through the madness... it's very sad cause this shouldn't have happened. lies did this to her. She lived in a house of lies constructed by the ones who were supposed to protect and care for her. these lies took her from me - the only one I believe who could have protected her, had the lies not prevailed. keep shedding light on the scurrying little liars til only truth remains.

aGREED....this shouldn't have happened to her...IMO as well as so many others in the community.... WH was brought into her life as a tool to seek revenge and try to one up....
Hope those involved can live with their decisions and choices...

All choices have consequences and all consequences have choices-
i understand but i think respectful inquiry should definitely be allowed considering most murders are committed by people known to the victim that could be construed as victims.

believe that screen shots have been taken and turned into detectives from social media even if the person thought they had it hidden from most people.....

LE had/has been following for quite sometime...watching, documenting and waiting for just the right time....

Romans 8:24-25 For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we shall wait for it with patience.
learning patience. that's for sure
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