What Got/Keeps You Involved in Caylee's Case?

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Justice for Caylee .

My #1 reason for following this case: Caylee Marie Anthony.

I hope that one day soon, I will be able to answer some questions:
1. Why did all family initially name June 9 as the last day they saw Caylee.
2. What is behind the George last total recall of Caylee and casey leaving the house. Given that everything he said he saw resulted as evidence left in the car or with the remains. Impossible!!
More questions to follow,

My #2 reason: Closure. So many inconsistencies and unanswered questions over the past (nearly) 2.5 years, such as these, and numerous others.
I was shocked when I first heard about this case. I was riveted immediately.
31 days and no 911 call :shocked2:
KC going out partying while her child is missing :sick:
Police did not confiscate the car immediately :confused:
all I could hope for was that Caylee is found alive.
But CA was saying thecar smelles like a dead person, and GA was acting like a really
concered Ex LE. Only later did I realize that GA was knowing far more then he was saying
and IMHO had a hand in the clean up.

Not one of the Anthony’s were going to stand in for Caylee,
They all wanted to save KC. I understood it. :( and I was :furious: NOT ONE of them was
standing for Caylee, and wont be standing for her in court :(

I left the case within 6 months after they finally found Caylee and going through all the evidence.....
Then I just read from time to time.

Watching the Anthony circus, the class less bunch of enablers got really boring and old.
I did not want to see any of them anymore. Enough of them. :puke:

The case will come up when it does. Caylee has no representation by family.
By state she does, but not by family :(
KC is learning how to cope in jail where she belongs.

I have been away from the case for a long time. I hope the court is televised.
I think one of the main reasons that make this case so interesting, is all the different circumstances that took place. They are so unusual, and very hard to believe. The behavior on not on the guilty party's part, but in her family's actions etc.

One of the many, many things that I cannot figure out is, why did they allow Casey to get away with all the bad stuff she did, and for so long?
She still has her mother (at least) sitting behind her in the court room, putting money on her books and writing her sweet, loving and supportive letters.

What are some things that you cannot figure out about this case???
I would agree with you. 95% of the fascination of this case is, for me, the dynamic between Cindy and Casey and to a lesser degree, George. It is all just mind boggling.
I can not figure out how an entire family can cast aside the murder of their two-year-old granddaughter/niece and stand behind the murderer. There are ways of supporting Casey without completely disregarding the muder of Caylee.

What I don't understand is how when Caylee was simply "missing" the Anthony's felt it was their obligation to hold a seperate investigation in the search for Caylee, but as soon as Caylee's remains are found and it is proven that she was murdered, it is no longer their job to find out what happened to Caylee... it is Law Enforcements job? I would think that finding out that your granddaughter had been murdered would fuel their fire even more to find the person responsible, if they really believed that it was not their daughter.

Their actions show that they know, without a doubt, that Casey murdered Caylee. Their words don't even have as much value as a bag of rocks!

I don't understand how they, without any regard for anyone elses life, can point the finger at innocent people. People they know are 100% innocent! There's a special place in a dark - HOT place for them all!
I often wonder that myself.

Take out the dynamics of Cindy/George/Casey and all you are left with is a mother who had a child she didn't really want, and after 2 years this child cramped her lifestyle to the point that she killed her so that she could resume her life, sans baby.

And that, as disgusting as it sounds, is more common than we like to admit.
I aslo think that part of the fascination is that when all the lies were exposed, she just kept on lying and lying. The same with the Coleman case. His lying was just never ending. Boggles the mind.
My fascination is with KCs nonsensical story of a nanny, a job, traveling, arranging events, etc. Did her parents really believe this bs? I'd like to mind meld ala-Spock with them and find out what is really going on. I want to see them give straight answers to questions and not the nonsense "Zanny has a white dog" crap stories; Casey's had a workbadge; Jeff paid her daycare ridiculousness.

Some of the lies are so far out there....

Zanny had everything Caylee needed
Zanny's sister
Zanny's mother
Zanny was a 10 and didn't need money
Casey arranged events at Universal
Caylee is at Busch Gardens with Zanny
Cindy and George are getting divorced and giving Casey the house
Mother of the year
Cindy talked to Casey every day
Lee loves his sister (gag)
The buying beer and underwear
Taking money from grandma
it's the perfect storm, Cayleefan. For one thing, it's Florida. Florida (and especially Orlando) is a world of "fantasy". Nothing much is real there. I was born in Florida and I love the place, but it has to be said, Florida is weird. The Anthonys fit right into the plastic pretense of a theme park. They are fake people...living in a fake environment, pretending to be a family. It's fascinating.
it's the perfect storm, Cayleefan. For one thing, it's Florida. Florida (and especially Orlando) is a world of "fantasy". Nothing much is real there. I was born in Florida and I love the place, but it has to be said, Florida is weird. The Anthonys fit right into the plastic pretense of a theme park. They are fake people...living in a fake environment, pretending to be a family. It's fascinating.

Sounds like that would make a great storyline and interesting reading, Affinity.
What I don't get is how KC ever thought she could get away with the "untruth" about working at Universal. Having worked there part time in the past, she would have to know that the security there is top notch. You don't get on site without them knowing you're there.
What I don't get is how KC ever thought she could get away with the "untruth" about working at Universal. Having worked there part time in the past, she would have to know that the security there is top notch. You don't get on site without them knowing you're there.
Well, her parents always bought her garbage straight out and didn't push her too far, even when they knew she was lying, so she assumed the police would buy it too, but even when Detective Melich and the others call her out directly on her lies and tell her she is lying, she continues to bald-face lie to them, unfreakin'believable!!!:doh::doh::doh: Last night, I was up 'till midnight reading the transcript from the conference room at Universal, and LE gives her several outs to "change her story", or admit it was an accident, and she never budges one inch from her story!
They even mention the possibility of Caylee lying out in the open somewhere and rotting and still no reaction from her!!!
it's the perfect storm, Cayleefan. For one thing, it's Florida. Florida (and especially Orlando) is a world of "fantasy". Nothing much is real there. I was born in Florida and I love the place, but it has to be said, Florida is weird. The Anthonys fit right into the plastic pretense of a theme park. They are fake people...living in a fake environment, pretending to be a family. It's fascinating.

Interesting observation. I see the area, though, in a whole different light. I own a business in Orlando and live just north of there (I moved here from PA about 20 years ago) and I really don't know anyone who would categorize the fantasy element you mentioned as part of their daily life. Perhaps to visitors, but once you live here for a while, it's just like living anywhere else...real jobs, real neighborhoods, etc. Our school mascots are huskies, silver hawks and greyhounds. Residents of the area know how to escape from the tourist areas. Many of us haven't been to the parks in years, unless relatives or friends come in from out of town and want to visit there. The part of town the Anthony's live in isn't even that close to the theme parks, from a practical standpoint.

My guess is that the A family suffers from the same dysfunctional underlyings as so many other families we read about all over the country. The thing is that everything coming out of Orlando seems to be so much more "sensational" just because it's Orlando. Plus, due to the Sunshine Laws, so much more info is available to the press and therefore seems to magnify each instance and prolong the media coverage. In other areas stories fade fast when the media has little to no access to ongoing investigative info.
What I can't figure out is how GA & CA did not force KC to tell them who she left Caylee with? Any daughter of mine would have budged when confronted with her lies..."no, there is no Zanny! what the **** did you do with Caylee? My gut tells me they did do this and they decided to cover for he once the truth was out.CA does reveal that KC tells her the truth eventually...so they've known since she came home on bail and they have covered ever since!
Interesting observation. I see the area, though, in a whole different light. I own a business in Orlando and live just north of there (I moved here from PA about 20 years ago) and I really don't know anyone who would categorize the fantasy element you mentioned as part of their daily life. Perhaps to visitors, but once you live here for a while, it's just like living anywhere else...real jobs, real neighborhoods, etc. Our school mascots are huskies, silver hawks and greyhounds. Residents of the area know how to escape from the tourist areas. Many of us haven't been to the parks in years, unless relatives or friends come in from out of town and want to visit there. The part of town the Anthony's live in isn't even that close to the theme parks, from a practical standpoint.

My guess is that the A family suffers from the same dysfunctional underlyings as so many other families we read about all over the country. The thing is that everything coming out of Orlando seems to be so much more "sensational" just because it's Orlando.

well said! I live in seminole county close to UCF...my life is very real as well. thanks for your post! :great:
it's the perfect storm, Cayleefan. For one thing, it's Florida. Florida (and especially Orlando) is a world of "fantasy". Nothing much is real there. I was born in Florida and I love the place, but it has to be said, Florida is weird. The Anthonys fit right into the plastic pretense of a theme park. They are fake people...living in a fake environment, pretending to be a family. It's fascinating.

Yep, we could label this entire case The Anthony Family's Wild Ride. More fun than Mr. Toad's and never ends!
What I can't figure out is how GA & CA did not force KC to tell them who she left Caylee with? Any daughter of mine would have budged when confronted with her lies..."no, there is no Zanny! what the **** did you do with Caylee? My gut tells me they did do this and they decided to cover for he once the truth was out.CA does reveal that KC tells her the truth eventually...so they've known since she came home on bail and they have covered ever since!

Oh yes! How did it happen the grandparents - the very house KC and Caylee lived in - never once found it necessary to pick up Caylee from the nanny? With KC supposedly working those odd hours why would grandparents let the baby spend the night with a nanny when she could be home in her own bed? Hey I'm a grandma and I have taken vacation days to stay home with my grandbaby so that never made sense to me. I know kids and no matter how great the daycare is, the kids sleep better in their own bed and I would rather have my grandbaby under my roof whenever I could.
I cannot fathom Casey's lying methodology. She appears to be on the same level as a toddler getting caught with his whole arm in the cookie jar and looking at you and saying "no" when asked if he opened the cookie jar. She can't look ahead even a few seconds to see that she is about to drive over a cliff with her lying. The best example of this was walking down the hallway to her "office" at Universal with detectives. What did she think would happen? Something magical?

I have a feeling that her parents made themselves swallow her lies all these years to keep her from getting "upset". Casey getting upset must have scared the daylights out of them and made life intolerable in the household. So they had to have tiptoed around her and agreed with her on everything to keep her calm. That is the only reasoning I can come up with to explain why she lies right up to the edge of the cliff.

But the true edge of the cliff is moving ever closer to Casey with every passing day. She cannot avoid this one fact.

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