What info did Lee A take to the defense team?

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It had to be something big because it appears to have built a wedge between them or is it just me? Maybe it wasn't something to necessarily help the DT. Maybe it was a "come to Jesus meeting" between him & Baez?

I just can't figure it out & I'd like to know what day last week just to see what direction JB went in or if he changed some portion of his plan. Did LA leave this afternoon when he was released from the stand, because I didn't see him sitting with GA, CA, and the lawyer?

Sorry if already answered. I am just now listening to this part of LA discussing this when I read your post. He overheard a conversation on the day he last testified. It occurred during a break that he sat with his folks. HTH.
My personal transcription of the relevant portion...

JA: Now, Mr. Anthony, in preparation for this trial, were you requested to meet with a member of the prosecution team to go over your...
JB: Objection, beyond the scope...
JA: Goes to bias, your honor..
JP: Overruled.
JA:... to meet with a member of the prosecution team to go over your testimony to prepare you for what questions we would ask you on direct?
LA: Uh, I believe so, yes.
JA: And you refused to do so, did you not?
LA: Yes I did.
JA: But, Mr. Baez requested a meeting with you this week to prepare for this testimony, did he not?
LA: Uh, to my knowledge when he asked me, it was not to prepare for this testimony, um, and I had previously refused to meet with him prior to this week also. I had reached out to him prior to this week (hand motions to indicate a week with a beginning and an end, I think) and then we followed that up with a meeting this week, yes sir.
JA: So you reached out to Mr. Baez? (takes a big sip of water)
LA: Last week I did, yes sir.
JA: For what purpose?
JB: Judge I'm gonna object, and ask that the instruction be read as requested by Mr. Ashton.
JA: Your Honor, there is no implication of impropriety by counsel.
JP: Overruled at this point, let's continue.
JA: The question was, why did you, after refusing to meet with anyone on the prosecution team reach out to Mr. Baez?
LA: While I was in court the, well, the last time I was in court, um, prior to me getting called upon to the stand, um I, during a break, I sat in with my folks, and, um, there was a discussion or I was present during a discussion, where information came out that I thought it was important for, um, for Jose specifically to be made aware of, um, so I then took it up on myself a few days later, as I had no indication that he was going to be made aware of it, I took it upon myself to do that.
JA: And was this on the subjects that we have, that you have discussed under direct examination here today?
LA: No, sir, none of those items were discussed.

First of all, there was no mention of Lippman, at least in this part? Was there more? Second, I still think the key is that GA and CA were not planning to take this helpful, (exculpatory???) evidence to Baez at the time, so LA decided to do it himself.

Thank you so much for this. I guess I missed where they were mentioning that this was recent....I guess I am starting to have ASH ( anthony selective hearing)!
Why is the molestation and parentage of Caylee even part of this trial? Because Baez brought it in to keep KC off death row. Why molestation and not some other defense? Because KC herself told or hinted to friends that something had happened with her, her father, and Lee. It wasn't like there was some evidence out there pointing to molestation. There was only the hints of a very pathological liar looking for attention.
JB kept asking "what else were you upset/mad about" because he expectedc LA to speak about the sexual abuse at that time.

JB did not expect him to say anything about sexual abuse. But he was hoping observers/Jurors would think that.
Big pregnant pause- is he going to reveal all? Tell us how he tried to "feel her up"... Nah, it's all staged to create that expectation. Show business....
BBM. And this makes me wonder that if they thought Lee was the father, WHY would they think that. Was there some sort of consensual incestuous relationship that Cindy and George found out about? Is this the big family secret?

I keep wondering - why did the SAO test LA to see if he was Caylee's father. There HAS to be a reason. Right? It can't be standard protocol to test the uncle of a missing child to see if he is the father, kwim? That test NEVER sat well with me. And if it came out that LA and ICA did have a relationship I don't think I'd be shocked at this point.
I think Cindy and George are tied together tighter then they ever have been before. I bet they have a million dollar book or movie deal in the works. They will stick together.

Dr Glass stated that it's worth over $2million.
I keep wondering - why did the SAO test LA to see if he was Caylee's father. There HAS to be a reason. Right? It can't be standard protocol to test the uncle of a missing child to see if he is the father, kwim? That test NEVER sat well with me. And if it came out that LA and ICA did have a relationship I don't think I'd be shocked at this point.

Also - that video in jail where ICA tells CA to "leave it alone" when CA asks if she is doing this to protect the family. That gave me a weird vibe too.
I keep wondering - why did the SAO test LA to see if he was Caylee's father. There HAS to be a reason. Right? It can't be standard protocol to test the uncle of a missing child to see if he is the father, kwim? That test NEVER sat well with me. And if it came out that LA and ICA did have a relationship I don't think I'd be shocked at this point.

To rule him out. ICA is the one that accused him of abuse..
Actually Cindy spoke to Mark Furhman and admitted there was a fight that night, still can't bring it in but we know %100 there was a fight. I don't think there was a pool incident either, I believe neither Cindy nor Caylee were in the pool that night, there was a knock down drag out fight when KC came back from TL's though and only Cindy and KC were home.

With all due respect, I totally disagree with "knowing 100%" that there was a fight. I'm not convinced there was a fight, at least on that night. Mark Furhman could have gotten dates mixed up, or he might have straight up lied. I've never trusted Mark Furhman, at all. Cindy maybe even got her dates mixed up when she told Mark... certainly wouldn't be the first time she's been wrong about dates. IMO, the reason some people believe so strongly in the fight theory, is that it is easier for them to accept that a mother has killed her child in a rage, instead of a calm, cool, and premeditated fashion.
I keep wondering - why did the SAO test LA to see if he was Caylee's father. There HAS to be a reason. Right? It can't be standard protocol to test the uncle of a missing child to see if he is the father, kwim? That test NEVER sat well with me. And if it came out that LA and ICA did have a relationship I don't think I'd be shocked at this point.

It was requested by FBI (NS) merely to put a stop to the malicious rumor mongering on every TV show by Padilla (LP) who was on a mission to malign the A's and knew NS. IIRC.
Exactly! GA is/was a submissive to the women in the family. We have seen this over and over with CA, and GA was even submissive to ICA in jail - reminding her she is the CEO and calls the shots. There is NO way GA is the mastermind or instrumental in a cover-up, ICA would just laugh him off as a joke, as she does ... Remember ICA is the one who said ... Here are your f'ing gas cans. Not the actions of someone who fears her dad IMO. The power struggle is between CA and ICA and Caylee gave ICA her control.

EXACTLY, I totally agree with you.
When I was 16 I was able to convince my dad that the tatoo on my ankle was fake....a really good fake. My mom found me out weeks before but this is a perfect example of a Daddy not wanting to see the truth about his little girl. I imagine the pregnancy thing going like this:
George, Casey's pregnant, she was affraid to tell us and is due is a few weeks.
what?!?! who is the father how could she not tell us? Who is the father? are they getting married?
She is stressed enought, so stressed she wouldn't even tell us. now is not the time to upset her she and the baby need to be in a stress free enviornment. she hasn't seen a dr. yet b/c she was so terrified, lets not upset her and put this baby in further jeopardy.
OK but who is the dad?
Damn it
George, I told you we can't upset her, it's bad enough she hasn't had pre-natal care. just let it go(aha same words told to LA so my scenerio is plausible)
......GA backs off, doesn't want to upset Cindy by non complience so he shuts up. caylee is born. all are told specifically that Jesse is the baby daddy.
by the time JG paternity results are in it is a moot point. Caylee is embraced into the family, brings them a joy they have never experienced, GA and CA seem to be working this out. ICA is working at Universal, LA has begun his life/career, life is good. JG gets a neg paternity result. by this time does it really matter? life w/o caylee is a distant memory, maybe CA doesn't know who the daddy is, from what we KNOW of this family, would they really rock the boat? JG's neg results were prob. devastating as is, do they...would they...really want to shine a light on Caylee's paternity, perhaps it was crystal clear at that point ICA didn't know who the daddy was. so again, I ask, knowing this fam. would they rock the boat or go on living what appeared to be a great life. They bury their heads, sweep it under the carpet, however you want to discribe it...GA has probably always walked on eggsgells around the ladies and obeyed his wife religiously b/c 1. he thought it was a 'girl' thing, better to let ma deal with ICA, he's better to stay out of it and/or 2. he messed up...a lot...and had to kiss up and make good on all his bad decisions. or 3. both
Fast forward to 7/15/08, CA and ICA instruct GA, complete with guilt included, to ACT LIKE A FATHER NOT A DETECTIVE. It is my opinion that GA had many days where the detective in him almost took over but past mistakes, marital regrets, absentee parenting...who knows...something brought him back to 'dad' mode, back under CA's control, back to cover-up mode every single time. uggghhh, so frustrating! guilt is perhaps the most powerful emotion because SOMETHING is keeping GA complient w/ CA and it's not an secret molestation, IMO.
(funny note: to this day I KNOW I can get my dad to leave the room just by saying the word tampon) some fathers would rather not know about their daughters girly issues, including sex life, they leave it up to their wives to take care of such issues and frankly I see nothing odd or wrong with that. I have kids but my pop probably thinks I'm a virgin. it's a normal sort of denial if that even makes sense.
I keep wondering - why did the SAO test LA to see if he was Caylee's father. There HAS to be a reason. Right? It can't be standard protocol to test the uncle of a missing child to see if he is the father, kwim? That test NEVER sat well with me. And if it came out that LA and ICA did have a relationship I don't think I'd be shocked at this point.

Couldn't the tests been because of lies by Casey that she was molested? I mean, the woman has been known to lie about everything and the mere mention by her that she was molested by her father and/or Lee would prompt them to do a paternity test just to cover their bases would make sense, regardless of whether or not they thought/believed she was lying, makes perfect sense to me.

The fact that they tested the Anthony men for patnerity is a non issue, imo. Just covering all their baes in the Casey lies.
I just had a thought.. Lee said when he saw the 'baby bump' he asked KC "What the hell is that?" That sounds like something a disgusted big brother would say to his promiscuous little sister, especially when the little sister is treated as if she's the perfect little darling. I can see where he would want to expose her imperfections to mama bear. I can also see little sister retaliating with something like "he thinks he's so perfect, but he's not. He's come into my bedroom on more than one occasion and tried to feel me up." Mama bear steps in and tells big brother to go to his room and stop upsetting little sister and "don't let it happen again". He has no recourse than to disassociate himself from the lot of them....including the new little baby.
I have a feeling Lee's anger over the whole situation affected his feelings for Caylee, initially. For all we know, he may not have had a relationship with Caylee for a good while after she was born and that's something he now deeply regrets. It would also explain a big part of the hurt he was feeling today....like he had let Caylee down by not being there when she was born and quite possibly for a good while thereafter.
Why is the molestation and parentage of Caylee even part of this trial? Because Baez brought it in to keep KC off death row. Why molestation and not some other defense? Because KC herself told or hinted to friends that something had happened with her, her father, and Lee. It wasn't like there was some evidence out there pointing to molestation. There was only the hints of a very pathological liar looking for attention.

Odd that she didn't mention it to Child Protective services too, don't you think?
I why did the SAO test LA to see if he was Caylee's father. There HAS to be a reason. Right? .

reason: NOTHING ICA said was reliable and the family was very secretive about Caylee's dad from day 31. it's that simple. they needed science cause they couldn't rely on anything the A's told them. that way at least he could be ruled out. plus her name probably raised a red flag.
I think Cindy and George are tied together tighter then they ever have been before. I bet they have a million dollar book or movie deal in the works. They will stick together.
They are closer than they have ever been the secret life no one could understand or want to... they have each other to understand what each needs right now probably just support for the most part until this ends ...
Dumping poor Caylee's body fifteen houses down/less than two minutes away from the Anthony home screams Casey. It screams of someone who was much too busy doing important things, like renting movies arm-n-arm with said boyfriend, spending the entire day in bed with said boyfriend, managing shot-girls, entering hot body contests, and getting tatts. Someone who was familiar with LE/Investigative procedures would have put Caylee's remains much further away from the home than this and had that been the case, it's very likely that Caylee's remains would have never been found. As far as what info LA took to the defense, probably a counter-offer. Back off the sexual abuse allegations and we'll (CA, GA, and LA) help strengthen the "pool accident" theory and help alleviate the state's charges of premeditation. i.e., CA will say she did the computer searches, left the pool ladder up, etc, etc, etc. JMO ~

BBM. NOT if he was trying to make it look like ICA did it instead of him. The defense has said that George tried to implicate ICA. I'm sure a former LE would also know how to successfully frame someone, as well.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT buy the defense theory. I just think that the idea that George would have done a better/more thorough job of the disposal, IF one believes he did do it, is wrong. JMO, as always.
I just had a thought.. Lee said when he saw the 'baby bump' he asked KC "What the hell is that?" That sounds like something a disgusted big brother would say to his promiscuous little sister, especially when the little sister is treated as if she's the perfect little darling. I can see where he would want to expose her imperfections to mama bear. I can also see little sister retaliating with something like "he thinks he's so perfect, but he's not. He's come into my bedroom on more than one occasion and tried to feel me up." Mama bear steps in and tells big brother to go to his room and stop upsetting little sister and "don't let it happen again". He has no recourse than to disassociate himself from the lot of them....including the new little baby.
I have a feeling Lee's anger over the whole situation affected his feelings for Caylee, initially. For all we know, he may not have had a relationship with Caylee for a good while after she was born and that's something he now deeply regrets. It would also explain a big part of the hurt he was feeling today....like he had let Caylee down by not being there when she was born and quite possibly for a good while thereafter.

Bingo! This family dynamic makes absolute sense based on what we saw today and what we know about CA and ICA.

With all due respect, I totally disagree with "knowing 100%" that there was a fight. I'm not convinced there was a fight, at least on that night. Mark Furhman could have gotten dates mixed up, or he might have straight up lied. I've never trusted Mark Furhman, at all. Cindy maybe even got her dates mixed up when she told Mark... certainly wouldn't be the first time she's been wrong about dates. IMO, the reason some people believe so strongly in the fight theory, is that it is easier for them to accept that a mother has killed her child in a rage, instead of a calm, cool, and premeditated fashion.

Well crucibelle, I can't prove there was a fight at the home between Cindy and Casey Father's Day evening. But I do know there was a very good reason the two of them could have clashed. On that day, according to what we've heard, Cindy learned from her own mother that Casey had struck again and stole money from her grandfather's nursing home account. Don't know how much, but certainly that bit of news, IMO, would be something Cindy would confront Casey about. It's always been my opinion that Cindy was overly concerned how things looked to others when it came to Casey's behavior.
So yes, I would suspect this subject came up between the two of them.
And this has nothing to do with the truthfullness of Mark Furhman. jmo
I just had a thought.. Lee said when he saw the 'baby bump' he asked KC "What the hell is that?" That sounds like something a disgusted big brother would say to his promiscuous little sister, especially when the little sister is treated as if she's the perfect little darling. I can see where he would want to expose her imperfections to mama bear. I can also see little sister retaliating with something like "he thinks he's so perfect, but he's not. He's come into my bedroom on more than one occasion and tried to feel me up." Mama bear steps in and tells big brother to go to his room and stop upsetting little sister and "don't let it happen again". He has no recourse than to disassociate himself from the lot of them....including the new little baby.
I have a feeling Lee's anger over the whole situation affected his feelings for Caylee, initially. For all we know, he may not have had a relationship with Caylee for a good while after she was born and that's something he now deeply regrets. It would also explain a big part of the hurt he was feeling today....like he had let Caylee down by not being there when she was born and quite possibly for a good while thereafter.

Forgive me for commenting on my own quote, but I just thought of something else. Could this be what JB was trying to get Lee to say? What else was he hurt or angry about? His sister told his mother he tried to feel her up?

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