What do you want to personally say to the jurors?

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The sad truth is that these jurors will never see our opinions on their verdict.
How? Why?

Can you live with yourself knowing you set her free, so that she can possibly have another child?
I hope a violent crime doesn't hit home - i.e. your home. You better hope LE and the State protects your rights and the rest of your family. God forbid you experience a homicide in your family and you need the support of your neighbors and colleagues.

Hint: More time on jury instructions and going over ALL evidence would have been beneficial to the case. To completely denounce what the State says and only listen to Defense lies is inexcusable. Who killed Caylee? Was Caylee murdered or was it an accident? Did you look at the duct tape? Did you wonder why a perfect stranger would put heart stickers (which is very personal by the way) on Caylee? Did George help Casey? George isn't on trial here. May you learn to live with your decision because it will come back to haunt you for the rest of your life. But oh wait - just drink some champagne - have a toast - why not - who cares about little Caylee??
I keep thinking of the old adage: A jury is made up up 12 people too dumb to get out of jury duty. Could it really be true in this case?

I would say they turned their back on a murdered child today.

Amen ZsaZsa.......and I would like to ask all of these Jurors if they would like to have Jurors " just like them, doing the Job just like they did ".....for a Murdered Baby in their immediate Families ?
From what the alternate juror said:

Was it really all based on George's attitude on the stand? How would you react if your precious grandbaby were taken away so horribly, and you were accused of so much nastiness? Smile and take it? Really?

And why run away back home without defending your decision? At least the alternate juror tried to do so. Have to give him that much even if I don't agree with him.

And more than anything, if Miss Anthony should manage to find her way into trouble again, how will you feel? I look for that to happen, and soon IMO.
I am sorry that you couldn't do the job you were chosen to do. God help you, not only for Caylee but for her next victim, because there will be others. I don't know how you can face yourselves in the mirror.
I commend you highly for your wonderful and insightful post. However, I'm afraid your words are as wasted as mine. As wasted as the words and feelings of most of this NATION. The jurors didn't take the time to revise the evidence. They didn't take time to deliberate. They won't take time to even THINK about reviewing anything you suggest at this time. They will shy away from researching what they took such a short time deciding on. They will be cowardly and self-righteous, just like their unanimous verdict - they were - and are - an abomination and their verdict has nothing to do with justice at all.

Today, Caylee's chance for justice was turned into a MISCARRIAGE of justice. Justice THIS WAS NOT ! Caylee's murderer is going free and those that helped free her are celebrating with champagne. Those who FREED her are going home to be with their families, children, grandchildren, feeling they did their duty. They are a JOKE.

I wish I was a witch. I would curse them with having to remember the lazy deed they did today by needing justice one day - like Caylee did - and having it denied by a jury more interested in getting "outta there" than sacrificing a few more days of their miserable lives.

Yeah, I'm raving mad tonight.

Thank you so much for your post responding to mine. I feel on the verge of madness myself! The only thing that makes me feel like I haven't just awakened in a dream, where the world is upside-down, is reading about how others feel the same way I do.

Let me add something I forgot to put in my last post--I'm a complete bleeding-heart liberal...and yet I could have come back with a death verdict in this case. Absolutely. Anyone using common sense could put this case together. If there were ever a case that deserved a death penalty, this is it.
MODS: This entire thread should be deleted. No one in here had to sit through that trial like these jurors did for 2 months. No one here had to put their lives on hold and follow such strict rules. No one here had to look at horrible pictures of Caylee's remains, and listen to sometimes boring testimony and try to decipher the scientific language. No one here had to give up their cell phones, computers, and not see their families for days and weeks at a time. In short, no one here had to do what this jury was required to do and what they agreed to do. I am appalled at some of the posts I am reading... some of you should be ashamed!!

No matter whether we agree with their verdict or not, they deserve our respect. They did the job that they promised the judge they would do. They based their decisions on the facts and the evidence. They DO NOT deserve this degree of hostility and anger towards them!! FOR SHAME!!
I just don't know, I'm kerflunked. I've been on a criminal trial, and let me tell you we deliberated more than 10 hours! (close too, but this was not a DP case). I can't believe they gave this case SO little attention.

I think I would ask -- what did you get up to in the deliberations room? Did you take a poll and throw them in the middle of the table and leave it at that? Did you have any real discussions? Did you look at the evidence?

What did Baez present that intrigued you so?

Did the Felon sitting in the tiny lowered chair with the ruffled oversized shirts have any impact on you? Did her emotions and verbal mouthings effect you? Did you take in her "testimony from the defense table"?

These questions may never be answered. I just have to let go and let God.


We've been asked if we think you discussed this case during the trial.

My question for YOU is:

Did you discuss this case during deliberations?
I am just sorry you will never know - nobody will ever know - what Honorable Judge Belvin Perry thinks about your verdict.

I may be breaking forum etiquette here by being off topic, BUT ...

I knew the verdict when I heard Judge Perry's breathing as he reviewed the forms. :(
I would thank them for sacrificing this time out of their lives away from their families and missing two holidays to serve on the jury. I would thank them for listening intently to the evidence and not sending another human being to their death based on emotion. Thank you for upholding our constitution that every person is innocent until proven guilty.
I think we need to thank this jury for doing their job and not bowing down to the pressures of society and coming to a guilty verdict based on public opinion and emotions.

With every respect, I think "you" need to thank them if you feel they did their job. "We" are speaking for ourselves and I, for one, do not feel they did that. I did not expect them to "bow down to the pressures of society". I expected a just verdict based on common sense, not for myself but for Caylee. There is no realistic explanation for this verdict. Absolutely none. So, if you want to thank this jury for a job well done, you go right ahead but, don't ask me to do the same.
Did you know Casey Anthony was smirking, laughing, joking, and flirting with the men each time you left the room? She knew she had you fooled, and quickly took on the glum, concerned look when you walked back in. All fake, and just for you. Sleep tight.
MODS: This entire thread should be deleted. No one in here had to sit through that trial like these jurors did for 2 months. No one here had to put their lives on hold and follow such strict rules. No one here had to look at horrible pictures of Caylee's remains, and listen to sometimes boring testimony and try to decipher the scientific language. No one here had to give up their cell phones, computers, and not see their families for days and weeks at a time. In short, no one here had to do what this jury was required to do and what they agreed to do. I am appalled at some of the posts I am reading... some of you should be ashamed!!

No matter whether we agree with their verdict or not, they deserve our respect. They did the job that they promised the judge they would do. They based their decisions on the facts and the evidence. They DO NOT deserve this degree of hostility and anger towards them!! FOR SHAME!!

I'm sorry Tx if I was disrespecful. I only responded to questions that I would like to know. I think if one of them writes a book, I would definitely read it. I believe my questions would be answered then.

I can't blame the jurors, I really can't. I don't know who to blame -- I think many of us are looking for something to hold on to at this point. What's an easier way then to blame the jurors (as wrong as that is).

Personally, I'm mad at CM for his presser, and flippin the camera off today. That's where my anger is going.

I hope the jurors can settle into a somewhat normal life. For those who want to make the media circuit, I hope they can in peace. And that for us, we can find some answers that we are longing for.


I would thank them for sacrificing this time out of their lives away from their families and missing two holidays to serve on the jury. I would thank them for listening intently to the evidence and not sending another human being to their death based on emotion. Thank you for upholding our constitution that every person is innocent until proven guilty.
I think we need to thank this jury for doing their job and not bowing down to the pressures of society and coming to a guilty verdict based on public opinion and emotions.

Sorry but I disagree wholeheartedly. Emotion has nothing to do with common sense. Their common sense was absent. Their assessment of the facts were faulty. They fabricated reasonable doubt. I'm quite clinical in my approach to evidence, I'm not emotional - never have been about this case - until tonight. When I see unfairness, bias, and unreasonable acts and decisions I DO become emotional, i.e. I get P****D.

This jury did a sloppy job indeed. You don't decide on an issue as important as this one was in a mere 11 hours. They FELT no pressure of society, remember? They were safely reclused and shielded from any and all outside pressure.
I have nothing to say to them. They made their decision. They spent one whole day on it. I disagree with it. My opinion means nothing. Theirs did. The end
MODS: This entire thread should be deleted. No one in here had to sit through that trial like these jurors did for 2 months. No one here had to put their lives on hold and follow such strict rules. No one here had to look at horrible pictures of Caylee's remains, and listen to sometimes boring testimony and try to decipher the scientific language. No one here had to give up their cell phones, computers, and not see their families for days and weeks at a time. In short, no one here had to do what this jury was required to do and what they agreed to do. I am appalled at some of the posts I am reading... some of you should be ashamed!!

No matter whether we agree with their verdict or not, they deserve our respect. They did the job that they promised the judge they would do. They based their decisions on the facts and the evidence. They DO NOT deserve this degree of hostility and anger towards them!! FOR SHAME!!

How about putting it in the RANT thread? Wouldn't that make sense?
MODS: This entire thread should be deleted. No one in here had to sit through that trial like these jurors did for 2 months. No one here had to put their lives on hold and follow such strict rules. No one here had to look at horrible pictures of Caylee's remains, and listen to sometimes boring testimony and try to decipher the scientific language. No one here had to give up their cell phones, computers, and not see their families for days and weeks at a time. In short, no one here had to do what this jury was required to do and what they agreed to do. I am appalled at some of the posts I am reading... some of you should be ashamed!!

No matter whether we agree with their verdict or not, they deserve our respect. They did the job that they promised the judge they would do. They based their decisions on the facts and the evidence. They DO NOT deserve this degree of hostility and anger towards them!! FOR SHAME!!


I couldn't disagree more. I have no obligation to respect their decision if I believe they did not use common sense or give adequate weight to evidence vs. accusations. Respect is earned and they did nothing to earn mine.
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