WFTV - Some kind of protester tussle just happened?

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I can say this for sure.. Since Florida passed the NO RETREAT Law..
The Florida "Castle Doctrine" law basically does three things:

One: It establishes, in law, the presumption that a criminal who forcibly enters or intrudes into your home or occupied vehicle is there to cause death or great bodily harm, therefore a person may use any manner of force, including deadly force, against that person.

Two: It removes the "duty to retreat" if you are attacked in any place you have a right to be. You no longer have to turn your back on a criminal and try to run when attacked. Instead, you may stand your ground and fight back, meeting force with force, including deadly force, if you reasonably believe it is necessary to prevent death or great bodily harm to yourself or others. [This is an American right repeatedly recognized in Supreme Court gun cases.]

Three: It provides that persons using force authorized by law shall not be prosecuted for using such force.

It also prohibits criminals and their families from suing victims for injuring or killing the criminals who have attacked them.
I wouldn't be forcing myself into anyone's car the way Cindy did..

I have to wonder if that is not what the family is hoping for so they can say oh poor me . That woman was a bit intimidating , I sure wouldn't have followed her out to her car .
HOLY SMOKES! They put up an extended version of the protester and Cindy fight. For a good 5 to 10 minutes the lady, her daugther with A BABY and her son are screaming at Cindy about Casey being a baby killer (and swearing up a storm I might add.) The little baby starts crying,.. its actually heartbreaking! :( The little boy that got hurt, screamed at her that Casey killed Caylee to go out and drink beer.
Regardless, if that is true or not, MY CHILD would never be disrespectful like that to an elder. My mom would have beat me silly! You need to watch the whole thing. ITS NUTS!
clilck on Cindy Anthony Clash extended video up in the right hand corner
I have to wonder if that is not what the family is hoping for so they can say oh poor me . That woman was a bit intimidating , I sure wouldn't have followed her out to her car .

Me neither... she looked big enough to be a linebacker for the Buc's.. :)
I think the one thing here everyone is agreeing on is the fact that noone likes to see a child hurt regardless of what side of the fence we're sitting on.

While we can sit here behind our computers and pick apart others actions we need to realize "that too each his own".

I was born in 19--scratch that :crazy: I was born to parents who were very movement oriented and believed in the cause--what cause you may ask---well it didn't matter-- if there was an injustice then they were there to let everyone know they wouldn't stand for it and there were lots of people who felt the same way.

What we're seeing is people not protesting the Anthonys but rather the injustice of what happened to Caylee and unfortunately the Anthonys are the perpetrators of that injustice.

You say "well why bring kids" well to quote a song--"the children are our future" we (at least I do) teach my kids to stand up not only for themselves but for others who cannot---Caylee cannot stand up for herself so it is our job to do it for her.

I come her to WS everyday because of injustice, this is my protesting.

People bring their kids to anti and pro abortion rallies-- they bring them to protest drug companies in their fight against autism why should the most heinous crime against children not be protested when children are present?

In a perfect world there would be no need for protest but we're not there yet and we won't be there in our lifetime so the baton will be passed to our kids to continue the fight for justice and equality no matter what the situation may be
Makes you wonder what kind of person the A's raised too huh

Not disputing that. I think most of us have already figured out what type of person the A's have raised.......:furious:. Cold and Evil....imo.

Just don't agree with a child who is approx. 7 or 8 years old to have to be subjected to his mother's rant and anger on CA and I did have a big problem with his potty mouth. Not this child's fault.
Cindy needs to stop coming out front, she seems to enjoy the arguing. Its hopeless to convince the Anthonys anyway. They are in extreme denial.
And those people swearing and acting like that with their kids there are acting like low lifes too!
If you want to protest, leave your kids at home, bring a sign and sit there quietly. Screaming does no good, everyone gets the message, we ALL (including LE) know Casey is guilty.
HOLY SMOKES! They put up an extended version of the protester and Cindy fight. For a good 5 to 10 minutes the lady, her daugther with A BABY and her son are screaming at Cindy about Casey being a baby killer (and swearing up a storm I might add.) The little baby starts crying,.. its actually heartbreaking! :( The little boy that got hurt, screamed at her that Casey killed Caylee to go out and drink beer.
Regardless, if that is true or not, MY CHILD would never be disrespectful like that to an elder. My mom would have beat me silly! You need to watch the whole thing. ITS NUTS!
clilck on Cindy Anthony Clash extended video up in the right hand corner

That is the video that I watched (never finished) and based my comments on.
I agree they have a right to protest, but calling Cindy names like that is above and beyond IMHO, I am not a Cindy fan and I believe KC is guilty of complicity in this.... this sure seems to be taking up a lot of LE time and is costing the good citizens of FL, much less what it must be like to live on that street.
I have said this before and will say it again. GA, CA and LA need to stay inside the house or in the backyard. They can go in and out of the house from the garage. If they want or need to come out then they should ignore the protesters. I know this would probably be very hard to do but they really need to try.
The protesters need to do what someone said earlier in this thread and leave their children at home. Bring thier signs and stay on public property and be quiet. I think that would accomplish more. IMO
I can't even watch the videos anymore. I just went to the link and when the screaming started I had to turn it off. Figure that out. It just turns my stomach to watch it. Makes me want to crawl under my chair and hide.
What I see continually eroding in this case is - common sense and choices.

Common sense has long been left by the way. Choices - decisions if you will, Cindy made a poor choice coming out there AFTER the bg's left n the middle of night with all those "angry" people still out there. She knew she would be confronted. The other woman made a poor choice in bringing her children there and also ALLOWING that child to "talk" to another adult the way he did. He (the child) had no right to speak to any adult they way he was.

Choices and common sense.


I beleive in the right to protest, and I think CA does enjoy the spotlight. I think the signs and silence are more effective. Besides we all know who is loving all of this attention!
I just tried to watch the whole video, but never even made it to where the little boy was hurt.

I am no fan of the A's, BUT that woman and her son were totally out of line. First her son had a mouth (with his mother's approval) on him that he obviously learned from his momma, so it's kind of hard to blame him for his potty mouth and actions.

I honestly had the urge to slap both of them, then stick a fat bar of lever 2000 in his mouth when he got home.

Totally uncalled for. I hope child services have been called on her. Oh, and I loved how in the beginning of the video, the young woman holding her child had not qualms about dropping the F-bomb in front of the camera's, the other child and her own young child on her hip. Unbelievable!

I guess I am done, since once again I am at a loss for words towards those :mad:protesters :mad:NOT the A's!

One more thing.......makes you wonder what type of young man that boy will grow up to be with a mother whose value and moral system is whacked.:confused:
this is how i have felt about the protesters all along because some of them arnt protesting . they are mean and violent .and ive also said in a few of my posts sooner or later something like this would happen .. kids shouldnt be at this type of a protest because of how violent its getting . and they certainly shouldnt be allowed to cuss any older person out .. no way imho that is why kids act like they do now because they get away with sooo much more than we ever even thought of as kids .i wouldve been an imprint in a wall if i ever talked to anyone with that language older than me around my mom or to my mom for that matter .that kid shouldve been home in bed sleeping safe .. but no his mother is out there trying to make the headlines
OMG did you hear Cindy call the woman onto her property then during the heated argument ask her how much YM was paying her to come out there ??

Cindy is so far gone I don't think there is hope for her .
OMG did you hear Cindy call the woman onto her property then during the heated argument ask her how much YM was paying her to come out there ??

Cindy is so far gone I don't think there is hope for her .

yes I did and I think you are right.. she is out of it
OMG did you hear Cindy call the woman onto her property then during the heated argument ask her how much YM was paying her to come out there ??

Cindy is so far gone I don't think there is hope for her .

See what I missed by not watching the whole video. Yes, I agree about Cindy.

And for the record I believe in the right to assemble, but I do not approved of any mother bringing her child to the volatile situation that is in front of the A's home. Hopefully this woman will rethink that option now that her child was hurt in front of a live TV audience.

Truth be known...I think CA and the woman with her son both made complete A$$e$ out of themselves.:bang:
OMG did you hear Cindy call the woman onto her property then during the heated argument ask her how much YM was paying her to come out there ??

Cindy is so far gone I don't think there is hope for her .

I didn't catch the name that Cindy said was paying the lady... Anybody know who she is talking about??

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