What did we learn today 7-05-2011

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What did we learn today 7-05-2011? - MULTIPLE CHOICE!

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I learned that, even though I've been around quite a while, with more years behind me than ahead of me, I will never ever get used to knowing that sometimes the bad guys win.
the root of the problem was in jury selection IMHO. How can people who dont care to know what is going on around them possibly follow something as complex as this case? Was jury selection too rushed by JP?

I agree but not due to rushing the jury selection. The jury is selected utilizing the Peter Principle IMO. Most people with brains/ common sense try to get out of jury selection for selfish, mostly economic, reasons. And all those expensive expert witnesses (both sides) were a huge waste since they were talking in a foreign language to that jury. In the end, it was the none expert sniffling witnesses, cheap dramatic loony tune stories by the DT that made the impact on this jury. I guess we can now expect another novel , called "If I absolutely did it". We live in a bizarre world.

Analysts: Anthony jury troubled by no cause of death, other factors
By Phil Gast, CNN
July 5, 2011 8:49 p.m. EDT

...Toobin and Poston, an attorney in Knoxville, Tennessee, said they believed that the prosecution overcharged Anthony.

"This was not a first-degree murder case. They should have charged her with more modest crimes and would have had a better chance," Toobin said....

That's the only mistake I think the prosecution made, and I'd barely call it a mistake.
I learned that at least 13 people from Pinellas County share one brain.

Can't say what I really want to say.....but what I can say is that I have lost all faith in our Justice system and you might as well start building a surplus of small caskets in this country because " open season " has just been declared on the smallest and most helpless of our citizens by the mother's whom give birth to them and are are suppose to protect them " but can get away with MURDERING them.......It's sad enough the children that die of other means, but there will be an incease of baby killers like this country has never seen now that is has been proven that even a baby's Mother has the right to murder them.........Caylee has no Justice........JMO
I voted that I could not say what I really want to say.
I posted for over a year that she will get off free, I also said I do not think she should be walking around free, and that she is MI and needs care.
I never thought she murdered Caylee, I always felt she was criminally negligent and should pay the piper. I always felt this was GEORGE ANTHONY’s best performance as an LE working on the opposite side of the law, cleaning up behind KC and creating this verdict. SO if any of you want to be PO'd he created no link between KC and a murder, no link between KC and a body, No link between KC and evidence in the car.
YES, I have said it and many here got MAD as heck... so I stopped posting on this Circus case over a year ago.

NOW I say she may need a plastic surgeon because she is not safe out there not only because of her case and that she is MI. But reading here can tell me how many would want to harm her.

What is sad to me :( these people "The Anthonys" will cash in on this tragedy. Caylee is gone but family gets rich :waitasec:
I learned a very sad and shocking lesson today. Justice is a myth and common sense and decency are no more.
I am still in shocked disbelief.... I hate to say this, but I really think the jurors just wanted to go home...and they didn't want to stay any longer for a possible guilt phase.
You can lie lie lie and it doesn't matter. Lead the cops on a wild goose chase, oh well. No such thing as perjury.
Watching the CBS show that's on (10 ET) right now...something called Casey Anthony Judgement Day I think...I learned that someone cashed in some new pictures of ICA as a child/teenager which brings me back to my sad thoughts the injustice in this case might never end!
I learned that I lost faith in this world today and I am bewildered by it.

I learned that I do not know what to say to some very good friends about all this.

and most sadly I learned that deep down inside I really believed the good guys would win and I learned how much it hurt when they didn't.
What I learned today was they made a disgusting choice and set a murderer free, so she can go out, get drunk, obsess about some other love affair, get knocked up again, and then this happens all over. Why why why??? UGH I was livid.
I learned that my jaw can drop much further than I ever dreamed possible.

I also learned that my soul can ache and my heart can break for people I've never met...
What about serving time for check charges she was found guilty in that??
will she serve time for that????

WFTV said that she received 3 years for the checks and has served that sentenced while waiting in jail for this injustice to caylee. More than likely she will have 1 year our less, and could walk free right after sentencing. Pack your bags george, because when casey comes home, she and cindy will forced you out our make you attempt suicide again. My advice, get out while you can. Cindy, my advice to you is to lock your bedroom door with a deadbolt because you can't trust casey won't turn on you. oh yeah, keep your computer away from casey, that way if she turns on you, her internet searches won't pay a part in her prosecution. To the while anthiny clan: pray and pay for forgiveness from God, because he will ultimately judge each off you for any part you played in caylee's murder. Rest in peace caylee
I learned that there will be no justice for Caylee. I haven't been this shocked or disgusted with a verdict since the oj simpson trial. How did the jury mess this one up? Absolutely, the most disappointing verdict in my lifetime. And casey got away with murder...... Time to start looking at other cases and move on.....Casey, your true judgement well be when you face God, and you won't be able to fool him! Rest in peace Caylee.....

I agree that there will be no justice for Caylee and that is the saddest part.
CAYLEE is in heaven and she is now sitting in god's lap surrounded by angels.
She is free of this imbalanced family.
You are right but no matter how this case would have gone there would never be justice for CAYLEE.
I got booted off this site just before the verdict was read and just finally got back on!!! Boy, do I need to vent!!! What did I learn today? That true justice turned their backs on a little 2 year old child today! That in the great United States of America you can lose track of your 2 year old, party it up for 31 days until someone finally says something or does something, lie to the cops and it's still all good!!! That motherhood means absolutely nothing, common sense went right out the window, and doing the right thing no longer exists... What a sad state our justice system is in! I am crying for Caylee tonight :(((
Casey Anthony will become a millionaire after walking scott free from killing her daughter.

Lord I pray that the IRS puts her away...the OJ effect needs to happen RIGHT NOW! PLEASE LET IT HAPPEN AS SHE WALKS OUT!


I hope the IRS will grab her before she has a chance to make one red cent, and they put her back in jail for it.
In the OJ trial you could point to stupid things the prosecution did like the glove thing and not introducing his police interview, but here the prosecution did a great job. I hope I get to witness KC's judgment in the afterlife.

I'm wondering if sequestering juries for so long doesn't lead to them making quick decisions just so they can get out of there.

I would really like to hear how these people reached their conclusions. One criticism the talking heads are leveling is that the state overreached by not offering lesser charges of murder and that may be true but I still would have found her guilty of murder.

I'm sick, just sick. I haven't been this angry in a long, long, long, long, time. This upsets me more than the OJ verdict.

I don't think this is the last time we'll be hearing about KC in court. I think something will eventually land her in jail for a long time.

I agree with everything you say.

I think she is Mentally Ill and may get some help.
If not then she will fall, but she may also be hurt out there,
I do think she was NEGLIGENT but not a murderer.

I am sure GA is walking around like a peacock - KC has all of this to thank him.
The case was weak; all they had is a dead baby, a lying mom. :( SAD YES
but Dad (GA) was a "MURDER INVESTIGATOR".... I have been screaming GA for over a year and a half. NO evidence to tie KC to the baby's death. We can turn the table up side down GA knowes what he was doing. JMHO
We learned that from this day forward a mother who decides dump her child in a trash bag can go into court and use the p**nis defense. All you have to say is your father and brother, uncle, grandfather or any male member of your family forced you to do "things" and you can get away with murder. You don't have to prove it. All you have to do is say it and you can go free. MOO.
I learned today...

GA and CA did everything they could (and once again succeeded) to keep their daughter from being punished (and will probably welcome her back home and give her a new charge card)
Jose will now be considered a "brilliant" lawyer; if you throw enough lies, confusion and guilt around - you create enough reasonable doubt to 12 people that wanted to go home and see their families
ICA will probably walk free on Thursday - in her blue hoodie
ICA will probably be the next new "reality" star
That good guys (prosecution/LE) do finish last
That Caylee was only worth 10+ hours of deliberation to 12 people that never, never asked a single question during deliberation

But what I have learned the most, is that there are caring, loving and mourning people here at WS that will never, ever forget Caylee and never, ever forgive ICA for not telling what really happened.......

May Caylee HAUNT them all for the rest of their lives

My heart breaks and am thankful for my two children that called me today to show their love for me and for Caylee.....

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