What info did Lee A take to the defense team?

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I think it was something to refute evidence- something that they would know and think was wrong. They have both testified now and and I am wondering if this is ever going to come up or if it was inconsequential to the case in JB's eyes. He had the perfect in to put it out there today when questioning LA about and didn't bring it in. just wondering...
He said it was when he was in the court (during the prosecution's case I think) and said he overheard something that they were talking about and I think George is going to take the fall and say he did it. JMO - If they are planning to throw him under the proverbial "truck", why wouldn't he just leave Cindy - even if it's just for show - leave her and pretend to file for divorce... just my thoughts late on a Friday and totally having blood pressure problems with this trial.
Perhaps he heard GA or CA admit they cleaned out the Pontiac to their attorney. LE supposedly said to him "we know what you've done" (which I took to mean at the time that he had erased stuff off the laptop) and he thought he was the only one who had hidden something. I'd imagine it might be something that could impeach previous testimony or deposition and he wanted to level the playing field. Or perhaps he learned something about a conversation his parents had had with the state regarding their testimony as state witnesses and he felt it was something JB could use. They are such a deceitful lot it makes the imagination run wild.
I expect it is as big a bombshell as that dramatic secret that the DT couldn't wait to air- that is, LA tried to "feel ICA up".
Excuse me while I recover from gasping about that dramatic revelation...

Every member of this family lies as easily as you and I breathe.
More DT propaganda..
This whole trial is a farce any more. Not only did Lee go to the defense with something CA and GA were discussing with their lawyer and Lee's for that matter, but when JA brought it up, JB seemed to think it would show impropriaty on his part? It's sickening, the whole family deserves each other and JB too. :maddening:

I am wondering too...How did JA know that Lee met with the defense?

I wondered about that also....

okiedokietoo Total speculation: he heard GA say that he is not going to lie on the stand and say what the Defense wants him to say

I hadn't thought of that - but it sure makes sense. You may have the answer!!
I'm guessing it was HUGE. After thinking about it, LA goes to the defense, what, like last week? and now this week CA and LA are in lock step. If I were to speculate, I say it has something to do with GA and now ICA, CA and LA are all about to toss him smooth under the bus! JMOO :panic:

I think that's exactly what it is, if I were GA I would sleep with one eye opened. Personally I think CA and LA are just playing GA for a fool. And have every intention of making him think he's safe with them, but that they will throw every piece of evidence out there that can implicate him in Caylee's murder.
Exactly! And notice, the media doesn't ever bring up the sex abuse allegations any more. It's as if JB never accused GA and LA of abuse!! :waitasec:

Mark Gerragos did the same thing in Scott Peterson's trial. During opening statement, he told the jury Scott was "stone cold innocent" and talked about a van of hippies (something like that)...

Never brought up the van of hippes again...never mentioned it in the trial if memory serves...
could have just been in a time out...:crazy:

I could see CA doing that to him! LOL I have wondered if all the talk of his mistress testifying has made CA mad enough to pin this all on GA. The next few days will be interesting... I just hope it ends with justice for Caylee.
Was I dreaming that a tweet came out yesterday that Cindy and George would only testify in the penalty phase if Casey asked them to do so?

This would be a reason to talk to Baez, to let Casey know that if she want's her parents support during that phase, she better straighten her rear out and ask them with her own mouth.
I think he didn't go to the DT on his own. I think he went after getting instructions from Mama, and he went by himself at the instruction of the DT to avoid having it look like they were all conspiring together with their plan.
IMO I don't even think he went to see JB. I think somehow they knew that JA was going to question him about not meeting with the prosecution before his testimony and they had to make up something to cover up that he was on the defense side now.
I totally believe this whole plan is CA's and LA just had to follow the plan.
Whatever Lee told the DT, he had to believe it would be beneficial to ICA. My question is ... did he really hear anything or did he just want Baez to know he would say anything necessary to help get ICA off? I believe LA & CA are prepared to let George be the scapegoat at any cost, in order to save ICA.

2 things stood out to me while watching the JVM show tonight. LA & CA's whispering in the elevator while GA faced the elevator wall speaks loudly about this family's dynamic (IMO). Also the fact that Cindy has been diligently taking notes all during this trial. Notes she's allowed to take home every night & discuss with whoever she chooses. I sincerely believe they would sacrifice George in order to save their precious Casey.

I'm just sick over this turn of events. Caylee was the victim here, not Casey.

All just my opinion ...
Preface... I mean this in a serious way. I wonder if GA is being medicated or watched out for, in case of another suicide attempt? I think he's deeply involved in all of this, and he's not totally stupid, he was, after all a police det. at one point. He has to see what's coming, or is he not worried because he is going to throw himself on the sword when called to the stand??

Granted, I think he is the one that orchestrated the whole kidnapping conspiracy/cover-up, but I think one member of the family dying is enough. BTW, if you haven't surmised yet, I'm opposed to the DP, but that's each individuals opinion to form for themselves. JMOO
could it have been that GA and CA think Casey is guilty and their attorney spoke out - maybe he knew it was coming and went to the DT prior to them speaking out?
I wondered about that also....

I hadn't thought of that - but it sure makes sense. You may have the answer!!

I hope GA doesnt take the fall for ICA. That is, if he didnt molest her. He doesnt deserve it. I do think he really loved Caylee:( I dont care about the duct tape, Im thinking jury here....KC couldve had access to that duct tape she managed to get the gas cans. I just dont think GA is guilty of anything. IMO
What if Lee suggested to By-ezz that they handle today exactly as they did? He would get emotional, talk about how badly hurt he was, and leave the big UNanswered question about why he was so devastated about KC's pregnancy? Speculation could (and has) gone crazy since his bizarre behavior on the stand. Perhaps any mention of molestation would be dropped in exchange for a good (?) performance. moo
I don't think he had anything to take to them. It seems like there is something very odd going on between the Anthonys and the defense. The direct examinations were far too smooth to have been unscripted or unpracticed, in my opinion. I suspect that they all may have gone to the defense to practice what they would say, probably in an attempt to save her from a 1st degree conviction. So, I don't think that Lee had any actual information to give to Baez. I think he gave that answer strategically so he wouldn't have to testify about the reason.

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