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What happened to baby Lisa?

  • Mom did it

    Votes: 255 45.0%
  • Dad did it

    Votes: 6 1.1%
  • Mom and Dad did it

    Votes: 97 17.1%
  • SODDI (some other dude did it)

    Votes: 49 8.6%
  • I am up on that fence

    Votes: 86 15.2%
  • I have no clue

    Votes: 74 13.1%

  • Total voters
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ADWTHWPCU - Accidental death within the house with parents covering up

That's what I either dreamed about or woke up thinking this morning. This was a completely involuntary conclusion, and at the moment, it was as clear as day. In this scenario, Jeremy is the one driving the cover-up. And the accident resulted, hypothetically, from too many people in a bed with a tipsy (but not blacked out drunk) mom.

That explains their lack of urgency to find Lisa, since they know she is gone. And it explains their lack of participation with LE to find an intruder.

Why would they cover it up? One of them thinks it's the best thing to do to protect someone in the family. If this scenario is true, they are just causing more damage by holding back on the truth.

I will probably change my thoughts within an hour or two, but that's what I woke up to this morning. And in a way, I hope it's true, because that means there is no evil involved, just stupidity.
I'm still on the fence, I know, No tomatoes please.

I think this family is being driven by people who don't know crap about what is the right thing to do in regards to a missing child, only how to get plublicity for themselves. Casey Anthony's case I think clenched alot of things in regards that missing babies can bring you fame and fortune, even when your an idiot who doesn't know what they are doing.

I believe Cyndy Short see's this as well, that is why she is not going away. From the very start I thought it odd that these parents went from tallking to local media to only national news media, stopped cooperating with LE on and on within a matter of days, we saw the huge reward come in for Lisa, and in struts "wild Bill", and JT and what have they really done ? Imho absolutley nothing but cause the media and public to question the parents involvement 3 fold, mostly leaning towards someone in the family done it, and take the focus off of finding Baby Lisa....

I just read this article about Gil Abeyta still there and still trying to help. The way he feels is about what sums it up for me at least at this point, here is the article:


The gal with the pink hair Megan (?) who got the phone call and swears to know nothing about it, has hinky all over it. Perhaps she doesnt know, but someone around her or with her that night/morning knows.
Infant abductions are rare but they do happen, at this time I still feel like Lisa was taken by a stranger and put on the black market adoption/human trafficking ring. It is also probable that mom set this up and sold her, not sure why just yet but just a theory I have.... moo............
The mom not only failed the polygraph, but she failed it "miserably" as LE told Megyn Kelly.
We can spin that any way the defense wants us to spin it. Bottom line failing that test means some sort of deception.

I believe DB knows exactly what happened to the baby, and by now, I think JI does also.
I'm still on the fence, I know, No tomatoes please.

I think this family is being driven by people who don't know crap about what is the right thing to do in regards to a missing child, only how to get plublicity for themselves. Casey Anthony's case I think clenched alot of things in regards that missing babies can bring you fame and fortune, even when your an idiot who doesn't know what they are doing.

I believe Cyndy Short see's this as well, that is why she is not going away. From the very start I thought it odd that these parents went from tallking to local media to only national news media, stopped cooperating with LE on and on within a matter of days, we saw the huge reward come in for Lisa, and in struts "wild Bill", and JT and what have they really done ? Imho absolutley nothing but cause the media and public to question the parents involvement 3 fold, mostly leaning towards someone in the family done it, and take the focus off of finding Baby Lisa....

I just read this article about Gil Abeyta still there and still trying to help. The way he feels is about what sums it up for me at least at this point, here is the article:


The gal with the pink hair Megan (?) who got the phone call and swears to know nothing about it, has hinky all over it. Perhaps she doesnt know, but someone around her or with her that night/morning knows.
Infant abductions are rare but they do happen, at this time I still feel like Lisa was taken by a stranger and put on the black market adoption/human trafficking ring. It is also probable that mom set this up and sold her, not sure why just yet but just a theory I have.... moo............

The article you linked summed up a lot of what I am thinking as well. These parents are making all kinds of bad decisions. Ones that I can't even begin to understand as a mother myself. However, I'm (thankfully) not in their shoes, so I just have a hard time saying because they said or did x,y,z and not a,b,c, they did it. Also, all the judgment and criticism I see being leveled at them for small things (and no, I'm not calling the excessive drinking while caring for three children a small thing, that is a big thing) that makes me want to try harder to reserve judgment until we have more information. It seems like in some areas, they just can't do anything right. Even things like the house being very clean are being taken as some kind of sign that something sinister was going on in the house, and maybe it was/is, but sometimes a clean house is just a clean house, a kid falls asleep in his/her daytime clothes, etc. etc. However, I do see that the number of coincidences if that's what they are seem to be piling up here, so all that to say, I don't know what to think. I don't even know that I can say I'm on the fence because sometimes my brain tells me one thing must be true while my heart is hoping desperately that something else entirely is true because that would be a better outcome for precious little Lisa.
After watching the heartbreaking plea from the mom on TV I thought there is NO WAY this woman is involved with her baby's disappearance. But the thing that has me now on the fence is the parent's reluctance to allow the 2 other children to be interviewed. Why would you not allow that, if you have nothing to hide, and it may help find your baby? Being interviewed by the police is not going to scar these children for life and it may offer some clues to finding Lisa! I also cannot imagine getting drunk when you are the only one home with 3 children and one is 10 months old and sick. So now I'm on the fence......
I guess I'm a fence sitter. So many odd things. But I struggle with motive. Who would benefit from taking this baby, or harming this baby? I've read here, lots and lots of ideas, many feasible. But nothing rings quite true enough to me...yet.
Still fence sitting.
ADWTHWPCU - Accidental death within the house with parents covering up

That's what I either dreamed about or woke up thinking this morning. This was a completely involuntary conclusion, and at the moment, it was as clear as day. In this scenario, Jeremy is the one driving the cover-up. And the accident resulted, hypothetically, from too many people in a bed with a tipsy (but not blacked out drunk) mom.

That explains their lack of urgency to find Lisa, since they know she is gone. And it explains their lack of participation with LE to find an intruder.

Why would they cover it up? One of them thinks it's the best thing to do to protect someone in the family. If this scenario is true, they are just causing more damage by holding back on the truth.

I will probably change my thoughts within an hour or two, but that's what I woke up to this morning. And in a way, I hope it's true, because that means there is no evil involved, just stupidity.

This is the scenario I keep thinking about, too. It makes complete sense. But I keep getting hung up on one thing - Are there actually loving parents out there that would rather get rid of their child's little body and not give them a proper burial, than to just admit an honest-to-God accident happened? I just can't even imagine a parent doing that to spare themselves. All jmo.
This is the scenario I keep thinking about, too. It makes complete sense. But I keep getting hung up on one thing - Are there actually loving parents out there that would rather get rid of their child's little body and not give them a proper burial, than to just admit an honest-to-God accident happened? I just can't even imagine a parent doing that to spare themselves. All jmo.

I think they may have had someone "keep" her somehow in a way so they could bury her privately when the heat died down. But I hear you, that's where this gets tricky and starts to break down. Could someone in the house of "MW" be the person who has somehow taken care of little Lisa's body?

I don't know....tonight I hear that Deborah had MW's phone number written on her palm. I can't figure out what the heck that means, but it has got to be significant.

Here's the detailed version of the hypothetical: [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7303195&postcount=189"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Post your theory-****NO DISCUSSION****[/ame]
I voted I have no clue.

I still have no idea what happened to Lisa. I will acknowledge that given what we can see so far about this case that it's more than likely someone in that home had something to do with whatever happened to Lisa.

I just don't know. JMHO
I think they may have had someone "keep" her somehow in a way so they could bury her privately when the heat died down. But I hear you, that's where this gets tricky and starts to break down. Could someone in the house of "MW" be the person who has somehow taken care of little Lisa's body?

I don't know....tonight I hear that Deborah had MW's phone number written on her palm. I can't figure out what the heck that means, but it has got to be significant.

Here's the detailed version of the hypothetical: Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Post your theory-****NO DISCUSSION****

MW could be helping. Nothing would surprise me Boodles! The good news, if there is an accomplise, is that the more people that are in on the cover-up, the more likely it is for someone to blab. Imo, the parents know more than they're saying. It'll be better for them to just talk.

I just read your whole theory and it's very good!! :thumb:
DB killed Lisa in a drunken rage. Dad knows everything but for some reason is choosing DB over his daughter. In the first interview of those pair together, I can see the scornful look JI shoots DB while she stands there blubbering. What man wouldn't be putting his arm around a wife in that situation unless he felt distant from, and angry at, her, for something she'd done? LE is putting the pieces together, and I see an arrest soon, but will JI be charged too, and anyone else?
Today it was pointed out that DB seems to change her story according to what comes up. Also the phone call made at around 8:30 from one cell phone to the homeless mans girlfriend whom knows the neighborhood, people in the neighborhood know her. Its really starting to remind me of FCA. In confusion comes reasonable doubt. So far the story/cover up is still not too complicated to have been done by DB and her brother. The FBI knows about the homeless man and claims he is not a suspect so where does that leave us...All roads so far has lead me right back to DB house..jmo
I still don't feel Dad is involved in Baby Lisa going missing.
I've been swinging on this fence back and forth.
It seems like every day or so another mistruth comes out. The stories keep changing to the point who knows what any more. She put the baby to bed at one time, then another, then she doesn't really know. She went to bed, no she was sitting on the porch steps drinking with the neighbor, having her adult time, then it was five glasses of wine, then she was drunk, then passed out, can't remember, who knows. The phones were on the counter so she could transfer the numbers, then one phone was broke, then the phones had been disconnected, then they're gone, Jeremy had a work phone, no he didn't, a call was made from one, lady who received call didn't know DB, turns out her ex-boyfriend was handyman who worked around DB house, who knows. A man was spotted walking with a baby, nothing to the story, then everything checked out okay, then someone else comes forth with same story different location, then video shows up, could be same person, all locations in a straight path. DB has neighbor's phone number written on her hand. Decomp smell on DB bedroom rug, rug removed was not from bedroom. Lisa is 10 m/o, then 9, then 11. Picture of her standing at door, but infant baby pictures released. And the stories go on.
The mom not only failed the polygraph, but she failed it "miserably" as LE told Megyn Kelly.
We can spin that any way the defense wants us to spin it. Bottom line failing that test means some sort of deception.

I believe DB knows exactly what happened to the baby, and by now, I think JI does also.

Victoria Staffords mother failed a polygraph also. Christopher Abeytas mom did also.

Even with all the information (media-facts) that have surfaced, I'm not convinced that it's all 'truth' and I'm the information (actual facts) aren't enough to sway me. I still think Deb and Jeremy are innocent of any wrong doing. I've been wrong before in the opposite direction with Tara McDonald, so maybe that is why I'm giving the benefit of the doubt. I don't see that Jeremy is acting weird or avoiding eye contact. I don't know his personality so I don't know if he is shy and timid or if he has just been overcome with emotion and not wanting to show it. When I see Deb, I truly believe she is a heartbroken mommy. I hope I'm right on this.
Someone else today made a statement about JI that made alot of sense to me.
From the beginning there just seemed to be something a little off in his responses in the media and his attitude toward DB. This other poster put their finger on it too. One of the things that puzzled me was there seemed to be an undercurrent of anger and distrust toward DB. I felt there was alot going on between them in recent days. Just a feeling.

I believe it is possible that I have been looking too closely to DB and not close enough to JI. The guiltier she looks, the more relaxed he seems to get!? He is getting very protective of her. She is seemingly unaware and continues to be in charge of "the story". Has she been taken advantage of in this case? Did he take advantage of her drunken state? Am I imagining this?

The one thing I KNOW in this case is that these two parents have no sense of urgency in finding their baby. They seem to KNOW she isn't returning to them.

I don't know if I even "buy" this theory. I guess I just felt it needed to be said.
I'm no fence sitter - I always though DB was involved. Too much time has gone by for JI not to be in it up to his chin also -- too many inconsistencies in their little interviews -- too much held back -- too little too late. That child is long gone. This couple rings more bells than quasimodo ever did.
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