What Is the Defense Strategy?

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Baez is a novice. He tries to make up for it in bravado and an adopted Rico Suave personna. Fail. Miserably fail. He is a chubby cheeked freshman.

I laughed aloud and woke my husband who yelled at me "Julia" in that Ricky Ricardo "Lucy" yell. That is soooo funny!!
If you watch the 911 hearing again, you will notice something interesting. JB does not use notes when he questions CA. I can't remember if he used them when he questioned Lee or CA's co worker, but he did not have notes for his questioning of Cindy. LDB had a couple of pages of notes, iirc, and I thought it was interesting that JB worked 'from memory'. He did not do a bad job of questioning CA that day, at least in my opinion. Have to admit that going through that whole day/evening with CA on the stand and doing it without notes or even prompts in front of him was pretty impressive for JB!

Where those notes for LDB, or was it a portion of CA's deposition regarding the 911 calls to remind CA that LDB had the transcript in front of her. SA has to get it right so I would imagine they want to refer to the original statements that were made. JB is not so much concerned about the truth, only spin which is easier on the fly.... jmo
There ain't enough Merlot on this earth for that! Why oh why are you doing this to yourself??!! :banghead:

I don't drink, however, am on pain meds and they are enough to read those depos!!!!!! I only scanned the first time.....can't do it......:sick::angel:
I agree that JB (and CA) were very well prepared and rehearsed (scripted). Was ICA following along with the script?

However, you cannot do that for the whole trial, from memory so JB needs to start as he means to go on and prepare notes to follow.

He also needs to try to envision the prosecution side, he'd do well to role play and run through scenarios with his team to be ready. I am not so sure how JB will do on cross and when he has to react on his feet to something un-expected or contentious.

Both CM and JB did not seem to do so well once they did their initial forays, in response and reaction to the SA. Maybe CM did better on that but his accent and style is challenging.

Like my projects, it is all in the planning and preparation ... done well the execution will be flawless and ready for all sorts of developments and surprises. You cannot fly by the seat of your pants .... that will only get you so far.

what I recall from the hearing (which leads me to believe jb rehearsed his quesiton/answer with ca) when LDB started comeing up with prior depo of ca he was kind of shocked at what was out there...more like he wasn't to prepared, along with that he really hasn't reviewed all that is out there....I'm still thinking that he really doesn't have a clue and has his hopes on a Perry Mason moment that ain't gonna happen......:twocents:
today, fortified with strong coffee, I'm relistening to the audio of Casey's interview tapes with the police @ Universal.
I highly recommend everyone relisten to these if you have the time. It puts it all back in perspective. The defense has the work cut out for them and so far it appears they do not like work. They have to get past these audio tapes, the plant growth on/in Caylee's poor body, the ducts tape, the lies, the video store tape, and a host of other real evidence.

Right now we're all jaded to the reality of the true evidence. Take a trip back and remember the begining, that's what the defence has to get past not this farting around with TES records they're wasting time and Florida tax payer's money on. We've all been caught up in the fluff, the true heart of the case is too real and too solid for Mr Baez to smirk his way through.

Much as I value Mr Hornsby's opinions, there is more to this case than silly little TES fights. The defense can give media tours about ant(hony)hills but they cannot hide the mountains from our view. Unless Mr Baez can fly, the defense cannot conquer the mountain of truth and no amount of clouding via media will change it.
Baez is a novice. He tries to make up for it in bravado and an adopted Rico Suave personna. Fail. Miserably fail. He is a chubby cheeked freshman.

I agree Pip.. and I think he is flying under the old adage "If you can't dazzle em with brilliance... baffle em with Bull S**t " cause this guy sure knows how to shovel the BS !!
the only hope they have is to instill reasonable doubt. That's all they need. They are hanging their hat on the SODDI defense re; placing of the remains. That's their best angle.
the only hope they have is to instill reasonable doubt. That's all they need. They are hanging their hat on the SODDI defense re; placing of the remains. That's their best angle.

The defense will have a great degree of difficulty marrying ZFG took Caylee and finding the SODDI person. They also need to show the judge why they are requesting the information, they don't just get.

I have faith in HHJP!
... and KC's statement to LE that she was trying to find Caylee herself (by clubbing and shopping with Amy's money). How is Baez going to explain that? How is Baez going to explain KC taking LE to her fake office? How is Baez going to explain KC borrowing the neighbor's shovel?
the only hope they have is to instill reasonable doubt. That's all they need. They are hanging their hat on the SODDI defense re; placing of the remains. That's their best angle.

If they go this route I am curious to know how they will explain how Caylee got from KC's hadns to this person and why KC lied and was covering up for this person until her mommy found out.

How will they do this?
If they go this route I am curious to know how they will explain how Caylee got from KC's hadns to this person and why KC lied and was covering up for this person until her mommy found out.

How will they do this?

Oh ICA wasn't lying to protect this person, ICA was lying because she was so terrified of her mother, after all, she tried to strangle her.....:furious:
Oh ICA wasn't lying to protect this person, ICA was lying because she was so terrified of her mother, after all, she tried to strangle her.....:furious:

hmm so you are saying the defense may tell the jury that Caylee was kidnapped and that KC did nothing and told no one because she was afraid of what her mother would do?

She will still need to explain how the kidnapping took place - which means she will have to take the stand and I don't think Baez is THAT STOOPID.
the only hope they have is to instill reasonable doubt. That's all they need. They are hanging their hat on the SODDI defense re; placing of the remains. That's their best angle.
The problem the defense has, however, is much greater than when Caylee's remains were placed where they were found. Casey's entire demeanor during the time Caylee was "missing", as well as explaining away the odor in the car she was driving also have to be addressed ~ to a Florida jury who will be "death qualified". The defense will also have to try to convince this jury someone else had a motive to kill Caylee and dispose of her just blocks from the Anthonys' home in order to make it appear Casey is responsible. Good luck to them. MOO
hmm so you are saying the defense may tell the jury that Caylee was kidnapped and that KC did nothing and told no one because she was afraid of what her mother would do?

She will still need to explain how the kidnapping took place - which means she will have to take the stand and I don't think Baez is THAT STOOPID.

I don't think Baez is that stupid, but it's not his decision. The question should be, "Is Casey that stupid." LOL

I've always wondered if she thinks that if she goes on the stand to tell her side of the story that the jury will believe her?
hmm so you are saying the defense may tell the jury that Caylee was kidnapped and that KC did nothing and told no one because she was afraid of what her mother would do?

She will still need to explain how the kidnapping took place - which means she will have to take the stand and I don't think Baez is THAT STOOPID.

Oh but he is, you know!
I don't think Baez is that stupid, but it's not his decision. The question should be, "Is Casey that stupid." LOL

I've always wondered if she thinks that if she goes on the stand to tell her side of the story that the jury will believe her?

ICA is a girl who has lied to everyone, straight faced and repeatedly despite very obvious evidence that points to no one but her as the murderer.

So my answer - is yes. I believe she wants the attention, the fame and the cameras to continue to be on her.
hmm so you are saying the defense may tell the jury that Caylee was kidnapped and that KC did nothing and told no one because she was afraid of what her mother would do?

She will still need to explain how the kidnapping took place - which means she will have to take the stand and I don't think Baez is THAT STOOPID.

No, and even if JB was that Stoopid then Cheney Mason would reel him in and bring him back to his senses.
The SA would rip Casey apart on the stand, she would be more frushtrated than she could ever imagine!
No, and even if JB was that Stoopid then Cheney Mason would reel him in and bring him back to his senses.
The SA would rip Casey apart on the stand, she would be more frushtrated than she could ever imagine!

I agree, but I think if ICA gets it into her head she wants to testify, I don't believe Baez or Mason can stop her.

And I was being sarcastic about Casey saying she was lying because she was afraid of her mother. I actually think Baez will run with multiple scenarios to see which one sticks. If the SA asks him which scenario is it he will say - you tell me. If you knew, we wouldn't be having this discussion.
What is the Defense Strategy?

  • Step 1 - Attack the Forensics, Eliminate as Much Evidence as Possible or Damage Credibility (Junk Science)
  • Step 2 - Attack Methods and Procedures, Eliminate as Much as Possible or Damage Credibility (TES)
  • Step 3 - Attack Witness Credibility, Eliminate the Testimony as Much as Possible or Damage Credibility
  • Step 4 - Present Multiple Scenarios, Present as Many SODDI and Alternatives as Possible
  • Step 5 - Confuse the Jury, Make as Complex and Confusing as Possible, Bury the Jury in Junk
  • Step 6 - Defense never Testifies, Keep ICA Quiet and use the Blago Defense, Say Nothing, Let the Dice Roll

I read the transcript of the first day of defense testimony in the trial of Cesar Laurean re ~Lance Cpl. Maria Lauterbach (pregnant Marine) the whole strategy of the defense that day was to discredit the victim - the jury must have felt like they were doing a cardio workout, up and down, up and down. (being sent out for the defense to whine about an objection).

When there's no defense, go on the offense. As offensive as I have found ICA's defence courtroom behavior thus far, it will get worse before it gets better. I think you pretty well nailed it - I hate it every time one of our incredible WS members gives JB any good ideas - maybe it's time we start a thread with what we would LIKE to see happen!!
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