What does Linda Arndt know?

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DNA Solves

What secret does Linda Arndt know?

  • That PR is the killer.

    Votes: 21 9.6%
  • That JR is the killer.

    Votes: 38 17.4%
  • That both PR & JR are the killers.

    Votes: 11 5.0%
  • That BR is the killer.

    Votes: 7 3.2%
  • That BR is the killer and PR & JR covered for him.

    Votes: 84 38.4%
  • That someone else is the killer.

    Votes: 10 4.6%
  • She knows nothing and is lying.

    Votes: 48 21.9%

  • Total voters
And if it was him or his mom who killed Jonbenet, they can’t be prosecuted anyway.

DA Garnett said that he knows who the killer is. He said he wanted to point a finger at the murderer in court. Garnett was clearly talking about the possibility of prosecuting someone. Burke is exempt. Mrs. Ramsey is dead. That leaves John Ramsey.
I don't believe BR will ever tell anything. He has probably lived the lie so long that he believes it now. I found it really interesting that during the DrP interview he said "unless someone erased my memory" when asked one of the questions about being there during the 911 call. That has always stood out to me

LA definitely felt that JR was the one that sexually abused and murdered JB. It always surprises me that many people are much more willing to believe BR abused her verses JR. Wives are much more apt to look the other way when its the husband and go into total denial. Especially women that are totally dependent on their husbands income.

I go back and forth between the two. I can especially see a young boy jabbing her with the paintbrush in the vagina. That really seems to me to be something a boy would do. Especially if she was not conscious during the abuse.
Black fibers were found in the crotch of JonBenet's underwear. The fibers were sourced as coming from the black shirt John wore that night to the White's dinner party.

John told an investigator in an interview that he did not undress her before taking her upstairs that night. Patsy did. Patsy confirmed that. There is no obvious way to explain why fibers from the type of shirt John was wearing when he says he put her to bed were found in her underpants.

76.8% of people who sexually abuse children are adults: https://americanspcc.org/child-sexual-abuse/

I can especially see a young boy jabbing her with the paintbrush in the vagina.

I can't.

If the paintbrush was never used, an autopsy could more easily reveal that prolonged prior abuse was going on and that would point directly to John. This is what they were desperately trying to cover up with the paintbrush, and this is why she was cleaned after the fact.
Black fibers were found in the crotch of JonBenet's underwear. The fibers were sourced as coming from the black shirt John wore that night to the White's dinner party.

John told an investigator in an interview that he did not undress her before taking her upstairs that night. Patsy did. Patsy confirmed that. There is no obvious way to explain why fibers from the type of shirt John was wearing when he says he put her to bed were found in her underpants.

76.8% of people who sexually abuse children are adults: https://americanspcc.org/child-sexual-abuse/

I can't.

If the paintbrush was never used, an autopsy could more easily reveal that prolonged prior abuse was going on and that would point directly to John. This is what they were desperately trying to cover up with the paintbrush, and this is why she was cleaned after the fact.

That percentage still leaves a lot of potential for it to be a sibling. Not sure I agree that the sexual abuse with the paintbrush was staging. Something to think about for sure. Also her brother could be the cause of "prolonged" or prior abuse. Especially since JR was gone so much on business trips. Sibling sex abuse is much more common than once thought


Sibling sexual abuse is the most closely kept secret in the field of family violence. More than one in three cases of sexual assault against children in the U.S. are committed by other minors. Siblings often are the perpetrators. In fact, estimates suggest that sibling sexual abuse is far more common than parent-child abuse. A 2002 study by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services found that at least 2.3 percent of children have been sexually victimized by a sibling. By comparison, 0.12 percent are sexually abused by an adult family member.
Wow. I believe you too. Funny how he was linked with Natalie Holloways’ mom too. Then, who broke up with whom and why...
I have my own horrific story no one gets to hear. And you know, it has served me well.
I just look at people and I know what people will do for a lot of money, or because they are *advertiser censored**holes. And the stupidly transparently manipulative stories they tell to get out of having to own up to the things they have done.
And I know there is a G-d. 100%. No one ‘gets away’ with anything. Most people do not even realize this. So I am lucky. I know it. He sees everything, and keeps the books. What you do, that damages another person, for personal gain, or creature comfort, is very, very temporary.
The damage to your soul, (like shining a black light on Bluestar or Floroscene) is obvious to G-d.
There was information that I read that fibers matching what she was bound with were found in her bed too. It was in here somewhere.
Arndt was overwhelmed by the situation and her beliefs about what happened are understandably clouded by this fact. She should never have been left alone with an entire family during an active crime scene investigation. As for John's culpability, he would be the statistically most likely candidate for the alleged sexual abuse and law enforcement worked with this hypothesis as their prior and investigated this angle extensively. However, they could find no evidence that John was an abuser and simply did not fit the profile of one. I'd say the general consensus is that if JonBenet was abused prior to the night of the murder, it was either by Burke, Patsy (corporal punishment), or someone else close to the family. This is not to say that John isn't involved; we know he was in on the cover-up regardless of when he became a part of it.
Arndt was overwhelmed by the situation and her beliefs about what happened are understandably clouded by this fact. She should never have been left alone with an entire family during an active crime scene investigation. As for John's culpability, he would be the statistically most likely candidate for the alleged sexual abuse and law enforcement worked with this hypothesis as their prior and investigated this angle extensively. However, they could find no evidence that John was an abuser and simply did not fit the profile of one. I'd say the general consensus is that if JonBenet was abused prior to the night of the murder, it was either by Burke, Patsy (corporal punishment), or someone else close to the family. This is not to say that John isn't involved; we know he was in on the cover-up regardless of when he became a part of it.
They both were wrapped up in this attitude of how smart they were. ‘You won’t be able to figure this out, we are so much smarter and richer than all of you’ attitude.
Instead of JR being either angry or determined to find his sweet baby princess’ killer. Or PR being all hoitey-toitey about how much money they had and how smart their lawyers were that the killers would never get away with this murder of their precious daughter.
Their reactions were all wrong, their words were completely wrong, what they did and did not do was the exact opposite, from the first second, to what they should have done if they wanted JBRs’ killer caught.
And again anyone's little six year old daughter here in this forum had been murdered in the quiet nighttime, in a quiet suburb, with both parents supposedly sleeping in the home and an active curious older brother nearby, we all would have known about it. How is it that this family slept through it?
Also, the duct tape wasn’t on her mouth when she died. That duct tape wasn’t even actually sticky.
I'm not sure how you project the "we're smarter and richer" attitude on the Ramseys.

From what I've studied, the police:

- knew there was a kidnapping and sent a patrol car to the home.
- allowed the Ramseys friends into the home.
- didn't do a thorough search of the home.
- allowed the Ramseys to remove Burke from the home.
- allowed people to wander the house.
- didn't separate and interview John and Patsy.
- left a single detective in the home to watch over 9 people.
- didn't complete their reports in a timely manner.
- only brought a single tape recorder because that's all they needed for the phone.
- didn't get the FBI immediately involved, but spent hours with them making plans.

It seems to me if the police would have insisted, the Ramseys would have either been forced to do interviews or the lack of cooperation would have been documented.

There's absolutely nothing about that morning that indicated that John and Patsy were criminal masterminds or had hired a great puppet master.
I'm not sure how you project the "we're smarter and richer" attitude on the Ramseys.

From what I've studied, the police:

- knew there was a kidnapping and sent a patrol car to the home.
- allowed the Ramseys friends into the home.
- didn't do a thorough search of the home.
- allowed the Ramseys to remove Burke from the home.
- allowed people to wander the house.
- didn't separate and interview John and Patsy.
- left a single detective in the home to watch over 9 people.
- didn't complete their reports in a timely manner.
- only brought a single tape recorder because that's all they needed for the phone.
- didn't get the FBI immediately involved, but spent hours with them making plans.

It seems to me if the police would have insisted, the Ramseys would have either been forced to do interviews or the lack of cooperation would have been documented.

There's absolutely nothing about that morning that indicated that John and Patsy were criminal masterminds or had hired a great puppet master.

They are so lucky that the BPD were so incompetent.

BUT they were told that the Ramseys were influential people and to treat them accordingly (I'm paraphrasing).

It's so sad that almost everyone involved in this case has let JB down. From the BPD to the coroner. Oy...
In the hierarchy of Law Enforcement the Boulder Police Department was only 'in charge' for a scant few moments after the 911 call. The DA's office was in charge form very early on, directing. They would have been involved from before the patrol car showed up. Alex Hunter was in Hawaii and the Ramsey church friend Pete Hoffstrom was pulling the strings. He was the puppet master.
Please explain to me how Pete Hofstrom (one f not 2) was in direct contact with John and Patsy Ramsey the morning their daughter was found.

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