What do you want to personally say to the jurors?

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What you want to 'believe', i.e., accident should not get in the way of the 'facts', i.e., evidence and testimony.

You voted with your hearts and not your minds ... didn't you?
Is anyone else having problems with their thanks showing up? When I click it it only shows up 25% of time...Im very frustrated.....site is doing hinky stuff besides just not loading...time to go read my Kindle and step far away
Special note to juror #7, child welfare admin asst...

Please seek an alternate, more suitable career.
Casey Anthony trial jurors, hold your heads high. You gave up over a month of your lives with your loved ones, and almost lived as prisoners yourselves in order to do your civic duty. You followed the evidence and found you could not say guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, in spite of knowing your decision might be very unpopular. Thank you for your service.
Is anyone else having problems with their thanks showing up? When I click it it only shows up 25% of time...Im very frustrated.....site is doing hinky stuff besides just not loading...time to go read my Kindle and step far away

Me too. Along with my connection being reset.
I would like to add to the juror who was reported sleeping=you should have stayed awake. To the jurors who took NO NOTES= do it next time, heaven forbid you are ever selected again. To the juror who would not look at atty in closing= you should have. And to any juror who did not stand up for Caylee may you sleep at night. Thank you for no press conference, would not have wanted to hear you.
Now that you are back home, you should take your time and review the evidence--it's all online for your convenience, courtesy of Websleuths.com. After you finish, you will surely see that Casey Anthony killed her baby... then, please put your big girl/boy panties on and tell the world that you were WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.

I predict this will happen, and these will be the only jurors to show their faces. They will write a book or do an interview for $$$, all about how they have re-thought everything and realized they made the wrong decision. If these jurors fell hook, line and sinker for the DT, obviously they are cut from the same cloth.
What happened to common sense... How many mothers are going to kill their kids now that they think they can get away with it?
This jury just enabled Casey just as her parents have all these years. PATHETIC! They should all be ashamed of themselves! I hope all their names are leaked out very soon!!
BS(directed at StJohn), they will say, 'It was our decision, we had to decide on the evidence' & the rest of us just have to go along with the fact that they totally ignored the victim of this crime-Caylee, & gave every possible advantage to the defendant, against all reason...may God have mercy on them...
Jurors-- You are the reason why I think justice is not served well and needs to be changed. I think we need panels of experts or judges to hear cases. Anybody in thier right mind with the evidence presented would have wanted justice for this child and found that her own mother is responsible for her death. I hope not 1 of you writes a book or receives one cent. I will boycott you. You surely will question your decision in the future and have to live with it.
Sounds like, from this alternate juror talking to Vinnie P. that the jury fell hook, line and sinker for the defense story. This guy said they didn't believe George Anthony. They thought he had something to do with getting rid of the body and that the whole family was dysfunctional and hid what happened,

Anyway, he is echoing the whole defense case and doesnt' think there was a body in the car.

The defense we all thought was so silly, they all fell for.

Wait a minute. How does an alternate know how any of the jurors felt? They were never supposed to discuss the case. The alternates were not in the deliberation room, were they?
Now that you are back home, you should take your time and review the evidence--it's all online for your convenience, courtesy of Websleuths.com. After you finish, you will surely see that Casey Anthony killed her baby... then, please put your big girl/boy panties on and tell the world that you were WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.

But their job was to determine guilt/innocence based on what was presented at trial. They shouldn't be faulted for evidence that was not brought in.
Way to drop the ball and then run like cowards instead of explaining WHY you voted as you did.

Hope you can live with the knowledge that you just let a child killer roam free.
Only 10 hours of deliberation, including reading and understanding the charges and lessers and including the appointing of a foreperson.

Not one question. Not one request to review physical evidence. Not one request to read a transcript or clarify any point.


Justice was not served for baby Caylee today.
Wait a minute. How does an alternate know how any of the jurors felt? They were never supposed to discuss the case. The alternates were not in the deliberation room, were they?

Precisely. Good point.
Jose and Casey made $200,000 off Caylee's death and they seek to make more!!
I am extremely disappointed in today's events. I think the question I would want answered is why, after 6 weeks of testimony, did they not have ONE single question, why did they not ask to review ONE single piece of evidence? That's what makes no sense to me.
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