What Is the Defense Strategy?

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I think that stuff can be explained away as early days before Caylee's remains were found....The family really wanted to believe her - nothing unusual about that - they were hoping Caylee was still alive.

I can understand perfectly why Cindy asked that, I would too. I'm sure she couldn't understand why Casey wasn't telling them the truth. I was just pointing out where that is one more instance that Casey is trying to lead them off in any direction but her.
I've wanted to post this forever but was nervous it could somehow help the defense. I think the only chance the DT has will be the PTSD began from sexual abuse as a child and an overbearing abusive and controlling mother like CA. Then they throw in that she had been raped and that is how Caylee was conceived. This will explain her changing the story about baby daddy and her hiding her pregnancy. It was all these horrible events happening to poor victim KC who tried her best to be a good mother all the while so traumatized by her torturous life. She made up the nanny as an excuse to be away from CA and GA, her stealing was a result of her being impulsive and overspending due to PTSD. She lied to everyone about her life because she hated her life so badly and pretended to be someone she wasn't. When she was neglectful the day Caylee died by drowning in the pool (ladder and different spots the dogs hit on will help this story) she panicked and staged the kidnapping. She dressed Caylee (diaper was a new one) and put the duct tape over her mouth and then placed the heart sticker because she loved her so much. Clearly a pretty young mother that took lots of pictures with her beautiful little girl couldn't kill her on purpose. Then she wrapped up the baby and dumped her days later. Of course she kept the baby in the trunk because part of her couldn't be away from Caylee but once the smell became overwhelming she had to put her to rest somewhere. She was in denial and is just so messed up that she convinced herself the nanny was real and caylee was safe with her. The tattoo was in remembrance of caylee. Since before she had Caylee she's been living in a made up world and even now still believes this story even though she now knows what really happened. If they go this route then they don't have to dispute any of the evidence and I think it can explain all of it away. If she's on meds and seeing a therapist now they can say that she had a breakthrough and all of this has come out. If they can stick to this, then they may have a prayer. People don't want to believe that someone that looks like KC could kill a baby that is so gorgeous in cold blood. There's no reasonable explanation for a mother to murder her child and most people want to know why. If it's a cover up for an accident that is much easier to swallow. I don't believe for a second any of this is how it happened for the record. Sorry for the lengthy post.

I do not think HHJP will allow so much as the word PTSD to pass the defenses lips, nor any backdoor approach to mental health or a "state of mind" defense unless the defendant testifies. I think that will be open and shut on his honors part. Unless there is something in the Florida record that supersedes that 5 point test for allowing PTSD that was posted a few pages back, it just isn't coming in. HHJP has his clear test. he will use it and apply it in the obvious manner. The defense can either put forth a psychiatric defense, which means giving access to the state, or they can put the defendant on the stand.
I think they knew very well what happened to Caylee at that point.CA was throwing stuff out there for KC to grab on.Once again assisting her in building a fantasy.
I need to add, after rewatching the video above and the latter portion of the video before that, part 27, I, too get the feeling that not only are Jose and Anne up to no good, but the state and the judge suspect they are up to no good. i noticed that the judge wants to know as soon as the reports are in, set aside Monday at 4, if needed and has set aside Thursday 9:30 till 1, if needed. They know something is up.
Anne could hardly speak when pressed. Jose asked to come to the bench, because this was a sensitive issue.
I love the SA and I love the judge!
Also, add to that fact that the motion for all of these new witnesses was filed by CM and not Anne Finnell...
I think this is how she can hurt them the most, destroy the very person who took the focus off of her (Caylee), then turn the knife more to blame her parents for trying to keep the sweet pristine image of the A household, but it was never a life that she chose. She continues to enact revenge by refusing to look at her parents, talk with them, or interact in any way. If she can make the A's (CA's specifically) the reason for the bizarre behavior after finding her daughter had died - she may be able to avoid the DP. Do you think KC has resigned herself to spending the rest of her life behind bars? Also, I want to know why NOW do we have this speculation instead of 2 years ago? Was it AF that took this on as the only way to save KC's life, should she be found guilty and convicted? I think JB is not wanting to go down this track - but AF feels it is imperative to saving KC's life.

Responding to BBM...

Jose should have read here two years ago, I had proposed the theory at the time through the use of this article... :rolleyes:


Here is my post in May 2009:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3815726&postcount=603"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - The SODDI Defense (Some Other Dude Did It)...If not KC, who?[/ame]
does anyone remember way back when KC's facebook was still available she joined that post traumatic stress disorder group?
There's been no testimony that Casey ever claimed that to say YM or JA or anyone else in LE. Why would anyone believe it now? Wouldn't the reasons still be the same?

I guess the Defense team will have to come up with a good answer to that, but PTSD makes it easy for them. It makes you paranoid. So they can say she never trusted LE enough to tell them about it.
She can say she turned to her lawyer for help instead.
I just hope this farce doesn't start that sympathy ball rolling again and stop any charges that need to come down on all of these liars!

No, I do not think that this takes away from anything they have done these past few years and I can not wait to see where things go once this trial is over... but... with everything they have done for Casey (the lies, the tampering, the obstruction) I think it is awful that the defense is going in this direction.

I am being 100% serious when I say this could kill George... he's already a serverly emotionally unstable person (as evidence by his demeanor on the stand). When LDB said to George "that would make you and Agent of Caylee" I think it hit George like a ton of bricks... and it was hard to watch... because I believe it was like a stab in the heart... a well deserved stab if you ask me... and I think at that very moment... it really hit him... that he was not an Agent of Caylee at all... he turned his back on Caylee a long time ago... to be an Agent of Casey and I really think it did hurt him.

I don't know? I just think it's going to be hard to watch? It's going to destroy him... but hey... that's what Casey wants anyways.
This is going to kill George.... maybe even literally if he doesn't see it coming.

The Anthony's have done some really horrific things these past few years, but if they are really going after George, this is really, really low and I feel sorry for him because I do not think for one moment that he abused Casey... in any way. I think he tried to intervene when he seen the things Casey was doing... stealing, lying, not working... but was reprimanded by Cindy like he had no place to discipline Casey when it was Cindy's money. Maybe if Cindy allowed George to put Casey in her place back then, we wouldn't be here today?

Truer words probably never spoken.
I need to add, after rewatching the video above and the latter portion of the video before that, part 27, I get the feeling that not only are Jose and Anne up to no good, but the state and the judge suspect they are up to no good. i noticed that the judge wants to know as soon as the reports are in, set aside Monday at 4, if needed and has set aside Thursday 9:30 till 1, if needed. They know something is up.
Anne could hardly speak when pressed. Jose asked to come to the bench, because this was a sensitive issue.
I love the SA and I love the judge!
Also, add to that fact that the motion for all of these new witnesses was filed by CM and not Anne Finnell...

JB has no room to talk about John Allen's studdering after watching Anne Finnell about to spit up a hair ball trying to talk her way out of whatever it is that they are doing.

Yes, something is up and JA and Judge Perry both seen it. Things are going to be real interesting next week... Dominic Casey's deposition... The reports of these doctors and what... if any... motions are filed because of them... then the rest of the Frye Hearings.

I loved when JA said "6 weeks before trial." It made me realize just how close we are to trial.
No, I do not think that this takes away from anything they have done these past few years and I can not wait to see where things go once this trial is over... but... with everything they have done for Casey (the lies, the tampering, the obstruction) I think it is awful that the defense is going in this direction.

I am being 100% serious when I say this could kill George... he's already a serverly emotionally unstable person (as evidence by his demeanor on the stand). When LDB said to George "that would make you and Agent of Caylee" I think it hit George like a ton of bricks... and it was hard to watch... because I believe it was like a stab in the heart... a well deserved stab if you ask me... and I think at that very moment... it really hit him... that he was not an Agent of Caylee at all... he turned his back on Caylee a long time ago... to be an Agent of Casey and I really think it did hurt him.

I don't know? I just think it's going to be hard to watch? It's going to destroy him... but hey... that's what Casey wants anyways.

I do not think this ill-begotten plan will ever see the light of day.
JB has no room to talk about John Allen's studdering after watching Anne Finnell about to spit up a hair ball trying to talk her way out of whatever it is that they are doing.

Yes, something is up and JA and Judge Perry both seen it. Things are going to be real interesting next week... Dominic Casey's deposition... The reports of these doctors and what... if any... motions are filed because of them... then the rest of the Frye Hearings.

I loved when JA said "6 weeks before trial." It made me realize just how close we are to trial. Less than 6 weeks!!

Hair :floorlaugh:ball!!
May I just say, this thread discussion is one of the many reasons I love this site. I get home late, see the motion, go, wait a stinky hinky minute! and here you guys have already answered the host of questions popping into my head.
And, Heather, don't ever be timid about posting your thoughts. All opinions are welcome, respected and read as we love all opinions and theories!
Thanks to everyone!! And especially to MM and TT!!!
If Casey were willing to go with an accident/cover up story why wouldn't JB or CM go to the SA and try to work something out rather than drag it out at trial knowing a jury may convict her? Even worse sentence her to death?
If Casey were willing to go with an accident/cover up story why wouldn't JB or CM go to the SA and try to work something out rather than drag it out at trial knowing a jury may convict her? Even worse sentence her to death?

I don't think SA is open to deals anymore. moo
If Casey were willing to go with an accident/cover up story why wouldn't JB or CM go to the SA and try to work something out rather than drag it out at trial knowing a jury may convict her? Even worse sentence her to death?

Jose Baez has said from the very beginning... before the murder charges... before Caylee was even found... that we would find out whatever it is we need to find out... at trial.

It is my opinion that CM has no say in anything... and that he is only there as decoration. There has never been any option, but a trial, in Jose's mind. Jose would be no more special than the thousands of lawyers who has his client take a plea deal... he thinks he is special and his own ego has gotten in the way of what is in his clients best interest, imo.
I need to add, after rewatching the video above and the latter portion of the video before that, part 27, I, too get the feeling that not only are Jose and Anne up to no good, but the state and the judge suspect they are up to no good. i noticed that the judge wants to know as soon as the reports are in, set aside Monday at 4, if needed and has set aside Thursday 9:30 till 1, if needed. They know something is up.
Anne could hardly speak when pressed. Jose asked to come to the bench, because this was a sensitive issue.
I love the SA and I love the judge!
Also, add to that fact that the motion for all of these new witnesses was filed by CM and not Anne Finnell...

Yeah she is a "true believer" and I would not put anything past her. Very wily and I have no doubt she would try to to skirt the rules any chance she got.
Been going through the motions this weekend. Wow. Jb comes across as bumbling and inept to me on many occasions in his examination of witnesses. His disdain for them and smug attitude and actions inferring they are either stupid or lying, makes him look stupid, IMO. I have come to the conclusion that JB really just isn't a bright man, let alone attorney. I think he has no idea how he comes across. The jury will be repelled by him and his antics. I don't get him. he argues with the judge, he is rude to opposing counsel - how does he think these tactics will help win the case or get the judge to rule his way? It's embarrassing to watch him.
I need to add, after rewatching the video above and the latter portion of the video before that, part 27, I, too get the feeling that not only are Jose and Anne up to no good, but the state and the judge suspect they are up to no good. i noticed that the judge wants to know as soon as the reports are in, set aside Monday at 4, if needed and has set aside Thursday 9:30 till 1, if needed. They know something is up.
Anne could hardly speak when pressed. Jose asked to come to the bench, because this was a sensitive issue.
I love the SA and I love the judge!
Also, add to that fact that the motion for all of these new witnesses was filed by CM and not Anne Finnell...

I found that entire exchange very suspicious as well. JA repeatedly tried to pin them down on the reports (not direct quotes):

AF: I was just given the opinions that were rendered by these individuals ...Wise on the penalty phase – just found out an opinion .... Guilt phase on Dr Danziger and Dr Wise .... Conclusions have been an ongoing process … just got the final on Saturday (which would have been referring to Saturday, March 19th)

Ashton asks when they’ll be getting the REPORTS (every time he said the word, it was with great emphasis!)

AF: “I’m hoping that we’re going to be able to get those to you tomorrow”

A few moments later, JA brought it back to the REPORTS again ...

AF: We’re going to meet as soon as this hearing is concluded and try to get those materials to him tomorrow … morning … immediately

HHJP: Make sure I get a copy of the report …..so when will you will be able to get this report?

AF: I’m hopeful that we’re going to have this to the state tomorrow

In CM’s motion dated 3/22, he states that neither doctor has yet produced a report.

I suppose it's possible that they received the reports on 3/23 or 3/24 (and not before Saturday, March 19th when AF found about their conclusions) but all the stuttering made me think that she was walking a tight rope ... JB and CM are not yet ready to turn over the reports .... AF was trying to do the right thing.

I don't know why, but I tend to give her more benefit of the doubt when it comes to ethics.
I need to add, after rewatching the video above and the latter portion of the video before that, part 27, I, too get the feeling that not only are Jose and Anne up to no good, but the state and the judge suspect they are up to no good. i noticed that the judge wants to know as soon as the reports are in, set aside Monday at 4, if needed and has set aside Thursday 9:30 till 1, if needed. They know something is up.
Anne could hardly speak when pressed. Jose asked to come to the bench, because this was a sensitive issue.
I love the SA and I love the judge!
Also, add to that fact that the motion for all of these new witnesses was filed by CM and not Anne Finnell...

You're right - this is really, really hinky. Just look at the timing of it - they just happen to get those state of mind opinions right after (and only after) Casey's statements to LE/her family/the Universal hallway, etc. were ruled admissible. So very transparent!!! :floorlaugh:
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