What Is the Defense Strategy?

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LOL, yes, particularly when she is up there saving his butt - AGAIN!!! :great:

I really had no idea who she was... I really thought it was a man until today when I saw she had on a skirt. I can tell he referred to her while questioning the "smell guy"... sorry.... I do follow this case but have no brain for names :( I seriously can't remember anyone's name except JA, JB, ICA, and the rest of the Anthony's.
Right! I'm thinking they are going with not guilty because George did it....but preparing for guilty and then they can say, "SHE's A LUNATIC". Please forgive me for using such politically incorrect terms. Just using the word Lunatic for lack of a better, legally correct word.

Lunatic is a fine word :crazy: No worries .
My son has mental retardation,but I have to write out developmentally disabled to be politically correct.Who's bright idea was that :waitasec:

We are one month from the trial and the defense clearly is still deciding what their defense will be.
They need to WAKE UP !
I really had no idea who she was... I really thought it was a man until today when I saw she had on a skirt. I can tell he referred to her while questioning the "smell guy"... sorry.... I do follow this case but have no brain for names :( I seriously can't remember anyone's name except JA, JB, ICA, and the rest of the Anthony's.

Dr. Vass, aka the "Sniffer Guy".
But Thinktank - points to George what? What is it you think the DT is doing? Saying George is the cause of this claim of PTSD?:waitasec:

Would that not be after some kind of proof she actually has this "disability"?

BBM above-- It is a sad fact...if the defense gets the right "Expert" to testify (with crediblility) that ICA is suffering from PTSD and paint the picture that GA had a motive (i.e. abusing Caylee), access to Cayle (she lived with them), access to the forensic evidence (duct tape, heart sticker, etc.), there is potential for "reasonable doubt".

WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer, described this as an "innovative" defense tactict born out of necessity to save Casey from the DP. With the defense losing on a number of Motions last week, his opinion is the Defense team may have no other choice but this to save ICA.

Sheaffer said,"The defense might try to show that George was abusive, abusive to Casey, and that she's suffering from post traumatic stress disorder." By doing this the Defense can claim Casey's illogical reactions, irrational behavior, and lying (i.e. Zanny the Nanny, job at universal, etc.) is due to her suffering from PTSD. And that she was covering up the "abuse" and keeping the "secret" that GA was the one that actually caused Caylee's death. All the defense is looking for is..."reasonable doubt".

If it is up to CA she will make her hubby GA go along with the fabricated strategy. Anyone think GA is willing to take the fall for his darling ICA?

It just makes me ill typing this... :sick:

BBM above-- It is a sad fact...if the defense gets the right "Expert" to testify (with crediblility) that ICA is suffering from PTSD and paint the picture that GA had a motive (i.e. abusing Caylee), access to Cayle (she lived with them), access to the forensic evidence (duct tape, heart sticker, etc.), there is potential for "reasonable doubt".

WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer, described this as an "innovative" defense tactict born out of necessity to save Casey from the DP. With the defense losing on a number of Motions last week, his opinion is the Defense team may have no other choice but this to save ICA.

Sheaffer said,"The defense might try to show that George was abusive, abusive to Casey, and that she's suffering from post traumatic stress disorder." By doing this the Defense can claim Casey's illogical reactions, irrational behavior, and lying (i.e. Zanny the Nanny, job at universal, etc.) is due to her suffering from PTSD. And that she was covering up the "abuse" and keeping the "secret" that GA was the one that actually caused Caylee's death. All the defense is looking for is..."reasonable doubt".

If it is up to CA she will make her hubby GA go along with the fabricated strategy. Anyone think GA is willing to take the fall for his darling ICA?

It just makes me ill typing this... :sick:


I'm sure hoping Bill isn't going the way of other TV clip specialists by saying "something" about whatever is in the news because he wants to stay out there with the pack.

He's been such a steady rock through the first two years but with this interview IMO he has gone plain sideways. :sigh: Or else too much hit the editing floor.
LOL I see you like the new smilies too! I want to use them at home.

"Mom ,can I have....." :denied:
"But Moooooom":ignore:

If AF does not play this straight up I will lose all faith in defense lawyers ! :innocent:

"use them at home" Hilarious!
I agree. PTSD does not fit with ICAs actions or character flaws. I don't believe it will carry much weight.
I have PTSD from a very traumatic event which I still have a hard time coping with, yet I don't lie, steal or kill.

Exactly! :)
I really can't wrap my brain around the defense using two protestors to prove George abused Casey and / or Caylee.
Is their any record? any evidence? any witnesses?

Casey,Cindy and George have no credibility.None. Zip.Zero. The SA's will rip them apart and show them up for the liars they are if they go along with this.

ICA may have had a defense of sorts if she had dumped JB and used an attorney like AF from the beginning,but ,as they say on TV ,we're up against a hard break.
Times up . Lay your pencils down and turn your papers in,kids.

And if you look to your left you will see your opponents,The State of Florida , and they are ready.Bring it on.
I think it is a multi faceted strategy ... and we are only seeing the hints of the tip of the iceberg now ... I think they are trying to introduce evidence of George's violent temper ... leading to questions if George killed Caylee.

I think the PTSD testimony will be used to explain to the jury why the Inmate acted like she did in the 31 days Caylee was "missing".

IMO the only place it has in this trial is if they want to say that it was an accident and Casey was afraid of George. We've discussed Casey being afraid of Cindy and if the defense does read here they saw how fast that idea was debunked. If they try and implicate George for Caylee's murder or accusations of abuse of Casey without clear evidence they will guarantee Casey gets a needle in her arm. From all the evidence presented so far most people do not like Casey as it is. The DT better think long and hard before they attempt to go after George.
I think it is a multi faceted strategy ... and we are only seeing the hints of the tip of the iceberg now ... I think they are trying to introduce evidence of George's violent temper ... leading to questions if George killed Caylee.

I think the PTSD testimony will be used to explain to the jury why the Inmate acted like she did in the 31 days Caylee was "missing".

I will point out again that Casey did not act any differently in the 31 days than she always did. The only change was hiding out from her family and stealing from her friend since she couldn't go home. If they try and change Casey's story entirely to implicate George I think the jury will take it as a clear indication of Casey's guilt.
BBM above-- It is a sad fact...if the defense gets the right "Expert" to testify (with crediblility) that ICA is suffering from PTSD and paint the picture that GA had a motive (i.e. abusing Caylee), access to Cayle (she lived with them), access to the forensic evidence (duct tape, heart sticker, etc.), there is potential for "reasonable doubt".

WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer, described this as an "innovative" defense tactict born out of necessity to save Casey from the DP. With the defense losing on a number of Motions last week, his opinion is the Defense team may have no other choice but this to save ICA.

Sheaffer said,"The defense might try to show that George was abusive, abusive to Casey, and that she's suffering from post traumatic stress disorder." By doing this the Defense can claim Casey's illogical reactions, irrational behavior, and lying (i.e. Zanny the Nanny, job at universal, etc.) is due to her suffering from PTSD. And that she was covering up the "abuse" and keeping the "secret" that GA was the one that actually caused Caylee's death. All the defense is looking for is..."reasonable doubt".

If it is up to CA she will make her hubby GA go along with the fabricated strategy. Anyone think GA is willing to take the fall for his darling ICA?

It just makes me ill typing this... :sick:



If I were him, I would divorce her, take everything and move out of state if she were my wife and EVER suggested (OR DEMANDED) such an asinine plan. GA needs to grow a pair, make his stupid murdering daughter pay for her OWN crimes, and tell that tyrant of a wife to put a sock in it!

There's protecting your child with every fiber of your being for all the right reasons, and then there's just being a loser of a dad who desperately would do this for show and to be the ultimate martyr hopefully finally gaining some respect by his family. If he goes along then there are some really gross skeletons in his closet that he wants to be forgiven for by that shrew of a wife and daughter. I'm convinced of that. There is zero reason for him to destroy his life by insinuating he is a molester, abuser and possible murderer for the sake of saving a mistake of a daughter.

JMO- I didn't hold back, sorry. Just so sick of this family and their secrets.
GA had already stated he did not discipline ICA for CA wouldn't allow it.

He also said due to tensions surrounding ICA, he and CA split for awhile..If this is the defenses strategy to blame GA for Caylee's demise, I do believe it will backfire big time...

It appears to me out of everyone in the immediate family, Caylee's death weighed heavily on GA...I believe he's cried more for her than CA or ICA...in an effort to raise reasonable doubt the DT implicates GA but does it fit with the evidence? NO...not in my opinion but I won't be sitting on this jury. Jurors, especially in a life and death situation, want to hold repsonsible the person who has most to gain...I'm betting the State has this covered and when they give the jury their case in chief, they will cover the most relevent pieces that point to the one who sits accused and no one else.

I still believe ICA has married herself to the nanny defense, it's all over her intital interveiws with the police and also stated during many jailhouse visits with her parents..the 31 days of not reporting an alleged crime occured and the biggest factor, no one can find this alleged nanny who ICA claims babysat for Caylee for almost two years...again, in her jailhouse chatter with RAdams, the real nanny didn't do this and ICA doesn't blame her for not showing her face...how can an invisible person show their face when that body attached to the face doesn't exist...so, is ICA lying now or did she lie back then? If she lied back then, why would she sit in jail when someone else is responsible for Caylee's demise? Wouldn't it have been more benefical for her defense if she raised that scenario from the start???

ICA is a coward, as she could not look in the faces of the ones she accused of police misconduct with building this case around her with a huge conspiracy to blame Caylee's death on her. She was the last one who had custody of this precious child. She gives LE an address to where Caylee had been watched and that place was empty for 142 days..she tells LE why she didn't alert authorities...I was naive enough to think I could handle this myself...as I conducted my own investigation...this will not make sense to any juror and they will see beyond the smoke and mirrors..if the evidence fits you must find her guilty...and the evidence fits, even as the defense points fingers to innocent people, they have three that point back to ICA...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
A couple of days ago I was thinking about this same questions, logicalgirl, but from the other end. I wondered how they could actually try to have a solid diagnosis of PTSD without having any "proof" of the "trauma" that would have precipitated it. Since it could be such a pivotal piece of the defense it seems to me that, in a court of law, the cause of the onset of PTSD should be firmly established before the dx can be taken seriously enough to decide a case of this magnitude.

If a dx of PTSD were accepted here, without that proof ~ can you imagine the doors that could open for others to abuse the legal system in a like manner? I will be very upset if the defense is desperate and immoral enough to try this!

Aside from your excellent post which I just reread - your new avatar is wonderful! :skip:
Oh boy - yes he should so do all of that - thank you!

I was just completely flummoxed as to where to start. George has done a lot in the last two years.

Maybe he could just release a statement that says, " I love my daughter ICA, but I believe she killed Caylee. I will support her as she faces the legal system, but I will not lie for her. I want Justice for Caylee.

Nah, it needs to be far more than that!

Am I alone in thinking that George is a complete scoundrel and although he has allowed Cindy to take the brunt of the reasoning and blame behind the cover up, I think George will never "fess up" no matter how many chances he is given to "make it right".
George is a coward and will always be one, the battles he chooses to fight are odd to say the least, who can forget "don't you dare say remains" and talking back to the prosecution and the judge, one could be forgiven for thinking he really gave a damn!

I think George is acting as hard as his daughter, he isn't quite sure how to show the required emotions but is going to try anyway. He hams it up for the court camera grimaces, shakes his head is rude and surly all for no real reason other than to deflect any attention away from his peculiar behavior and want of true feeling.
He gets angry at the wrong things in they wrong way, inappropriate emotional response is more consistent with his daughters behavior than anything and I think this is where KC gets her repulsive personality from.

Phew!!! I have wanted to say that for so long....
I think it is a multi faceted strategy ... and we are only seeing the hints of the tip of the iceberg now ... I think they are trying to introduce evidence of George's violent temper ... leading to questions if George killed Caylee.

I think the PTSD testimony will be used to explain to the jury why the Inmate acted like she did in the 31 days Caylee was "missing".

I'm not sure the correct term is "multifaceted". Instead the Defense "team" is looking more and more schizophrenic. I am starting to think that there is not much in the way of "team" going on anymore. I can't believe that they are actually reading each others motions, let alone signing off on them.

As far as proving GA's violent temper. Go watch the video of the incident. Letting that play out in court will absolutely kill this approach. While GA may have acted "inappropriately" by making physical contact with the woman. All he does is gently place his hand on her chest and walk her back to the sidewalk. No violence. Yeah some tempers flaring in a stressful situation, but nothing beyond the pale. It shows GA specifically NOT losing it. GA not getting violent. GA acting more like ex LE than like an abusive bully.
I'm not sure the correct term is "multifaceted". Instead the Defense "team" is looking more and more schizophrenic. I am starting to think that there is not much in the way of "team" going on anymore. I can't believe that they are actually reading each others motions, let alone signing off on them.

As far as proving GA's violent temper. Go watch the video of the incident. Letting that play out in court will absolutely kill this approach. While GA may have acted "inappropriately" by making physical contact with the woman. All he does is gently place his hand on her chest and walk her back to the sidewalk. No violence. Yeah some tempers flaring in a stressful situation, but nothing beyond the pale. It shows GA specifically NOT losing it. GA not getting violent. GA acting more like ex LE than like an abusive bully.

Seriously. The Little Dude video shows more temper.

ETA: Here's the article with the video (not the Little Dude, the new witnesses). Has a great cameo by JW as well. Oh, and Lee doesn't seem afraid of GA as he says Go. In. Side.

Am I alone in thinking that George is a complete scoundrel and although he has allowed Cindy to take the brunt of the reasoning and blame behind the cover up, I think George will never "fess up" no matter how many chances he is given to "make it right".
George is a coward and will always be one, the battles he chooses to fight are odd to say the least, who can forget "don't you dare say remains" and talking back to the prosecution and the judge, one could be forgiven for thinking he really gave a damn!

I think George is acting as hard as his daughter, he isn't quite sure how to show the required emotions but is going to try anyway. He hams it up for the court camera grimaces, shakes his head is rude and surly all for no real reason other than to deflect any attention away from his peculiar behavior and want of true feeling.
He gets angry at the wrong things in they wrong way, inappropriate emotional response is more consistent with his daughters behavior than anything and I think this is where KC gets her repulsive personality from.

Phew!!! I have wanted to say that for so long....

No,you are not alone. I agree.
Am I alone in thinking that George is a complete scoundrel and although he has allowed Cindy to take the brunt of the reasoning and blame behind the cover up, I think George will never "fess up" no matter how many chances he is given to "make it right".
George is a coward and will always be one, the battles he chooses to fight are odd to say the least, who can forget "don't you dare say remains" and talking back to the prosecution and the judge, one could be forgiven for thinking he really gave a damn!

I think George is acting as hard as his daughter, he isn't quite sure how to show the required emotions but is going to try anyway. He hams it up for the court camera grimaces, shakes his head is rude and surly all for no real reason other than to deflect any attention away from his peculiar behavior and want of true feeling.
He gets angry at the wrong things in they wrong way, inappropriate emotional response is more consistent with his daughters behavior than anything and I think this is where KC gets her repulsive personality from.

Phew!!! I have wanted to say that for so long....

Have you met me??? LOL!!!

I remember a news video with GA walking around from the front door, carrying a vase of flowers (probably from RCruze), saw the cameras were on him, looked heavenward, and I knew then he was hamming it up.
You are not alone!!
Thinking about how they would bring into evidence anything against George, They really don't have much other than what Casey has alluded to, and she's not testifying, you can bet on that. Imo, Cindy or Lee will definitely not say George was abusive. They jury is not composed of stupid people. They will be able to tell subterfuge when presented, imo. It may be JB's only hope, but it will not fly.
Seriously. The Little Dude video shows more temper.

ETA: Here's the article with the video (not the Little Dude, the new witnesses). Has a great cameo by JW as well. Oh, and Lee doesn't seem afraid of GA as he says Go. In. Side.


After re-watching that video - I just had the heebee jeebies. Knowing now that while all of this was going on - Caylee was right down at the end of the street! :sick:
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