What if they don't find her?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Isn't it disgusting that we are all over here, crossing all ten fingers and toes that they find Caylee and KC is probably crossing all ten that they don't?

Yup. So darn selfish-doesn't realize that people are risking life and limb to look for Caylee, can't give a rat's *advertiser censored** about the cost to the taxpayers of Orange County-the world just revolves around KC. She loves the idea that she is the only one who can solve this mystery
I remember seeing a photo of a car that was parked in front of ? a shop? a building ? not sure
And next to it was a ? again not sure - was that a dumpster ? couldn't they do tests inside that to see if there was the ? of decomp ? like they did in the car
I think the trial will proceed and KC will be convicted, but most likely (depending on her defense) only for manslaughter or murder 2. They don't "need" the body of that baby to convict, but the forensic evidence it may yield could make the difference between life and 20 years.

This is JMO of course, but without her body and additional evidence the defense can make up any story they want that fits with the current evidence which I think will probably be a *advertiser censored* and bull story about an accidental death without premeditation.

They need her body to get a full measure of justice.

I agree, sadly. They need the body or, hopefully, the rumor is true on the maggots from the car containing DNA -- although I am hopeful but skeptical on that. The bag was tossed and then dropped in dumpster.
I hope against hope that I never encounter people like Casey & her family!! They could kill you, pitch you over a ditch ,or in a dumpster & never think of it again.Today some boy scouts came to the door & Mocha gave such a horrible bark I would have done a 40 mph. dash for. That's the way we live. Unfortunately Casey & the Anthonys have turned this world into "protect first ask questions later" THAT IS MY MOTTO!!!
I'm sorry, but I just can not see Casey killing Caylee and then being concerned about her having a proper burial, especially after allowing her to decompose in the trunk of the car. I just don't believe Casey cares about anything but herself. MOO

I thought of this also when reference was made to a cemetery,behind Amscott? I dont remember where! I dont think KC would think of it as a proper burial more like the last place anyone would think to look! The remark kc made about never/ever ( I thought ever) was made on the phone~ I think to Tony L.. figure if she feels there is a chance she could be found she wasnt dropped to the alligators.
We had our infant daughter exhumed and reinterred where we will be.She had been buried over 50yrs.weighed 2 1/2 lbs. at birth not embalmed.The funeral director remarked at how small she was.plain little casket no vault.She is in the mausoleum now near her brother and Dad~ I'll be there too.
panthera, I came in on your post because I had problems trying to enter a new post.Thank You.
I honestly have a feeling since long ago that they will not find her. Add in too long of a wait due to the flooding, and too little of a body. If they dont find her, I also fear Casey will get off with minimal charges. I hope I am wrong on all counts.
I really hope they do find Caylee tomorrow. I think it will be their best chance for some time. The incidents with Casey and the gasoline tanks, shovel, and the fact that the Orlando area is loaded with alligators in the Everglades doesn't bode well. Casey is such a sociopath that we all know she took the time to cover up whatever she did to her daughter very well. In her crazy mind, telling the authorities where the body is would certainly get her a 1st degree murder charge as evidence would be still left as to cause of death. She is probably hoping time will leave the cause of death "undetermined" meaning she's gonna stick to the "it was an accident excuse". Right... whatever her excuses may be, these are not accidents: Chloroform, pills, body in the trunk of a car, shovel, gas tanks, internet lookups on chloroform before Caylee went missing, unaccountable lies told... I hope she gets what's coming. Along with the fact that Texas EQ. has put so many resources that could have been used for so many families that aren't so lucky to receive this attention. I'm not saying Caylee shouldn't, but its reality. That's my say for the day.
I honestly have a feeling since long ago that they will not find her. Add in too long of a wait due to the flooding, and too little of a body. If they dont find her, I also fear Casey will get off with minimal charges. I hope I am wrong on all counts.

I am beginning to think that as well. I was so let down when they didn't find her yesterday. I'm also beginning to think that maybe she did have help. Maybe she was just scouting out a place for the body the times she was spotted and she or someone put Caylee somewhere else.
If you consider she probably put her in a duffel bag or soft-side suitcase, the remains would probably still be contained. Heart is thumping, BP is up, I'm praying they find her!!!!

She definately put her in SOMETHING. she for sure didn't carry her back into the woods without her being wrapped in something. I believe it was probably a duffel bag too. However, if she had help from this "man" that was on the lookout. He may have told her "how" to get rid of the body so it would never be found. KC isn't smart enough to do that by herself.
I woke up feeling very discouraged this morning. When this story first broke, I thought KC didn't report Caylee missing because she was trying to avoid a confrontation with CA. Since then, I have come to believe that she always knew time would be on her side as far as locating Caylee's remains. She still continues to play for time. I so hope TES is successful this weekend, but I'm afraid Caylee will not be found for a long long time, and by accident, if ever.

Whether the lack of a body/remains will affect the outcome of the case, it depends on how powerful the undisclosed forensic evidence is.
Casey's defiant confidence seems to imply she knows Caylee will never be found. If she is truly the sociopath that she appears to be, the baby was devoured by alligators while her mother watched. Since the forensics seem to indicate a dead Caylee in the trunk, I can only hope and pray they are right and Casey disposed of a dead body, not a living baby.

If Caylee's body is never found, Casey still faces decades of jail time for the "economic" crimes. With the publicity this case has generated, there is a strong possibility she will receive the full sentences for those in reciprocal retribution.

The horror is that the Anthonys face a lifetime of not knowing for sure. No matter what anyone says, without a body, a sliver of hope will always remain and they are destined to forever scanning faces for a trace of familiarity in the years ahead.
Casey's defiant confidence seems to imply she knows Caylee will never be found. If she is truly the sociopath that she appears to be, the baby was devoured by alligators while her mother watched. Since the forensics seem to indicate a dead Caylee in the trunk, I can only hope and pray they are right and Casey disposed of a dead body, not a living baby.

If Caylee's body is never found, Casey still faces decades of jail time for the "economic" crimes. With the publicity this case has generated, there is a strong possibility she will receive the full sentences for those in reciprocal retribution.

The horror is that the Anthonys face a lifetime of not knowing for sure. No matter what anyone says, without a body, a sliver of hope will always remain and they are destined to forever scanning faces for a trace of familiarity in the years ahead.

As the time goes by, I am thinking that she will not be found. I keep forgetting about the alligators but thinking more that she's in a landfill somewhere. And yes, Casey's arrogance is frightening but she could prove to be dumber in the end, time and the release of the evidence that LE has will tell.

After reading Goerge's interview, I can't decide if he would have helped her or not with covering anything up. He has a conscience, something his daughter was not blessed with, and I can't see him covering up a murder or death of little Caylee. I think he might be saying and doing things to placate his loony wife but nothing more than that. No matter how awful the parents are though, I do hope they get some closure because I think it will lead to more tragedy for this family if they don't get it.
Like PaulaF513 said: With Casey's defiant confidence that Caylee will never be found. I really wonder when she was seen at Chris's house on the 17,18, or 19 driving the black Jeep (NY plates) who had her car? I am starting to think who ever had her car, took care of the body. That is why she can say for sure "I have no idea where Caylee is". It also makes me think they are looking in the wrong place for her body. This case is so strange, I can't wrap my brain around the way this girl thinks or acts. I know Caylee is dead, but like Cindy till they find that body it will haunt me. If I was Cindy I would have half killed Casey till she told me the truth about Caylee, now she will have to live with not knowing the truth because Casey will never tell her.
If caylee is not found, I will continue to look into what I belive went on. I been reserching a theory for a couple weeks. I have stop for the week end, in case I am wrong. if she not found I will continue on Tuesday. Someone knows something that I think LE is overlooking.
If caylee is not found, I will continue to look into what I belive went on. I been reserching a theory for a couple weeks. I have stop for the week end, in case I am wrong. if she not found I will continue on Tuesday. Someone knows something that I think LE is overlooking.
I am getting nervous that they might not find her:confused:

Do tell about your theory...Please:crazy:
What if they don't find her?

Casey will still be charged and found guilty of something serious enough to put her away for a loooooong time! Why? I'm confident LE has a lot more evidence than what they've made public, KC's and CA's own words/lies will bury them both and Time is not on their side. Throw in a very inept attorney, TB - and she's done...put a fork in her now!

If little Caylee isn't found - all of us (including GA and perhaps LA) will carry a sadness forever. CA will go completely over the edge and the black hole of despair will be her home forever.
I am afraid if they do not find here, that Baez will celebrate.
I am afraid if they do not find here, that Baez will celebrate.
If he does, it would be a sure sign he has a lot to learn because any good, experienced trial lawyer knows it is way too early to celebrate anything in this case. There is a very long way to go for lawyers on both sides to prepare for this case and a very short time to do it. A zillion things can happen between now and then. But, JB has done a lot of things already that a good, experienced trial lawyer would not do and none of it is helping the defense of this case. :wink:

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