What are you sick of hearing since the verdict has been announced regarding Casey?

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I'm very tired of hearing that Nancy Grace is somehow at fault for either the not-guilty verdict or for dishonestly making everyone think Casey was guilty or stirring up a "media circus."
I am tired of hearing the words "media circus" as if this wasn't a real case but just a performance that the media put on. And I'm tired of hearing that somehow the media forced people to become interested in this case.

I'm tired of hearing that Casey will become rich now and that everyone will be clamoring to hear from her. I really doubt that will happen. I think there will just be reports now and then of sightings of her, a la O.J. and Karla Homolka.

I'm tired of hearing that someone didn't follow the case or pay attention to the trial (because they are above all that, of course) but now feels qualified to tell us that the State had hardly any evidence and the jurors were thoughtful and careful in their verdict.

I'm tired of reading that, since the jury voted Casey not guilty, that she is now to be considered by everyone as innocent and no one should dwell on the facts of the case anymore. Would these same people write about a person they considered innocent, to whom a jury gave a guilty verdict. that it should just be accepted as truth and that everyone should drop the matter? Hello. The not guilty verdict means that Casey won't be punished by the law and nothing can be done about that; but it doesn't mean that private citizens are not allowed to express their opinions about her actual or probable guilt.

I'm tired of hearing the voice of Casey, Cindy, George, Lee, Jose, or Cheney. I'm not interested in hearing or seeing any of the jurors.

You know what I'm NOT tired of hearing? I'm not tired of hearing people say they think Casey didn't actually kill her daughter -- because I've never heard that said by anyone except her defense attorney.

I totally agree and I couldn't of said it better. And just want to add to what I bolded in your comment that Not Guilty does Not mean Innocent Now Im gonna take Trisha advice and go look and see if I can possibly help with some more cases.
It really is frightening to think she might work with patients in a hospital or health facility some day.

My channel immediately changes when I hear juror number 3.

Wouldn't want her to be my nurse. Sheesh she might not be able to tell that I had died.
I nearly forgot to say that I am sick to my stomach when I hear how much pain Cindy is in. Maybe so, but she lied, drove LE crazy, was uncooperative and coordinated every other manipulation I can think of! This is the woman that trained Casey.

Ditto. And tot mom.
No contest.Im sick of hearing that the 'greater good 'of our adversarial justice system has been served by turning a baby murdering sociopath loose on the street and allowing the murder of a two year old to go unpunished...hell, rewarded.
As though somehow her allowing her daughters corpse to lay out like a piece of roadkill until it decomposed denying prosecuters to use forensics to convict her is somehow THEIR fault.
What utter hogwash.
The fact that Casey got off is an indictment of just how dysfunctional our present system has become when it comes to justice...not a sign of its health.
Oh,and as far as the jurors reaching an 'informed' decision I submit there are MANY here on this forum who know far more about this case having followed it for years.
If they were really that informed they couldnt have reached a Not Guilty verdict.
Casey murdered her daughter so she could party with her boyfriends and behave like a piece of Club Trash.
If common sense had been applied by the jury they couldnt have reached any other conclusion.
It came down to a Charisma contest between the defense and the prosecution.
Fun thread. I am sick of the jury being called/evil stupid and only voted ng to cash in.

Bonus, jury being infiltrated .rigged somehow in collusion with the defense... the judge... the media... the Anthonys...the easter bunny.

I havent paid close attention over the weekend but are we still at #2 did an anon interview with an orlando paper, #3 was all over ABC after they took her family to disneywolrd and #6 who has an agent and wants to field big money offers. Plus one alternate juror who disappeared once the people who were actually in the room started sharing.

That's 4 out of 16, 3 counting the ones who actually did press so far.. Not all, not most, not even half.

Its reasonable to say the jury came up with the wrong verdict and how did this happen. Jury instructions, the SA case, they were hypotized by Jose's side show. Plenty of ways to argue their verdict was wrong without personally insulting the jury. They had a really hard job and I don;t agree with the verdict but the the nastiness thrown toward them is sad. They aren't lawyers. They didnt choose to be there. When JP reads death threats out loud in open court, something is very wrong.

As always, my unpopular opinion.

I am sick of hearing of Casey's most like imaginary or taken back media offers. Here's hoping she gets nada,

Also, am sick of LP and his hat. Go home, man.

PS "Tot Mom".
Suddenly I am really sick of hearing about Nancy Grace-this is all her fault, she stinks, she's a loudmouth, Michael Moore's ridiculous assertion (as most of his assertions are) that KC was tried in the media, why bother with a jury, etc...
I do not watch Nancy Grace. I do not watch JVM. Though I fully support their right to spew this case all over the airwaves if that's what their sponsors and viewers want to see. It's called free speech, capitalism, and change the darn channel if you don't like it.
I have thought KC did something awful from the time Fox News, not NG, reported that Caylee was missing and her mother did not report it. And it was not an opinion program, it was a hard news report. From there, I Googled the case, found Websleuths, and the rest is hostory.
I have wanted KC to get the death penalty for almost 3 years now.
I am sick of being treated, whether by pundits on this case, or by politicians on many other matters, that I am too stupid to think for myself and others have to tell me what I should believe, how I should act. Or for that matter, that I am too overindulged and lazy to click a button on the remote if I disagree, I must just let Nancy tell me what to think instead of seeking out my own interests and info.
I do not need Nancy Grace, or the prosecutors or the jury to tell me what happened. Never did. I am over being treated like Americans/middle America are mindless lemmings that need the "smart" people to help us see the "truth", simply because of a minority of entitled people let others run their lives for them. That is not a true representation of our country and our intuition.
Nancy Grace has never convinced me of anything. But KC Anthony, now she convinced me of everything I believe about this case.

ETA: Oh yeah, and I did something that neither NG or the jury took the time to do...I read every last piece of discovery in this case.
Yeah exactly.
Folks who feel this was a just verdict because it somehow serves as an indictment of a blood thirsty media ( or blood thirsty Sleuthers) are the same folks who somehow feel OJ being turned loose after butchering two human beings with a knife was just deserts for LAPD's treatment of Rodney King.
I find such equivocation Sick.
Just like Casey and her defense team.
No contest.Im sick of hearing that the 'greater good 'of our adversarial justice system has been served by turning a baby murdering sociopath loose on the street and allowing the murder of a two year old to go unpunished...hell, rewarded.
As though somehow her allowing her daughters corpse to lay out like a piece of roadkill until it decomposed denying prosecuters to use forensics to convict her is somehow THEIR fault.
What utter hogwash.
The fact that Casey got off is an indictment of just how dysfunctional our present system has become when it comes to justice...not a sign of its health.
Oh,and as far as the jurors reaching an 'informed' decision I submit there are MANY here on this forum who know far more about this case having followed it for years.
If they were really that informed they couldnt have reached a Not Guilty verdict.
Casey murdered her daughter so she could party with her boyfriends and behave like a piece of Club Trash.
If common sense had been applied by the jury they couldnt have reached any other conclusion.
It came down to a Charisma contest between the defense and the prosecution.

Isn't that part of the problem? We all here are biased from following the case. We know things the jury does not. A jury has to be impartial and they cant be if they already have pre-conceived notions of guilty or innocence. The verdict sucks but part of due process is being judge based on the evidence presented.

Honestly, I'm not sure JB would know charisma if his life depending on it. He had a few good moments but mostly he bumbled through, was rude to witnesses and caused a ton of delays which the jury saw.
I must say there's a clever kid out there. Even he knows when something is wrong.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRFUnpByxsM&feature=related"]YouTube - ‪Casey Anthony Parody Rap ft Fabolous - You be killin em spoof (original)‬‏[/ame]



ETA the posters comments: ****READ*****This video is obviously critical of Casey Anthony, her actions, and the trial.It is in no way meant to find humor in the murder itself. After being astonished she got off innocent I couldnt help myself. But again, this is not meant to make light of a serious crime. It is supposed to hint that we all know she killed Caylee regardless of the verdict. I dont talk about current events like every other kid on youtube, I rap about them. This is my way of expressing my thoughts and opinions on something.
I'm sick of hearing ANYTHING to do with the ANTHONY's.

I'm sick of hearing how people are degrading the JURY.

I'm sick of hearing the name Casey Anthony, TOT MOM.

I'm sick of hearing "OUTRAGE over the VERDIT".

I'm sick of the media shoving a camera and mircophone in random peoples faces giving these people a voice to spew venom towards the jury.

I'm sick of the MEDIA, all the TH's...extending this and stirring the pot inciting people to become even more enraged.

I'm sick of it ALL.
I agree with your post. I have to admit,
:crazy: I wondered if it was only me who hated the sound of baez's voice. It makes me nauseous....like some noise that comes out of a poor sick camel.

Chaney, same thing. I am tired of his voice and I am tired of seeing him on tv. Watching him during the trial was bad enough. I will use my remote to quickly escape any program that features the DT. :sick:

I am tired of the juror and alternate juror who mention they think JB is 'different' and that KC's guilt wasn't proven in court. On that I call bs.

BBM No,it was not just you.
I'm sick of hearing ANYTHING to do with the ANTHONY's.

I'm sick of hearing how people are degrading the JURY.

I'm sick of hearing the name Casey Anthony, TOT MOM.

I'm sick of hearing "OUTRAGE over the VERDIT".

I'm sick of the media shoving a camera and mircophone in random peoples faces giving these people a voice to spew venom towards the jury.

I'm sick of the MEDIA, all the TH's...extending this and stirring the pot inciting people to become even more enraged.

I'm sick of it ALL.

I agree, even though I disagree with the verdict and don't think the jury tried hard enough to make an informed decision. The death threats against everyone including the jury are far more horrible and destructive to society than the verdict in this case. Anyone making a death threat needs to be hunted down and prosecuted. I'm tired, though, of some pundits implying that everyone who disagrees with the verdict is part of a lynch mob.
I am sick of hearing how important evidence is, that the jurors got it right because there was no evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. Then turn around and believe the defense OS accusing George of sexual abuse against Casey and being the one responsible for Caylee's death and body disposal when there is not one scintilla of evidence to support any of it except for a wild imagination and a pathological liar.
I am sick to death of the repetition over and over again on HLN. I have learned FINALLY to change the channel and put this behind me. I will continue to do my best to help in other cases, but I'm through with the Anthony's and I'm through with Casey and her defense team.
What a fantastic job the prosecution did presenting its case.

Hello world, they lost the case!

Shu7 what do you think they could have done to do a better job? Help me understand why you think they did not do a "fantastic job". Do you think "fantastic" is just an overstatement and that they did a "good" job. How would you rate the performance of the state in handling this trial?
I am sick of hearing juror #3 talk. The more she talks the more it makes me think the jurors did not even listen to nor read their instructions nor the instructions HHJP repeatly told them.
Shu7 what do you think they could have done to do a better job? Help me understand why you think they did not do a "fantastic job". Do you think "fantastic" is just an overstatement and that they did a "good" job. How would you rate the performance of the state in handling this trial?

I'm not Shu, but here's my take on it...I still wonder why the State didn’t see thru the lies and manipulations of CA and GA. I thought they knew what they were dealing with…..instead the SA presented them as star witnesses. Doesn’t make sense.
I am sick of hearing people say there was no evidence. I actually got into an argument with one of my best friends because he was saying things that were not even evidence. People listen to snippets of stuff here and there and decide it's evidence.

I'm sick of these talking heads suddenly acting like they thought ICA would be found innocent. GMAFB

I'm sick of people forgetting ICA killed her daughter.

I'm sick of people trying to say that having duct tape around the skull of a toddler is not a COD.

I'm sick of the whole thing!

She's guilty. She got away with it! Why can't they just tell the truth and say "lets talk about how she got away with it"/

I'm sick of the jurors selling their stories. I want them all to go to hell with casey.

sorry but i'm so angry
I haven't watched the talking heads ince the verdict was read. Spent the weekend watching ID where most of the guilty actually get convicted .
I WAS sick of watching Sonny , LB and Jainie before the trial was even over so I guess I would be really ill now .
I refuse to give any of these people my tv air time .
Unless it is something for CAYLEE ..I am done.
Yeah exactly.
Folks who feel this was a just verdict because it somehow serves as an indictment of a blood thirsty media ( or blood thirsty Sleuthers) are the same folks who somehow feel OJ being turned loose after butchering two human beings with a knife was just deserts for LAPD's treatment of Rodney King.
I find such equivocation Sick.
Just like Casey and her defense team.

:rocker: :rocker: :rocker:
I'm sick and tired of people/media "defending" the Jury's verdict. Hey I call it like I see it and believe me they got it wrong big time and the deserve the heat. I like many did a lot of research on this case and still cannot understand why anyone could not see that she and ONLY she committed this crime.

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