What did we learn today 7-03-2011?

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What did we lean today 7-03-2011

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That JB is good for insomnia! I took 2 naps while he droned on and on and on.....
1. That with 1374 people active on the board I was able to get right on. Amazing!

2. That Jose and Cheney's filibustering did not help them. The judge saw right through it.
Drats...foiled again, guys! (Linda Kenney-Baden - one of my faaaavorite people - had
already "stepped in it" on national TV by almost literally gloating about how difficult it was
going to be for poor Ms. Drane-Burke to present her rebuttal to such a tired-out jury.)
I learned that Cheney Mason needs new shoes. His old ones are over 25 years old!

I also learned that emu's shouldn't laugh in court!


Jose thinks Casey is a *advertiser censored* according out of his own mouth! No one else called her that during testimonies.
I also learned that I find it very telling - that trial is being concluded on the 4th of July. Very symbolic for truth and justice and the American Way. We value our families and neighbors and most of our constitutional rights under the law.
Does anyone else feel like maybe the entire defense theory blaming George was explained with one simple comment from Baez's closing statement? George would not fall on the sword to save his daughter. He would not admit guilt for something he didn't do. Add that to the "secret grand jury testimony" and Baez just showed us exactly where this "defense" came from. Spite.
I found out

1) over the course of 4 months, men pee in the woods twice
2) certain people (DT) live in a fantasy world
3) SA team are heroes
4) I went to law school, but didn't feel like trial law was for me, but now I feel like I would've been, could've been a good defense atty. After today, it looks too easy. eta: just throw up spaghetti against the wall, if it sticks, your job is done.
I learned that we all live in a Phantom World according to Baez. The only real world is Casey's world. :fence:
I learned that if someone wants to commit suicide, beer and high blood pressure pills won't do the job according to Baez.
I learned that R. Kronk has a bladder of steel.

Yeah, I caught that. Didn't JB say in his closing something to the effect that December 11, 2008 was the first time Kronk emptied his bladder since the previous August?

I bet JB wrote that closing all by himself. Certainly no one else would want to take credit for it.
I learned my DD's are following this as closely as I am, and it took closing arguements for them to admit it!

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy using Tapatalk.
I learned the only way to stay awake during Mason's drawn out boring closing arguments is by running errands and hoping he's done by the time you get back.
I learned that it's all Canada's fault that the chloroform appeared 84 times on Casey's computer.

I learned that almost everyone involved in this case is guilty of something, but ica is pure and innocent.
I learned a lot and I keep writing down what I have learned. Here I go again:

I learned that I really do have good communication with my kids. *they tell me everything and are not afraid to call me to the carpet or ask me questions*

I learned that I actually did hear Caley's voice in that court room today. Through the State Attorney's office AND by the defense. How the defense team? By reminding her of how she trusted her mom to provide safety and security with her. That her mom has to live with this now for the rest of her mortal life on earth. That Caley's absence will not go unnoticed by the world. At least everywhere but London, and apparently they don't have access to the news like we do here????

I never did see an elephant in the room. So I concluded that I've spent too much time at the computer and actually got up and cooked dinner and did the dishes. *I do have a therapist but I am sure he won't think I'm crazy about the elephant issue*

I did not have salami, velveeta cheese OR pizza today.

I use larger size trash bags in the kitchen now just to ensure my trash will stay dry?

I learned that I must do a system cleanup in order to not lock up on my laptop during trial cause I have Twitter going, the trial and I'm on FB and checking my email all at once. I do not delete I use system cleanup. :p

I haven't started my car all day! *is that a new learned trait?*

I learned not to spray bug spray at wasps with the wind blowing at my front door. YUCK!

Was there a point to all my new found learning today?

Probably not. I'll blame it on the elephant that no one else see's and my own magical thinking. :)
We learned that sometime in 1790 an Elephant participated in something related to the Constitution. There was a fire, or at least several candles were involved, because a big storm threatened to blow down the wall of the elephant's enclosure. At some point the elephant either fled or was chased out of the candlelit hall where the Constitution was being modified to include something about reasonable doubt. Thereafter, the elephant was spotted near Hopespring Drive, but when he was actually discovered there is a mystery because Roy Kronk may or may not have relieved himself near to where he was sleeping in the woods. At some point, at least seven police officers joined in the hunt for the elephant because he had either lied about where he had been or had taken the Constitution out of the bag in which it had been kept.

If we are uncertain, we should ask ourselves, "What would Mr. Cheney do?"

That's it as best as I can recall.
We learned that sometime in 1790 an Elephant participated in something related to the Constitution. There was a fire, or at least several candles were involved, because a big storm threatened to blow down the wall of the elephant's enclosure. At some point the elephant either fled or was chased out of the candlelit hall where the Constitution was being modified to include something about reasonable doubt. Thereafter, the elephant was spotted near Hopespring Drive, but when he was actually discovered there is a mystery because Roy Kronk may or may not have relieved himself near to where he was sleeping in the woods. At some point, at least seven police officers joined in the hunt for the elephant because he had either lied about where he had been or had taken the Constitution out of the bag in which it had been kept.

If we are uncertain, we should ask ourselves, "What would Mr. Cheney do?"

That's it as best as I can recall.

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