What about Lee Anthony? **REVISIT**

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Have your feelings about Lee changed?

  • Yes, I now believe he has cooperated with LE or is "on Caylee's side"

    Votes: 66 9.5%
  • I've always felt he was cooperating

    Votes: 142 20.5%
  • No, I still believe Lee is/was on Casey's side

    Votes: 378 54.5%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 107 15.4%

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I think Lee was in on stealing their grandparents money too. Maybe they are total partners in crime and do everything together?? I wouldn't put anything past them with the way they have been acting. Did anyone ever say whether there is an insurance policy on Caylee?

Thick as thieves.
There is a reason polygraphs are not accepted in court as proof of innocence or guilt.

While I would take one if I were innocent ... innocent people have failed the polygraph. I found the site below interesting. I wonder how many guilty people have contacted him ...


I agree with you and I read posts here from several people saying the took a polygraph test and failed it even though they were being truthful.

However.....police are not just using the polygraph test. Think of it like a placebo for the lack of a better word. How people react to the possibility of taking a polygraph test is also of much value to the police.

Zenaida did take a polygraph test and passed it. And I will not be surprised if one was given to Tony as well and this is why it seems the police have cleared him early on.

Like you said.....even though you know the test sometimes fails, you would take it. Why? Because in the case of a loved one missing, you will do ANYTHING in order to make sure the police are following the right leads. And this is how police can get some useful conclusions about people's reactions. And I bet it was really useful for them to know that the grandparents were willing to take it while Lee was against it.

Also I want to comment on some people's experience on taking a polygraph test for work purposes or as part of a college experiment. Who administrates and interpretates the test is really important so I wouldn't compare a polygraph test given for work purposes with one given by the FBI. The scientists that administrate such a test for the FBI and someone doing it for a company do not have the same credentials or experience. And the technique has evolved so much the late years, it is not just the classic lying detector test, they analyse also the recorded voice (pitch, volume, breathing) and that gives them pretty much accurate information.

Can someone still fail it? Yes. But innocent people who are looking for a missing child do not worry about things like this. They take the chance. Can guilty people pass it? Yes. But they won't know they can pass it until they try it and few sociopaths are that b@llsy to take the risk.
I think that a very possible scenario. If a grand jury was convened, and all of the Anthony family were subpoenaed to appear, I suspect a grand jury would indict some if not all for lying to authorities and obstruction of justice.

I di not quote it, but another sleuth mentioned that they were pissed off at the amount the taxpayers were going to have to cough up as a rewsult of all the lies and bad leads given by the A's. Wouldn't it be just desserts if, when the family is charged with lying and obstruction, they would be sentenced to REPAY the county for all the additional police time?
I think that a very possible scenario. If a grand jury was convened, and all of the Anthony family were subpoenaed to appear, I suspect a grand jury would indict some if not all for lying to authorities and obstruction of justice.

The Anthonys have said a lot of ridiculous things. Hoever, no matter how ridiculous they sound, and even if Cindy lied for the thousands of tips she receives every day, that is nothing the authorities can charge them with.

However there is something they said that if it is proven a lie it can cause serious SERIOUS trouble for the grandparents:

George saying she saw Casey and Caylee in the noon of the 16th and giving a full description of what they wore, and Cindy saying she heard them that morning behind the closed bedroom door. If that is proven a lie and that Casey actually left the night before....that would be a very serious lie. And it is not a matter of mixing dates after a month. It was the morning after father's day so they have a good signpost to remember what happened the morning after or didn't happen. If the police can prove there was a huge fight on the 15th and that is when Casey took the child and left.....well that is not something you forget or give wrong information due to bad memory. If you had a fight and someone stormed out with your grandchild in the middle of the night you JUST KNOW WHEN IT HAPPENED. If they lied about this....they will be in serious trouble because that is lying to authorities and obstruction to justice.

As for George describing the day he found the gas tanks in Casey's car I don't think he is lying. I think he looked uncomfortable because he HAD to tell the truth. He was lying BEFORE when he was saying how someone stole them, a neighbour, and that that person returned them and apologised. Police got to the bottom of that and this is why George had to recant his story and tell publicly what happened because it was coming out anyway. The police questioned him and got the truth out of him. Remember it was the same days the Anthonys they were having the long interviews with LE and FBI. This is why he looked so uncomfortable telling that story. If he needed to place Casey at their home that day and show that her trunk was clear, he would have said the same story, that he needed a tool for Cindy's car and so he opened Casey's trunk. He didn't have to say the whole story about the gas tanks. If nothing else he incriminates his daughter with stealing gas. He said it because it was the truth and the police caught him lying about a neighbour stealing gas. He had no choice but say it since it was going to come out anyway. IMO
After watching Nancy Grace tonight, and hearing the old bodyguard speak about how Lee lied to him, and how Leonard Padilla (whom I personally thinks loves getting all this attention and keeps making up his own theories to stay in the public eye) claimed that Lee convinced the Anthony's not to take a lie detector test? What does he know?? Has anyone else caught any discrepancies in anything that he has said, not that he has said much anyway!

Numerous discrepancies......too many to list!!! I posted this rant in the rant section but the rumors and lies involving this family and Casey's friends really need to stop. This family is going through hell and so are other innocent people.


I am sick and tired of people on all of these blogs accusing innocent people of being involved in this case. These so called "sleuthers" not only go on Casey's MySpace or FaceBook, and certainly not just ZG's, but all of their friends and even "imaginary" friends pages just to see if they can create a theory that someone will bite on. Then they let their little imaginations run wild! They franticly click on one friend after another and before you know it they conclude that this person, or group of people must be connected. They are trying to crawl into Casey Anthony's sick twisted brain to connect the dots as if she is some serial baby killer leaving important clues on her MySpace account......of all places....

These individuals are intentionally hurting innocent people! Some of these innocent people have plead with the public to leave them alone either because they have done everything humanly possible to help LE, or they have nothing to do with Casey. These wanna be detectives even alert LE with their off the wall theory's, because this one or that one's dog looks like it could be connected to this one or that one's myspaceas if LE and the FBI don't have enough to do.

It's really not rocket science to figure out that Casey is a sick twisted individual who would have no problem acting on her own in the murder and disposal of her child. The phone records say it all folks. She didn't call Dante, to help her get rid of her kid, so stop the BS about Dante already just because he moved from Saw Grass and changed his jobs frequently. There is no nanny and their ain't no Zanny so there are no phone calls to or from this imaginary nanny. EVERYTHING CASEY ANTHONY HAS SAID HAS BEEN A LIE!!! WHY DO PEOPLE INSIST ON HURTING MORE INNOCENT PEOPLE? WHY CAN'T THESE PEOPLE JUST ACCEPT THAT IT IS WHAT IT IS AND CASEY ANTHONY IS THE ONLY POI/SUSPECT? When was the last time you heard of a friend....... of a friend...........of another ten friends....... on MySpace helping a mother who killed their child dispose the body?

Casanova had to post a U-Tube video to clear his name. ZG has been on two interviews to clear her name. There's so many other people who I could name but won't because it's been proven countless times they are not involved. My advise would be to leave these innocent people alone, and get a hobby that is more productive than spreading BS rumors because you're bored and need something to gossip about. This is NOT great sleuthing when you are interfering with these poor people's personal lives, their jobs, family's, and friends all because you are bored with your life!!!! Please do not tell me if I don't like it then to just just leave because I'm not the only poster who feels this way. There's a lot of great info on this site backed up by facts. These theory's I am speaking of are rumors, and aren't even thread worthy.

I'm a 100 years old rocket scientist that makes $250K a year!

If you saw some of my friends on my MySpace I would somehow be a rock star!

If somebody you don't even know commits a crime it just takes one nosey person with a wild imagination to create a huge mess for you and your family.
Could LA be the one that was using Casey Car to transport the Cloroform. I mean why would she need to use the home computer. I thought she was using her laptop, mostly. I get the feeling he is involved in something. But I dont think he is involved in Caylee missing. Neither do I think CA or GA is either.

IMO The only thing Lee Anthony is guilty of is loving his sister and his niece. I do not think Lee Anthony would do anything to help Casey with anything illegal before or after Caylee went missing.
IMO The only thing Lee Anthony is guilty of is loving his sister and his niece. I do not think Lee Anthony would do anything to help Casey with anything illegal before or after Caylee went missing.

Thank you!!!! I'm glad someone finally said it.
The jail conversation before they knew it was taped shows Lee the brother's involvement...NONE.

He's just about had it with Casey's draaammma from the last year.
He asks her to tell the truth & get it out of the way.
The jail conversation before they knew it was taped shows Lee the brother's involvement...NONE.

He's just about had it with Casey's draaammma from the last year.
He asks her to tell the truth & get it out of the way.

Yep, I agree. Then he started hi fiving his sister in public while Caylee is still missing.
IMO The only thing Lee Anthony is guilty of is loving his sister and his niece. I do not think Lee Anthony would do anything to help Casey with anything illegal before or after Caylee went missing.

Have you seen him out searching? Questioning people at Sawgrass or anywhere else Casey "thinks" Caylee might be? He seems to find lots of time to gather donations, direct to him. And he's apparently found time for video games (while they yell at us maggots to get out and look)...and maybe he's working on some deals to sell some more Caylee videos.
Yep, I agree. Then he started hi fiving his sister in public while Caylee is still missing.

:clap::clap::clap: Yep, that high-five just about did it for me.

Now I am not saying Lee is guilty of anything criminal, but he certainly is quilty of poor taste, classless behavior, and propping up a killer.

For those reasons, I don't have any love lost for Lee.

I believe LP i think lee knows something if he didnt why wouldnt they take a lie dector test? to me at the beginning he did seem genuion, but his whole demnor has changed in my eyes..
IMHO, a reasonable observation of the "high five" between Lee and Casey is that they had just "run the gauntlet" between the media and the crowds trying to get into the building.
I am so sick of all of this. Since when is a child's murder a family affair? The lies, the deception, the ever changing stories, selling tee shirts, asking for money for the search they do not participate in or even seem to support....it makes me want to throw up. That poor little baby girl had the misfortune to be born into a lunatic family. God bless and keep her. The others deserve each other. I'm sure her friends and lovers are all sorry they ever saw her face.
I think the reason that the anthonys refused the Test was because they could have been afraid LE was going to frame them.
I think the reason that the anthonys refused the Test was because they could have been afraid LE was going to frame them.

LE isnt out to frame the gp or lee so again if theres nothing to hide why not take it to get everyone off your back. So then that way le dont waste there valuable time looking further into u when the lie detector would clear any ? about them to LE and the public
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