What about all these 3's?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

What about those 3's?

  • I agree, and it is significant.

    Votes: 3 7.7%
  • I agree, but it is just coincidence.

    Votes: 11 28.2%
  • I disagree, 3's don't appear with remarkable frequency.

    Votes: 25 64.1%

  • Total voters
More than you know.

Glad to hear it!

Senseless. Keeping the DNA a mystery keeps RDI alive. Fact is, it IS a mystery, and thats why you're still able to talk.

That sword cuts both ways my friend. The question you should ask yourself is, which is more important: clearing the Ramseys, or finding justice?

Bring on the DNA owner, it will be an asian male who never worked in an underwear factory.

Well, that's kind of the problem for all of us, isn't it? We'll just have to wait until that happens. And I'm not holding my breath!

This is a fine time to be hello-ing!

The most obvious answer as to why DNA from an unknown person was on JBR not once, not twice, but thrice isn't secondary transfer.

Like I've told you before, HOTYH, if it weren't for everything else, I'd be right there with you! But touch DNA cannot be seen in a vacuum.

Secondary is inherently less likely than direct, when it comes to double touch DNA deposits. Its not my fault if you're blind to that.

Number one, no, it is not your fault. My views have nothing to do with you at all. Likewise, a lot of things aren't my fault, either. Number two, contrary to what you might think, I'm neither blind nor stupid! It would be a lot better for some if I were!

In fact, Bode doesn't even list secondary transfer as a possibility!

I'm sure they don't, for a number of reasons!

That's only here on this forum,

That's not exactly true, HOTYH. Experts like Cyril Wecht have expressed their doubts as well.

so have fun with it.

I ain't here for fun, pilgrim.

Bode wouldn't even talk to you, remember?

How could I possibly forget?!
Makes me wonder what they have to hide!

Admit what?

Exactly what you said:

I can say that because I was firmly IDI long before the DNA. It just did a fine job of corroborating my view, thats all.

My point is that unlike Mary Lacy, you'll admit that. She was IDI from Day One by her own admission. The DNA just gave her an excuse, which is probably what she was looking for all along. I promise you, HOTYH, she would have cleared the Rs before leaving office, DNA or no DNA.

That I was IDI before the DNA,

Yeah, we know!

and the DNA strengthened the IDI totality of evidence while weakening RDI totality of evidence (inarguable).

HOTYH, I actually like the way you worded that. I actually agree with it, at least for now. As Clint Van Zandt said, it's still 50-50.
I'll be glad to, Murri, just as soon as I understand it! Boulder is an extreme case, but it's symptomatic of much larger problems. I'm CERTAIN that the system we have today is not what the Founding Fathers had in mind!

Yes, it is.

Right..... So this person RDI talks about as a "moron" and "mental eunuch" was actually elected to the position. Not once but (?.....?) times?

You see, I think there's a problem here. The Founding Fathers, whose idea it presumably was to elect certain officials to office, probably thought the people were the best ones to judge the competence or otherwise of these people. So this being the case, apparently the constituents thought more highly of her than you guys. Now, if she was as stupid and incompetent as you say, why would that be? Doesn't really make sense to me. The locals would be the best ones to make a call about what happened in their own area, so I'm thinking your opinions are most likely biased along the lines of what YOU think she should have done, not what the BEST thing would have been. No chance your could be WRONG I suppose??
Right..... So this person RDI talks about as a "moron" and "mental eunuch" was actually elected to the position. Not once but (?.....?) times?

You see, I think there's a problem here. The Founding Fathers, whose idea it presumably was to elect certain officials to office, probably thought the people were the best ones to judge the competence or otherwise of these people. So this being the case, apparently the constituents thought more highly of her than you guys. Now, if she was as stupid and incompetent as you say, why would that be? Doesn't really make sense to me. The locals would be the best ones to make a call about what happened in their own area, so I'm thinking your opinions are most likely biased along the lines of what YOU think she should have done, not what the BEST thing would have been. No chance your could be WRONG I suppose??

This is correct.

Certainly anyone who finds mysterious DNA upon a child murder victim deserves praise, re-election, and gratitude.
Right..... So this person RDI talks about as a "moron" and "mental eunuch" was actually elected to the position. Not once but (?.....?) times?

I know where you're going, Murri, and it's not quite as simple as you make out.

1) Her campaigns were virtually unopposed.

2) The only person I know of who mounted any kind of opposition to her was Ben Thompson. The problem is, he was from the same political party as she was--a Democrat. And the people don't choose who runs for office. The party elite does.

3) Voter apathy and uninformed voting are a big problem in all levels of American politics.

4) Most people, myself included, tend to vote for parties rather than people.

5) Boulder is not like most other parts of the country. The political dynamic is a bit different.

And it's not just RDI who refers to her as that. Everyone from Jeff Shapiro to Michael Kane has said that their time in Boulder was like being on another planet.

You see, I think there's a problem here.


The Founding Fathers, whose idea it presumably was to elect certain officials to office, probably thought the people were the best ones to judge the competence or otherwise of these people.

That is quite correct. But they also warned against getting divided into political parties and voting without reflection.

So this being the case, apparently the constituents thought more highly of her than you guys.

That's not saying a whole lot, even if it IS true. It's not uncommon to keep voting in the same people, no matter how bad they are.

Now, if she was as stupid and incompetent as you say, why would that be? Doesn't really make sense to me.

It doesn't make sense to ME, either! That's exactly my point: the ONLY place a goof like Mary Lacy COULD be elected is a place like Boulder!

There's an old saying in American politics: you get the government you deserve.

The locals would be the best ones to make a call about what happened in their own area,

Best for WHOM, Murri? That's the thing: what people in Boulder might consider best would be considered worst in most places.

so I'm thinking your opinions are most likely biased along the lines of what YOU think she should have done,

You're damn right!

not what the BEST thing would have been.

One and the same, IMO.

No chance your could be WRONG I suppose??

An extremely SMALL chance!

Murri, Mary Lacy represents everything the Founding Fathers did NOT want to happen.
You would think so wouldn't you? In the real world perhaps, but not on this forum.

Don't lecture me on "the real world." If anything, the difference between what Mary Lacy would do and what prosecutors would do in the real world--I don't think Boulder qualifies--is the difference between night and day.
You would think so wouldn't you? In the real world perhaps, but not on this forum.

Oh isn't that the truth.

Real world news not showing RDI in a very favorable light. More like lights out, time to go home:

JonBenet: DNA Rules Out Parents



New DNA Evidence Clears Family Of JonBenet's Death



DNA clears JonBenet's family, points to mystery killer
The profile you'd like to see:

mild mannered facade
interested in business and journalism
might have been under holiday stress
might have planned a trip out of state after the holiday


Interesting choice of words: facade.

For the record here. The above are your words not mine.
Interesting choice of words: facade.

For the record here. The above are your words not mine.

There actually was a profile made of the likely killer--or at least, the beginnings of one--developed by people who were NOT working for the Rs, BOESP. I can provide it to anyone who wants it.
There actually was a profile made of the likely killer--or at least, the beginnings of one--developed by people who were NOT working for the Rs, BOESP. I can provide it to anyone who wants it.

How about opening a new discussion thread for the profile?
Just on the off-chance that Murri is still reading this, allow me to elaborate further on the notion that since Mary Lacy was elected, she couldn't have been that bad.

Well, that's exactly the idea that I've been trying to knock down. That's WHY I keep mentioning the Founding Fathers and how the voting public now is much different than the Founders imagined it.

The Founders pictured an intelligent, informed citizenry always vigilant about the people they picked to represent them, with the understanding that a politician was completely at the mercy of his constituents. But most of all, they believed that, as the afore-mentioned Alexis de Tocqueville said, that America was great because America was comprised of good people.

By and large, that's NOT what we have now. Boulder is an extreme case, but look around you. With most of the people now, half don't know anything about the people they're voting for, and they don't CARE. Apathy is the opposite of vigilance. Moreover, politicians have become a lot different, more concerned with getting elected and making fortunes than with serving the people.

As I said, the only place an idiot like Mary Lacy COULD get elected is a place like Boulder, where the political system is a stacked and the voting public is comprised largely of what certain pundits have dubbed "the hate-America left," the people who would have us believe that America is not great and has never been good.

I mentioned how Alex Hunter and Mary Lacy were relics of the 1960s who embraced some of the worst ideologies of that terrible time, among them the idea that police are evil brutes and that justice should be politically correct and an instrument of "social justice." That's WHY the Boulderites elected them, do you see that? Moreover, it recalls the Progressives of 100 years ago, who believed that they knew more than the people and the Founders, and that, to use their words, only the intelligent minority could be trusted to run a country, not the ignorant masses.

Is everybody getting this, or am I just talking to myself?
Not to mention that Boulder is a college town. And college towns are always very liberal- their voter base tend to be young (under 21) and have never worked a day in their lives (the students).
I've long felt that voting ages should be raised to 21. Let people pay some taxes for a while. THEN vote. High school and college kids have a very narrow view of things, simply because they have not really lived on an adult level (self-supporting, working people). It's no surprise people like AH and ML get elected there. They also had a coroner who seemed to be intimidated by the abuse of a child.
There are people who are soft on child sexual abuse in positions of power they shouldn't hold. Judges that release pedophiles with a slap on the wrist, parents that are not held accountable for the death and/or abuse of a child, etc.
Not to mention that Boulder is a college town. And college towns are always very liberal- their voter base tend to be young (under 21) and have never worked a day in their lives (the students).

I know. I live in one.

I've long felt that voting ages should be raised to 21. Let people pay some taxes for a while. THEN vote. High school and college kids have a very narrow view of things, simply because they have not really lived on an adult level (self-supporting, working people). It's no surprise people like AH and ML get elected there.

Exactly. They WANT a DA who won't be tough on them if they get in trouble.

They also had a coroner who seemed to be intimidated by the abuse of a child.

That's another issue.

There are people who are soft on child sexual abuse in positions of power they shouldn't hold. Judges that release pedophiles with a slap on the wrist, parents that are not held accountable for the death and/or abuse of a child, etc.

I know. We had one in my state a little while back: Edward Cashman.
I know. I live in one.

Exactly. They WANT a DA who won't be tough on them if they get in trouble.

That's another issue.

I know. We had one in my state a little while back: Edward Cashman.
I live in east Texas, in a 2 college town. One, (where my husband works), is a tradtitional, christian university, while the other is a a well known, predominantly african american college. When Obamam was last elected, the african american college was celebrating, while the other held a prayer session, because they were literally scared it meant the end of times. My daughter is friends with people from both schools, and their beliefs were plastered all over facebook. These schools are only a few miles from each other, but it's like they are world's apart. My opinion on Boulder is they may look liberal and claim to be liberal, even vote liberal and all that, but when it comes down to the nitty gritty, they are as conservative as they can be. Money talks, political connections speak louder than the truth, and anything that can make 'good' people look bad, is shoved under the rug. In all honesty, I think the powers that be didn't pursue the Rs, simply because they were impressed with their money and status. If the Rs had been poor or a minority, they would have been hauled off in handcuffs. Please, a murdered child in your basement? No police force is so incompetant to be fooled or confused by that. They were simply treating this rich, connected couple differently than they would have the average joe schmo. moo (but it has been almost 20 years, and the Rs aren't so impressive anymore. Hopefully, things have changed there, and somebody will step in and try to right some of these wrongs).
I live in east Texas, in a 2 college town. One, (where my husband works), is a tradtitional, christian university, while the other is a a well known, predominantly african american college. When Obamam was last elected, the african american college was celebrating, while the other held a prayer session, because they were literally scared it meant the end of times. My daughter is friends with people from both schools, and their beliefs were plastered all over facebook. These schools are only a few miles from each other, but it's like they are world's apart. My opinion on Boulder is they may look liberal and claim to be liberal, even vote liberal and all that, but when it comes down to the nitty gritty, they are as conservative as they can be. Money talks, political connections speak louder than the truth, and anything that can make 'good' people look bad, is shoved under the rug. In all honesty, I think the powers that be didn't pursue the Rs, simply because they were impressed with their money and status. If the Rs had been poor or a minority, they would have been hauled off in handcuffs. Please, a murdered child in your basement? No police force is so incompetant to be fooled or confused by that. They were simply treating this rich, connected couple differently than they would have the average joe schmo. moo (but it has been almost 20 years, and the Rs aren't so impressive anymore. Hopefully, things have changed there, and somebody will step in and try to right some of these wrongs).

So true. JR thought he could do no wrong, so he ran for public office. Those that run the show took one look at his track record, and that was the end for JR.

It will come out one day, trial or not, since there will be so much money to be made by telling the truth.

Those that know are simply waiting for JR to pass on, and his legal representatives to retire or lose interest since JR no longer has an account with them.

So keep checking the obituaries for either JR or LW being cited and we might all be off to the races.

the end of times.
Only in the USA could that phrase have such political import!

I live in east Texas, in a 2 college town. One, (where my husband works), is a tradtitional, christian university, while the other is a a well known, predominantly african american college. When Obamam was last elected, the african american college was celebrating, while the other held a prayer session, because they were literally scared it meant the end of times. My daughter is friends with people from both schools, and their beliefs were plastered all over facebook. These schools are only a few miles from each other, but it's like they are world's apart. My opinion on Boulder is they may look liberal and claim to be liberal, even vote liberal and all that, but when it comes down to the nitty gritty, they are as conservative as they can be. Money talks, political connections speak louder than the truth, and anything that can make 'good' people look bad, is shoved under the rug. In all honesty, I think the powers that be didn't pursue the Rs, simply because they were impressed with their money and status. If the Rs had been poor or a minority, they would have been hauled off in handcuffs. Please, a murdered child in your basement? No police force is so incompetant to be fooled or confused by that. They were simply treating this rich, connected couple differently than they would have the average joe schmo. moo (but it has been almost 20 years, and the Rs aren't so impressive anymore. Hopefully, things have changed there, and somebody will step in and try to right some of these wrongs).

Yes, Boulder is as liberal as everyone thinks they are! I'll bet there aren't a hand full of conservatives in the whole town today. At least there never were in years past, and I know that for a fact. Just look at the gun control laws they're trying to pass in CO now. They recently legalized MaryJane. It's not just Boulder. Colorado is a very liberal state. Hard to believe that they're not on either the left or right coast they're so liberal. Not at all what you'd expect from a midwestern state.

ITA that they weren't persued or prosecuted due to money and status. It really wasn't the BPD that didn't want to, it was the DA's office. It's no secret that AH was connected to JR through several different avenues. In fact, the DA's office, the attys, the govenor, and others were all very powerful players in the Democratic party in CO at the time. You are so right that a poor couple would have been in jail the second that JB was discovered in the basement. JB would have had justice if she were born into a poor family.

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