What Is the Defense Strategy?

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Well done. Fried to a perfect crisp. NOW what will the duhfense stategy be? Anyone??
Defense strategy?

I'm thinking, bluster, stomp, insult, whine, scream like little girls. That about covers it.

Wheeee! What a defense!
Defense strategy?

I'm thinking, bluster, stomp, insult, whine, scream like little girls. That about covers it.

Wheeee! What a defense!

Giggle Snoooorrrtttt. There went wine all over my keyboard. My hubby thinks its funny if I snort when I giggle. He doesn't have wine in his nose though!

But to use my daughters words....:"For Real". What would a GOOD defense attorney do at this point? I actually did ask an Attorney friend of mine that question. His response was that a GOOD defense attorney would have never taken the case. OR....If they did by retainer they would have plead out two years ago.
Casey needs to plead guilty, and beg for mercy from the court, and forgiveness from God and Caylee!
Back to the drawing board... colored charts... whatever it is they use to come up with things?
I wonder if anyone from the defense team has gone to OCJ and settle down ICA?

They really need to strongly persuade ICA to plead guilty and ask for LWOP..I believe the State would go along with that sentence as would His Honor. They could save the State of Florida $360,000 by not having a jury trial. She's playing russian roulette with a jury trial. I do hope she realizes what the worst case scenario for her would be....save yourself from certain death ICA and offer the State a proposal...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I wonder if anyone from the defense team has gone to OCJ and settle down ICA?

They really need to strongly persuade ICA to plead guilty and ask for LWOP..I believe the State would go along with that sentence as would His Honor. They could save the State of Florida $360,000 by not having a jury trial. She's playing russian roulette with a jury trial. I do hope she realizes what the worst case scenario for her would be....save yourself from certain death ICA and offer the State a proposal...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

ITA...they need to instruct her that it doesn't play well that a mother of a missing toddler would continue to lie about her whereabouts and (for lack of better term) twhart investigation into finding her child....her lies and 31 days will do a lot of damage.....
zoey said:
ITA...they need to instruct her that it doesn't play well that a mother of a missing toddler would continue to lie about her whereabouts and (for lack of better term) twhart investigation into finding her child....her lies and 31 days will do a lot of damage.....

Not to mention the people that don't exist...no ZFG, no Jeffery Hopkins with a son Zach, no Juliette Lewis other than the actress, no Samantha and definately no babysitter dubbed the nanny... :giggle: this always makes me giggle...how can this family continue to perpetuate those mistruths....

I wonder if CMason is having fun yet? Is this the circus of a trial he expected? If yes, when will she plead guilty???? If no, can we expect a LWOP sentence JMHO

Justice for Caylee
There will be no plea. Baez has to see this through to the very end if he wants the "credit" towards becoming a Capital Qualified attorney.

I imagine that the course will continue on much as we have seen to date, smoke and mirrors, more obfuscation, ridicule and hints of conspiracy. Maybe, and it's just a feeling on my part, the defense will point at Cindy as the bad guy and George as her accomplice.

Don't look for a cohesive defense, it's going to be argue, refute and confuse the jury in any way they can!
Okay - yesterday my heart was soaring - I was so happy I just wanted to celebrate and not even consider the other questions left hanging - yesterday I wasn't too concerned about details like can ICA appeal any of these decisions, or how will JB and ICA react, or what CA and GA are thinking.

Nope, I believe in celebrating success as they come, really savoring them because they have been a long time coming. There is always tomorrow for a more sober look and taking time to consider just what these motions will mean for the defense.

So, here I sit this morning - :waitasec: what will the defense do now? What will JB argue at trial.

Like a friend of mine says - JB - You've got "Bubkiss" - which is slang for Nothing. And I have no idea what he is going to do now. No idea! :floorlaugh:
How about a visit from mom and dad and a tearful (well, ICA's version of tearful) confession of the accident that happened and the resulting cover-up caused by ugly coping?

I'm joking ... sort of.
What are their options?

1. Nanny Defense. [= Automatic Death Penalty]

2. Accidental Death/ clumsy cover up

3. Insanity

4. Somebody Framed Casey

Anymore defense strategies come to mind?
What are their options?

1. Nanny Defense. [= Automatic Death Penalty]

2. Accidental Death/ clumsy cover up

3. Insanity

4. Somebody Framed Casey

Anymore defense strategies come to mind?

Darned good effort! Keep 'em coming cause....

1. Nah, didn't work 2 years ago - won't work now.

2. Nah, already went with the Kidnaping story - can't explain the garbage bags and swamp dump.

3. Nah - had some tests after the bond hearing, were interesting but can't warrant an insanity plea - only works if you don't know what you did was wrong. Clearly the lies show a different story.

4. Nah, Too late to plead CA or GA, no evidence of friends or anybody showing interest, decomp in trunk of car ICA herself commented on, ICA the last person seen with Caylee, Kronk a classic example of why this will not work.

Next? Anyone? Anyone?? Hello out there???
So, when Jose had YM on the stand he was making his argument that LE had Casey or saw Casey as a suspect. And, that is so her statements to LE could be thrown out and not used at trial. Okay.

What I did not understand until today was what he did to that: he brought up the smell in the car. The smell of death. YM tried to avoid the subject(just as they told George they did during the GJ hearing but found that the way the questions were worded they had to bring it up, just like now and the same transcript where YM tells George this is the one YM was reading off of.) Did that make any sense to anyone but me?

YM said he didn't remember who told him about the smell of death, but Jose pushed the subject and brought out the transcript where it is George who tells LE that he smells "what he doesn't want to say human" and then YM is forced to agree and say that George did say that.

Jose says to YM, the father comes to you and tells you he smelled death in the car and you don't think of her as a suspect? YM says, no. Jose brings up how she lied...and yet YM was not suspicious?

I'm thinking, this is crazy to bring up the stuff I would think makes your client look guilty. But I figure they figured get this part: say Casey was in custody and get statements thrown out. And the smell of death, oh it was there and Casey did lie but that is all a part of the "ah ha defense moment that comes later" this is just stage one.

I wonder if they had a plan b for if they did not win these motions?

What are their options?

1. Nanny Defense. [= Automatic Death Penalty]

2. Accidental Death/ clumsy cover up

3. Insanity

4. Somebody Framed Casey

Anymore defense strategies come to mind?

2. Accidental Death/ "inappropriate" cover up <---I predict this route. ("inappropriate", but done because KC was so askeered of CA!)

I was on another website about a week ago. Now I can not remember at all which one it was. I'm think it was a local news online forum and the subject was the recent motions. The person everyone on the forum thinks is actually CA wrote a most intriguing thing....she wrote the usual blather about how the state is wrong, how KC is "beautiful", (how could anyone want to execute someone so "beautiful" etc)...and then at the very very end of the post this person wrote: "give Casey the deal she wants".
What do you bet that that was indeed CA writing on that forum...(probably after a couple wines and an Ativan) because who else might know about something like that? (That KC "wants" a particular "deal")!

Taking a wild guess, I'd say KC wants something extremely light like "time already served"!

Will JB still get his much desired death penalty status if they file a Alford plea thing...the "slow plea", where KC agrees to Guilty but also maintains her innocence?....(and doesn't that sound like a perfect legal solution for "our" KC?)
2. Accidental Death/ "inappropriate" cover up

I was on another website about a week ago. Now I can not remember at all which one it was. I'm think it was a local news online forum and the subject was the recent motions. The person everyone on the forum thinks is actually CA wrote a most intriguing thing....she wrote the usual blather about how the state is wrong, how KC is "beautiful", how could anyone want to execute someone so "beautiful" etc...and then at the very very end of the post this person wrote: "give Casey the deal she wants".
What do you bet that that was indeed CA writing on that forum...because who else might know about something like that? (That KC "wants" a particular "deal")!
Taking a wild guess, I'd say KC wants something extremely light like "time already served"!
Will JB still get his much desired death penalty status if they file that Alford plea thing...the "slow plea", where KC agrees to Guilty but also maintains her innocence?....(doesn't that sound like a perfect legal answer for "our" KC?)

If this was CA she has already blogged that KC should only get time served. Evidently whoever this is feels it's not a big deal to kill your child and then throw her away as if she were trash. Me thinks CA wants another granddaughter produced by her one and only daughter. jmo
I wonder if anyone from the defense team has gone to OCJ and settle down ICA?

They really need to strongly persuade ICA to plead guilty and ask for LWOP..I believe the State would go along with that sentence as would His Honor. They could save the State of Florida $360,000 by not having a jury trial. She's playing russian roulette with a jury trial. I do hope she realizes what the worst case scenario for her would be....save yourself from certain death ICA and offer the State a proposal...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

She is playing fast and loose with a Death Penalty enabled jury. The jury is not her mother / family and won't be as easily convinced or tolerant. Not realizing that may very well be her Water Loo. Her defense? The defense team won't be able to pull a viable or believable suspect out of Casey's imagination and I don't think (I could be wrong) that have to prove someone else did it, they have been, however, trying to prove she *couldn't* have done it. I think they will continue to do what they have been doing and that's attacking the States case against her. Discrediting witnesses, trying to get statements and evidence thrown out.
2. Accidental Death/ "inappropriate" cover up <---I predict this route. ("inappropriate", but done because KC was so askeered of CA!)

I was on another website about a week ago. Now I can not remember at all which one it was. I'm think it was a local news online forum and the subject was the recent motions. The person everyone on the forum thinks is actually CA wrote a most intriguing thing....she wrote the usual blather about how the state is wrong, how KC is "beautiful", (how could anyone want to execute someone so "beautiful" etc)...and then at the very very end of the post this person wrote: "give Casey the deal she wants".
What do you bet that that was indeed CA writing on that forum...(probably after a couple wines and an Ativan) because who else might know about something like that? (That KC "wants" a particular "deal")!

Taking a wild guess, I'd say KC wants something extremely light like "time already served"!

Will JB still get his much desired death penalty status if they file a Alford plea thing...the "slow plea", where KC agrees to Guilty but also maintains her innocence?....(and doesn't that sound like a perfect legal solution for "our" KC?)
Won't work:snooty:, there's no way she's going to get off with time served even if she gets an Alford plea. The guy who killed Annie Le just got an Alford plea- he got 44 years!:behindbar:behindbar:behindbar
2. Accidental Death/ "inappropriate" cover up <---I predict this route. ("inappropriate", but done because KC was so askeered of CA!) ...

I think this is the way they're going to go also. But, she can't testify ... which is why I wouldn't be surprised to see the tearful confession I mentioned above. That way, the DT could get their story out there and if ICA could pull off an award winning performance, one juror might actually believe it. If the result were a hung jury, they'd call it a victory, run for the hills, and let the Public Defender's office take over (unless that indigency-related law that doesn't permit privately retained lawyers to quit could force JB to stick around for a second trial ... that would be sweet!).

I predict 100% guilty -- just trying to figure out what they might do to pull themselves out of this very deep hole they've dug. I don't see her changing her plea.
I swear when I read the title of this thread I chuckled to myself and wondered if JB has an undercover account here.......b/c I don't believe even HE knows what the defense strategy is after the early March hearings and he's looking for ideas!!!

No offence meant to you Butterfly.....it's a great thread but I did totally think that when I first saw it!

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