WFTV - Some kind of protester tussle just happened?

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Exacto! Let the peaceful protest and the those breaking the law be arrested. Also, put parents who 'lose' their children and obstruct efforts to find them in jail until the child is found or the parent is convicted! No bail for child losers!

The sources said Casey was meeting with her case manager Monday afternoon and had worked out a plan to turn herself in on the new charges in order to avoid the hysteria that has accompanied many of her actions.

The article linked above says DFS will be investigating the family involved in the altercation Saturday well they should, IMO.
Protestors aside, I thought Cindy's behavior was pretty outrageous as has been George's and Lee's IMO. As I was watching it, I wondered what it would be like to be little Caylee and see these tempers flaring behind closed doors. What hateful words did she hear being screamed? Was there pushing, shoving, threats? Was she begging them to stop like children will or trying to defend someone? How awful for Caylee. What was her July 15th like that night? And how many nights of that had she endured by July 15th?

I can understand the emotions that the protestors are feeling. It doesn't mean I agree with everything they do but I do understand. I can understand the emotions of the searchers.

What I can't understand is that nobody in this family seems to truly give a fig that Caylee is gone. No tears, no panicked desparation, no pleading. Just anger that people and media won't go away and let them pretend it didn't happen. Would someone please tear up their lifelong pass to Disney World!
I have a link to an unedited commentary-free copy of that video. If it hasn't been posted yet I would be happy to.

It has very bad language, but shows the entire altercation.

May I post it if it hasn't been?
I have a link to an unedited commentary-free copy of that video. If it hasn't been posted yet I would be happy to.

It has very bad language, but shows the entire altercation.

May I post it if it hasn't been?

I would love to see it. :crazy:
Actually the language IS edited but it has a shot of the license plate of the protester. Allowed?
Link to whole video w/o commentary:

Notable, the poor kid's tiny "my arm" comment. If you freeze at 19-21 it looks as if it is broken. He also wishes "I hope you die" to Cindy. The sister or mother drops him back to the ground, then the father/brother roughly swings him into the back. No one examines his arm.

Can anyone say "social services?"

Why in the world are people allowing their kids to be involved in this???
Oh, I know. I was referring to the short clip on fox earlier. I don't think there are many that think this woman's behavior was justified.
The end result was a little boy being hurt while she spewed obscenities and failed to notice him on the ground. I would have loved to see her face when she saw the video.

The woman was IN her car and it appeared they were leaving when Cindy pulled the door back open. I would guess the child thought she was going to hurt his mother and jumped out. It appeared to me Cindy pushed the door on his arm, but I will have to watch it again.
I'm appalled after watching this video. The poor little boy was rolling on the ground in pain, the other little child was crying (probably afraid of all of the yelling) ; I'm thinking what is the world coming to? Here's another candidate for the "mother-of-the-year" award. (sarcasm intended.) :furious:

BTW, didn't this occur after the 9pm limit on protesting?
The woman was IN her car and it appeared they were leaving when Cindy pulled the door back open. I would guess the child thought she was going to hurt his mother and jumped out. It appeared to me Cindy pushed the door on his arm, but I will have to watch it again.

No, the door is open and Cindy confronts the woman between the open door and the car.

The mother and father? of that kid slammed the door on his arm while the "father" was trying to hold the "mother" back. Cindy was several feet away by this time.

Not a fan of any of the Anthony's but this mother needs some jail time herself.

You can see the video I just linked on the last page.
I read somewhere that DCF paid the family a visit to check on the child. Hopefully they impressed on the parents how inappropriate it is to have such young children out late at night in a volatile atmosphere.

Although, I've heard it can get just as bad at kid's little league and soccer games, lol.
I read somewhere that DCF paid the family a visit to check on the child. Hopefully they impressed on the parents how inappropriate it is to have such young children out late at night in a volatile atmosphere.

Although, I've heard it can get just as bad at kid's little league and soccer games, lol.

I had only seen bits and pieces of this video until tonight. That litte punk kid who got his arm hurt was running his mouth too like you wouldn't believe. Watch this insanity!!!! He'll be in juvenile hall before he hits 12 with that mouth, thanks to mommy dearest. Anthony Clash: Extended Video
cheers to protesters and whistleblowers!!!...a special breed,indeed.

I'm not sure what "special" breed some of these protesters are, but hopefully they aren't passing their genetic material along to another generation. Standing outside of someone's home and screeching curse words at the occupants anytime they appear doesn't serve any good purpose at all. What we are seeing with these protesters is the lowest, basest form of communication which is invoked by those who don't have the intelligence to communicate on a higher level. They are self-serving, not servants of humanity. They hasten the "stupification of America." God save us from this special breed.
I'm not sure what "special" breed some of these protesters are, but hopefully they aren't passing their genetic material along to another generation. Standing outside of someone's home and screeching curse words at the occupants anytime they appear doesn't serve any good purpose at all. What we are seeing with these protesters is the lowest, basest form of communication which is invoked by those who don't have the intelligence to communicate on a higher level. They are self-serving, not servants of humanity. They hasten the "stupification of America." God save us from this special breed.
i see these protesters as people with passion for a missing child, who are tired of this case dragging on with all its lies.they may not be an educated group but they are getting their point across loud and clear.
I'm not sure what "special" breed some of these protesters are, but hopefully they aren't passing their genetic material along to another generation. Standing outside of someone's home and screeching curse words at the occupants anytime they appear doesn't serve any good purpose at all. What we are seeing with these protesters is the lowest, basest form of communication which is invoked by those who don't have the intelligence to communicate on a higher level. They are self-serving, not servants of humanity. They hasten the "stupification of America." God save us from this special breed.

Agree with you 100% Peaceful protesting is one thing, but these people were looking for a fight along with air time. Feel sorry for the kid in one aspect - the influences of his family. The profanities he shouted at the start of the video, as well as when they were driving off says a lot. Didn't seem like he was injured too bad while shouting "I hope you die" or something to that effect when they were driving off. His family didn't seem very concerned at all about him. Sometimes kids do overreact to being hurt. I think this could possibly be the case here. I don't like seeing anyone hurt, especially kids, but he shouldn't have been there in the first place, nor should the family if they are so bent on showing hatred in that manner.
Personally, I think the Anthonys should have kept Casey in jail, but then again, the law gives them the right to bail her out and if they want her home, I think that should be their right...until proven guilty, or otherwise.
That has to be the saddest video of protestors in this case so far.....
I'm not sure what "special" breed some of these protesters are, but hopefully they aren't passing their genetic material along to another generation. Standing outside of someone's home and screeching curse words at the occupants anytime they appear doesn't serve any good purpose at all. What we are seeing with these protesters is the lowest, basest form of communication which is invoked by those who don't have the intelligence to communicate on a higher level. They are self-serving, not servants of humanity. They hasten the "stupification of America." God save us from this special breed.


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