What Is the Defense Strategy?

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No, and even if JB was that Stoopid then Cheney Mason would reel him in and bring him back to his senses.
The SA would rip Casey apart on the stand, she would be more frushtrated than she could ever imagine!

But, what a PLEASURE that would be to see and hear though ~

I can see her to both of sides of this coin.

One, that she thinks that she can get up and tell her story and her trueth, bat her eyes and be believable. Throw in a couple of long, mispronouced words, and wha-la.

Second, I can see her having the attitude that she is above all, and, she doesn't have to get up on the stand to say anything. That the jury is not worthy of her time, while she flicks that imaginary lint and whisks her long hair back off her shoulders.
... and KC's statement to LE that she was trying to find Caylee herself (by clubbing and shopping with Amy's money). How is Baez going to explain that? How is Baez going to explain KC taking LE to her fake office? How is Baez going to explain KC borrowing the neighbor's shovel?

BBM Did you miss that one? Cindy said it was to prevent Caylee from tripping over the d*mn bamboo! :rolleyes:

It's one of the reasons she will be mom of the year when this is all over with.... Walking out on Mason's arm to receive her award. :croc:
BBM Did you miss that one? Cindy said it was to prevent Caylee from tripping over the d*mn bamboo! :rolleyes:

It's one of the reasons she will be mom of the year when this is all over with.... Walking out on Mason's arm to receive her award. :croc:

Let them say that she was digging out the bamboo.......then the SA will ask why she was at home digging when she was supposed to be "at work".
Let them say that she was digging out the bamboo.......then the SA will ask why she was at home digging when she was supposed to be "at work".

I picture little text balloons over JB's head showing this thought process...

She borrowed the shovel to dig bamboo roots because she knew Caylee was coming back... because she knew who had Caylee... NO WAIT - that won't work​

She borrowed the shovel to dig bamboo roots because she remember that Caylee had tender feet and didn't want her to be hurt. [YES - that sounds better]. She was at that time conducting her own investigation trying to find ZFG... NO WAIT - that won't work​

She borrowed the shovel to dig bamboo roots during the time Caylee was missing because even though Caylee was forcibly taken from her in Blanchard Park by ZFG... NO WAIT - that won't work​

I'VE GOT IT NOW! She borrowed the shovel to dig bamboo roots as a form of 'ugly coping'. HA!! THATS IT!!​
Let them say that she was digging out the bamboo.......then the SA will ask why she was at home digging when she was supposed to be "at work".

better yet - if Caylee was missing at the time why on earth did she need to dig up bamboo when Caylee is not even around to trip over it?
Actually I think it was Cindy that said KC borrowed the shovel to dig bamboo. If asked KC may say she borrowed it for a special event at Fusian.
I read the transcript of the first day of defense testimony in the trial of Cesar Laurean re ~Lance Cpl. Maria Lauterbach (pregnant Marine) the whole strategy of the defense that day was to discredit the victim - the jury must have felt like they were doing a cardio workout, up and down, up and down. (being sent out for the defense to whine about an objection).

When there's no defense, go on the offense. As offensive as I have found ICA's defence courtroom behavior thus far, it will get worse before it gets better. I think you pretty well nailed it - I hate it every time one of our incredible WS members gives JB any good ideas - maybe it's time we start a thread with what we would LIKE to see happen!!
As a juror that has to be one of the most infuriating things to have to endure. I have a feeling though the same thing will eventually happen in Casey's trial. I expect her defense to try to push the limit with several witnesses as they try to throw as many people under the bus as possible. MOO
As a juror that has to be one of the most infuriating things to have to endure. I have a feeling though the same thing will eventually happen in Casey's trial. I expect her defense to try to push the limit with several witnesses as they try to throw as many people under the bus as possible. MOO

I have to wonder how a jury will react if JB tries to throw too many people
under the bus. It's one thing to have a good solid defense but quite another to be playing out weak possibilities and unbelievable tales.
If Casey's interviews with LE are introduced as evidence then how far from her initial story can JB deviate? He has his work cut out for him, imo.
It's wild to watch some of these old videos, knowing what we know now:

Oh my! He had a lot of kool-aid the day of this video LOL:

Sorry, just looking at old spin videos. I'm a :loser: lol.

LOL not at all - it is quiet for a late day released motion like this - don't you think? I also thought the stations would be all over this with headlines saying "Baez Deluded Again".
LOL not at all - it is quiet for a late day released motion like this - don't you think? I also thought the stations would be all over this with headlines saying "Baez Deluded Again".

I think there is just a lot of other news there. I like your headline :dance:,
Yes, I did! I wonder if these statements can be used against him during trial.

I agree with you and remember it well - Baez truly believed ICA was innocent back in the early days - perhaps even up until they found the body of little Caylee. I also remember reading ICA did not cry when Baez came to the jail, to talk to her but he did.

I wonder if he will ever talk about that day - and if it was a day when he thought - Oh my god - my client is guilty - she actually did this! My feeling is he was caught in the excitement, cameras, ICA's stories and needing a protector for "my girl". He can barely look directly at her in court now, and when he does, it is with a very very different expression on his face than in the early days.
I think, it is now to throw as many different possibilities of might have happened to little Caylee out there, as possible. To try a reach, even just one potential person on that jury, who may have too much doubt.
I think, it is now to throw as many different possibilities of might have happened to little Caylee out there, as possible. To try a reach, even just one potential person on that jury, who may have too much doubt.

While that is a good theory I think it may not take into consideration the evidence as a whole and the abilities of SA to present this case in it's entirety. If JB does not LEARN how to wipe that smirk off of his face he will lose the jury the first day...... Nobody likes a smarta** jmo
I think, it is now to throw as many different possibilities of might have happened to little Caylee out there, as possible. To try a reach, even just one potential person on that jury, who may have too much doubt.

Agreed...but I believe she is locked in with Zani the nanny as the culprit. How do you weave in someone else???

From the start, she claims she left her at an apartment where Zani lived but had been vacant for 142 days. This is the only story we heard except for LP telling the Blanchard park one. Where Zani and Samantha who had their own children along, knocked her down, took Caylee and handed her a "script" to follow. She remained quiet by partying at Fusions where she is there to conduct her own investigation. Either tale has the nanny in it. Then you have ICA's prison letter where she exonerates Zani, the real nanny,wouldn't do this and understand why she isn't coming forward... which enforces to me there is a "fake" one???

So, how do you weave in that it could be RK, the one who found Caylee's remains. How does RK get Caylee from Zani??? I can't see how Baez can get around this which is why he is now on someone else placed Caylee there while ICA was imprisoned or under 24 hour scrutiny..but again, who is this someone else and how do they get Caylee since Zani allegedly had her..

No, I think any juror will see this is all to confuse the issue. I've always said the hardest hurdle to overcome will be the lack of alerting authories for 31 days and would show consciousness of guilt, IMO...there is no way ICA can not be held responsible for Caylee's death..the only thing I see is, the jurors may not be able to come to a DP conviction since the COD cannot be determined without a reasonable doubt. There's no evidence other than the duct tape to back up the death portion ( but can't say if it was applied before or after her death), (UNLESS THERE IS EVIDENCE ABOUT CHOLORFORM IN CAYLEE'S HAIR) IMO, but she will be found guilty for she and only she had custody of Caylee and was the last person with Caylee, besides the fact ICA gave no credible information and still hasn't...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
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