What does Linda Arndt know?

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What secret does Linda Arndt know?

  • That PR is the killer.

    Votes: 21 9.6%
  • That JR is the killer.

    Votes: 38 17.4%
  • That both PR & JR are the killers.

    Votes: 11 5.0%
  • That BR is the killer.

    Votes: 7 3.2%
  • That BR is the killer and PR & JR covered for him.

    Votes: 84 38.4%
  • That someone else is the killer.

    Votes: 10 4.6%
  • She knows nothing and is lying.

    Votes: 48 21.9%

  • Total voters
I always thought it was an accident with the golf club, not intentional.

Sibling rivarly and all that- I don't read too much into that at all.

Some folks think it was deliberate, i.e. the start of a jealousy thing, but Patsy turned it into an accident, to present a good family image?

Ukguy yeah I know what some folks think, but stuff like that happens all the time with siblings.
I cannot imagine JR thinking I'll leave everything to BR once I go, it will all be safe in his hands, yikes!

Not if JR has to hold his hands on national TV.

I was going to go with 75, I wasn't off by much. lol.

He could go another 20 years....

Even so the faculties deteriorate exponentially with age, not to consider the immune system weakening, etc anything can floor you, normal everyday colds, flues, bugs can become killers.

He has other kids, though one died in a car crash, I forget names right now. So he wouldn't leave it all to Burke anyway?
Even so the faculties deteriorate exponentially with age, not to consider the immune system weakening, etc anything can floor you, normal everyday colds, flues, bugs can become killers.


Yeah but people do live till they're much older than 74.

I'd say he looks after himself pretty well, eats well, has a great doctor etc.
Yeah but people do live till they're much older than 74.

I'd say he looks after himself pretty well, eats well, has a great doctor etc.

Yes he appears to look after himself, but lets be considerate and suggest he on the homeward path to the good lord.

His current wife might be left all his wealth, anyone remember the stories about JR and BR investing in uranium ?

Oh I forgot about the blonde. That interview was sickening! (with them both, forget what show).

I don't remember the stories about uranium, no.

lol @ the homeward path to the good lord.
BR also reminded me of someone with personality disorders. For instance, when he told Dr. Phil hat he thinks about JBR being in heaven and not having to take tests like he did in school.

JR has also made a couple of remarks that lead me to believe he might have a touch of narcissism in him. Twice I have heard him say in some sense, "The real tragedy here is that my family has had to deal with these suspicions for 20 years." Actually, John, I think the real tragedy might be that a child is dead.

I raised a child with personality disorders and BR's affect during his underage psych visits and then in the Dr. Phil interview remind me a lot of the person I have had experiences with. My son's disorders really started showing up when he was between 7-9 years old. I would not be at all surprised to find out that BR had similar traits at that age.

By US law, people under the age of 18 cannot be officially diagnosed with personality disorders because they have up to about age 25 to heal those parts of the brain. It is not easy therapy and doesn't always work and most people with these disorders do not do the work required because they don't believe they need to be "fixed."

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
A while back I posted a vid of BR at work vidded by his coworker. Too tired to go hunting for it now. But, it just showed him at a desk with giddy smiles. For all we know he does data entry.

(Not to minimize data entry jobs. Just doubtful he is as successful as JR makes him out to be).
Arndt is bat **** crazy.

From memory I thought she alluded to the killer being JR. That she just knew when she looked into his eyes.
Glad to read I'm not the only one who thinks so. I have a very low tolerance for Arndt and no sympathy whatsoever. And yes, she thought JDI; at least initially. Or anyway, that's what she later said that she thought.
She's a drama queen. IMO, it was much easier and more effective for her to deflect. She was the one who lost control of the crime scene that morning, sent JR on a search, and after he brought JB up from the basement she moved the body again, and then allowed JR to further contaminate it with a blanket. And then she blamed everyone else at BPD. She faxed a list of questions to Team Ramsey, exposing important evidence. She befriended Patsy in secret. In the end, she sued BPD saying she "felt a lack of support" - and lost.
Glad to read I'm not the only one who thinks so. I have a very low tolerance for Arndt and no sympathy whatsoever. And yes, she thought JDI; at least initially. Or anyway, that's what she later said that she thought.
She's a drama queen. IMO, it was much easier and more effective for her to deflect. She was the one who lost control of the crime scene that morning, sent JR on a search, and after he brought JB up from the basement she moved the body again, and then allowed JR to further contaminate it with a blanket. And then she blamed everyone else at BPD. She faxed a list of questions to Team Ramsey, exposing important evidence. She befriended Patsy in secret. In the end, she sued BPD saying she "felt a lack of support" - and lost.
Linda Arndt =:dramaqueen:
Glad to read I'm not the only one who thinks so. I have a very low tolerance for Arndt and no sympathy whatsoever. And yes, she thought JDI; at least initially. Or anyway, that's what she later said that she thought.
She's a drama queen. IMO, it was much easier and more effective for her to deflect. She was the one who lost control of the crime scene that morning, sent JR on a search, and after he brought JB up from the basement she moved the body again, and then allowed JR to further contaminate it with a blanket. And then she blamed everyone else at BPD. She faxed a list of questions to Team Ramsey, exposing important evidence. She befriended Patsy in secret. In the end, she sued BPD saying she "felt a lack of support" - and lost.

She DOES have that crazy look like Adam Lanza.


In my house we bleed blue but yes, this woman behaved in a very unprofessional manner.
I have issues with the ME's statement that there was evidence of long-term sexual abuse. I am rather new here to WS and have not yet read through everything you have all posted over the years so I don't know if you have theories as to what that could have meant. Please share if you are so inclined.

Sure thing.

For me, the meaning is quite simple: someone stuck something (whatever it might have been) into JonBenet's vagina not once, but on several occasions. And as UKGuy pointed out, there have been some pretty outlandish attempts to explain that; everything from JonBenet doing it to herself to poor wiping habits. Dear God.

That just leaves the question: who did it and for what reason? Was it someone doing it for sexual gratification? Was it done as punishment for something? Everyone has a different idea.
Yes, LA was very inexperienced, but, IMO, comments on her looks/eyes is totally unacceptable.
Not sure why it would be unacceptable. Now if someone was calling her ugly or something along those lines...yeah that would be uncalled for.

YOu can tell quite a bit about someone by their eyes...especially when it comes to being under the influence of something.
I took issue with that when comparing her eyes resembled Adam Lanza's.
Sanpaku eyes.

When the white of the eye shows above or below the iris, it's a thing called Sanpaku - a shortened Japanese word for "three whites". Those with white under the iris are yin, those with white over the iris are yang. Way back in nursing school, we were taught to be cautious of those who show the whites of their eyes above the iris as they could turn from calm to violent on a dime. The example given was Charles Manson.

This paragraph goes along with what I was taught. Gosh, it seems to describe Arndt very well, too:
"If a person shows three whites then there’s a strong indication that their nervous system is seriously imbalanced and that their mind, body and spirit are out of balance. They may have poor intuition and an inability to assess situations and other people properly."
source: http://inneredge.co.za/?page_id=264

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