What do you think really happened? Nothing makes sense.

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Exactly,I agree with you Kristen.As many of us here are speculating that there ought to be more charges.I'm just hoping LE is doing a thourough job in looking at ALL the different aspects of this case.I'm just so afraid that other children may have been hurt or are still being hurt by various players even though the MONSTER is off the streets.
I hope that the fact we haven't heard any updates or details in this case means that LE is holding their cards close to the vest. I suspect there is a huge investigation going on into this whole stinking mess and it's ganglia.

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I agree with Kristenske. I also wonder why there is nothing new to report. I would have thought more background about the mom and her group of friends would be surfacing.

Unfortunately, I agree that there are just so many of these cases. It's so sad. What is wrong with people???
Welcome Kristen! As other have said, I think LE is just scrapping the surface on this whole mess of a family. I hope that explains the lack of information being released. I am really surprised that none of the journalists have done any deep investigating.

What do I think really happened? I think Ali and her sisters were being sold or used as barter assets by a family that has been doing it for a long time. I think that Ali was used for sexual purposes by friends and family for a long time. There was not just one or two incidences but probably several hundred in her poor short life.

I think the grandfather was running the show. When Shorty died, Plumadore tried to take over, but he just couldn't really handle to role the way dear ole' grandpa did. While I know Plumadore admitted guilt, I don't think he acted alone. I suspect that some of the other RSO's from the trailer park were involved at the time of the murder. Maybe Ali tried to get away and one of the RSO's told Plumadore to go after her. He hit her a bit too hard and well, we know how it ended.
Hi all. I have been lurking on this site for a long time. This is my first post.

I will have to admit that from the beginning, this case has fascinated me in a morbid way. I cannot fathom how a person could do what this animal did to another human being, especially a child. I also can't fathom how a mother acted the way she did, and put her children in harms way. I am just beside myself with disbelief and anger at the whole situation.

Phew! Got that outta the way!

Now, I want to know why there is no new news? I have not read anything new about this case for a few days. It seems like there should be waaaaaay more to this story. I would think that the media would be all over this story too. Here in So Cal, there's nothing new at all. That is just sad to me. I feel like we should know more about the the victims family and their lives, are there going to be any more charges against anyone, the suspect's family and past, etc. I guess I'm just frustrated because there are no answers for why this happened. I understand that there probably isn't a real answer (or at least one that would make this tragedy any better), but even some sort of explanation would make me feel better. Do you understand what I mean? I guess I'm just sick of things like this being in the headlines for a little while, then on to the next awful tragedy. This crime was so absolutely horrific and brutal that it's one that I don't think I'll forget, or get over. I'm so sorry to rant, I just really thought that the public would know more by now.


Believe it or not, compared to many this case is flying. :)
This whole story is really bothering me. It doesn't make any sense.

Why would a mother send her daughters to stay with a man for a week? Especially knowing that the year prior she was molested by the boyfriend of the ex-wife of her husband. The child was suffering from PTSD, per the grandfather. And she sends her there for a week?

The trailors are what...feet apart? very close. And these girls weren't running back and forth, in and out?

The mother says it is because she was sick, right? Yet Aliahna told a schoolmate that she was spending a week with "a friend". What child calls a man, not a family member, a friend when talking to another child?

Aliahna was molested last year. Suffered PTSD as a result. And she sends her to stay with MP for a week? When they live next door? Would you not want to protect your child and never make her be alone with a man again? Never let another man babysit your baby that suffered so much??

Yet she sends her there, packed clothes and all, with her sisters, for a week.



I can't wrap my mind around any of it. The only thing that comes to my mind that makes any sense to me while I am speculating the whole mess is something horrible...

Did she "give" her daughters to this RSO for a week??

What do you guys think when you are speculating this case? Does any of it make any sense to anyone??

Personally, it all sounds drug related. When things aren't making sense to us "normal" folk I tend to lean towards a drug culture .. My mom used to run a foster/child care.. We took care of many families victimized by drug abuse, babies being born drug exposed, etc.. Ive witnessed coo-koo behavior from these families that made no sense ..

My gut tells me that she was trying to come down off the drugs and in her drug haze entrusted her babies to this monster...

I agree something has always seemed like the full story has not been told..


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From the media section.

"The Allen County Coroner’s Office issued its final ruling Wednesday in the homicide of 9-year-old Aliahna Maroney-Lemmon, two months after the girl’s disappearance and death."

"According to the coroner’s office, Aliahna died of multiple blunt-force and suffocation injuries."

Published 3/8/12 here: http://www.journalgazette.net/article/20120308/LOCAL07/303089978/1002/LOCAL

It still doesn't add up. No mention of sexual abuse. What could be the motive?
This whole case is just bizarre. Maybe the coroner is keeping some details private until the trial.
"Officials could not comment on the nature of the suffocation finding because the case is still under investigation, said Becky Stuttle, an investigator with the coroner’s office."
This part gives me hope like we stated earlier that this is a thorough investigation and far from over.I wonder where the siblings are now?
I also suspect a huge drug ,probably meth connection in the case....
So sad to think of her and what she had to go through :(
"Officials could not comment on the nature of the suffocation finding because the case is still under investigation, said Becky Stuttle, an investigator with the coroner’s office."
This part gives me hope like we stated earlier that this is a thorough investigation and far from over.I wonder where the siblings are now?
I also suspect a huge drug ,probably meth connection in the case....
So sad to think of her and what she had to go through :(
I agree with you, especially about the drugs but I tend to lean to it being pills instead of meth.

"Officials could not comment on the nature of the suffocation finding because the case is still under investigation, said Becky Stuttle, an investigator with the coroner’s office."
This part gives me hope like we stated earlier that this is a thorough investigation and far from over.I wonder where the siblings are now?
I also suspect a huge drug ,probably meth connection in the case....
So sad to think of her and what she had to go through :(
My mind just keeps jumping to the cause of her suffocation and I hate thinking about it. I want to know, but yet I don't know if my heart can take what I am thinking.

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