I'm sick of hearing that the SA overcharged in this case, and thus the jury's verdict.
I'm sick of hearing about the death penalty in regard to this case.
I'm sick of hearing from the juror who said ICA appeared to be sincere and a good mom.
I'm sick of hearing that ICA is a celebrity.
I'm sick of hearing about all the reasons the jurors say there wasn't enough evidence. IMO is is so obvious that they latched on to their conclusions after hearing Jose Baez' opening statement, and keep regurgitating some of Baez' thoughts in opening/closing statements as basis for their deliberations.
I'm also broken-hearted ... and also enraged at the transparent lack of effort that these jurors put into their sworn duty.
And I read on another board today that apparently pro-ICA Geraldo Rivera had Werner Spitz on his show this past weekend. Spitz apparently said he thought the body was in that spot in the woods for months, just as the state said. (A shocked Geraldo got him off camera fast.) Did any WSers catch that?(And, as an aside, for many years now, I'm absolutely sick of hearing the words "BOMBSHELL TONIGHT".)