What is going on between Baez and Casey?

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DNA Solves
I think JB and team got her in a room finally and said ' We have nothing! What do you want us to say? The evidence is going to bury you. Should we say that it was an accidental overdose? In which case why didn't you alert authorities? An accidental drowning? Why didn't you alert your parents or authorities? Was it because you were scared? Yeah....we can work with that. Let's add an abuse layer in there, you already alluded to that when you wrote to your "Muffin." You were so scared of your abusive Dad, brother and Mom that you couldn't tell them? Yes that could work!"
Not if it (the deeply disturbed part) is only attributable to a behavior disorder. IOW there is no mental illness. But, I'm not an expert though.

When the DT had Dr's Danzinger and Weitz assess the inmate, neither assigned her any diagnosis recognized by the American Psychiatric Society. That's why JB withdrew them as witnesses IIRC. :)
This is a long rambling paragraph of my thoughts. I have no proof. It is simply some things I have been thinking about and putting together the last couple days.

Honestly, I just don't think he cares anymore. At first everything was so flirty and cute. Then there was all that trouble with him touching her in court. Then the baby was found. She is a liar and she is very good at what she does. LP even bailed her out twice, tho a lot of that was just about getting his face on the news. BUT, at first JB may have believed it (or just wanted so badly to) and let's face it, wasn't in the best financial circumstances. Behind on child support, about to lose the house, etc.... They find the body and she loses it. Not because she just found out her baby had died (obviously) but because she only cared about herself. If she knew the baby was already dead, why wouldn't she be relieved that she had been found so that she could have a proper respectable burial? I didn't know Caylee before page 1 and knew Caylee was dead before I hit page 400 and I knew KC was to blame for all of it. But I couldn't sleep right until she was found and no longer alone in the dirt.

I think that the finding of the body by the house required an admission of some sort-whatever that may have been- which probably caused him to finally see that she was lying about everything and it made him angry. By now, the honeymoon is over. The visits sure came to a screeching halt. But now he is in this case up to his eyeballs and what is he going to do? If anything really inappropriate happened, she would talk. She's the type and probably will before it is over with. Maybe he feels stuck. She's mad because she can't see any of the family she hates or her friends she doesn't really care about and he won't even visit her and spend all day every day there allowing her to play on facebook or whatever. Jealous of the wife as well, I am sure. He is, really, the only man she has at the moment.

But also by now, everyone knows that she is a horrible case to have to defend. She has molded the story into such great fictional detail and has had the whole family saying one thing when it is a totally different thing altogether and now they are backed into a story and the only defense he has for her is that she is just a great big liar. So he piles on more ridiculous lies, and is totally half heartedly defending his client. He doesn't believe any of this any more than we do. His record will take a hit, but who wouldn't lose this case? So since he lost before he started, meh, whatever. I don't think he likes her at all anymore and really doesn't care what happens to her. I would be surprised if he is at all involved in her appeals. I think that he simply doesn't care and is trying to take as much money as he can from it and run. Especially now that I hear that there is a possibility he asked for more money. I don't know why, but I just don't think he cares at all anymore. He knows it's over. He can only drag it out for so long.

Maybe I am wrong. Maybe there really is something spectacular coming. But I just don't think so.
My opinion is that JB does not like little Casey. I just get that feeling.

You may be right... he has had a few years to really get to *know* ICA..and now is just fighting for his reputation and not so much the story she laid out for him to defend.. JMO
ITAgree but it was not Joses job to TRY to keep GA and CA silent, was it? I don't think anyone could have reigned in these embarassed, ashamed, heartbroken grandparents at the time. But it certainly wasn't Joses job. He was too busy being wooed by ICA

BBM - That is a HUGE problem in all of this. And while it isn't necessarily his job, per se, he really should have. All of that would have required a level of professionalism that Jose does not have, so it was out from the start. (ETA: Not being snary just observant and my true feelings on the matter.) But I can tell you from my time volunteering with the IP, the most important thing that we always told the families was to keep quiet. It was constantly stressed and we were all constantly reminded by each other. Defense team and the family of the convicted. When overwhelming evidence of innocence was found, no one was to talk to the media or anything about it and it was to be left as a complete (real) bombshell that everyone in the media, courts and everywhere was hit with all at the same time. I still work a case off and on now that has bombshells that we found out more than 20 years ago, but they can't be told until we have access to a court, so we don't even tell media or supporters. It would have been a deciding factor for me if I was JB. If you can't keep them off of the TV, I would have to go. Ultimatum. Then he wouldn't be where he is today at all.
That Horace, or she was telling JB to go after her father with both barrels.:maddening:

Agreed... she may just have believed all she had to have happen was for JB to proclaim what she said happened implicating GA, and the SA would drop all charges at that moment, and she walks out on the arm of CM as he stated.

This whole process is wearing on her, and she is jumping on her atty's for it.

I believe she is trying to "coach" her atty's to "do what I say" since she has soooo much experience in court at this point, and when they don't, once the jury steps out, she unloads with both barrels.
I think Jose is now fully aware of how volatile Casey is. It would not surprise me if he is considering the allegations that are likely to come his way in the event the case does not proceed to Casey's liking.
I think Jose is now fully aware of how volatile Casey is. It would not surprise me if he is considering the allegations that are likely to come his way in the event the case does not proceed to Casey's liking.

Especially considering the allegations she has put up in open court being broadcast live and watched around the world about her own brother and father as he sits there listening and being put on the stand to be questioned about.
When the DT had Dr's Danzinger and Weitz assess the inmate, neither assigned her any diagnosis recognized by the American Psychiatric Society. That's why JB withdrew them as witnesses IIRC. :)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't psychopathy a "diagnosis" not recognized by the American Psychiatric Society?

If I'm rehashing something already known, my apologies, I haven't been following closely the past few months.
-Jose Baez "When we have finally spoken, everyone, and I mean everyone, will sit back and say 'now I understand' 'that explains it'.

I think there might have been some level of confidence attached to this. Why? I have no idea- because his defense certainly doesn't explain it. At any rate, this quote makes me think that he is at least half way on board.
BBM - That is a HUGE problem in all of this. And while it isn't necessarily his job, per se, he really should have. All of that would have required a level of professionalism that Jose does not have, so it was out from the start. (ETA: Not being snary just observant and my true feelings on the matter.) But I can tell you from my time volunteering with the IP, the most important thing that we always told the families was to keep quiet. It was constantly stressed and we were all constantly reminded by each other. Defense team and the family of the convicted. When overwhelming evidence of innocence was found, no one was to talk to the media or anything about it and it was to be left as a complete (real) bombshell that everyone in the media, courts and everywhere was hit with all at the same time. I still work a case off and on now that has bombshells that we found out more than 20 years ago, but they can't be told until we have access to a court, so we don't even tell media or supporters. It would have been a deciding factor for me if I was JB. If you can't keep them off of the TV, I would have to go. Ultimatum. Then he wouldn't be where he is today at all.

Problem also was that you couldn't get jb off TV either.....its only been this week that he hates cameras...prior to that---wasn't a camera he hated (unless KB was in front of it)---He brought a lot of the media himself, made profits from them....Not saying that CA&GA didn't damage it either--but no could reighn in CA...(think ga would have been fine away from cameras--) Heck he even dined with media when Caylee was found...still can't forget that encournter with all the attys and staff at the A's house parading down where Caylee was found---
-Jose Baez "When we have finally spoken, everyone, and I mean everyone, will sit back and say 'now I understand' 'that explains it'.

I think there might have been some level of confidence attached to this. Why? I have no idea- because his defense certainly doesn't explain it. At any rate, this quote makes me think that he is at least half way on board.

So if the BOSS is wrong or right...
making unproveable statements,and basically running the show [ very badly]
then she gets what she gets..
they are obviously doing what she says and wants..
:crazy: it is what it is,I guess
Even worse TL said she said LA tried to feel her up but she didn't let him. I bet every single juror there wants to hit her, or will by trials end so GA gets a pass for that IMO. :)

I missed this part of the testimony. When was it? What day? Anyone have the specific video link?
I missed this part of the testimony. When was it? What day? Anyone have the specific video link?

I believe it was Thursday and there is a thread about it..after the juriors left....something like that
You are so right. She had to be absolutely humiliated when she had to stand up so Tony could identify her. And see those old pics where she was hot and sexy compared to now, that had to hurt and make her angry. She's having to dress in a way she can't stand and look like a good girl who would do no one harm, and not only is that not working, but I bet she can't stand being dressed up and told to act in a way that is totally not her.

BBM - Reminds me of the "sticker" she had in her photobucket acct - I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not.

I guess she finally has what she always wanted.
What's going on between Baez and ICA?

Baez cannot lie like ICA can and it is seriously
pizzing her off!

Baez is angry that he has to defend THIS with THIS theory?!

ICA is angry that he is no good at it and not jumping when she says jump. He is tired, inexperienced, stressed, arrogant and
going to lose.

Surprised? I'm not.

This, exactly! The inferior liar is presenting... LOLOL
I don't think JB was as into her as he lead her to believe. He knew what he had on his hands. She was a Diva. When dealing with such persons, you have to bow down before them or all H breaks out.

His goal was to keep her as his client. It's kinda late to dump him now. He doesn't care if he looses and this case goes to appeals. He all ready has one case he lost and the person is trying to show what a bad counsel he was. His job is done, what happens next for his client, not his problem.

This whole mistrial thing, doesn't mean he would be the lawyer next time around. Considering he isn't going to get another dime, I doubt he would take the case for free.

He hasn't been hanging out with her at the jail for a long time. Just simple visits. But now, he has to deal with her 6 days a week.

This is all about free PR for him.
ITAgree but it was not Joses job to TRY to keep GA and CA silent, was it? I don't think anyone could have reigned in these embarassed, ashamed, heartbroken grandparents at the time. But it certainly wasn't Joses job. He was too busy being wooed by ICA

If it was in his clients best interests and there was a way for him to do it, then YES it was his job. Instead, He fought against the gags.
I think JB and team got her in a room finally and said ' We have nothing! What do you want us to say? The evidence is going to bury you. Should we say that it was an accidental overdose? In which case why didn't you alert authorities? An accidental drowning? Why didn't you alert your parents or authorities? Was it because you were scared? Yeah....we can work with that. Let's add an abuse layer in there, you already alluded to that when you wrote to your "Muffin." You were so scared of your abusive Dad, brother and Mom that you couldn't tell them? Yes that could work!"

I doubt this because everyone knows the State can't distinguish cause death, and everyone on the stand who knew Casey in real life has not said anything that bad, and has indicated she was a good mother.

She has a pattern of hiding the truth, starting with her pregnancy. Having a personality disorder and being raised around weird parents does not make a murderer. I think the State better have a huge smoking gun.


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