What Got/Keeps You Involved in Caylee's Case?

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Her behavior after Caylee died and the jailhouse tapes do it for me. No matter how her child died...those pictures of her with that huge and IMHO very genuine smile on her face say it all. Not one of her friends said she even appeared distracted, let alone the least bit sad. Tony said she was exactly the same on June 16th and 17th as she always was. You can talk about compartmentalizing and how people handle grief differently all you want...it does not explain her actions when she knew her beautiful little girl was dead.

Her jailhouse tapes??? Me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me. They are sickening and I hope I never have to hear them again when this is over.

Very honest answer, you made some good points, and I agree with most of them.
I have no animosity towards Casey. I actually feel bad for the Anthony's the way the media and community ganged up on them.

Part of why it's so much interest is because of the way the internet and media has changed things. The other reason is curiosity.

It's the same with Scott Peterson, you have someone who appears to have it all, and throws it all away.

It might sound classist but some poor white trailer trash mother who does this, you kinda make it make some sort of sense in your mind, she's poor desperate, on drugs and has no help. But Casey had no reason.

I will say I'm completely disgusted by the way people have treated her parents. I can't understand it at all. They're just people for Christ sake.
Having given every benefit of the doubt to Casey, on 6/22 I reached a moment where Casey's guilt of premeditated murder became crystal clear to me. I felt deep sadness and anger.I didn't want to believe. I didn't want to envision this murder of that darling little girl at the hands of her mother.
All Casey had to do was hand Caylee to Cindy and walk out. Instead she murdered her. It is my belief because of the multiple computer searches that Caylee was not the only intended victim. But,in the end, it was easier to kill just little vulnerable and trusting Caylee.

This is also what does it for me. I had kids when I was 22, by then I had 2, and I was alone and one of them was a holy terror. The idea that she had a total out if she wanted. Even if she wanted to move in with her boyfriend and just leave Caylee for a year or two and come back. I mean there is NO REASON.
I believe ICA is a sociopath because she fits every criteria. I believe Casey alone is responsible for Caylees death and the story about drowning and George being involved is just a new lie that she came up with. I think it is disgusting that the defense blames everyone else except Casey in their story, which they planned until they knew what evidence will be allowed in trial- they tried to exclude a lot of evidence.

I wish I could believe otherwise.

I don`t care for the other Anthonys, especially Cindy, but they are not sociopaths and they did not kill Caylee and they are not on trial.
I detest ICA because she killed Caylee I understand she came from a lying dysfunctional family that caused her issues and don't care very much for Cindy at least George stepped up to the plate and stood up for Caylee but I think he lied about the duct tape and River Cruz Lee is strange too ...Cindy and George raised two stange children due to their dysfunction

I think their disfunction is what I believed caused their children to be so strange, add that to the way they acted afterward, and it made me turn against them 100%. As I stated in the first post, I even like ICA better than them and I don't like her at all.
My son asked me this just today. He was watching a bit of the trial with me and knows I have been absorbed with this case for 3 years now. I told him that, at least for me, it was the fact that so many people are lying and covering up and trying to get their faces on tv or trying to advance themselves, all while seeming to forget that a 2 year old baby was heinously murdered and dumped in a swamp to rot and be ravaged by animals. Caylee has been lost in all of the lies and hoopla. That is what makes me so upset.
What got me interested in this case was when she went missing. I have a daughter named Kayleigh Marie also and I couldn't imagine her going missing. My daughter is 2yrs older than Caylee was (she was born in 2003) and we hoped and prayed Caylee would be found.

I hate all the lies and deception and the whole 31 days being missing. I want to smack the smirk off her face every time i see it. It makes me so sad.

I want to see justice for Caylee and hope Casey spends the rest of her life in jail and can't wait until she gets into general population and sees what real prison life is like.
All of the stealing and lying. Didn't seem to matter who she used or hurt, as long as she got her way. Then partying and such for all of that time when she KNEW her daughter WAS NOT with her. Stonewalling the police, volunteers, and anyone who felt badly for Caylee's disappearance. Add to all that : she used her brother and father in the worst way, calling them molesters .

They all make me sick, gambling, lying, cheating, all of it.

The only one I have any sympathy for is Caylee. What a bad environment to grow up in.

How the heck could any parent have gone along with all of those bizarre stories for so long. Sick.
I believe ICA is a sociopath because she fits every criteria. I believe Casey alone is responsible for Caylees death and the story about drowning and George being involved is just a new lie that she came up with. I think it is disgusting that the defense blames everyone else except Casey in their story, which they planned until they knew what evidence will be allowed in trial- they tried to exclude a lot of evidence.

I wish I could believe otherwise.

I don`t care for the other Anthonys, especially Cindy, but they are not sociopaths and they did not kill Caylee and they are not on trial.

BBM You seem a lot surer of that than I am :fence:

My opinion only
Oh yeah... they are just people who lie and place blame on innocent people- but NEVER ONCE THEIR OWN DAUGHTER! Should we be surprised when the defense team does virtually the same thing? It was everyone else fault- just NOT their client. Hmmm.
All of the stealing and lying. Didn't seem to matter who she used or hurt, as long as she got her way. Then partying and such for all of that time when she KNEW her daughter WAS NOT with her. Stonewalling the police, volunteers, and anyone who felt badly for Caylee's disappearance. Add to all that : she used her brother and father in the worst way, calling them molesters .

They all make me sick, gambling, lying, cheating, all of it.

The only one I have any sympathy for is Caylee. What a bad environment to grow up in.How the heck could any parent have gone along with all of those bizarre stories for so long. Sick.

BBM, that's why I have a tiny bit of sympathy for ICA, that house must have been hell.

My opinion only
Villains and heroes, easy to take sides. Lot's of boo's and hisses from my vantage point.

And of course, all for the sake of an innocent little toddler.
BBM, that's why I have a tiny bit of sympathy for ICA, that house must have been hell.

My opinion only

Trident, it looks like she may have ran circles around her parents, out-lying and out-stealing them. She took it all to a higher notch.
Villains and heroes, easy to take sides. Lot's of boo's and hisses from my vantage point.

And of course, all for the sake of an innocent little toddler.

Villains and heroes - in this case it was sometimes hard to tell the difference.

I saw GA go after people with rage, which led me to believe he is a violent man. The way he answers questions makes me want to :sick: And yet, people feel sorry for him and make him out as some sort of hero for finally telling the truth IF he did. My blood pressure goes up every time I see him.

My opinion only
BBM I agree that's a possibility. Now, why don't you put some of the blame on him? I mean this in a curious way.

George cooperated with police initially. Cindy is very controlling and I feel he was put in an impossible position of having to try to cover for his daughter and find out what happened to his darling granddaughter. Cindy would not allow George to cooperate with the police. She backtracked on the 'dead body in the damn car'. He had tried for years to hold Casey responsible, only to be undermined by Cindy.

G and C doted on Caylee. Look at her room, their love. ICA was raised the same way and turned into an out of control spoiled brat. She is not a victim of incest.

George has been incredibly tolerant of being accused of things he could go to prison for for the rest of his life. His willingness to take some of the innuendos to save his daughter is a continued love for his daughter. His suicide attempt, and his behavior from day one convince me he has suffered a "sophie's choice" type of conflict.

All family members have lied for their daughter. That is all they are guilty of. George had no idea where Caylee was or what happened to her. He just knew that ICA had done something terrible.

As much as Cindy and lee's denial drove me bonkers, george's situation made me feel sorry for him. He had the LE experience to draw his conclusions and his wife and son hated him for being realistic about ICA.

I'm a shrink and have worked with victims, families, perps and traumatized children for 20 years. So I am making some of my conclusions using my professional hat.
Ummmm, 31 days. And the disdain for anyone who has attempted suicide. Sorry, you asked, I answered.
I am so sick of hearing dysfunctional families
Isnt just about everyone that didn't or doesnt have a perfect family a product of dysfunction ?
Both of my sister inlaws are divorced twice and have numerous step kids . My best friend has been married 3 times and has a child with downs syndrome .
My sister has an alcohol problem and has been on Jerry Springer .

SO WHAT ????
What's normal
Casey is a spoiled brat who has got exactly what she always wanted and now she has the attention of the world .
I hope she rots in jail the rest of her life .
I can't stand murderers, psychopaths and liars, and between the members of the Anthony family, they manage to touch on all three. I don't believe there is a single Anthony family member who doesn't think they're smarter and better than everyone else. Their pathology is palpable.

When I ask myself what value this family has to society, I find the answer is none. They have all already proven they will lie to save one of their own even if that one is the murderer of their own granddaughter and niece. As disgusting as the murder of Caylee was, the Anthony family rallying around ICA was equally disgusting when taken as a whole.

This whole family cares nothing for the society they live in, only for themselves. I don't believe I have ever seen such a family as this, and I hope I never do again!

These people so deserve each other, I wish we could put them all in one cell. This kind of blatant lying is not done in a vacuum. It encompasses the entire life of the individual, every circle, every person they come in contact with. Dishonesty breeds dishonesty.

They are all devoid of a moral compass.
Ummmm, 31 days. And the disdain for anyone who has attempted suicide. Sorry, you asked, I answered.

The 31 days I understand, but disdain for anyone who has attempted suicide? Not sure what you mean.
Villains and heroes - in this case it was sometimes hard to tell the difference.

I saw GA go after people with rage, which led me to believe he is a violent man. The way he answers questions makes me want to :sick: And yet, people feel sorry for him and make him out as some sort of hero for finally telling the truth IF he did. My blood pressure goes up every time I see him.

My opinion only

I can understand that. However, don't underestimate the effect the stress this has had on these people. George's rage is understandable given this circumstance he, his wife and children were in. There have been zero allegations of any domestic violence or child abuse by George.

Anxiety, trauma, media attention, loss of beloved baby. Daughter involved in death of baby, wife guilting you for trying to cooperate with authorities......so many intense problems. Then there are the hate mongers outside the house, the constant media shoving every detail in your face, police interrogation, money problems. Well, you get my drift.

Cindy's need foe control is an issue. Let's also look at Lee. He is not the sociopath his sister is. ICA is responsible for her choices. Many of us have grown up with trauma, dysfunction and neglect, and even rageful fathers (if I conceded that were true) and do not go on to act like ICA.

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