What Is the Defense Strategy?

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LOL - we are talking about ICA here! The same mother who took her child into the same bed to sleep as her sex partners. The same mother who had to be called home to care for her child at 3am by the child's grandmother. The same ICA who sits in the courtroom with those cold dead fish eyes.

Who are you going to believe? JB or your own eyes? :floorlaugh:

The SA is not allowed to discuss details of the sex (who slept where) at trial. CA will deny calling KC home to look after Caylee. Those fish eyes will be explained by PSTD.
Do we have a smiley that is shaped like a tylenol bottle? A great discussion tonight my friends but I am slinking off into the far horizon with a headache again tonight.

Nite all! :bedtime: ............:eek:fftobed: .............:blowkiss:
Didn't CA also say something about Kc being as much a victim as Caylee?

Both Casey and Cindy have said that Casey is just as much a victim as Caylee! That is going to play real nice to a jury (Casey says it in one of the jail visits... I believe Cindy said it during one of her media blitzes).
Karla Homolka...she didn't kill her child, but raped and killed her little sister and at least two other girls...she managed to thwart Canadian justice with her 12 year "deal-with-the-devil" sentence... *shrug* It's hard for me to conceive of anyone believing ICA innocent of this crime, though....maybe that's b/c I know too much;) I also don't want to think of her getting away with it as, IMO, she is clearly guilty as can be. :cow:
Okay... I have a question? How are they going to explain this away as PTSS?

"All they care about is Caylee. All they want is Caylee back."

Also... when Kristina sobs and says "Casey you have to tell me if something happened to Caylee... if something happened to Caylee, Casey, I will DIE... I will DIE!"

And Casey replies "Oh wow (or well). Oh. My. God. Calling you guys... a waste.. a huge waste."
Do we have a smiley that is shaped like a tylenol bottle? A great discussion tonight my friends but I am slinking off into the far horizon with a headache again tonight.

Nite all! :bedtime: ............:eek:fftobed: .............:blowkiss:

Sorry, logicalgirl. :hug: Sleep well!
I believe ICA did suggest that in the jail videos did she not?

Yes. Cindy brought it up as a question was anyone threatening the family and Casey said to just leave it alone. Something along those lines which was neither a denial or confirmation. Right after was when Cindy started the MOTY protecting Caylee crap.

It's possible the defense will try the accident theory anyway but paint George as the one Casey is afraid of not Cindy.
LOL - we are talking about ICA here! The same mother who took her child into the same bed to sleep as her sex partners. The same mother who had to be called home to care for her child at 3am by the child's grandmother. The same ICA who sits in the courtroom with those cold dead fish eyes.

Who are you going to believe? JB or your own eyes? :floorlaugh:

But the jury is not going to know all that. They are going to be spoonfed stuff from both sides. Pictures of Casey with a smiling child, and videos of them playing together.
I don't know if the jury will hear about the baby being taken into those beds,

And they might not recognize the dead fish eyes. By the time the jury is convened she may have her trial persona honed. She may just look to them like an engaged suspect trying to prove her innocence. And I bet that she will take our advice and she will start 'reacting' to sad testimony and shocking evidence. For the juror's benefit she will squeeze out a tear or two, imo/
Both Casey and Cindy have said that Casey is just as much a victim as Caylee! That is going to play real nice to a jury (Casey says it in one of the jail visits... I believe Cindy said it during one of her media blitzes).

The DT's claim of PTSD will indicate that, for once, they were both telling the truth.
Okay... I have a question? How are they going to explain this away as PTSS?

"All they care about is Caylee. All they want is Caylee back."

Also... when Kristina sobs and says "Casey you have to tell me if something happened to Caylee... if something happened to Caylee, Casey, I will DIE... I will DIE!"

And Casey replies "Oh wow (or well). Oh. My. God. Calling you guys... a waste.. a huge waste."

Yup. The REAL Casey shines through there doesn't she. IDK

I guess they will have to put on their thinking caps to defend those cold hearted comments.
But the jury is not going to know all that. They are going to be spoonfed stuff from both sides. Pictures of Casey with a smiling child, and videos of them playing together.
I don't know if the jury will hear about the baby being taken into those beds,

And they might not recognize the dead fish eyes. By the time the jury is convened she may have her trial persona honed. She may just look to them like an engaged suspect trying to prove her innocence. And I bet that she will take our advice and she will start 'reacting' to sad testimony and shocking evidence. For the juror's benefit she will squeeze out a tear or two, imo/

I don't know if Casey is capable of acting like she cares? Jose really needs to take money out of his pocket and hire an acting coach... stat!
It is hard to say. But I can see how the DT will spin it. They may say it is the only place she feels safe for now. And since she cannot trust her parents she has chosen 'protective custody. ' LOL

Then the situation would be in reverse. George and possibly Cindy would be the ones in jail unable to get to Casey.
Then the situation would be in reverse. George and possibly Cindy would be the ones in jail unable to get to Casey.

No, because the defense will be saying that LE was fooled by George. He was ex-LE himself and knew just how to play this to make Casey look guilty.
Riddle me this...why did Casey name JG, AH, Kio, etc. as needing to be looked into and not to trust? I'm telling ya that girl repeatedly shot herself in both feet. She doesn't know if she's coming or going and not too much of anything from Casey makes any sense. I think the jury will clearly see she has issues and probably the worst liar and actress they've ever encountered.
I'm listening again to Jose and AF dance all around this:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/user/S0meRand0mName#p/u/1/XdDIwRK94Wo"]YouTube - S0meRand0mName's Channel[/ame]
if anyone can hear better than i, at 12:00 JA is talking, but Jose, (at the podium) is whispering to AF. I can't hear what he is saying before he realizes he is at the microphone and clumsily grabs it with his hand.
Yes, it is obvious they are up to no good here with this motion.
Too little too late, I hope. Funny thing is, IMO, it will be the SA that will save George from this greyhound to nowhere. Oh, the irony...
I want to see George go down for what he has done, not what he hasn't.
No, because the defense will be saying that LE was fooled by George. He was ex-LE himself and knew just how to play this to make Casey look guilty.

There's been no testimony that Casey ever claimed that to say YM or JA or anyone else in LE. Why would anyone believe it now? Wouldn't the reasons still be the same?
This is going to kill George.... maybe even literally if he doesn't see it coming.

The Anthony's have done some really horrific things these past few years, but if they are really going after George, this is really, really low and I feel sorry for him because I do not think for one moment that he abused Casey... in any way. I think he tried to intervene when he seen the things Casey was doing... stealing, lying, not working... but was reprimanded by Cindy like he had no place to discipline Casey when it was Cindy's money. Maybe if Cindy allowed George to put Casey in her place back then, we wouldn't be here today?
....as messed up and horrible this is I actually sort of want the defense to "go there",I feel ashamed for thinking that way but the A's so deserve it.It's not like it's going to work anyways but we'll see if they still stand behind their darling daughter when they get thrown underneath the bus.
....as messed up and horrible this is I actually sort of want the defense to "go there",I feel ashamed for thinking that way but the A's so deserve it.It's not like it's going to work anyways but we'll see if they still stand behind their darling daughter when they get thrown underneath the bus.

I just hope this farce doesn't start that sympathy ball rolling again and stop any charges that need to come down on all of these liars!
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