What do you want to personally say to the jurors?

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(Oh, you weren't ...)
did you even LOOK AT the photobucket images???? heart bandaids?!?!?!?!
Shame on you.

Shame on you.

Shame on you.

If any of you have a 20ish son I have just the young lady for him to meet.
And the reason you didn't find Casey NOT guilty of lying to officers of the law is ... ?

Ooh, I'm not a juror, but I can answer that one! <pick me pick me!>

Because they had VIDEO of her lying to police, that's why!

So, if only the state had produced VIDEO of ICA killing Caylee, then they would've voted guilty, of course! It's all the state's fault for not catching the murder on video!
I have already replied once, which you will find up there somewhere above this one. But all this tells Casey is Lying your butt off gets you out of anything.

The skies the limit.Unfortunately it appears she will still get to live life without working a day in her life thanks to you morons.

Honestly any royalties she makes from any deals should be paid 12 equal ways to you, the jury, as you are all part in this BIG LIE.

But guess what, she has used you, like everyone else and she would not spit on you if you were on fire jury people...Silly silly decision.

You had all the time in the world to do the right thing and you did what a McDonalds sign does before you get there.Trick you into thinking something that never crossed your mind moments before. As I said earlier do not dare take one dollar to dare try and justify yourselves in the public arena, you had that chance at court for free!
All I know about the 12 of you is that you are the most uninformed, lazy people any defense team could have found in the USA. Your minds were made up after the opening statements and you didn't open them until the verdict. You let a psychopath go free today. May you never sleep again, wondering who Casey Anthony's next victim will be, and yes... you will be as guilty of THAT murder as Casey herself.

I am someone who believed in Casey's innocence until I learned the TRUTH. You didn't give truth a chance. You didn't use common sense and believe it or not - no matter what anyone tells you - YOU DID NOT DO YOUR DUTY. I am just sorry you will never know - nobody will ever know - what Honorable Judge Belvin Perry thinks about your verdict.

Shame, shame on you for failing a little child.
I would get banned if I let loose so I will use restraint and just say:

Shame, shame, shame! Shame on you.
Earnestly trying to be respectful here but,.........several of us Websleuth members here put our boots on the ground to look for precious Caylee several times, worried about her, shared countless hours in conversation trying to piece the case together in hopes of eventually finding her only to realize three years later in the opening remarks of this trial that she had died in the pool in June of 2008. Can you imagine how infuriating that was? How frustrating that it was that Casey allowed thousands of people to continue to search for her daughter when all the while she knew what happened and where she was!?

What did the State fail to show you? They had the documentation of the computer searches most of the terms leaning towards bodily harm to someone! From there, they went to showing chloroform in the trunk, to the stain in the trunk, to the match of the duct tape from the house, the missing blanket that came from the house, the testimony of a heart sticker residue to the laundry bag that was missing from the house....all ending up in the swamp at the end of Suburban Dr. Mother was proven to have perjured herself regarding the computer searches and found to be at work at the time. Same for the father. Only one left that lived in that house besides the baby and she didn't know how to use a computer. They spelled out the 31 days for you. How many professionals testified that the smell they smelled from that car was the smell of death?! Neighbors that testified that she backed the car in the garage and borrowed a shovel the day after Caylee died. Sound logical? Doesn't sound like an accident, does it? I think not.

Did you not see what we here have been looking at since last year? Here, take a look!

How about this picture of Caylee's silhouette in the trunk in the shape of her dead body? The same car that Casey had control of.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6281645&postcount=838"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2010.02.16 Document Release: Stain on Trunk Liner[/ame]

Did you know Casey shut off the waterworks and was smiling and cordial every time you, the jury was asked to leave the room? EVERY time! Resumed those tears when you came back in.

I'm disappointed in the verdict as there was enough evidence there to choke a horse but mostly for Caylee as no one to this day even knows what really happened to her and now with this verdict, in my opinion is the same as telling her, "it's OK Casey, you don't have to tell us and can get on with YOUR life now even though you daughter's life is no more. Just don't ever lie to a police officer again, okay?

That is just beyond words.
are you a chemist?
I hope your every dream is haunted by a 2 year old with duck tape over her mouth...for the rest of your life.
So it's normal for a child to be missing and you not report it for 31 days and lie and contiue lying while she is missing?
It is normal for ductape to be on the child of a mouth that supposebly drowned in the pool?
Normal to place a child in trashbags and throw her away like trash and keep telling people "she's close to home I can feel it"
I'm beyond disgusted I could ask many questions I'll stop.

well said. I keep asking myself, what would be ANY reason for the duct tape, except to cause death? The combination of all the facts put together were too much for any reasonable person to ignore. how did all 12 reach this conclusion?
I suppose all I would say/ask would be...

When you finally realize what you've just done, how will you live with yourself?

What a tragedy.
Hope your vacation is real *^%$ing relaxing for you. btw, don't write a book, cuz I wouldn't even download it for free on kindle
Earnestly trying to be respectful here but,.........several of us Websleuth members here put our boots on the ground to look for precious Caylee several times, worried about her, shared countless hours in conversation trying to piece the case together in hopes of eventually finding her only to realize three years later in the opening remarks of this trial that she had died in the pool in June of 2008. Can you imagine how infuriating that was? How frustrating that it was that Casey allowed thousands of people to continue to search for her daughter when all the while she knew what happened and where she was!?

What did the State fail to show you? They had the documentation of the computer searches most of the terms leaning towards bodily harm to someone! From there, they went to showing chloroform in the trunk, to the stain in the trunk, to the match of the duct tape from the house, the missing blanket that came from the house, the testimony of a heart sticker residue to the laundry bag that was missing from the house....all ending up in the swamp at the end of Suburban Dr. Mother was proven to have perjured herself regarding the computer searches and found to be at work at the time. Same for the father. Only one left that lived in that house besides the baby and she didn't know how to use a computer. They spelled out the 31 days for you. How many professionals testified that the smell they smelled from that car was the smell of death?! Neighbors that testified that she backed the car in the garage and borrowed a shovel the day after Caylee died. Sound logical? Doesn't sound like an accident, does it? I think not.

Did you not see what we here have been looking at since last year? Here, take a look!

How about this picture of Caylee's silhouette in the trunk in the shape of her dead body? The same car that Casey had control of.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2010.02.16 Document Release: Stain on Trunk Liner

Did you know Casey shut off the waterworks and was smiling and cordial every time you, the jury was asked to leave the room? EVERY time! Resumed those tears when you came back in.

I'm disappointed in the verdict as there was enough evidence there to choke a horse but mostly for Caylee as no one to this day even knows what really happened to her and now with this verdict, in my opinion is the same as telling her, "it's OK Casey, you don't have to tell us and can get on with YOUR life now even though you daughter's life is no more. Just don't ever lie to a police officer again, okay?

That is just beyond words.
So well said, The one chance they had to make a difference, to stand tall, they will for the most, live in shame and shadows, embarresed to proclaim yes, I stood up for justice, I did the right thing! Pigs behind you all did... Thanks for sharing your thoughts Baznme, I am feeling a lot better knowing people from around the world are as outraged as I am
To all jurors in this case. SPECIAL - White Pontiac Sunfire free to 1st one of you that thinks it doesn't smell like something dead. May or may not contain chloroform. Knock yourselves out.

And God Bless Caylee.
Too bad you were more interested in your "special" breaks than you were in justice for an innocent child. Reviewing the evidence would have taken you away from your cigarette breaks, huh?
I would say this: thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. And here is why...

As a Christian, I am obligated to pray for all my brothers and sisters on earth, no matter how repulsive they are, no matter how unworthy they seem, no matter what I feel toward them. Love, as we Christians define it, is not a feeling but rather an act of the will. We are to will the best for all men, not just those we feel love for. And so, I prayed, dutifully, as a Christian, that Casey would be found guilty and receive LWOP. Because we believe, as my pastor once put it: that just as our mother's womb is the place where our bodies are formed for life in this world, so too is earth the place where our souls are formed for the next. If we truly believe that, as Christians, and truly love a person, then we must pray that they receive that which will most and best prepare their soul for the life that doesn't last but 70 or 80 years, but rather lasts for all eternity. By receiving LWOP, Casey would receive two gifts: one, the gift of suffering the consequences for her action and two, the time to learn from that suffering. The time to make straight the path to God. The time to work out her salvation.

But, though I prayed as God calls all Christians to pray: for mercy, for what is best for her, that was not what I hoped for.

As a fallen human creature, my dark hope was that she would be found not guilty. Look what being allowed to get away with lying brought her to: she killed the body of her own daughter. I have no doubt that getting away with murder will bring her to that which is even more horrendous: the killing of her own soul. In prison, there was hope for her. In freedom, she will continue on the path she has found so "successful" for her. God does not define freedom as we creatures do: it is not license. It is the freedom to do what is right, what is good. She could have found her way to true freedom in prison. But outside of it? Her slavery to lying, to deceiving, to narcissism... who now will break those chains? Her sins will increase, in number, in kind, in intensity - one can almost envision them forming a kind of spiritual duct tape that will form an impenetrable mask over her face, her mouth, her soul - blocking out all grace, all hope, leaving her soul as black as night.

I didn't pray for that. I asked our Lord for mercy, as there but for His grace go you and I.

But I did hope for it. His Ways are not our ways.

Reminds me of when Jesus asked the Pharisee who warned him of the wrath to come? Right after he called them a brood of vipers.

And so, I thank the jury, for they have robbed Casey of the chance to learn what her dysfunctional and pathetic parents never taught her. They have refused to warn her of the wrath to come.

And so blindly, she celebrates. And Hell celebrates with her.

This IS justice for Caylee.
I'm not an emotional person. I guess in that way, I often seem stoned-face (like Casey Anthony) on the outside. And I didn't think I would care too much about this case one way or the other, no matter how it turned out.

But I want to know why the jury didn't take this case seriously. I'm not joking. Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning, really? That's it? Did they even review the evidence? From what I understand, they never made one request for any piece of evidence or transcription to be read back to them. In fact, I get a strong impression that what they cared about most of all was getting back to their lives, to their cruise plans or whatever other plans they have for the summer. They took very little notes during the trial. How is that being conscientious? For Pete's sake, they dressed up this morning...knowing when they woke up that they were going to render a verdict today after a disgracefully short period of time!

I served on two jury trials. Let me tell you, they were short, piddly little cases. Yet I took copious notes and fought for longer deliberations inside the jury room despite the fact that we all leaned toward a guilty verdict in the first vote. But I felt we owed it to both the defense and prosecution to take our duties seriously and go over every piece of evidence just to make certain we were making the right decision.

I want to ask the jurors to do their own research now that they're back home. Look up "reasonable doubt" and "circumstantial evidence." The prosecution did not have to prove this case beyond all doubt, nor did they have to prove the case beyond the doubts of, perhaps, a juror who felt that she didn't have the right to judge anyone (I'm looking at you, Juror #4). The doubt involved must only be beyond what A REASONABLE person would consider in acquittal. And circumstantial evidence, contrary to popular opinion, is a very powerful thing. It can be likened to a rope--each thread, taken apart, may not seem like much, but when put together can hold any weight. That is how strong circumstantial evidence is. And murder cases are ALMOST ALWAYS made up of solely circumstantial evidence. The only thing that could ever be considered direct evidence is if a witness actually saw the murder. As you may surmise, that is a rare event. So circumstantial evidence is what gets murder cases convicted.

But aside from there, the prosecution had powerful scientific and forensic evidence, no matter how much Jose Baez and his quack witnesses tried to confuse and deny that fact. In fact, much of the science was groundbreaking, and will doubtless be used more and more in future cases. Back in 1994, during the OJ trial, jurors thought that DNA was weird "fantasy forensics." And now look at how accepted it is. It's pathetic that fear and distrust of science will distract and scare a jury.

To paraphrase Prosecutor Ashton, no one is going to make an accident look like homicide. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I had brought in this verdict. It would have been a hung jury, because I have enough sense to put various pieces of evidence together and call it what it is.

I think we live in a current societal trend that disdains passing judgment on anyone. Although on its surface this seems like a good thing, we can see its detrimental effects here. As a society, we must keep some sort of a moral compass so that people who do awful, criminal things are appropriately punished. This jury let a conniving, lying, unfeeling, selfish woman get away with murder. Period. I hope they are satisfied in a few years when they see her on television with her riches from book and movie deals, partying with Paris Hilton, dancing on Caylee's grave.

This is why this country needs professional jurors.

I hope this doesn't offend anyone here, but this is truly what I would say to the jurors if I had the opportunity.

I commend you highly for your wonderful and insightful post. However, I'm afraid your words are as wasted as mine. As wasted as the words and feelings of most of this NATION. The jurors didn't take the time to revise the evidence. They didn't take time to deliberate. They won't take time to even THINK about reviewing anything you suggest at this time. They will shy away from researching what they took such a short time deciding on. They will be cowardly and self-righteous, just like their unanimous verdict - they were - and are - an abomination and their verdict has nothing to do with justice at all.

Today, Caylee's chance for justice was turned into a MISCARRIAGE of justice. Justice THIS WAS NOT ! Caylee's murderer is going free and those that helped free her are celebrating with champagne. Those who FREED her are going home to be with their families, children, grandchildren, feeling they did their duty. They are a JOKE.

I wish I was a witch. I would curse them with having to remember the lazy deed they did today by needing justice one day - like Caylee did - and having it denied by a jury more interested in getting "outta there" than sacrificing a few more days of their miserable lives.

Yeah, I'm raving mad tonight.
I would thank them for sacrificing this time out of their lives away from their families and missing two holidays to serve on the jury. I would thank them for listening intently to the evidence and not sending another human being to their death based on emotion. Thank you for upholding our constitution that every person is innocent until proven guilty.
I think we need to thank this jury for doing their job and not bowing down to the pressures of society and coming to a guilty verdict based on public opinion and emotions.
Dear Jury:

This is a mockery. I am sickened.

There is a reason that you all slipped away, back to your lives, anonymous. You were afraid of the repercussions of your decision. And you should be. Because this decision that you made so quickly will follow you around for the rest of your life. Just like the actions of Casey Anthony are going to follow her around, even in her dreams.

No justice for this poor child. I can't believe that even one of you could not stand up for justice.

Good luck living with yourselves.
IF you decided your vote before closing arguments, before looking at the evidence.. and IF you discussed the case among yourselves before deliberations ... and IF you made your decision because you wanted to go back to Pinellas asap and go on your cruise.. and IF you made your decision because of the "CSI effect" instead of based on realistic evidence expectations.. then you will live with your decision. You made one that the vast majority of residents of this state disagree with and I hope your vote never comes back to haunt when Casey commits another crime.
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