What do you want to personally say to the jurors?

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I hope they live every day of their lives dealing with the fact that they let her go free. I have zero respect for any of these people...nada, none, zilch. I'm beginning to wonder if they were all deaf.
I suppose they completely threw out Dr G's testimony that 100% of accidents are reported!

I guess they thought she was a liar or her sources were false.

They obviously thought the cadaver dogs lied too..:banghead:
So, I will probably get shot by just about everyone on here for saying this, but it needs to be said. This is a victim friendly forum. With that said, I understand the rage that everyone is in right now. However, these jurors did what they were instructed to do. The jury found her not guilty of the charges and what is done, is done. We know more than what they did because of the sleuthing and the documents released. If the state had introduced everything that we had in our hands, we may have seen a different outcome. We felt bad for George, then felt him guilty, then felt bad again same as to Cindy and Lee. Bottom line, the jury saw things different than we did. Put yourself in the jurors position, again, they DID NOT know what we did. She will most likely walk out on Thursday afternoon free. We do not know the whole story, and probably never will. Who is to say that George really did never do anything to her? Just because he said so? I am sorry, but if that is the case, I guess this isn't as victim friendly as we so say it is. I was raped at a young age, I used ugly coping to deal with it. I was threatened not to say a thing, and when I finally did, I was ridiculed by EVERYONE around me. Saying I deserved everything that happened to me, and everything that I did after that point was brought upon myself, the lying and the stealing. I was only 12 years old and beat and raped like a piece of trash only to lie and lie some more about what happened and so forth just so that the other person would not try to have me done away with. So please, I do understand where you are all coming from, and I am NO way saying that she is innocent, but we should not bash the jurors nor should we be saying cruel things. Yes, what about Caylee, where is the justice going to come in to play for what happened, but don't tell them to open their eyes, they did, and their ears as well, they did what they were told. I am sickened by the outcome too, but to come here and read everything that the fellow members are saying towards the jury? It sucks. George, Cindy, and Lee are victims as well. So here come the complaints, I know, and I am sorry, but I think it is very disrespectful that the jurors would come on here to see such harsh things. So what would I say to them? Good job, you did what you were asked to and that is all there is to it.

MOO. Sorry all.
did anyone catch when the verdict was read, the first juror asked was supposed to agree that the verdict was correct and true amongst the group and instead she said HER verdict of "Not Guilty" out loud?

I would ask them if they paid that little attention during the trial as well, because at least one of them wasn't listening to instruction.
I'm not an emotional person. I guess in that way, I often seem stoned-face (like Casey Anthony) on the outside. And I didn't think I would care too much about this case one way or the other, no matter how it turned out.

But I want to know why the jury didn't take this case seriously. I'm not joking. Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning, really? That's it? Did they even review the evidence? From what I understand, they never made one request for any piece of evidence or transcription to be read back to them. In fact, I get a strong impression that what they cared about most of all was getting back to their lives, to their cruise plans or whatever other plans they have for the summer. They took very little notes during the trial. How is that being conscientious? For Pete's sake, they dressed up this morning...knowing when they woke up that they were going to render a verdict today after a disgracefully short period of time!

I served on two jury trials. Let me tell you, they were short, piddly little cases. Yet I took copious notes and fought for longer deliberations inside the jury room despite the fact that we all leaned toward a guilty verdict in the first vote. But I felt we owed it to both the defense and prosecution to take our duties seriously and go over every piece of evidence just to make certain we were making the right decision.

I want to ask the jurors to do their own research now that they're back home. Look up "reasonable doubt" and "circumstantial evidence." The prosecution did not have to prove this case beyond all doubt, nor did they have to prove the case beyond the doubts of, perhaps, a juror who felt that she didn't have the right to judge anyone (I'm looking at you, Juror #4). The doubt involved must only be beyond what A REASONABLE person would consider in acquittal. And circumstantial evidence, contrary to popular opinion, is a very powerful thing. It can be likened to a rope--each thread, taken apart, may not seem like much, but when put together can hold any weight. That is how strong circumstantial evidence is. And murder cases are ALMOST ALWAYS made up of solely circumstantial evidence. The only thing that could ever be considered direct evidence is if a witness actually saw the murder. As you may surmise, that is a rare event. So circumstantial evidence is what gets murder cases convicted.

But aside from there, the prosecution had powerful scientific and forensic evidence, no matter how much Jose Baez and his quack witnesses tried to confuse and deny that fact. In fact, much of the science was groundbreaking, and will doubtless be used more and more in future cases. Back in 1994, during the OJ trial, jurors thought that DNA was weird "fantasy forensics." And now look at how accepted it is. It's pathetic that fear and distrust of science will distract and scare a jury.

To paraphrase Prosecutor Ashton, no one is going to make an accident look like homicide. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I had brought in this verdict. It would have been a hung jury, because I have enough sense to put various pieces of evidence together and call it what it is.

I think we live in a current societal trend that disdains passing judgment on anyone. Although on its surface this seems like a good thing, we can see its detrimental effects here. As a society, we must keep some sort of a moral compass so that people who do awful, criminal things are appropriately punished. This jury let a conniving, lying, unfeeling, selfish woman get away with murder. Period. I hope they are satisfied in a few years when they see her on television with her riches from book and movie deals, partying with Paris Hilton, dancing on Caylee's grave.

This is why this country needs professional jurors.

I hope this doesn't offend anyone here, but this is truly what I would say to the jurors if I had the opportunity.

I find it so hard to put all my feelings into words, especially at times like this when I am so devastated and angry. You did it so beautifully and intelligently for me and for others who find it so hard to express themselves in this manner. I thank you.
Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida is the HQ of the Church of Scientology and has a huge population of followers. I have done extensive research on Scientology and their beliefs which differ greatly from the norm. Scientologists believe people, even children, did something in a past life to pull in whatever bad thing happens to them in this life. Scientologists also do not view death the same way many do, it's simply dropping their meat body.

How many of you are Scientologists?
So, I will probably get shot by just about everyone on here for saying this, but it needs to be said. This is a victim friendly forum.

And now that she's be acquitted in a court of law, wouldn't Casey also be considered a victim? It was her daughter that died. I know it's messed up, but I did have that thought. :sick:
And now that she's be acquitted in a court of law, wouldn't Casey also be considered a victim? It was her daughter that died. I know it's messed up, but I did have that thought. :sick:

Opps, thought I said thatbut I didn't. You are 100% correct!
I would request that they read the book "Stiff" by Mary Roach.

Read about the body farm.

Then read the following by Ann Rule:

Small Sacrifices

The Stranger Next To Me

and ask yourselves, Were we seeing things right.
Earnestly trying to be respectful here but,.........several of us Websleuth members here put our boots on the ground to look for precious Caylee several times, worried about her, shared countless hours in conversation trying to piece the case together in hopes of eventually finding her only to realize three years later in the opening remarks of this trial that she had died in the pool in June of 2008. Can you imagine how infuriating that was? How frustrating that it was that Casey allowed thousands of people to continue to search for her daughter when all the while she knew what happened and where she was!?

What did the State fail to show you? They had the documentation of the computer searches most of the terms leaning towards bodily harm to someone! From there, they went to showing chloroform in the trunk, to the stain in the trunk, to the match of the duct tape from the house, the missing blanket that came from the house, the testimony of a heart sticker residue to the laundry bag that was missing from the house....all ending up in the swamp at the end of Suburban Dr. Mother was proven to have perjured herself regarding the computer searches and found to be at work at the time. Same for the father. Only one left that lived in that house besides the baby and she didn't know how to use a computer. They spelled out the 31 days for you. How many professionals testified that the smell they smelled from that car was the smell of death?! Neighbors that testified that she backed the car in the garage and borrowed a shovel the day after Caylee died. Sound logical? Doesn't sound like an accident, does it? I think not.

Did you not see what we here have been looking at since last year? Here, take a look!

How about this picture of Caylee's silhouette in the trunk in the shape of her dead body? The same car that Casey had control of.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2010.02.16 Document Release: Stain on Trunk Liner

Did you know Casey shut off the waterworks and was smiling and cordial every time you, the jury was asked to leave the room? EVERY time! Resumed those tears when you came back in.

I'm disappointed in the verdict as there was enough evidence there to choke a horse but mostly for Caylee as no one to this day even knows what really happened to her and now with this verdict, in my opinion is the same as telling her, "it's OK Casey, you don't have to tell us and can get on with YOUR life now even though you daughter's life is no more. Just don't ever lie to a police officer again, okay?

That is just beyond words.

You said everything I'm thinking! Thank you!
Although, I understand you only had only what was presented in front of you to go on to make this decision BUT please come back from your fantasy world that Baez made for you and come read all our words here. Take the moment to see, read, and listen to the evidence that was NOT presented to you. Your heart will be come as heavy with grief as all of ours are.

You are not the jury of MY peers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If the chloroform was from cleaning products, WHAT WAS CLEANED? Have you ever bleached the inside of your trunk?
I have so many questions, but I can't type slow enough or find words small enough fer ya.
I hope your Farmville crops all die.


Personally, I would just like say...... perhaps they can pull all you lovely jurors back when she kills her next one.

If her jail letters are true, she wants to get out of jail and get pregnant again.

See you in a few years, jurors!
And now that she's be acquitted in a court of law, wouldn't Casey also be considered a victim? It was her daughter that died. I know it's messed up, but I did have that thought. :sick:

On the other hand, we saw how she behaved on the days around when her daughter died, and not even Casey is denying she was there.

Happy, partying, not a problem in the world, and her daughter was in her trunk.

Some 'victim'.

(Sorry- not quite over this yet).
In the 1960s/70s people used to protest actions taken by our government by showing their presence. Standing in peaceful protest.

Oftentimes, they would hold photographs of the victims up to show the world.

I would stand silently holding only this picture up for this jury to see:


I pray that you every day of the trial you had an open heart and a clear focused mind that was looking at the evidence each piece long and hard and listening closely to the testimony’s given.

I pray that none of you spoke with each other about the case during the whole time you were sequestered.

That on every day you listened very carefully and took notes and took your position as a juror very seriously.

That if something during your deliberation confused you or you did not understand that you asked questions of the court.

Also that during the whole trial you kept ever vigilant to find Justice for Caylee.

I pray that none of you made a snap decision early on and dug your heels in on that and stopped listening to common sense.

That none of you were just eager to end the trial and go home, so you could “get on” with your lives.

Will there be peace in your heart with your decision???

Was justice served for Caylee???

My personal feeling there will never be justice for Caylee…..
At some point in our lives, we all ask ourselves "What will I be known/remembered for?" Those on this jury will be remembered as the jury who let a child-killer go free. You must be so proud of your accomplishment... Not.
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