What Got/Keeps You Involved in Caylee's Case?

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I am so sick of hearing dysfunctional families
Isnt just about everyone that didn't or doesnt have a perfect family a product of dysfunction ?
Both of my sister inlaws are divorced twice and have numerous step kids . My best friend has been married 3 times and has a child with downs syndrome .
My sister has an alcohol problem and has been on Jerry Springer .

SO WHAT ????
What's normal
Casey is a spoiled brat who has got exactly what she always wanted and now she has the attention of the world .
I hope she rots in jail the rest of her life .

BBM Now here we have a totally honest person. What causes you to have such strong feelings? Did you know someone like her? Love children? What is it, exactly if you can, that makes you want her to rot in jail?
BBM You seem a lot surer of that than I am :fence:

My opinion only

no opinion on GA yet...
IMO CA is a Narcissist - 100% above the law in her own mind
she created her own monsters...

(just a link to explain NOT a Sunday school lesson!)
-doing for others what they should and need to do for themselves.

-Another aspect of codependency is rescuing people from the logical consequences of their negative behavior patterns. This, too, keeps them immature and over dependant on us...

-codependency is that need is mistaken for love
Because she had options .
She isn't 13 and pregnant with no food .
She had a family that would have taken that little girl and she chose to destroy her .
When she finally did get caught she lied and had people on wild goose chases . I can't imagine the people who took unpaid off time from work to help . She had to many people hold out hope that Caylee was alive . She toyed with her parents and a nations emotions . Manipulated everyone that came into contact with her .
When faced with Caylee deceased ..she blamed everyone else .
I do believe some people are just 'born that way ' I dont know anyone like her . Thank God ..well , not that I know of anyway .
I don't buy the blame the parents mentality. There are people who have dealt with SO much more growing up and do not grow up to throw their child away like trash. Sure the entire family has their problems but no one but Casey has killed anyone. They all supported themselves and as far as I know didn't steal from friends and family on a regular basis. I think Casey's self-centeredness is in a class all it's own. Her behavior speaks for itself. She still continues to take absolutely no responsibility for what happened and doesn't think twice about ruining the lives of anyone who ever loved her. I really don't see anything Cindy, George or Lee have ever done that comes close to the evil Casey does without giving it a second thought.
My iPad is not good for editing. Trident, I like your analytical thinking and reason, measured questions. It is very easy to bring our own history and experiences into our answers. It is much more difficult to truly attempt to understand the thinking and motivation of others. Thanks for your thoughtful thread and probing questions. I think you have excellent ego strength. :)
i don't have strong feelings about this case in terms of a personal investment, and when it's over i'll never look back. i wish i could say that it was the tragic death of an innocent child at the hands of her mother that drew me to this case but it wasn't - hundreds of children are killed by their parents every year but i've never followed any of those cases. truth be told, i became interested in this cased after i stumbled across an article a few years back that retold the universal studios incident, along with all of casey's other lies, and i couldn't believe what i was reading. in fact the universal sitch struck me as so fantastic, so unbelievable, that i thought the article must have gotten it wrong. so i dug a little more, came across released interviews between le and casey, read the details about the universal episode, and was hooked.

i've only followed two other cases in my life: the joe hunt (bbc) case because it was such an incredible story and because i lived in l.a. at the time, and the o.j. case because i actually happened to know a member of the brown family very well at the time, through whom i had met o.j. and the other cast of characters who were dragged into court. but i had no trouble moving on and never looking back after those cases concluded, nor will i when the ica case concludes.
the fact that so many people are lying and covering up and trying to get their faces on tv or trying to advance themselves, all while seeming to forget that a 2 year old baby was heinously murdered and dumped in a swamp to rot and be ravaged by animals. Caylee has been lost in all of the lies and hoopla. That is what makes me so upset.

I know
I watched Caylee singing' you are my sunshine ' today in the middle of the closing arguments .
This is a great thread by the way because you aren't asking for our opinions about others but about ourselves . Alot of people have gotten so lost in the case . Myself included . Lately , I have been taking breaks .
It's just so emotional . Why would anyone hurt an innocent? Disfunctional or not . Most people don't murder their children .
My iPad is not good for editing. Trident, I like your analytical thinking and reason, measured questions. It is very easy to bring our own history and experiences into our answers. It is much more difficult to truly attempt to understand the thinking and motivation of others. Thanks for your thoughtful thread and probing questions. I think you have excellent ego strength. :)

Thank you m'dear. Now, another question, maybe the one I've been wanted to get to. Are many of our feelings about the players in this case predicated on our own personal experiences, ie, my mother did want to take over my first born, and I was married. She would take my baby daughter places and pretend she was the mother. I never did bond properly with my child because of that. I believe that is one, small reason (there are plenty more) that I have such negative feelings for CA.
i grew up in an extremely dysfunctional family. i understand fully well the turmoil and inner-battling it can cause but i also know that the vast majority of parents who raise children in dysfunctional environments aren't doing it bc they want to cripple their children. most parents, and i believe the anthony's fall into this category, want the best for their children, and they do the best they can with the tools they have to work with. in other words, if you're going to blame the anthony's for casey's actions then i say......not fair......who is to blame for anthony's?

and this is why this debate gets under my skin. there is a thing we are forgetting here and it's called suck it up, grow up, take responsibility, and be an adult. stop casting the blame at your mother, your father, your brother, your imaginary friends, and own your own crap.

this is life. nobody said it was easy. nobody said it was perfect.

imo, when a person becomes an adult, their upbringing might prove helpful in understanding their actions, but it is simply ludicrous to suggest that their upbringing excuses their behavior.

the bottom line as far as i'm concerned, even the most extreme dysfunction does NOT a murderer make.

the idea that our society continues to allow grown adults to evade being held accountable for even the most heinous crimes, all bc they might have dealt with a bit of dysfunction.....bc maybe their parents weren't ward and june cleaver.....is just nauseating. and speaks volumes to me as to why said society is going right down the toilet before my eyes.
For me personally, I have an ex sister in law who is exactly like ICA so I can see the similarities. I thought there was only one person on this earth like my ex SIL. I was wrong. That interests me.

Also, the extremes that this case represents are fascinating to me. It's like a train wreck that you can't look away from-just when you think it can't get any crazier-it does. And sadly, above all else, a beautiful, innocent child lost her life. That is so tragic and I think the majority of people want to see the person responsible for that punished. ICA.
The 31 days I understand, but disdain for anyone who has attempted suicide? Not sure what you mean.

That certain attempts are fake. It's an insult to those of us who have sat in hospitals while the docs have heroically pull those "attempts" back to life. Maybe it's not you, but there has been a lot of nonchalant talk here about suicide attempts...if the person doesn't actually die, then it was a fake attempt, it was "drama." No it's very real for those of us watching a loved one in a two-week coma. At that point, or even much less, that person intended to die.
You mean, besides the fact that she murdered a beautiful child for her own selfish reasons? Her parents are complicit liars that indulged her abhorrent behavior. KC threw innocent people under the bus and sucked them into her murderous activities. On top of that, the state of Florida gets to pick up the tab for an attorney for KC that "regular Joes" would have had to pay for themselves or be assigned a public defender. Her attorney is a laughingstock in his profession. He represents all things sleazy, lazy, disgraceful and offensive to the judicial system....I could go on, but my language will continue to deteriorate to the point that I get slapped by the mods.
i don't have strong feelings about this case in terms of a personal investment, and when it's over i'll never look back. i wish i could say that it was the tragic death of an innocent child at the hands of her mother that drew me to this case but it wasn't - hundreds of children are killed by their parents every year but i've never followed any of those cases. truth be told, i became interested in this cased after i stumbled across an article a few years back that retold the universal studios incident, along with all of casey's other lies, and i couldn't believe what i was reading. in fact the universal sitch struck me as so fantastic, so unbelievable, that i thought the article must have gotten it wrong. so i dug a little more, came across released interviews between le and casey, read the details about the universal episode, and was hooked.

i've only followed two other cases in my life: the joe hunt (bbc) case because it was such an incredible story and because i lived in l.a. at the time, and the o.j. case because i actually happened to know a member of the brown family very well at the time, through whom i had met o.j. and the other cast of characters who were dragged into court. but i had no trouble moving on and never looking back after those cases concluded, nor will i when the ica case concludes.

Surprise, LOL, I believe this case will never conclude given the colorful cast of characters who appear to enjoy being in the limelight.
I detest any/all people who hurt a child(ren), the Anthony's are no exception. As far as questioning my feelings toward them, no need, as I think that is the way we as a society should all feel toward anyone who harms children. The real concern should be for those who feel sympathy, empathy, complacancy and/or compassion toward them because that is what lends toward the continuation of this problem. Zero tolerance!
I hear you Trident. It seems that the feelings control their logic too.

JB is evil, period. No shred of decency in him. And why is that? Because he's ICA's lawyer. The hate has made their life so boringly simple: people either are evil or they stand for Kaylee. Either jet black or snow white, no shades of grey.

It's like Batman cartoons. GA stood up for Caylee and made her smile from the heaven. CA didn't stand up for Caylee and made her cry. :) Guys that's creepy to make up stories about Caylee's current affairs to say the least.
JA is a hero. JB is a crook. :) Well they are just lawyers. Today Baez is KC's lawyer, another day he might be a prosecutor.
I have an intellectual obsession in this case way more than an emotional obsession but I *was* angry at one particular thing... I can't STAND when someone pretends a child (or anyone, really) is missing when they are dead. It makes it SO MUCH HARDER for real missing children to get the attention they need. They said yesterday that THOUSANDS of people were helping look for Caylee when she was "missing". What a ridiculous waste of those people's time.

Not that the rest of this mess has not been a waste, huge waste, but that part is the part I hate the most. I hated that about Scott Peterson, too, FWIW.
That certain attempts are fake. It's an insult to those of us who have sat in hospitals while the docs have heroically pull those "attempts" back to life. Maybe it's not you, but there has been a lot of nonchalant talk here about suicide attempts...if the person doesn't actually die, then it was a fake attempt, it was "drama." No it's very real for those of us watching a loved one in a two-week coma. At that point, or even much less, that person intended to die.

BBM, ah, but it was me, or at least I believe I was one of those you're talking about. I said I agreed with Jose when he called GA's suicide attempt fake and self serving.

Now, I don't know how to say this without offending or hurting someone, but I will try. Forgive me if I'm not 100% successful. I know a bit about suicide, having attempted it, having a mother who ran off screaming she was going to kill herself and not getting in touch for a year or two. Believe me, I was a child and it destroyed me. I had a good friend who didn't make phone calls to everyone, saying good bye, before he pulled into a rest stop, put a shot gun to his chest and killed himself. He never even left a note. I have other relatives who threaten suicide on a bi-annual basis and scare the 'ell out of people. So, when GA went to the motel, ordered pizza and beer, had written out notes, and called everyone he could think of (hoping someone would call LE?), then MAYBE took some blood pressure pills, well, pardon me if I think it may have been a ploy for sympathy and it worked - on some people.

I read a lot of true crime, and in many of these books the police have commented that lots of people make fake suicide attempts when the going gets too hot, that way they get out of Dodge for a while, get to write self-serving notes, and garner sympathy. Now, I'm not saying GA did that, but I do wonder, and he'll get no sympathy from me.

I've known lots of suicides and suicide attempters and, no, you can never tell. I'm sorry you had to go through what you did.

My opinion only
I detest any/all people who hurt a child(ren), the Anthony's are no exception. As far as questioning my feelings toward them, no need, as I think that is the way we as a society should all feel toward anyone who harms children. The real concern should be for those who feel sympathy, empathy, complacancy and/or compassion toward them because that is what lends toward the continuation of this problem. Zero tolerance!

"Zero tolerance" :woohoo:
I hear you Trident. It seems that the feelings control their logic too.

JB is evil, period. No shred of decency in him. And why is that? Because he's ICA's lawyer. The hate has made their life so boringly simple: people either are evil or they stand for Kaylee. Either jet black or snow white, no shades of grey.

It's like Batman cartoons. GA stood up for Caylee and made her smile from the heaven. CA didn't stand up for Caylee and made her cry. :) Guys that's creepy to make up stories about Caylee's current affairs to say the least.
JA is a hero. JB is a crook. :) Well they are just lawyers. Today Baez is KC's lawyer, another day he might be a prosecutor.

AMEN, good post.
I have to say that again, Great Post!
You mean, besides the fact that she murdered a beautiful child for her own selfish reasons? Her parents are complicit liars that indulged her abhorrent behavior. KC threw innocent people under the bus and sucked them into her murderous activities. On top of that, the state of Florida gets to pick up the tab for an attorney for KC that "regular Joes" would have had to pay for themselves or be assigned a public defender. Her attorney is a laughingstock in his profession. He represents all things sleazy, lazy, disgraceful and offensive to the judicial system....I could go on, but my language will continue to deteriorate to the point that I get slapped by the mods.

Bill Scheaffer said that JB is a very good lawyer.

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