What grade would you give Judge Perry so far with the jury selection

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What would you grade Judge Perry so far on Jury selection

  • A

    Votes: 258 64.0%
  • B

    Votes: 76 18.9%
  • C

    Votes: 39 9.7%
  • D

    Votes: 14 3.5%
  • F

    Votes: 7 1.7%
  • not sure

    Votes: 9 2.2%

  • Total voters
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Blue Jackets fan

New Member
May 9, 2011
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I would give him a A-. He has so far done a pretty job even though the defense lawyers been trying to courtroom into a three ring circus.
Judge Perry presiding ....

"Please search your conscious to determine if it's a hardship or an inconvenience."

"The price of freedom has never been cheap."

I think he's doing a good job. He seems to be a tad lenient on the hardship angle tho - not that I'm one to judge. When I was called to jury duty last year the judge could care less if anyone was caring for an elderly parent, or if you had small kids, or if you ran your own business....the only way you got excused was a language barrier, or chemo.


I was really impressed at the way he handled the contempt of court guy. Goes to show you he means business.
I gave him a B only because I think he lets both sides (mainly the defense) ramble on and on when they already know the potential is going to be excused. I know he's only doing his job, but it bothers me. Lord only knows what's going to happen during the 2nd phase?



I gave HHJP an "A". So far, I think he has done a great job.

Consider what HHJP has to deal with :

- A highly publicized "death penalty" case.
- An "out of control" Media.
- "Security Issues".
- The "defense team" and their never-ending "shennanigans".
- The DT continuously bringing up motions, that have already been denied.
- The "Jury Pool" -- and ya'll know what has happened on Day 2 and Day 3 with two different "potential jurors".
- The "defendant" ICA -- making sure she gets a "fair trial" ... as well as all the "drama" she will create.

... just to name a few ...

I wish I could serve on a jury" with JP presiding ... I bet it would be an "absolute hoot".
An A for the way he is doing it, and an A for effort, but not so good for moving it out of Orlando. The 8 week separation from family seems to be the biggest stumbling block,they are going to severely limit the diversity of this Jury.
An A for the way he is doing it, and an A for effort, but not so good for moving it out of Orlando. The 8 week separation from family seems to be the biggest stumbling block,they are going to severely limit the diversity of this Jury.

HHJP isn't the one who wanted it moved out of Orlando!

As far as being lenient on the hardship clause 8 weeks of sequestering outside the area poses some distinct differences than a week close to home. MOO

I think he is fantastic. Can the public nominate a Supreme Court Justice?
HHJP isn't the one who wanted it moved out of Orlando!

As far as being lenient on the hardship clause 8 weeks of sequestering outside the area poses some distinct differences than a week close to home. MOO

I think he is fantastic. Can the public nominate a Supreme Court Justice?

No, I know it was Baez :banghead: but he should have just refused. By the end of this Jury selection JB is going to wish he had.
I didn't say he is lenient on the hardship folks, he is being very kind, but the hardships are what makes this so difficult. It would not be such a hardship if the Jury came from OC.
I'm not sure how he could do any better, so I gave him an A. I do realize, however, that this was the easy part. I have a little concern about how this "homeless" jury pool might play out, but I'm keeping the faith. :)
Normal jury: You can go home every night, cut the lawn, go shopping, clean your home, take care of your pets, help the kids with their homework, tuck them into bed, visit with friends, etc.

Sequestered for 8 weeks: none of the above.

He's organized, he set a goal and he intends on keeping it. I say an A+ so far. jmo
A for Awesome. He is trying to enjoy himself some and he's obviously a family man, he seems to take pride, especially in children. ICA had better watch out.
No, I know it was Baez :banghead: but he should have just refused. By the end of this Jury selection JB is going to wish he had.
I didn't say he is lenient on the hardship folks, he is being very kind, but the hardships are what makes this so difficult. It would not be such a hardship if the Jury came from OC.

But they would still be sequestered so it does not matter where they come from....they still could not go home at night, watch the news, go on the internet so they would be put up in a hotel and they would stay there. Hardship would be the same. jmo
I think he is doing a great job so I gave him an "A". I am impressed with the way he is handling the prospective jurors with so much kindness and consideration, each one gets the same gracious treatment be it #1 or #101. He comes across as a man who truly loves people and loves his job. He certainly has proven himself to be able to think out of the box with his decision to get prospective jurors from the homeless shelter. I hope that works out well, but I don't predict that it will.
I'm impressed though I think he's being a bit lenient with some trumped-up excuses. Vacations, the Catholic lady, etc. -- would not cut it if I were him. Though I'm sure having hostile, reluctant jurors does no one any good.

I thought he was a bit condescending with the woman w/young children -- kept asking her if her husband could handle it; she kept saying yes and finally Perry sent her home to "discuss it with her husband." I would think the woman is capable of answering a question about her own family dynamics without consulting with anyone else! That rubbed me the wrong way.

Otherwise, though, I really like his style and his wry humor. But does anyone else think he's a bit too optimistic about the timeframe? He told one prospect that he doesn't plan to be still at trial by July 14 (her vacation date) -- come on! There is no way that trial will be finished -- including the penalty phase -- seven weeks from now.
I think he's doing a good job. He seems to be a tad lenient on the hardship angle tho - not that I'm one to judge. When I was called to jury duty last year the judge could care less if anyone was caring for an elderly parent, or if you had small kids, or if you ran your own business....the only way you got excused was a language barrier, or chemo.


I was really impressed at the way he handled the contempt of court guy. Goes to show you he means business.

But an 8 week trial is different than having to make arrangements for 1 or 2 weeks. I could easily find someone to watch my kids and my pets for a week or two. But I would not want anyone else to watch them for 2 months. That is too long for the kids to be away from a parent.
The same goes for an aged parent. imoo
An "A", without a doubt. I especially enjoyed what he said about the field trips on Sundays, etc., trying to make the most out of what won't be an easy situation for the jurors. :)
But they would still be sequestered so it does not matter where they come from....they still could not go home at night, watch the news, go on the internet so they would be put up in a hotel and they would stay there. Hardship would be the same. jmo

Two or three days, heck even five, wouldn't be a big deal. But for people who work, whose employer won't pay them on jury duty or who would have to do without an income for 8 weeks, it would create a hardship. You just can't not pay your bills. That's a fact of life everywhere, just not in Pinellas or Orange Counties.
I voted B. I CANNOT fathom why Casey is not shackled and in jail garb.

I believe it is a Constitutional right of the accused to have the presumption of innocence when before the jury until they reach a "guilty" verdict. MOO
I would say A, except for the homeless shelter nonsense. It seemed to be dipping down to JB's level and is the sort of thing that the appeals court may not see the joke in.
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