What Is the Defense Strategy?

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You can argue that was when he was trying to do right by Caylee but also spin it that he threw his daughter under the bus to save himself.. If you ignore a lot of facts.


Cyber - I'm not sure I get what you mean by this.

Nevvvvvermind.........I reread it and it makes sense now.

Maybe Cyber meant the clean up after the fact? Just guessing...:truce: If the Defense were to throw GA under the bus as both a chimo (short for child molester) and a murderer of Caylee I would imagine that the A's clean up of ICA's car after it was retrieved at great cost by them after it was impounded and ABANDONED by their daughter (the mother of the year) that perhaps GA would be basically defending himself 5th amendment wise against the cleanup? JMO...
So the DT pulls a fast one, and they open by putting Casey on the stand. She says that she has stayed quiet and in jail all of this time because she was afraid of her father and was not sure what he would do if she told what really happened.

Then she says that around the 16th of June, her father, who had abused her for years, took Caylee and told Casey not to tell anyone or she would be sorry. He told her to go about her business like nothing happened, and he was teaching her a lesson by taking the child, but if she did right, he would return her by her birthday.

So she thought everything was going to be alright and she went on with her life. But then she started smelling a horrible smell in the car, and she finally realized that her father was trying to frame her for the child's death. He was afraid that Casey was going to tell on him about the prior abuse. So he framed her by putting the body in the trunk one night while she slept, then he put the child in Casey's old childhood burial grounds.

Casey felt she could not go the LE because her dad was ex-Le so she did not trust them. She waited to find herself an attorney that she could trust. He told her to be quiet and he would protect her. And so here we are...
I am now convinced that the stratagy is going to be that Caylee accidently drowned in the pool, Casey panicked because of her "abusive" mother and "child molesting father" and she had no where to go so she put Caylee in the trunk and "had to for her own safety" act as though nothing was wrong, although she was "dieing inside because she was a victim and to afraid to tell anyone" and all Casey is guilty of is "being a victim of abusive parents and that she could not turn to them in her time of need"...
anyone wanna place a wager on it?
So the DT pulls a fast one, and they open by putting Casey on the stand. She says that she has stayed quiet and in jail all of this time because she was afraid of her father and was not sure what he would do if she told what really happened.

Then she says that around the 16th of June, her father, who had abused her for years, took Caylee and told Casey not to tell anyone or she would be sorry. He told her to go about her business like nothing happened, and he was teaching her a lesson by taking the child, but if she did right, he would return her by her birthday.

So she thought everything was going to be alright and she went on with her life. But then she started smelling a horrible smell in the car, and she finally realized that her father was trying to frame her for the child's death. He was afraid that Casey was going to tell on him about the prior abuse. So he framed her by putting the body in the trunk one night while she slept, then he put the child in Casey's old childhood burial grounds.

Casey felt she could not go the LE because her dad was ex-Le so she did not trust them. She waited to find herself an attorney that she could trust. He told her to be quiet and he would protect her. And so here we are...

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: it would be funny if it didnt sound like something the defense might actually try
So the DT pulls a fast one, and they open by putting Casey on the stand. She says that she has stayed quiet and in jail all of this time because she was afraid of her father and was not sure what he would do if she told what really happened.

Then she says that around the 16th of June, her father, who had abused her for years, took Caylee and told Casey not to tell anyone or she would be sorry. He told her to go about her business like nothing happened, and he was teaching her a lesson by taking the child, but if she did right, he would return her by her birthday.

So she thought everything was going to be alright and she went on with her life. But then she started smelling a horrible smell in the car, and she finally realized that her father was trying to frame her for the child's death. He was afraid that Casey was going to tell on him about the prior abuse. So he framed her by putting the body in the trunk one night while she slept, then he put the child in Casey's old childhood burial grounds.

Casey felt she could not go the LE because her dad was ex-Le so she did not trust them. She waited to find herself an attorney that she could trust. He told her to be quiet and he would protect her. And so here we are...
...a good bedtime story, Katydid. But, there is no way Casey would sit in jail while she could tell this story on the outside for big bucks.
...a good bedtime story, Katydid. But, there is no way Casey would sit in jail while she could tell this story on the outside for big bucks.

I don't know. I bet the story is worth a whole lot more right now than ever before. They could blindside the heck out of him with the duct tape and the attempted suicide and his temper tantrums. ??????
Since the bus might be headed for GA, (I did not search this forum for this answer, sorry), does anyone know offhand why GA was the only one who testified in front of the Grand Jury? and isn't his testimony what prompted ICA's arrest? I may be wrong here. Just trying to figure out why no one else testified in front of GJ. I know that testimony is sealed, but am just confused, if the bus is headed his way, can anything he testified to ever be made public? I know the answer is probably "no", but why didn't anyone else testify in front of the GJ does anyone recall?

That's a great question. I don't think I've ever seen it asked here before. I think, remembering back to that time, I just assumed it was because CA was in such denial and GA (at that time) was more based in reality. He was the one who talked about the smell in the car when he drove it back from the tow yard. How he prayed when he opened the trunk that his daughter or granddaughter was not in the trunk. He talked about knowing ICA had no job. On the other hand, the detectives seemed to indicate early on that CA didn't have a "real" definition of how ICA was...she was basically in la-la land.
Since the bus might be headed for GA, (I did not search this forum for this answer, sorry), does anyone know offhand why GA was the only one who testified in front of the Grand Jury? and isn't his testimony what prompted ICA's arrest? I may be wrong here. Just trying to figure out why no one else testified in front of GJ. I know that testimony is sealed, but am just confused, if the bus is headed his way, can anything he testified to ever be made public? I know the answer is probably "no", but why didn't anyone else testify in front of the GJ does anyone recall?


Because at that time, he was the only one who was being honest and truthful?:waitasec:
Perhaps the DT can try to float the " pool accident " happening at Tone's apartment. Casey and Cindy have huge altercation. Casey calls Tone. Says, I know you don't want Caylee spending the night at your place, but there is so
much drama at my house right now and I don't want my precious subject to it. So can Caylee and I spend the night? Just one night until mommy dearest
has time to get over herself. Tone lets them stay. He gets up following morning goes about leaving for school or whatever. Casey isn't watching Caylee close enough or is showering and Caylee goes out the apartment door goes to the pool area ( because she loves pools and swimming so much ) falls in and drowns. Casey finds her. Puts her in the car and drives to Suburban DR. Tries to stage a backyard pool drowning here but it just doesn't work as
Cindy will still blame her for it because mommy dearest has a memory like an elephant and will surely remember she put the ladder up from the prior evenings swim with Caylee. Just a possibility........and .........JMO
Perhaps the DT can try to float the " pool accident " happening at Tone's apartment. Casey and Cindy have huge altercation. Casey calls Tone. Says, I know you don't want Caylee spending the night at your place, but there is so
much drama at my house right now and I don't want my precious subject to it. So can Caylee and I spend the night? Just one night until mommy dearest
has time to get over herself. Tone lets them stay. He gets up following morning goes about leaving for school or whatever. Casey isn't watching Caylee close enough or is showering and Caylee goes out the apartment door goes to the pool area ( because she loves pools and swimming so much ) falls in and drowns. Casey finds her. Puts her in the car and drives to Suburban DR. Tries to stage a backyard pool drowning here but it just doesn't work as
Cindy will still blame her for it because mommy dearest has a memory like an elephant and will surely remember she put the ladder up from the prior evenings swim with Caylee. Just a possibility........and .........JMO

I think there is too much conflicting testimony for such a story. Yes the defense can put forth their theories, but where they directly conflict with witness testimony, and while offering no direct testimony of them they will quickly be dismissed by any jury as the bull plop that they are. It's like these stories today "Could Caylee's wet bathing suit cause the chloroform"? Ummm? has anybody found a bathing suit? Was it in the car? Because LE didn't find it in the car or with her. CA did not find it? As you might imagine screaming "the bathing suit caused it" quickly loses credibility when there is in fact no bathing suit in play.
Um is anyone as angry as I am about the new motion to allow KC to tell her story through a third party?

I mean that makes me angry. So she is going to tell a new story/lie which I am thinking involves her father. I am convinced they are going to use George as a way to drum up reasonable doubt and I bet George is okay with this and this is why we are not seeing him inthe court room anymore and why KC showed little emotion when he testified.

I just can't believe she wants to tell a new story and then not have to be cross examined.

Um is anyone as angry as I am about the new motion to allow KC to tell her story through a third party?

I mean that makes me angry. So she is going to tell a new story/lie which I am thinking involves her father. I am convinced they are going to use George as a way to drum up reasonable doubt and I bet George is okay with this and this is why we are not seeing him inthe court room anymore and why KC showed little emotion when he testified.

I just can't believe she wants to tell a new story and then not have to be cross examined.


Can you think of anything KC has done the way it's "supposed to be done"???
Um is anyone as angry as I am about the new motion to allow KC to tell her story through a third party?

I mean that makes me angry. So she is going to tell a new story/lie which I am thinking involves her father. I am convinced they are going to use George as a way to drum up reasonable doubt and I bet George is okay with this and this is why we are not seeing him inthe court room anymore and why KC showed little emotion when he testified.

I just can't believe she wants to tell a new story and then not have to be cross examined.


This would be hearsay, which is why I believe Baez withdrew the doctors from the witness list..but he's still at it. If he insists then the only way this could happen is IF ICA takes the stand first, then they can go and testify to her state of mind/consciousness of guilt...

His Honor kept asking, what is the exception to the hearsay rule...I don't remember a definate answer from Baez...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
That's a great question. I don't think I've ever seen it asked here before. I think, remembering back to that time, I just assumed it was because CA was in such denial and GA (at that time) was more based in reality. He was the one who talked about the smell in the car when he drove it back from the tow yard. How he prayed when he opened the trunk that his daughter or granddaughter was not in the trunk. He talked about knowing ICA had no job. On the other hand, the detectives seemed to indicate early on that CA didn't have a "real" definition of how ICA was...she was basically in la-la land.

I guess this might be a question for the lawyer's thread, but does the DT also know what GA testified to in front of the GJ......are they able to view that testimony, does anyone know? I do recall his interview with the detectives at the very beginning, and he was being honest it seemed. I just wonder if there is something he testified to in the GJ that has never been made public through evidence already released, etc., that we will never hear about? maybe all he testified to there was found out in another way and will be brought in at the trial by the SA. So curious as to how this will all play out.
Perhaps the DT can try to float the " pool accident " happening at Tone's apartment. Casey and Cindy have huge altercation. Casey calls Tone. Says, I know you don't want Caylee spending the night at your place, but there is so
much drama at my house right now and I don't want my precious subject to it. So can Caylee and I spend the night? Just one night until mommy dearest
has time to get over herself. Tone lets them stay. He gets up following morning goes about leaving for school or whatever. Casey isn't watching Caylee close enough or is showering and Caylee goes out the apartment door goes to the pool area ( because she loves pools and swimming so much ) falls in and drowns. Casey finds her. Puts her in the car and drives to Suburban DR. Tries to stage a backyard pool drowning here but it just doesn't work as
Cindy will still blame her for it because mommy dearest has a memory like an elephant and will surely remember she put the ladder up from the prior evenings swim with Caylee. Just a possibility........and .........JMO

Casey's cell phone pings and computer usage tell a different story. And I believe TonyL and his roomates would be the first to dispel that story.

The cell phone pings indicate Casey was at the Anthony home or close to it.
Casey did not leave and drive towards TL's apartment until after 4pm on June 16
Thank you for that, I read the article, I am still confused as to why he testified, did he volunteer, was he chosen for some specific reason, did the SA choose him....do we even know? does anyone on the forum know? I just find it bizarre he might be blamed, but he was the only A who testified at that timeframe. But this whole thing is so bizarre....

George was subpoenaed to testify at the Grand Jury. Mark Nejame accompanied George that day.
IIRC, from news articles, he was to testify to the smell in the car and the gas can events of June 24
I guess this might be a question for the lawyer's thread, but does the DT also know what GA testified to in front of the GJ......are they able to view that testimony, does anyone know? I do recall his interview with the detectives at the very beginning, and he was being honest it seemed. I just wonder if there is something he testified to in the GJ that has never been made public through evidence already released, etc., that we will never hear about? maybe all he testified to there was found out in another way and will be brought in at the trial by the SA. So curious as to how this will all play out.

The Grand Jury testimony is sealed.
There was a motion filed by Jeff Ashton to unseal and obtain the Transcript of George's Grand Jury testimony .something about inconsistent testimony.
Judge Strickland Granted the Prosecutions motion.
I also remember Baez wanted to get his hands on George's grand jury testimony as well, arguing..if the state gets it then he should have it also.

http://www.wftv.com/news/20991571/detail.html Sept 18, 2009
Prosecution Wants George Anthony's Grand Jury Testimony

Judge: Hand Over George Anthony Testimony October 6, 2009

http://www.wftv.com/pdf/21218532/detail.html Judge Strickland's Order

Thread where we discuss Motion for Transcript of George's Grand Jury Testimony
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4267265"]Motion for George's Grand Jury Transcript MERGED - Page 9 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
You can argue that was when he was trying to do right by Caylee but also spin it that he threw his daughter under the bus to save himself.. If you ignore a lot of facts.


Cyber - I'm not sure I get what you mean by this.

Nevvvvvermind.........I reread it and it makes sense now.

Sorry I compacted the sentence too much.

I meant that if you take the DT spin that GA could have done it you can read GA testifying at the GJ two ways.

1. That GA was doing the right thing for Caylee, for once OR

2. That GA was throwing ICA under the bus to protect himself, since the DT theory is that he could be the Perp.

So it fits both motives. Hope that helps.
What is bothering me is the fact that the DT tried to get one of their experts to testify to the possibility that one of Caylee's wet, chlorine-soaked swimsuits might have caused a chemical reaction with something else, thereby releasing chloroform.

However, they were trying to prove this theory as a 'hypothetical' one.

If they would have been able to prove this chemical reaction was possible in the hypothetical swimsuit scenario, does it not make sense that they could also prove it is possible that baby Caylee, recently drowned in a pool of chlorinated water, could produce the same chloroform?

So, was the swimsuit thing just an attempt to prove this reaction was possible? If so, I say they are going to go with the drowning baloney.

I am more and more sickened as the days go by.

And as far as throwing KC on the stand. I think the DT might just be so delusional as to think, once the jurors gaze into those gorgeous (cough, cough), snake eyes that sit so closely on the sides of KC's ample nose, the jury will have no choice but to believe she is truly beautiful (cough, cough, small seizure here) and that she could do no wrong.

Sickened more and more by the hour now.

I think they have a problem explaining the amount (levels) of chloroform in the trunk. Both decomposition and chlorine can cause it but not the vast amount that was found according to Dr. Vass. Evidenced imo by the DT going into heavy questioning about the exact measurement and how that was done for the chloroform. The instruments used never gave an exact reading for that by weight, measurement, etc. is what I am getting from the defense team and imo that is what they will play on. How do you know a combination of decomp, chlorine, urine, dryer sheets, etc. did not cause such a high level when you don't even know the exact level? As Dr. Vass has stated decomp wouldn't cause that much chloroform to be present vs. the DT saying there were a number of things present to cause that much chloroform. It just seems to be an accurate guess to me based on what the defense has indicated they are suggesting and the experts they are trying to use to validate those theories.
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