What do you think happened to Malaysia Flight370?

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What do you think happened to Malaysia Flight 370?

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It is an act of Terrorism.....People as Hostages (( MOO ))

MOO -- Terrorism Acts always seem to so radical. Like this. Who would figure a big plane with people could go missing....and NOT a trace found in a Week.

This is just TOO Extreme !!!

Pacific Air Lines Flight 773 was a Fairchild F27A Friendship airliner that crashed at 6:49 a.m. on May 7, 1964, near San Ramon, California, USA. The crash was probably the first instance in the United States of an airliner's pilots being shot by a passenger as part of a mass murder/suicide; Francisco Paula Gonzales, 27, shot both the pilot and co-pilot before turning the gun on himself, causing the plane to crash and killing all 44 aboard.[1]

Pacific Southwest Airlines Flight 1771 was a commercial flight that crashed near Cayucos, California, United States, on December 7, 1987, as a result of a murder–suicide scheme by one of the passengers. All 43 people on board the aircraft died. The man who caused the crash, David Burke (born May 18, 1952), was a disgruntled former employee of USAir, the parent company of PSA.

[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacific_Southwest_Airlines_Flight_1771"]Pacific Southwest Airlines Flight 1771 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacific_Air_Lines_Flight_773"]Pacific Air Lines Flight 773 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
I'm going for pilot error either by mechanical failure or terrorism (as in either the pilot was a terrorist or a terrorist had a gun to his head) even though I voted for time warp because I love Rocky Horror.
IMO: pilot had it all planned, practiced going under the radar on his flight simulator at home... I think the airplane went south towards Australia as a couple other nations in the northern path have said it was not in their airspace. Not thinking it made it to Australia- they'd know and would tell us.
So.....in the ocean or landed in a country which is NOT telling us because of some plan that we have not a clue about.
I think that someone stole the plane to land it in a previously arranged destination in a place is either so remote that no one noticed or it is in a country where you know better than to ask questions for fear of dying a slow torturous death after the government forces you to watch as your family is killed.

Maybe they killed everyone on board by depressurization but the job of removing all of those dead bodies from the plane would be pretty messy. Maybe there is a way to replace the oxygen canisters with knockout gas? Knock them out, collect all of the phones, computers and tablets and by the time they wake up they are cuffed to the seats?

Maybe one of the psychopathic dictators did it just to impress himself. Or maybe it was one of the scumbags our government sent home from Gitmo. The worst of the worst had plenty of time to plot revenge while they sat in their cells waiting for their turn to be released to continue their evil activities!

So, who is in the short list of lunatic leaders of countries where people are killed for sport? Kim Jong Un? Putin?
Hamid Karsai? Anyone I'm missing?
iirc the job he was going for he was not able to wear them. That is why he left them with his wife.

In addition to him & her being in a car accident in December of last year where they "saw life flash before their eyes." She went on to explain that they started putting certain aspects of their lives in order in the case him, her, or the both of them died suddenly.

IMO, nothing dubious about it.

Also, I voted "hijacked and crashed into water" but this entire situation reads as a black ops.
Can't help but think the pilot is responsible somehow but I can't see him committing suicide with 237 souls on board. There's been so much mis-information it's difficult to sort out.

There's a little voice in the back of my head saying negotiations of some type are taking place or about to be. The delays from the Malaysian government give me pause. There's also the possibility of demands for a prisoner release from somewhere. There's also the possibility the plane could be used as in flying into a building or target.

Just too much mis-information, I can't help think something is going on behind the scenes. We know how the hijack was started but we don't know why and we don't know what the end game is, which makes me think more is to come.
I've been following the enigmatic disappearance of flight 370 in the news and am not surprised that the focus has turned to hijacking since that was my suspicion early on. I believe (hope) the airplane landed safely in some remote area. I don't know what the purpose was but hope that everyone is safe and can be reunited with their loved ones soon. If the hijacker(s) wanted to make political or financial demands, I think we would have heard from them by now, unless Malaysian officials have heard from them and are keeping the terms secretive. This would explain why they welcomed assistance in the investigation from so many countries at first but now seem annoyed by foreign input. I initially believed the hijackers' destination was Iran, reinforced by the 2 Iranian passengers traveling on stolen passports.

<mod snip>
I think hijacked and landed somewhere... But not really landed "safely" because I doubt any of the passengers are alive. I think the hijackers probably murdered them somehow (lack of oxygen?).
Can't help but think the pilot is responsible somehow but I can't see him committing suicide with 237 souls on board. There's been so much mis-information it's difficult to sort out.

There's a little voice in the back of my head saying negotiations of some type are taking place or about to be. The delays from the Malaysian government give me pause. There's also the possibility of demands for a prisoner release from somewhere. There's also the possibility the plane could be used as in flying into a building or target.

Just too much mis-information, I can't help think something is going on behind the scenes. We know how the hijack was started but we don't know why and we don't know what the end game is, which makes me think more is to come.
I absolutely agree with you, Peliman!

The only reason I can think of why the pilot/co-pilot would have intentionally crashed the airplane into the ocean is that he/they were on a suicide mission from a terrorist group. If someone else hijacked the plane for nefarious reasons, I could see the pilot intentionally crashing the plane into the ocean to divert a larger tragedy, similar to what happened on US Flight 93 on 9/11.
I am reposting this here because another poster asked for it:

My theory: The Pilot is known to be a strong political supporter of an opposition politician - Ibraham, whose "guilty to charges of sodomy" conviction was reinstated earlier on the same day as this flight. Meaning he can not participate in an upcoming election which some sources report he was bound to win.

The Pilot has seen bribes and corruption within his country. Earlier this very day he saw how corrupted the judicial branch is. He has long observed various corruptions and bribes within the airline industry, including cargo not being examined, passports being stolen and sold.

The Pilot had a friend - another pilot - over to play on the flight simulator a few months prior. That friend made an offhand, sarcastic remark, "Hey, things are so corrupt, even the military is compromised. I'd bet an unknown plane could cross our country and the military would never even know it!"

This thought sticks in the Pilot's head. He begins to wonder if this could really happen. He starts to play on the flight simulator, working out a plan as to how something like this could possibly happen. It is an intellectual challenge for him to "play this game". He eventually figures out a potential flight plan for something like this to happen. This is all just a "game" to the Pilot. But it is a fun game for him to play. He plays it over and over again.

The afternoon of the event, he becomes very upset when he learns that his chosen political candidate is going to be put back into jail. All hope is lost for changes to take place in his beloved country, to end the corruption.

He reports at the airport for duty that evening. He learns his co-pilot is to be the guy who was recently reprimanded by the airline for breaching cockpit safety by having females in the cockpit during a flight. This does not particularly please him. He is not in a good mood anyway. He and his wife had an argument before he left home earlier that evening. She accused him of spending too many hours in front of his flight simulator.

The flight takes off. The co-pilot is young and wants to engage in idle chatter. The Pilot is not in the mood for this. The co-pilot persists. The Pilot is rude to him, telling him to be quiet. At that point, just to see if anyone notices, the Pilot turns off the transponder. No one notices anything - not even the co-pilot. The pilot makes the last contact with ATC, saying "Alright, good night" instead of using the normal wording for sign-off. Once again, no one notices or acknowledges this was a deviation from protocol. The Pilot thinks to himself, "It really is as bad as I feared".

Next, the co-pilot says he must leave the cockpit to visit the toilet. By protocol, he is not supposed to leave the cockpit at this time. Anger floods the Pilot, as he realizes how lax both performance and discipline actually are within the Malaysian airline industry. He gives a curt nod, "Yes" to the co-pilot.

This is when the pilot turns off the second communication system. In his anger and frustration, somehow "the game" begins. The Pilot enters the well rehearsed coordinates of "the game" into the autopilot.

The co-pilot returns to the cockpit. The Pilot tells him he has just received directions to divert the flight due to ground problems. He tells the co-pilot that he has already programmed the needed changes into the autopilot. That they may need to return to the original airport. The co-pilot does not question this. The Pilot instructs the co-pilot to make a calm announcement to the passengers about the diversion. "Assure them there is nothing wrong with the plane" he says, "just say there is some ground problem." The co-pilot follows instructions and makes the announcement. This pacifies the passengers and the flight attendants.

The plane then turns and passes back over Malaysia. The Pilot wonders if he will be picked up on radar, if fighter jets will suddenly appear outside the cockpit window. None appear. Now the plane has begun a series of preprogrammed turns.

After some time, the co-pilot finally wonders why they have not received any further instructions from ATC. Because they are now far off course. He suggests the Pilot call in to ATC for updated instructions. The Pilot says no, he does not want to do that, they are fine, they will just wait to hear from ATC.

At some point the co-pilot FINALLY realizes something is very, very wrong. He attempts to call ATC but gets no response. Nothing! He turns to the Pilot and asks "What is going on? What have you done?"

The two men begin to struggle. The co-pilot attempts to manually take control of the plane. The plane ascends steeply, then descends sharply. Finally it regains altitude and levels. The Pilot sat passively in his seat as the co-pilot struggled to control the plane.

The Pilot realizes what he has done. He has played the ultimate game. As the co-pilot busies himself reprogramming the autopilot in order to get them back home safely, the Pilot calmly reaches out and shuts off the oxygen supply to both the cockpit and the cabin......


I am probably going to change some things. And I invite anyone else who wants to add or subtract to feel free to do so.
I'm defining hijacking as including pilot suicide since it is an unauthorized takeover of the plane. I'm not sure if it was a passenger or pilot. But I ruin knit crashd in the ocean.
I have no idea.

I'm leaning towards terrorist attack by one of the passengers. If this is the case, I think it landed in Afghanistan but the passengers have been killed :(.

This about my 5th theory for today. I'm very likely to have a new one by morning.
I want to add to my theory that the pilot with the simulator is and has been my #1 suspect from the start.

When I say that a lunatic dictator or GITMO guy is behind it I mean that us who is backing the plot, not actually on the plane flying it.

I think this is bigger than one guy. It takes an organization like powerful militant group or people working for an evil world leader to make a runway available and hide the plane for this long . I'm wondering about islands at this point.

By the way, anyone watching the news this morning? They have security cam pics of the pilots going through security before boarding the ill fated flight. The simulator guy is staring straight up at the camera.,that seals it for me!
I don't know what to think! I change my mind with each new article. At the moment I'm thinking that unfortunately it is at the bottom of the sea.
Landed safely on land to hijacked destination for later use as a bomb. Hostages either still alive and in pretty bad shape by now, or assassinated. Well planned hijacking, however I would like the Australia woman's husband looked into deeply because he left her his wedding ring and I think his wallet "in case anything were to happen". I suspect him, and would like to know if he has a pilots license or any previous job as a pilot. TV I tv wife several times and I found her statements to b of grt concern.

I don't think I am allowed to comment on this comment because it is a poll thread and we don't want it de-railed. So where can I comment on it?
My initial thoughts about the missing plane was that it experienced a major mechanical malfunction and fell into the ocean. As time marches on without any signs of the plane and speculation about the pilot, I'm more inclined to believe that the plane was taken down deliberately into the ocean where it will be extremely difficult to locate. :moo:
May I comment this way? I don't see anything strange or sinister about leaving a wedding ring behind when headed to a mining job in Mongolia. I do it here in India all the time. If I am traveling somewhere here, I understand travel risks of the country and I leave my wedding ring at our home here in case something happens to me...I want my DD to have it. (I'm an American living in India.)

The best scenario is that the govt is negotiating the release of living passengers, but I would say that is almost impossible. I hope it is crashed into the ocean where it cannot be used for further terrorist attacks.
I'm just wondering ... how common is it for pilot to have his own flight simulator in his home? I would think they would do their training at an airline facility instead, but I really have no idea. And a flight simulator can't be cheap, either...? Which then makes me wonder, did he buy it or was it given to him by "whomever" to train at home so no other pilots would know what he was doing?

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