What do you want to personally say to the jurors?

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I would thank them for sacrificing this time out of their lives away from their families and missing two holidays to serve on the jury. I would thank them for listening intently to the evidence and not sending another human being to their death based on emotion. Thank you for upholding our constitution that every person is innocent until proven guilty.
I think we need to thank this jury for doing their job and not bowing down to the pressures of society and coming to a guilty verdict based on public opinion and emotions.

I cannot thank a jury that unleashed a murderous psychopath onto society. No WAY can I do that. No way will I do that.
How will you feel when she murders her next victim?
I would like to say to the jurors that it is inconceivable to me that you came to the decision you did. You found her guilty of providing false information to law enforcement (lying), and yet found her not guilty of everything else? If she was innocent, why did she lie (for over a month)? If your child had accidently drowned, would you dump her/him in the woods like some worthless piece of trash, and then go out partying with your friends? No decent parent would! All of this, and much more was presented to you, and yet you let casey anthony go on everything but the misdemeanor charges. This was truly a sad miscarriage of justice, and you have destroyed the faith many had in the justice system. To all the posters here: the jury members each have family and friends that knew they were serving on this travesty (trial), and many of them probably felt she is guilty. They must face those people evey day.
Dear Jurors,

Don't tell your friends and family you served on this trial. Don't flinch when you turn on your tv and see CAYLEE'S beautiful, innocent face. Just remember, Caylee looked to you for Justice, and you set her duct taping killer free.

Your toes are going to curl when you read up on all the things you don't know about Casey. No, I take that back, you heard plenty and still refused to see it. Please come forth and explain why you let a baby killer out on the streets.
Why? Why? Why?

Ask yourself for the rest of your lives what kind of mother hides her baby girl's death and never reports the child missing. In what world is this normal?

P.S. All kinds of experts on the news are predicting Casey will kill again.
I'm not an emotional person. I guess in that way, I often seem stoned-face (like Casey Anthony) on the outside. And I didn't think I would care too much about this case one way or the other, no matter how it turned out.

But I want to know why the jury didn't take this case seriously. I'm not joking. Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning, really? That's it? Did they even review the evidence? From what I understand, they never made one request for any piece of evidence or transcription to be read back to them. In fact, I get a strong impression that what they cared about most of all was getting back to their lives, to their cruise plans or whatever other plans they have for the summer. They took very little notes during the trial. How is that being conscientious? For Pete's sake, they dressed up this morning...knowing when they woke up that they were going to render a verdict today after a disgracefully short period of time!

I served on two jury trials. Let me tell you, they were short, piddly little cases. Yet I took copious notes and fought for longer deliberations inside the jury room despite the fact that we all leaned toward a guilty verdict in the first vote. But I felt we owed it to both the defense and prosecution to take our duties seriously and go over every piece of evidence just to make certain we were making the right decision.

I want to ask the jurors to do their own research now that they're back home. Look up "reasonable doubt" and "circumstantial evidence." The prosecution did not have to prove this case beyond all doubt, nor did they have to prove the case beyond the doubts of, perhaps, a juror who felt that she didn't have the right to judge anyone (I'm looking at you, Juror #4). The doubt involved must only be beyond what A REASONABLE person would consider in acquittal. And circumstantial evidence, contrary to popular opinion, is a very powerful thing. It can be likened to a rope--each thread, taken apart, may not seem like much, but when put together can hold any weight. That is how strong circumstantial evidence is. And murder cases are ALMOST ALWAYS made up of solely circumstantial evidence. The only thing that could ever be considered direct evidence is if a witness actually saw the murder. As you may surmise, that is a rare event. So circumstantial evidence is what gets murder cases convicted.

But aside from there, the prosecution had powerful scientific and forensic evidence, no matter how much Jose Baez and his quack witnesses tried to confuse and deny that fact. In fact, much of the science was groundbreaking, and will doubtless be used more and more in future cases. Back in 1994, during the OJ trial, jurors thought that DNA was weird "fantasy forensics." And now look at how accepted it is. It's pathetic that fear and distrust of science will distract and scare a jury.

To paraphrase Prosecutor Ashton, no one is going to make an accident look like homicide. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I had brought in this verdict. It would have been a hung jury, because I have enough sense to put various pieces of evidence together and call it what it is.

I think we live in a current societal trend that disdains passing judgment on anyone. Although on its surface this seems like a good thing, we can see its detrimental effects here. As a society, we must keep some sort of a moral compass so that people who do awful, criminal things are appropriately punished. This jury let a conniving, lying, unfeeling, selfish woman get away with murder. Period. I hope they are satisfied in a few years when they see her on television with her riches from book and movie deals, partying with Paris Hilton, dancing on Caylee's grave.

This is why this country needs professional jurors.

I hope this doesn't offend anyone here, but this is truly what I would say to the jurors if I had the opportunity.

Excellent post, but I can assure you that THIS jury will never take the time to read it. WAY too lazy, apparently. Sorry mods; it had to be said and I'm being polite here.
MODS: This entire thread should be deleted. No one in here had to sit through that trial like these jurors did for 2 months. No one here had to put their lives on hold and follow such strict rules. No one here had to look at horrible pictures of Caylee's remains, and listen to sometimes boring testimony and try to decipher the scientific language. No one here had to give up their cell phones, computers, and not see their families for days and weeks at a time. In short, no one here had to do what this jury was required to do and what they agreed to do. I am appalled at some of the posts I am reading... some of you should be ashamed!!

No matter whether we agree with their verdict or not, they deserve our respect. They did the job that they promised the judge they would do. They based their decisions on the facts and the evidence. They DO NOT deserve this degree of hostility and anger towards them!! FOR SHAME!!


TxLady I respectfully disagree!!! They DID NOT do they job that Judge Perry asked them to do!!! There is NO way possible to look over 6 weeks of evidence in 10 hours and make your decision, it is virtually impossible.

I will refrain from my questions/comments about the jurors so I won't be banned from this beloved site. I keep thinking of the movie "A Time To Kill" when Jake Brigance said (paraphrasing) "it is incumbent upon us to seek the truth, to find the truth....." And Jake Brigance also said "What is it in us that seeks the truth? Is it our minds or is it our hearts?"
I would like to say to the jurors that it is inconceivable to me that you came to the decision you did. You found her guilty of providing false information to law enforcement (lying), and yet found her not guilty of everything else? If she was innocent, why did she lie (for over a month)? If your child had accidently drowned, would you dump her/him in the woods like some worthless piece of trash, and then go out partying with your friends? No decent parent would! All of this, and much more was presented to you, and yet you let casey anthony go on everything but the misdemeanor charges. This was truly a sad miscarriage of justice, and you have destroyed the faith many had in the justice system. To all the posters here: the jury members each have family and friends that knew they were serving on this travesty (trial), and many of them probably felt she is guilty. They must face those people evey day.

Good. Give them hell, family and friends.
Travesty of Justice = Casey Anthony trial. 7/5/11 verdict NOT-Guilty of all counts - but lying to police
Why is that? Simply I just want to know why? Too busy cashing in?

I wish I could give you a definite answer. My thoughts are: "are they watching TV tonight?". If they are, they know they effed up in a MAJOR way. Maybe they WILL start researching and feel the desperate guilt I would feel in their place.

I doubt it though. The way I have come to see that when it comes to crime most people outside of WS - people here are only interested in their own little lives - their self-righteousness doesn't allow them to consider anything outside their own opinion, which was obviously proven in this case, where evidence and circumstances surrounding their perceived lack of proof wasn't even given a second look and found unimportant.

Will they read the paper tomorrow? Maybe - maybe not. HHJP told them their decision can't be questioned, why should they broaden their limited horizons? Playing Farmville can be a great panacea and exclude the ugliness of the "real world". I know, believe me ! I play Cafe World at times when life gets to be too uncomfortable :) (But I don't exclude everything around me while doing so).

The "remedy" to this unspeakable jury verdict is to have a panel of 5 JUDGES decide on guilt and innocence, not a bunch of strangers who don't even have the common sense to ask "give us the clear and simple definition of what reasonable doubt means". Hey.......even Bill Clinton asked for a definition. What was it again? Let's define what "is" is. If a simple word like that requires a definition, I'm the first one to ask: Please, your Honor, define for me IN SIMPLE TERMS what reasonable doubt means. REASONABLE.

To get back to your question: most likely they won't care to do research because they are lazy. In their own minds they did their duty and are awfully proud of their "sacrifice". Meanwhile, Caylee's murderer might be released in just a few days. What an incredible satisfaction she must be feeling. She screwed the system. She is free to rinse and repeat. (And I'm sure she will because leopards don't change their spots and zebras don't lose their stripes).
Ooh, I'm not a juror, but I can answer that one! <pick me pick me!>

Because they had VIDEO of her lying to police, that's why!

So, if only the state had produced VIDEO of ICA killing Caylee, then they would've voted guilty, of course! It's all the state's fault for not catching the murder on video!

Sadly, if they did have a video, it probably wouldn't be allowed into evidence because it would be too prejudicial.
I believe you have done more to damage confidence in the American Justice System today than you can even imagine.

You made a HUGE mistake and in that most Americans have NO DOUBT. What could you POSSIBLY have been thinking?!?!
Thank you so much for your post responding to mine. I feel on the verge of madness myself! The only thing that makes me feel like I haven't just awakened in a dream, where the world is upside-down, is reading about how others feel the same way I do.

Let me add something I forgot to put in my last post--I'm a complete bleeding-heart liberal...and yet I could have come back with a death verdict in this case. Absolutely. Anyone using common sense could put this case together. If there were ever a case that deserved a death penalty, this is it.

I must say I'm totally apolitical but your words ring in my heart because I'm a Buddhist and could have come back with a death verdict without a second thought and would have looked for the rustiest needle in the stack to impart the penalty. What a great Buddhist I am :( (I shall pay for it, I know, but SOMEONE has to make a sacrifice, no?).

I agree with you 100%. Absolutely :)
MODS: This entire thread should be deleted. No one in here had to sit through that trial like these jurors did for 2 months. No one here had to put their lives on hold and follow such strict rules. No one here had to look at horrible pictures of Caylee's remains, and listen to sometimes boring testimony and try to decipher the scientific language. No one here had to give up their cell phones, computers, and not see their families for days and weeks at a time. In short, no one here had to do what this jury was required to do and what they agreed to do. I am appalled at some of the posts I am reading... some of you should be ashamed!!

No matter whether we agree with their verdict or not, they deserve our respect. They did the job that they promised the judge they would do. They based their decisions on the facts and the evidence. They DO NOT deserve this degree of hostility and anger towards them!! FOR SHAME!!

Most of the time, I would agree with being thankful to the jury for their serviced and sacrifices made. But in this case, I disagree with you! The question was: what would you like to say to the jurors. All the posters have a right to express their outrage, disappointment, etc. in this thread. My feelings are my own. You don't have to agree with them, but to have the audacity to post that the thread should be deleted? And then to shame the posters? Maybe you should feel some shame for your inappropriate berating of other websleuth members.
TxLady, 1,400,000 people on Facebook and I respectfully disagree with you.
I would say thank you for upholding our constitution and law. One would have thought we would have to go to Mars to find Jurors that were not poisoned by the media.

Magical Duck tape.
Jeff Ashton saying that the skull was in the same place by leaf litter, vines, ect to support the prosecution contention that this duck tape murder weapon
kept the manidble in place.

This magical duck tape keeping the mandible in place while Roy Kronk says under oath that he kicked the bag and the skull rolled out. Rolled out? How did he see and report this skull in August if it was in a bag? Then on the stand saying he used his meter reader stick putting it through the eye socket and lifting the skull with that stick.

Way to much time spent making sure defense expert witnesses did not get to testify or if they did interrupting them every five seconds.

Good Job Jury. Whatever your opinions of guilt or innocence you upheld the law. Way to much time on that hot body contest. Way to much time painting Casey Anthony in a negative light.

After all if they had the proof they would not need to spend so much time on what an awful person she is. Even if that happens to be true.

Caylee walking her grandpa up daily wanting to swim. Testimony that Casey had to stop Caylee from going into the pool. More than one pool in more than one place. Besides other accidents have been known to happen to children.
I suspect Casey Anthony did make a huge neglectful mistake. Not in drugging her child (after all NO DRUGS were found in her hair) of course Ashton said that meant nothing. OMG yeah right then why did they look. It sure as heck would have meant something if they found some xanax.

Good Job jury seeing beyond some very very good arguements by some very experienced prosecutors. Arguements that clearly tried to make you hate Casey Anthony for whatever they could come up with. Twist the knife in mom a little more, saying mom left the ladder to the pool up. Seems that the prosecutor when they are not laughing at everything the defense was saying,
was busy trying to make defense arguements yet another reason the jury should hate CMA.

And while there maybe reason to hate her for all those reasons, the issue here is did she murder Caylee.
Thank you for using the law and not emotion.
And the laws where? The applications where? The ability to use ones human brain fell apart where? We cannot hide behind the LAW!

If we run a red light and get away with it, we still ran the red light...This is not justice...It is a sleight of hand HOUDINI style escape.

One I hope is never repeated. One must consider, in some ancient law makers good faith 100 or 200 years ago does NOT cut the mustard in the 21st century.If every other factor of society moves forward and the law does not.WEll it will be no suprise then that our expectations require no better. I prey your family are not tainted by this brush in years to come!
Really makes me think about all of the murderers that are out free walking the streets. All the murderers who have been found not guilty through this same process that did NOT work for Caylee. We only hear about the high profile cases.

Selfishness cost Caylee her life and I believe selfishness cost her justice.
Heaven forbid (I mean that sincerely) something terrible should happened to
one of your family members. YOU WOULD BE SHOUTING FROM THE
ROOFTOPS FOR JUSTICE! A truly sad day when a baby is wrapped in garbage bags and thrown out like trash and that is OK. The rest of the words that come to mind are not proper for this forum.
I want to go buy 12 packs of nails.We all know the saying, another nail in the coffin? Well it is obvious some people do not.

Then I want to place each jurors hand on a board secured down, so when questioned about there convictions and thoughts etc in this case they are will willing to have a finger chopped off each time they are wrong...Even more enticing is maybe take out a loved family member if they do not do the RIGHT thing.

Sometimes it takes common sense, logic and a knack to see through the ******** of those before them. Other times it is going to come down to the absolute fear that how dare anyone accuse I got this wrong excuse, so I/We better take the safe road...

Well I sincerely hope your bubble never bursts because you will be awoken to a world on reality and regret jurors...
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