What do you make of Terri never speaking to the media?

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Terri's recent appearance has been discussed a great deal, with many believing she looks more beautiful and younger. I think DY does too....when I saw her today with Kaine, I couldn't believe she was the same woman from the first presser. She was wearing jewelry and had her hair curled in a side-sweep pony tail...her make-up was flawless. She was well-composed, no tears. She glanced often at Kaine. What does any of this mean? I have no idea.....

I have to disagree. In the videos I watched, and I've wathced many, DY teared up and got emotional often. And, imoo, at entirely appropirate points in the interviews. As a mother, she seems to me to be acting exactly as I would expect myself to act (assuming I could otherwise restrain myself). I believe her completely. No woman wants to look like chit on TV, at least more than a month into the situation. And she did look appropriately chitty at first.
Well, I agree-but having no children to care for would allow TH time for plenty of sleep and relaxation. ;)

But how can she be getting plenty of sleep and relaxation with one kid missing and her being blamed for it, and her husband taking her other child as well as their house? And what about not getting to see her 16 yr old? She is way too well coifed for someone who has suffered so much. Or maybe not, judging by that video.
But how can she be getting plenty of sleep and relaxation with one kid missing and her being blamed for it, and her husband taking her other child as well as their house? And what about not getting to see her 16 yr old? She is way too well coifed for someone who has suffered so much. Or maybe not, judging by that video.

There are many medications to help a troubled mind sleep. We don't know if she's under psychiatric care and thus being medicated. I'd be completely surprised to learn she isn't.
Seriously, I don't know what happened in this case, however, she seems to be much too peaceful looking to have just lost her husband, daughter and step-son, does anyone else feel that way?

Agree..she does seem too emotionless for someone who is going through what she is but in my opinion so do DY and KH. They all look pretty calm and emotionless to me. I know you never know how you would react in a given situation but I'm pretty sure I would be freaking out of my mind.

None of them look like a wreck to me. I would be a total useless wreck.

When DY said in the presser that they are past the sad and crying stage and are at the angry stage I said WHAT???????????????? How can you be past the sad and crying stage? I know people who are in the sad, crying stage for longer than that when their dog dies.

Either I am too emotional or people react in strange ways.
Right, criminal (kidnapping, abduction, and murder....). What am I leaving out?

The part where LE says, it is an isolated incidence perhaps (that no other children are endangered or something similar)?:innocent:
But how can she be getting plenty of sleep and relaxation with one kid missing and her being blamed for it, and her husband taking her other child as well as their house? And what about not getting to see her 16 yr old? She is way too well coifed for someone who has suffered so much. Or maybe not, judging by that video.

DY looked like the cover of Good Housekeeping today....
But how can she be getting plenty of sleep and relaxation with one kid missing and her being blamed for it, and her husband taking her other child as well as their house? And what about not getting to see her 16 yr old? She is way too well coifed for someone who has suffered so much. Or maybe not, judging by that video.

Exactly, that's the irony. If she was innocent then she would be so devastated and disheveled. I would assume. Like someone else said, she would have to be locked up, because she would be so upset. I believe this is how this type of act. No empathy, and they go about their lives seemly unaffected.
Gosh, this is real life, not a movie.
Some remarks honestly remind me of high school pettiness.
Everyone needs to sleep, whether they take sleeping pills or not.
Commenting on hair and stuff is ridiculous, imo
The part where LE says, it is an isolated incidence perhaps (that no other children are endangered or something similar)?:innocent:

Right, very telling. Obviously LE is not on the look out for any child traffickers or the like. I hope they get the evidence they need. We can only pray!~
Well, I know it irrelevant but Desiree is really beautiful...:) I am really envious of her hair.
Right, very telling. Obviously LE is not on the look out for any child traffickers or the like. I hope they get the evidence they need. We can only pray!~

I wouldn't know about that. The FBI has been involved since the beginning, specifically because they have important data bases, and because it took place in a school. Lot's Im sure goes on behind the scenes.
I think it's easy for any of us to sit in our comfortable homes, typing on our computers, saying what we'd do if we were Terri and we were innocent. If we were innocent, we would martyr ourselves for the sake of this child.

I pray I never have to be in a situation like the one facing these people. DY and KH have said repeatedly the focus needs to be on Kyron, and then have, at length, put the focus on Terri.

If Terri's guilty, I'm sure she's thinking about Kyron, what she did to him, where he is, and how she's going to get out of this, if she can. What does that look like? Is that a sneer? Is that a look of concentration? Is that four blinks, then two, then nine? Is that tears? Is that a t-shirt versus a ruffled shirt?

If Terri's innocent, her entire life is destroyed. She will never be the person she was before June 4. Her husband has left her and has taken her child, the stepson she raised is missing, and her name and reputation are destroyed. What does that look like? Is that resigned? Is that sobbing? Is that hair braided? Is that no mascara?
DY looked like the cover of Good Housekeeping today....

DY has been talking in front of the media. DY has been showing emotion over the loss of Kyron. And honestly, if I knew I was going to be in the media at least twice a week, I would try to make myself look good. It's strange, but it's a woman thing. She has shown a lot strength and resolve in the face of losing her son, and it's obvious she cares about him and wants him back. TH hasn't been in front of the media. TH has not been talking. TH has not being showing one hint of emotion or that she cares about any of the kids here much less Kyron. TH has no reason to doll herself up to go to her lawyer's office unless there's a crush going on there. TH should be devasted that Kyron is missing, her baby has been taken from her, her home has been taken from her, and she probably hasn't seen her older son in about a month or so. Instead, it's like she's already moving on with a new single life and is trying to look attractive at a time she really shouldn't.

All I'm saying is, two totally different situations with these women right now.
I'm not putting anything into how TH looks in this video. With everything that's happened I'm willing to bet she's on some serious anti-depressants, anti-anxiety meds etc.

When I was medicated I couldn't feel emotions. During this period of time people often wondered how I was so complacent. It's not that I didn't want to get mad/cry or whatever, I just physically and psychologically couldn't.

I could be way off.. but she looks like I did when I was on many psychiatric medications. I'm still on the fence about this case. This video looks to me like a medicated woman (not sedated, there's a difference) who is just following her attorney's advice.

You may be very correct on that, I just thought she looked resolved to the harassment and determined to not be baited into a confrontation.

Some of these EXACT same kinds of comments were made about Elizabeth Smart's parents. Too calm, even serene, not emotional, too quiet, not enough facial expression, voices too soft, etc etc.......Guess they didn't read the manual on proper facial expressions either, but then again, there are people who STILL swear her father is guilty. Even after a confession by one of the kidnappers. Some even criticized ELIZABETH for her facial expressions and self assurance after her return.

I think it's easy for any of us to sit in our comfortable homes, typing on our computers, saying what we'd do if we were Terri and we were innocent. If we were innocent, we would martyr ourselves for the sake of this child.

I pray I never have to be in a situation like the one facing these people. DY and KH have said repeatedly the focus needs to be on Kyron, and then have, at length, put the focus on Terri.

If Terri's guilty, I'm sure she's thinking about Kyron, what she did to him, where he is, and how she's going to get out of this, if she can. What does that look like? Is that a sneer? Is that a look of concentration? Is that four blinks, then two, then nine? Is that tears? Is that a t-shirt versus a ruffled shirt?

If Terri's innocent, her entire life is destroyed. She will never be the person she was before June 4. Her husband has left her and has taken her child, the stepson she raised is missing, and her name and reputation are destroyed. What does that look like? Is that resigned? Is that sobbing? Is that hair braided? Is that no mascara?

Dark circles under one's eyes from crying, and or stress.
You're right....with all of this recent upheaval in her life, plus a missing step-son, and she looks downright placid???? What's up with that???

that's the perfect word to describe it for me

and well-rested

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