What does LE know that we don't?

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DNA Solves
LE knows which questions showed deception on the LDT. When you combine this information with the amount of time she was on SI, I think LE knows whether TMH actually harmed Kyron. Or if she handed him off to someone else.

Personally, I think the timeframe was short, which is why the bio parents believe he was handed off to an accomplice and he may still be alive.
I wonder if that is why they believe there is an accomplice? DY just seemed so sure that Kyron is still alive.

i don't believe LE or the DA believes there is an accomplice. I think it's more like they believe Terri didn't kill kyron and hide his body because they feel they would have found his remains had she done that - SO..... "sources" say Terri has an accomplice so LE can still focus on her.

I believe county officials should be encouraging people who want to search for kyron's remains to do so - but if he is found i feel the investigation will point away from Terri - opening up the county to the possibility of a large lawsuit brought on by Kaine and DY.
How do they know, is my point. Neither was, by their words, present at the school. How do they know.

I know. This is what gets to me too. Kaine was going to work. He either left before or after TH and Kyron. The only way he could be 100% sure that baby K was with them was to follow TH to the school and visibly watch them walk in the door. The only other way would be for Zimmerman or someone else at the school to say that baby K was there.

But, NOTHING was said on the flier by LE about the baby. NOTHING. Why? That's the thing that leaves me scratching my head the most.
I know. This is what gets to me too. Kaine was going to work. He either left before or after TH and Kyron. The only way he could be 100% sure that baby K was with them was to follow TH to the school and visibly watch them walk in the door. The only other way would be for Zimmerman or someone else at the school to say that baby K was there.

But, NOTHING was said on the flier by LE about the baby. NOTHING. Why? That's the thing that leaves me scratching my head the most.

The other way he could be 100% sure is if LE told him they had witnesses to Terri having the baby with her in the school.
How do they know, is my point. Neither was, by their words, present at the school. How do they know.

Regarding Baby K at the school or not at the school with TH.

There's been so much speculation, rumor, and secrecy surrounding that question.

When KH was asked and answered, he said Baby K was with TH. I tend to take him at face value on this one, b/c:

-It seems someone would be able to place baby K somewhere if she was not with TH and would tell LE. For example, if she was with a babysitter that morning, I would think that person has come forward.
-I believe LE would share that with KH (and that is how he knows besides TH's word).
-I do not believe KH would have answered that question if there was some reason not to, or to answer "I can't comment."

MOO only.
Regarding Baby K at the school or not at the school with TH.

There's been so much speculation, rumor, and secrecy surrounding that question.

When KH was asked and answered, he said Baby K was with TH. I tend to take him at face value on this one, b/c:

-It seems someone would be able to place baby K somewhere if she was not with TH and would tell LE. For example, if she was with a babysitter that morning, I would think that person has come forward.
-I believe LE would share that with KH (and that is how he knows besides TH's word).
-I do not believe KH would have answered that question if there was some reason not to, or to answer "I can't comment."

MOO only.

I don't know. Both TH and DY looked right at each other - and it seemed like a coached answer to me. It could be a purposeful red herring by LE, but what do I know. :waitasec:
LOL, what does LE know? By this time they know who she was calling for the last several months, who she was texting and sexting with (and how often and what was said), they know who she was spending her time with and how she was spending her time and how she was spending her money. They probably also know if she was spending time on the computer and who with.

They know where she went and how often. And they know who she talked to just prior to and just after Kyron's disappearance as well as where she really went (Phone GPS).

Not only that they have also done checks and spoken with the people she has spoken with with, spent time with or had connections to.

If you spent any time in the Caylee forum during the early days and viewed any of the docs that came out, you would have some idea of how much they know. But exactly what they found out, how they interpet it, and what it means is a different story. How much of it is useful and how much is just normal living activity is unknown.

Yeah, just because LE isn't talking doesn't mean they don't have anything. They always know much more than they are telling. And often what they say in a PR media interview has double meanings. (IE yes the subject is cooperating. sometimes means yes, the subject talked to us but no we don't believe what the subject said to us.)
They know where Kyron isn't. That's about all as far as I can tell.
I don't know. Both TH and DY looked right at each other - and it seemed like a coached answer to me. It could be a purposeful red herring by LE, but what do I know. :waitasec:

Thanks - I will have to re-look at the footage and check out that look. To me it does seem like where Baby K was should not be such a grand mystery, and b/c it has been, I wonder if it is truly a critical detail.

Yet we know that Terri had baby K with her. So if she was alone either she left K in the truck, or her accomplice watched K.

Respectfully, I disagree. We know that Kaine told LE that Terri had the baby that morning. We have no way of knowing what happened after Kaine left for work. We have no way of knowing if she asked anyone to watch the baby that morning, if she gave the baby a sedative or anything else. The evasiveness of the issue with the baby has to be for a reason. I don't believe we know that whole story yet, about the baby and where she was during all this.
I know. This is what gets to me too. Kaine was going to work. He either left before or after TH and Kyron. The only way he could be 100% sure that baby K was with them was to follow TH to the school and visibly watch them walk in the door. The only other way would be for Zimmerman or someone else at the school to say that baby K was there.

But, NOTHING was said on the flier by LE about the baby. NOTHING. Why? That's the thing that leaves me scratching my head the most.

Thank you for posting this.

I think if it was widely known and accepted by us from the beginning that Terri had the baby with her then it would be very hard for a lot people to believe that Terri abducted Kyron while totting the baby along with them. Never mind the insinuation that she planned the abduction ahead of time. I don't think anyone would bring a toddler along on a mission that would need to be done quickly and secretly.
I think that the part that LE knows that we don't, is that they screwed up. DY stated that from the first phone call she immediately "knew" that Terri was involved.

My feeling is that once she told LE that and TH failed the LD they immediately dropped all other leads and focused on TH.

I think they are suggesting that she has an accomplice because right now they are at a dead end with nothing to corroborate that she was actually involved. So they are suggesting that he was "handed off." However this seems impossible to me.

Kyron is 7 years old. If he left the school with TH and he was kidnapped with the intention of ransom then he'd be able to tell LE what happened once he was recovered. The plot seems to be that TH had some reason to do all this and frankly I don't see what doing this to Kyron does for her? If he wanted to go back to his mom and step dad and TH was tired of taking care of him she could have let him. She also could have left KH and gone home to stay with her parents. IMO he'd not automatically get child custody of the baby since I believe her being married to him and Kyron's caregiver most likely contributed to him getting custody of Kyron. Alone he'd not have such a good chance of getting custody. There's really no motive for her to do this. It is the end of the school year and she could have let Kyron stay with DY for the summer, her older son had moved out and she could have focused a bit on the baby and KH. So why would she do this?

As I said elsewhere, the idea of this being an accidental death of some sort and she disposed of the body also makes no sense to me because I do believe by now that they would either have some evidence of foul play based on the truck and DNA etc, or they would have found his body by now. So either it was premeditated or someone else did it.

I also think that discussions with the teen are important and we don't know about it.

Bottom line I think Kyron may have simply been abducted and once DY put Terri in their scopes and they found all this weird stuff going on with her, they narrowed the focus way too much.
Based on what KH and DY were not allowed to comment upon...

- Why TH failed her LDT,which questions sparked a red flag, and what her excuses were that she "ranted" about once she arrived home.

- Who TH was associating with enough to be considered a potential accomplice

- The credibility of the landscaper, and teacher at school, the parent volunteer and the child who thought he saw Kyron after TH left.
I believe that LE knows whether TH left the school alone or not... At this point,though, I do not think they know what exactly happened to Kyron that morning...

I think LE has at least one witness that saw Terri and the baby leaving the school or walking in the parking lot without Kyron in tow at 8:45am.

I think LE has multiple witnesses that saw Kyron without Terri and the baby after 8:45am.
They know all about the doctor appointment and the hard-of-hearing teacher.

They know all about the Frog Project and when it was supposed to be picked up.

They know all about the talent show.

They know all about Kyron's backpack.

They should know or should soon know all the forensics they sampled on the vehicles and the house, if any...

They know the history of the blended family.

They know all about the CSI t-shirt. They know all about all of Kyron's t-shirts.

They know where Kaine was or was not that day.

They know everything about the gym.

They know all the digital records they want to know - texts, calls, pings, computers...including Terri's.

They know all of Kaine & Terri's friends & neighbors & relatives and all of Kyrons' teachers and coaches and babysitters, etc...

They know where the other children in this family were when Kyron disappeared.

They don't know where Kyron is.

And I'm not sure they have Terri's medical records at this point, unless Kaine was authorized to access them. But they have Kyron's and probably Kaine's and Desiree's.
Regarding Baby K at the school or not at the school with TH.

There's been so much speculation, rumor, and secrecy surrounding that question.

When KH was asked and answered, he said Baby K was with TH. I tend to take him at face value on this one, b/c:

-It seems someone would be able to place baby K somewhere if she was not with TH and would tell LE. For example, if she was with a babysitter that morning, I would think that person has come forward.
-I believe LE would share that with KH (and that is how he knows besides TH's word).
-I do not believe KH would have answered that question if there was some reason not to, or to answer "I can't comment."

MOO only.

I agree. LE would have told Kaine for sure if Baby K was with Terri that day. If they had not done so he would do as you say and only say "I cannot confirm that" or "no comment."

Is this why Kaine feels that others are involved because Terri had the baby with her that day but suspects someone else that knows her took Kyron from the school instead?

So if this is true and I have no reason to doubt Kaine it makes this case even more puzzling.

We have Terri leaving the school and K is with her and she is supposedly using her ATM card in various areas.

It becomes more far fetched that she is the one that took Kyron away from the school that day, imo. If she is involved at all, which is yet to be seen, then it had to be someone else involved.

I am not sure what concrete evidence LE has.......whatever it may be is not enough to make an arrest on anyone and this coming up Friday will be 7 weeks since Kyron disappeared.

LOL! If they know quite a bit then they are already way ahead of us. This has been one case where LE has said very little.

Re: Baby K and whether or not she was with Terri in the school on 6/4. Several have mentioned this, and I have a comment regarding logistics. Unless the science project had been set up the afternoon/evening before, it would have been cumbersome for TH to carry Baby K or push a stroller while carrying the poster exhibit. She probably also had a large purse or diaper bag. I doubt that little Kyron could have managed his backpack, the shoebox diorama, and carried the posterboard, too. Terri would have also had to keep her eye on Kyron as they walked from the truck into school and his classroom.

If they weren't taking the science project into the school that morning, than I don't have concerns about Baby K being with TMH because that wouldn't have caused too much stress - I hope. jmo
LOL, what does LE know? By this time they know who she was calling for the last several months, who she was texting and sexting with (and how often and what was said), they know who she was spending her time with and how she was spending her time and how she was spending her money. They probably also know if she was spending time on the computer and who with.

They know where she went and how often. And they know who she talked to just prior to and just after Kyron's disappearance as well as where she really went (Phone GPS).

Not only that they have also done checks and spoken with the people she has spoken with with, spent time with or had connections to.

If you spent any time in the Caylee forum during the early days and viewed any of the docs that came out, you would have some idea of how much they know. But exactly what they found out, how they interpet it, and what it means is a different story. How much of it is useful and how much is just normal living activity is unknown.

Yeah, just because LE isn't talking doesn't mean they don't have anything. They always know much more than they are telling. And often what they say in a PR media interview has double meanings. (IE yes the subject is cooperating. sometimes means yes, the subject talked to us but no we don't believe what the subject said to us.)

I agree with everything you wrote mysteriew. :)

In additon (I am speculating) to the cell phone, cell pings, any eyewitnesses, video tape taken from stores, bank records, they could possibly have computer and all details on that computer and any other computer within that home she may have had access to.

Another thought, they also processed the vehicle she was driving that day. If there were any forensic evidence available on that they have it too. (Don't think blood, hair and DNA, think mud, dirt particles, etc.).

All JMHO. (and remembering from Caylee case and other's on here where charges were brought forth against someone) Not saying charges are coming.

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