What is Casey thinking/feeling/doing right now?

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Thank you Reagan.
I think she is writing to the knuckleheads who are financing her commisary account. She starts off telling each one how special he is, how much he means to her, and how he is her only "one". Then she moves on to the "letter sex". Then comes the one, two punch...... keep the money coming so she can keep up her beauty regimen for the day she is released and they can meet. Suckers!! moo
The secret tapes on the way to jail :

She is chastising the police department for not issuing an Amber Alert for Caylee, despite them saying they are looking for a live child. She has read up on the criteria for the Amber Alert and they were all met. Failure to issue the Amber Alert is what has angered CA. Other people have lied and nothing has happened to them. For these reasons, KC, for the first time in her nineteen years of living in the community, is disappointed in LE. (she emphasized nineteen - ooo).

She tries to get a handle on what LE is thinking when she says "if there is no hope. . . I mean no doubt. . .sheesh, that Caylee is alive. . . why is there no Amber Alert?" in other words, "if these guys really think she is alive, I am on easy street".

Happy asks if there was flooding in their neck of the woods (the A's) and KC is sssilent. However, there is one part that is funny, "Oh, Happy, you came. I asked for you and you came. You're so Happy! You listen to me when no one else will. Hey, don't talk to that other woman, pay attention to me, look my hand cuffs are too tight, my hands are numb. Happy? Do I have your attention again? Oh good." (complete fabrication by me, but the gist of the manipulation).

She never stops scheming. Never.
I won't do a poll because there's so many possibilities.

What do you think is going through her mind? Seriously.

I know alot of us like to bash her, but all judgement aside -
What is she thinking?
Is she planning her defense?
Is she feeling regret?
Do you think she ever thinks about Caylee?
Do you think she understands the gravity of her actions?
Does she think about her family?
Is she writing them apology letters?
Does she have trouble sleeping?

Good thread and interesting questions...............

First and foremost, I think Casey fully understands the gravity of her actions. The fact that she lied in an attempt to cover up what she had done, and tried to blame Caylee's disappearance on an imaginary babysitter, illustrates that she understood her actions were terribly wrong and that if she owned up to those actions she'd be in a lot of trouble.

As far as regrets go, I don't think Casey is capable of thinking in terms of regret for anyone other than herself. The world revolves around herself and she regrets that she isn't able to live a life filled with endless parties, cell phone calls, and texting with her friends. I doubt she has any regrets about the pain and suffering of Caylee or the grief of her parents and family.

As far as planning her defense, I don't think she's thought much beyond blaming someone else for Caylee's death. I wouldn't be surprised if JB has told her that he will get her acquitted and she believes it, leaving her defense in the hands of JB and the rest of the team.

While we don't know what the relationship is at the present time between Casey and her immediate family, I suspect that she isn't happy with them. In the videos of the jailhouse visits and the telephone call home, Casey was clearly angry with her parents. I've felt for a long time that the reason the family isn't visiting Casey at the jail, is because Casey has refused their visits. During court appearances, she's barely acknowledged her parents presence, and in one appearance she ignored them completely.

It's impossible to know what her thoughts are, but I believe she lives for the moment.
Do you get the feeling after listening to Casey in the secretly taped police car that she will never feel guilty?

She makes me sick with her trying to sound like an decent citizen of Orlando for 19 yrs. Give me a break, you lying, thieving criminal. No amber alert, she complains, when she never actually ever reported her daughter missing. It waS 31 days later, and all anyone had to go on was a bunch of her lies.

What's she feeling sitting in jail? Not ashamed, not remorse, not sorrow over Caylee, not horror that she's done so much harm to her family and friends.

She thinks in silly myspace blurps. She thinks in death images with hearts and ballons. Her wisdom is "Everybody lies. Everybody dies."

I hope she feels the black cloud hammer of doom hanging over her head because it will all come down on her eventually.
I just spent over a month in the hospital, and while I was laying there, I would sometimes think about this whole case. Sometimes I compared my time in an "institution' (hospital) to KC's (jail)... Not the same thing I know, but still, similar in some respects.

The deadening boredom, the petty little things that made up the day's routine, the wish for freedom to get out and go about life as usual...the annoying stuff... the stupid clothes I had to wear, the lack of privacy, the being ordered around, the horrible food..the lack of phones, TV, internet.. not even much for books to read, and just nothing to DO.

One month and I was nearly out of my mind .. I felt I would have given all I owned to just get out of there and go home.. failing that any visitor .. my worst enemy!! would have been welcome, I would have loved to seen anyone, even though I did have visitors, I would have loved to have had more..

KC has been in a jail now for over a year.. and could have had plenty of visits, but refuses them apparently. And doesn't seem to be climbing the walls from boredom and such. At least I could move around the hospital a little as I grew stronger, but she is confined to that little cell all day, with maybe an hour out to shower and such like.

Considering her youth, her former pretty hectic party-type life, and her apparent lack of inner resources, I am baffled as to how she manages to stay reasonably together, over this length of time, if it was so hard for me in just one month.

What can she be thinking as day follows day? What keeps her sane ? Does she have some elaborate fantasy world that wasn't available to me? Some form of 'work' or 'recreation' to hold her attention, while I did not?

I only know I couldn't have lasted over a year as she has done. There must be something else going on here that I just don't understand.
Like Scott Peterson, sorry he got caught. Why didn't he just get a divorce. So sure his lawyer would get him off. Full support from his parents.

Casey had the option to hand Caylee over to Cindy. She said as much to LE when they called her on her lies. She too is counting on Baez to get her off. Her parents still support her.

She isn't confessing because she can't. She killed her daughter. Just like with Laci we may never know exactly how.
I agree Jolyanna. ..my first thoughts when I read this were...

How do I look?
Who can I say did this?..some other dude did it ..not me
How can I prove soddi not me?
How do I look?
Mom never was there for me.
I dont trust CA or GA only baez.
How do I look?
Can I have a candy bar?
Can I get a mirror so I can see the back of my hair?
How do I look?
Caylee was a nice child..wish she wasn't so much work.
How do I look?
Wonder when the attorneys will be here?
Hope the nice guard is here tonite.
How do I look?

Great post!

I wonder who will play ME in the made-for-TV move.
She better be a 10 with perfect teeth.
I just spent over a month in the hospital, and while I was laying there, I would sometimes think about this whole case. Sometimes I compared my time in an "institution' (hospital) to KC's (jail)... Not the same thing I know, but still, similar in some respects.

The deadening boredom, the petty little things that made up the day's routine, the wish for freedom to get out and go about life as usual...the annoying stuff... the stupid clothes I had to wear, the lack of privacy, the being ordered around, the horrible food..the lack of phones, TV, internet.. not even much for books to read, and just nothing to DO.

One month and I was nearly out of my mind .. I felt I would have given all I owned to just get out of there and go home.. failing that any visitor .. my worst enemy!! would have been welcome, I would have loved to seen anyone, even though I did have visitors, I would have loved to have had more..

KC has been in a jail now for over a year.. and could have had plenty of visits, but refuses them apparently. And doesn't seem to be climbing the walls from boredom and such. At least I could move around the hospital a little as I grew stronger, but she is confined to that little cell all day, with maybe an hour out to shower and such like.

Considering her youth, her former pretty hectic party-type life, and her apparent lack of inner resources, I am baffled as to how she manages to stay reasonably together, over this length of time, if it was so hard for me in just one month.

What can she be thinking as day follows day? What keeps her sane ? Does she have some elaborate fantasy world that wasn't available to me? Some form of 'work' or 'recreation' to hold her attention, while I did not?

I only know I couldn't have lasted over a year as she has done. There must be something else going on here that I just don't understand.

I think KC is a bit of a sloth.

You probably would not have been happy sitting around in your parent's house all day, month after month after month when you were in your early 20's. Or spending all of your "dates" sitting around watching television. You probably like being busy and probably drive further than a block away from your home.

While it looks like people let loose at the parties KC attended, KC didn't have much of a life on a day to day basis. She didn't have a job. She didn't belong to anything, go to church or even take Caylee to the park and sit on a bench talking to other mothers regularly. She seems chained to her phone and computer.

KC is good at compartmentalizing. When she was living her beautiful life she was able to shut out thoughts about Caylee's final moments. She was NOT into self-flagellating. KC could barely tear herself away from worrying about where her relationship with Tony "was going" long enough to dispose of Caylee's body.

There was no remorseful sitting around after stealing from her dying grandfather. KC had phone calls to make. KC didn't beat herself up after killing Caylee, either. She called and talked to her parents on the day she killed Caylee. She talked to Tony and shopped for videos on the day she killed Caylee.

Just like KC said in her diary of days:

Hold your head high.



Love unconditionally.

Tomorrow is a brand new day

I think KC is going to be able to read, answer her fan mail and dream about her fans the way she used to fritter away her days texting, instant messaging, talking on the phone and daydreaming about her boy of the moment.

She'll have her mirror, more makeup, books, fan letters, lawyers, fans, prison guards and relationships with other prisoners to take the place of her old admirers.

She'll have shrines in her cell and talk about Caylee anytime mention of Caylee will get her something. KC won't feel a twinge. Just like she was able to say Caylee was having a fun time with Zanny knowing full well what was left of Caylee had just dripped out all over her car trunk...KC will be able to move past what she did that brought about her life circumstances.

In KC's world other people exist to be used. The place where KC is going is full of like-minded individuals. KC will fit in. But, she'll have to stay on her toes. I predict she won't be bored.

We do work for a company that is in the midst of crumbling, the partners are at war...One of the partners is clearly, clearly a sociopath. She is following a trajectory similar to everythig I have read on sociopaths, and a lot of KC-like behaviors are there (this lady has not killed anyone that we know of, though). Now, one of their workers is indicating that she is starting to act weird, really manic and anxious.

So to answer what I think KC is thinking, based upon what I've seen of this lady, KC is feeling very sorry for herself, very angry, and very trapped. It makes it hard for a sociopath to maneuver when those around her are onto her. Even the inmates know she is guilty from their own street experiences, just like Iassen knew from his war experience. JB probably has to tip toe around the events.
She will demonize those that she fears are onto her, and she will still try to play on those who sympathize with her. As in the tape above, with KC and Det. Wells, KC claims she wants to work with him because he listens to her (though we know he really is not buying it), and she demonizes the other LE.
Ultimately, she will tell JB to have the heads of the people that she knows have nailed her: LE and Jesse. She has no wiggle room with them, because they know her or know her type, and she will make it her mission to punish them for that. Look at how she has punished CA.....

ETA; Little does KC know, JG was trying to put her in a good light in the beginning of all of this-She just knows that JG knows her well, and that scares the crap out of her. She is planning on how she will shift this blame over to him or to her parents.
Hmmmm. I don't believe KC thinks to any depth and she certainly doesn't feel. I bet she obsesses on her eyebrows 22 hours a day. More than that would exhaust her no doubt. Poor baby has a boil :)
We do work for a company that is in the midst of crumbling, the partners are at war...One of the partners is clearly, clearly a sociopath. .................................................................
She will demonize those that she fears are onto her, and she will still try to play on those who sympathize with her. As in the tape above, with KC and Det. Wells, KC claims she wants to work with him because he listens to her

THE GIFT OF FEAR by Gavin De Becker is a good book. I remember reading that con artists and dangerous sociopaths often use the ploy you're talking about. They very quickly form an alliance with you making you feel like part of their team, you are their special confidant or partner. It enables them to get your loyalty, etc., It is really a quick, effective way to manipulate you further...until you figure it out like everyone Casey did it to. For instance, Amy thinking they were going to be room mates gave Amy the feeling her relationship with Casey was that special connection so she'd then be more willing to lend Casey her car, go buy a gas can for her, etc., As you pointed out, she was working on getting Det. Wells on her side right off by flattering him as the only one who could listen and understand. Working her magic as usual.

Casey probably is feeling all sorry for herself. "Everything has been taken away from me." Boo hoo.
No doubt Casey misses the conveniences of her previous life, (cell, liquor, FaceBook) but she doesn't have to cook, steal gas, take care of Caylee, have any fights with Cindy ever again. She can read, sleep, listen to her radio and order off the commissary list, gets to feel "special" in the Protective Custody unit and given her lack of shame I doubt she even cares that much about being on display 24/7 through the plexi-glass. She's probably filled in a completely new fantasy life involving those she sees in her daily jail contacts. I doubt she misses or thinks of Caylee often at all, but it helps her martyr role to have a display of pictures in her cell. (Or b/c her attorneys told her to). Just M.O.
No doubt Casey misses the conveniences of her previous life, (cell, liquor, FaceBook) but she doesn't have to cook, steal gas, take care of Caylee, have any fights with Cindy ever again. She can read, sleep, listen to her radio and order off the commissary list, gets to feel "special" in the Protective Custody unit and given her lack of shame I doubt she even cares that much about being on display 24/7 through the plexi-glass. She's probably filled in a completely new fantasy life involving those she sees in her daily jail contacts. I doubt she misses or thinks of Caylee often at all, but it helps her martyr role to have a display of pictures in her cell. (Or b/c her attorneys told her to). Just M.O.

I agree with what you said here TWSS, I believe she has already created another reality within her new life of incarceration. I imagine she is obsessing about every detail she has spoken, "How can I make them believe this" "How should I act when I say that" "Should I open my eyes wide and smile when I look at them" "I bet I'll look convincing in that smart little cardigan and skirt"......"should I order twinkies today?".............
you need to visit the foresnic astrology thread and read Casey # 11 -

in ten words or less sparks are flying between kc and her defense team
you need to visit the foresnic astrology thread and read Casey # 11 -

in ten words or less sparks are flying between kc and her defense team

Sharpar, could you point me in the direction of the forensic astrology thread? I couldn't find it. TIA.
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=86537"]Amateur Astrological Info on Casey and Caylee: #11 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
I think that Casey has adjusted to her new life and it doesn't faze her in the least. She lays around reading and snacking and probably napping. She flirts with the younger guards and looks forward to her macho attorney visiting. I think she believes without a doubt that she will walk out the doors of the courthouse after her trial so she doesn't worry about that. She may write to a friend or two if she has any left.

She probably doesn't give her parents or brother a thought. They talked to LE and the FBI about her and they are a part of her past. I doubt that she gives Caylee a thought unless she has to when she is talking to her attorneys. She probably blames Caylee for her being locked up too. She'll never admit what she did and has probably convinced herself that the Nanny did it.

I think Casey is probably content where she is just lazing around with no responsibilities. She probably thinks she is the queen with people sending her money to buy her snacks. Wonder how much she weighs by now? I wish she hated it in there but I doubt that she does.
My guess she is experiencing ennui. With the wind down of all the histrionics she doesn't have as much to think about as she did in the beginning. I do wonder if she is allowed to write anyone..I think Lyons wouldn't like it if she did. Lyons probably has laid down the law about lots of things and that is why all the chest beating has tapered off. It certainly has gotten quiet since Lyons showed up---which is sad for trial watchers...and probably even sad for Casey as she seems to be a type of person who revels in drama. There is no drama right now---she has to be bored to tears.
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