What info did Lee A take to the defense team?

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BBM. And this makes me wonder that if they thought Lee was the father, WHY would they think that. Was there some sort of consensual incestuous relationship that Cindy and George found out about? Is this the big family secret?

The big secret a couple of weeks ago was that ICA once said LA tried to "feel her up, but it didn't happen".

The real big secret is that there is no secret but JB would like you to think there is..
And, what's with a grown man crying about how he was dissed...sounds like what a 3 year would do.:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Also, I have noticed that George is very stiff and angry about something the pst cple days. I really feel sorry for him

The trio must be ready to send him to jail for life and he knows it.:loser:

The sobbing was very strange. I have never seen him sob for Caylee, only laugh inappropriately. Both Lee and Casey seem to sob when it's about their "hurt". I've never seen anything like this family.
I'm thinking whatever Lee took to the defense team made as much sense as Lee's C M A at the memorial service.
Who can figure him out?

The big secret a couple of weeks ago was that ICA once said LA tried to "feel her up, but it didn't happen".

The real big secret is that there is no secret but JB would like you to think there is..

I agree! What better secret to have than one that doesn't exist? At least the secret is safe and ... Everyone's imagination is far more effective and powerful. Let those imagination's run wild into reasonable doubt and acquittal.
Forgive me for commenting on my own quote, but I just thought of something else. Could this be what JB was trying to get Lee to say? What else was he hurt or angry about? His sister told his mother he tried to feel her up?

If I do say so myself (lol) this makes total sense. When CA was asked if KC had ever told her about Lee trying to feel her up, she said "no". Maybe this is what Lee overheard and knew it wasn't true. I really believe this is what JB was trying to get Lee to say, but then he backed out for some reason. JB is patting him on the back, letting him know he 'understands' and won't hold it against him.
And, what's with a grown man crying about how he was dissed...sounds like what a 3 year would do.:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Also, I have noticed that George is very stiff and angry about something the pst cple days. I really feel sorry for him

The trio must be ready to send him to jail for life and he knows it.:loser:

The sobbing was very strange. I have never seen him sob for Caylee, only laugh inappropriately. Both Lee and Casey seem to sob when it's about their "hurt". I've never seen anything like this family.

Good catch MissSallyAnnie. Cindy and George sure raised a couple of kids who care only about themselves and how the world treats them.

But I also think these two siblings must have had some type of bond when they had to deal with parents like Cindy and George. I imagine that household being filled with arguing and fighting a good percentage of the time.

OH yes Welcome to WS!
My personal transcription of the relevant portion...

JA: Now, Mr. Anthony, in preparation for this trial, were you requested to meet with a member of the prosecution team to go over your...
JB: Objection, beyond the scope...
JA: Goes to bias, your honor..
JP: Overruled.
JA:... to meet with a member of the prosecution team to go over your testimony to prepare you for what questions we would ask you on direct?
LA: Uh, I believe so, yes.
JA: And you refused to do so, did you not?
LA: Yes I did.
JA: But, Mr. Baez requested a meeting with you this week to prepare for this testimony, did he not?
LA: Uh, to my knowledge when he asked me, it was not to prepare for this testimony, um, and I had previously refused to meet with him prior to this week also. I had reached out to him prior to this week (hand motions to indicate a week with a beginning and an end, I think) and then we followed that up with a meeting this week, yes sir.
JA: So you reached out to Mr. Baez? (takes a big sip of water)
LA: Last week I did, yes sir.
JA: For what purpose?
JB: Judge I'm gonna object, and ask that the instruction be read as requested by Mr. Ashton.
JA: Your Honor, there is no implication of impropriety by counsel.
JP: Overruled at this point, let's continue.
JA: The question was, why did you, after refusing to meet with anyone on the prosecution team reach out to Mr. Baez?
LA: While I was in court the, well, the last time I was in court, um, prior to me getting called upon to the stand, um I, during a break, I sat in with my folks, and, um, there was a discussion or I was present during a discussion, where information came out that I thought it was important for, um, for Jose specifically to be made aware of, um, so I then took it up on myself a few days later, as I had no indication that he was going to be made aware of it, I took it upon myself to do that.
JA: And was this on the subjects that we have, that you have discussed under direct examination here today?
LA: No, sir, none of those items were discussed.

First of all, there was no mention of Lippman, at least in this part? Was there more? Second, I still think the key is that GA and CA were not planning to take this helpful, (exculpatory???) evidence to Baez at the time, so LA decided to do it himself.

I don't know if the info would have to be or been exculpatory or helpful, could have been anything the A's had been discussing. Possibly their own intensions of whatever they felt necessay to do to help ICA. Maybe discussing JB's opening statement and his accusations.

IMO, possibly LA met with JB to make sure JB would be aware, he had no plans or intensions of falling under the bus for his sister in falsely admitting he had ever had sexual relations of any kind with ICA!

My Opinion Only!
Yeah the body lang. between the family there at the end was really odd

Totally odd. It was like George was staring Lee down...not saying a word, and Cindy was in the background hesitantly watching what was going to happen next. It's interesting that no one moved until CM came to the door and walked out. I am sooooo confused by these people.
Lee's comment "I did as I was told" is very telling. He was the obedient child, the one who did as he was told. KC, on the other hand, was the disobedient child, yet she's the one who got all the attention and is still getting it. That's got to make him feel like ...you know what.
THUD. It really bothered me when JB kept pressing Lee -- what else are you angry about, what else! Finally the judge had to step in, and lee said "nothing".

IMHO JB was expecting an answer based on earlier meetings. What was it? Maybe he'll be able to recall him again and we'll all find out what it was. Because (again IMHO) a grown adult doesn't get that all wheepy and teary because he was not involved in a baby shower, or not being included in the pregnancy KWIM?
There's something else - I can just feel it.

Well, imo, there was something else he was supposed to SAY. But because it was not true, he could not bring himself to do so. imoo

He said himself that he is not the same person he was a couple of years ago. I think he means that he has seen and accepted the TRUTH.
Lee probably heard that CA and GA changed their mind about wanting the real truth to come out. Basically they flipped flopped again so like a good little BOY, lee went running to JB to tell him, it is safe to approach mommy and daddy.
Good catch MissSallyAnnie. Cindy and George sure raised a couple of kids who care only about themselves and how the world treats them.

But I also think these two siblings must have had some type of bond when they had to deal with parents like Cindy and George. I imagine that household being filled with arguing and fighting a good percentage of the time.

OH yes Welcome to WS!
Thank you! And I agree, I think their bond is no big secret - I have similar bond with my siblings due to childhood experiences. I don't believe the sexual abuse allegations, Lee and Casey only had each other growing up with the two "parents". Cindy is definitely the queen of the Anthony castle. Very tragic where everything ended up here. Regardless, I hope she is convicted!
I wish the jury could see JB console LA.

OT- I think the fact that LA said he didn't want to appear "judgmental" is huge. If there was a remote possibility of him being the dad, why would he say that? How could he judge a sister he allegedly raped.
. Because (again IMHO) a grown adult doesn't get that all wheepy and teary because he was not involved in a baby shower said:
I agree with you about the weepiness, etc. A man that age doesn't act like he did on the stand. I think there is something seriously wrong with Lee, as well as Casey. I also wonder why he was still living at home at that age. I have felt for quite some time that the key to the dysfunction in this family is Cindy, and I am feeling it stronger and stronger each day as the very weird scenarios play out. Little Caylee didn't have a chance.
Lee's comment "I did as I was told" is very telling. He was the obedient child, the one who did as he was told. KC, on the other hand, was the disobedient child, yet she's the one who got all the attention and is still getting it. That's got to make him feel like ...you know what.

I respectfully disagree.IMO KC was just as obedient.She did as she was excpected to do including the lies.IMO it was all about trying to please CA.
I keep wondering - why did the SAO test LA to see if he was Caylee's father. There HAS to be a reason. Right? It can't be standard protocol to test the uncle of a missing child to see if he is the father, kwim? That test NEVER sat well with me. And if it came out that LA and ICA did have a relationship I don't think I'd be shocked at this point.

IIRC: It is standard procedures to take DNA from family members in the case of a missing child. They took the whole family's DNA. Later when it was revealed to LE that KC had hinted to friends of Lee's fondling, the DNA of LA and GA was compared to that of KC and Caylee to see if either man could be Caylee's father. It wasn't that they took the DNA to do a paternity test; the DNA that was already on file was simply compared to Caylee's and KC's DNA.
Sorry, to disagree, but that doesn't even make any sense. An ex-homicide detective would make sure that body would never be found. An ex-homicide detective would know that a true accident, drowning, would NEVER bring a first degree murder charge, possibly negligent homicide but not first degree murder.

This scenario of George covering her accident to look like a kidnapping does not make any sense. An example that I will use to illustrate this is the Drew Peterson case. He's not even a homicide detective but he certainly knew to make sure that his wife's body is not anywhere to be found.

And an ex-homicide detective would not place a body that near his home.

BBM. Not if that ex-homicide detective was trying to make someone ELSE look like the guilty party. Think about it. I know I sound like a broken record on this issue, but as long as people keep saying George would have hidden the body where it would have never been found, etc. -- I'm going to keep pointing this out. To me, it is glaringly obvious.

Insert standard disclaimer (I don't believe DT theory and I don't believe GA disposed of the body).
This whole trial is a farce any more. Not only did Lee go to the defense with something CA and GA were discussing with their lawyer and Lee's for that matter, but when JA brought it up, JB seemed to think it would show impropriaty on his part? It's sickening, the whole family deserves each other and JB too. :maddening:

I am wondering too...How did JA know that Lee met with the defense?

Bold mine

Going along with what okiedokietoo posted a couple posts above yours, maybe George is the one who told JA.

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