What Is the Defense Strategy?

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Hope this works. It is a visual summary of the moral and intellectual level of the DT, from our good friends over at HM.


I haven't seen a strategy yet but I've seen enough disrespect for Caylee's death and our justice system to last a life time.

The hearing thread is closed and this may have already been mentioned but I'm just learning of their latest juvenile, pathetic, disrespectful displays in the court room. I wish someone would show JBP what goes on while he's not at the bench.

Casey continues to act like she is the guest of honor at a party. Enjoying her chit chats and physical contact with both attorneys, laughing, have a good old time (nothing new here).

YouTube - S0meRand0mName's Channel

~2:44 mark - Casey plays a little hide-n-seek with the camera, instructing Baez to stand in front of her (I assume so he can block the camera man's view). Baez does as instructed but he moves the wrong way so Casey points again so he'll move in the right direction (Casey is covering her giggles with her hands). She is clearly amused at herself. You can see Baez' cheeks bulging as he is grinning from ear to ear while playing this pathetic game.

~3:10 mark - Casey decides to flip the bird to the camera. It's a good thing George wasn't at the receiving end.

~3:46 mark - more laughs and giggles from everyone (attorneys and Casey).

~5:00 mark - Baez turns around and sticks his tongue out at the cameraman. Wow, I didn't believe it until I watched myself. Unreal.

You would never believe Casey is the mother of a murdered child and she stands accused of that crime judging by this type of behavior.

Casey puts on the innocent doe eyes act in front of JBP, hopefully he'll be shown this video so he'll know exactly what he's dealing with. I think he already knows but a little reinforcement never hurts.

Hmmmmmmm the sticking out the tongue reminds me a bit of a snake. You know...snakes "smell" with their tongues.

Perhaps the defense should argue that a snake should have been used instead of a dog.
One thing I do not want the Defense Team do is leave ICA sitting at the table by herself. This is the first time I've seen this look and my thoughts and reactions were spontaneous - just came sort of "boom" and "boom", just while the camera was on her and I was waiting for something to happen. I guess it was at a break or during a sidebar - not sure - but nothing seemed to be going on.

ICA wasn't writing, no attorneys were talking and maybe it was the beginning of a break. But the camera was on ICA at the table by herself, she quickly looked around, looked down at the table, pulled her sleeves over her arms and looked up again and to her left - and I thought wow, she looks so small and young and the second flash was she looks scared. And in a blink she's put her "game face" back on.

It was just for a moment and I've never seen those two instants before and they were certainly involuntary because I just don't think along either of those line when I am thinking about ICA.
What I found interesting at the hearing to get the statements by KC out, is that Baez pelted Yuri with questions about suspicious and he says to him when you were at Universal you HAD to have found that suspicious. And then Yuri says define it, etc. and makes Baez go through his supposed suspicions and he says no job, 31 day delay, lying about friends and numbers.

Yet, when he first went on TV he said the only thing wrong with this is that the cops are focusing on my client instead of looking for the child.

Interesting how he changes when needed.

Yuri was outstanding on the stand.
What I found interesting at the hearing to get the statements by KC out, is that Baez pelted Yuri with questions about suspicious and he says to him when you were at Universal you HAD to have found that suspicious. And then Yuri says define it, etc. and makes Baez go through his supposed suspicions and he says no job, 31 day delay, lying about friends and numbers.

Yet, when he first went on TV he said the only thing wrong with this is that the cops are focusing on my client instead of looking for the child.

Interesting how he changes when needed.

Yuri was outstanding on the stand.

I about fell over when JB said to Yuri -- "you allowed her to lie" and thought how the he!! is JB going to cover this in front of the jury. He pretty much said yes she was lying about working there but JB wanted to make Yuri look bad.... HA! "You knew she didn't have a job" stated Baez. Now how is he going to explain that to the jury?
I about fell over when JB said to Yuri -- "you allowed her to lie" and thought how the he!! is JB going to cover this in front of the jury. He pretty much said yes she was lying about working there but JB wanted to make Yuri look bad.... HA! "You knew she didn't have a job" stated Baez. Now how is he going to explain that to the jury?

I think Yuri explained it quite well. His focal point at the time was finding a missing child. She could have been lying for any number of reasons. He actually had no choice because KC was the only one with answers. This hearing was to get rid of her statements to LE and in particular the Universal one. So I do not think it would benefit KC in court to focus too much on the fact that she lied. Who lies about a missing child when you have summoned LE into your home to help. jmo
I hate to jump in at 72 pages, I'm relatively new to this case. I just was thinking about creating reasonable doubt.

Is it possible for Casey's defense team to point the finger at her father? Her mother said they had last seen Caylee on June 9 and then they "remembered" it was Father's Day.

The body was found near the Anthony home. Could it be argued that her father killed Cayleee and use that to get her off?

Sorry if this had been addressed already.
I hate to jump in at 72 pages, I'm relatively new to this case. I just was thinking about creating reasonable doubt.

Is it possible for Casey's defense team to point the finger at her father? Her mother said they had last seen Caylee on June 9 and then they "remembered" it was Father's Day.

The body was found near the Anthony home. Could it be argued that her father killed Cayleee and use that to get her off?

Sorry if this had been addressed already.

This has been addressed and I think there is a thread on it. I know that Lippman (Anthony's lawyer) came out with a statement and their denial of his involvement and that he was "cleared" by Law Enforcement.

I also know that Schaeffer said it goes along with everything KC said. But then again they have to have George kill the baby, put her in the trunk, let KC find her and then drive around with her for days and then bury her and then have the mother find KC 30 days later and George and Cindy go nuts on TV.

Doesn't fly with me and I don't think it will with anyone else when they hear everything the State has to say.
I agree the nanny is all lies but hard for them to ditch it when that is her written statement to LE, told to repeated persons, taped in jail house phone calls and letters. If it was out of fear of GA/CA the DT would have to show why KC told others about this nanny. I don't see how they can avoid the nanny story. They are going to have to explain it because I am sure the state will present her written statement, the 911 calls (babysitter took her) and all other instances where they claim the nanny took Caylee.

Remember way back when GA said "we know who has her and they are being watched"? Cindy said DCasey was watching a ZFG in Puerto Rico?

All true, but I'm thinking they can minimize the nanny story and lean on the "molestation and abuse" poor ICA suffered and that is why she lied about the nanny... I don't think it will work, but think that is the direction they will head. "We don't know what happened to Caylee, (SODI) but poor ICA didn't do it, is about all they have. Remember, one of their team is already stating that there is no cause of death, so no one really knows what happened to her, and that perhaps the duct tape floated by and stuck to her in the flood!!! I think they will point a lazy finger at several people, JG, RK, GA, anyone handy and hope one juror has doubts about sweet little ICA>

JB sticking out his tongue is disgusting! I am not shocked at the poor behavior by ICA, but I guess I should expect the same from JB.

Hope this works. It is a visual summary of the moral and intellectual level of the DT, from our good friends over at HM.


Remember the screaming that GA did to the Atty(?) during his deposition when he accused the man of flipping him the bird? In reality it was just pushing his glasses back up on his nose with his middle finger. But, this brings to mind that if GA were to go off on a complete stranger about flipping the bird, I can only imagine that any child[/I]in his home using your middle finger for any adjusting (hair, glasses, etc) would be pounced upon mercilessly the very first time it happened. I cannot imagine that KC could actually argue it was an innocent slip of the finger while adjusting her hair - after GA's extreme outburst over this very issue. GA went off on the person questioning him, (someone he didn't trust and didn't know) in the depo - imagine being "incubated" in this belief to the extent that GA defended it. NO WAY could KC argue that was an innocent gesture. Also NO WAY can JB argue his tongue sticking out was an innocent gesture.
The timing of this whole "ordeal" appears to be that they are all in cahoots to flip off/stick tongue out/cover the camera.
What I found interesting at the hearing to get the statements by KC out, is that Baez pelted Yuri with questions about suspicious and he says to him when you were at Universal you HAD to have found that suspicious. And then Yuri says define it, etc. and makes Baez go through his supposed suspicions and he says no job, 31 day delay, lying about friends and numbers.

Yet, when he first went on TV he said the only thing wrong with this is that the cops are focusing on my client instead of looking for the child.

Interesting how he changes when needed.

Yuri was outstanding on the stand.

Seriously that was golden!

I think every instructor or any newbie criminal lawyer who is learning/teaching how NOT to question a witness should use this clip and transcript. It was classic - golden - I could not believe what I was hearing.

Hope this works. It is a visual summary of the moral and intellectual level of the DT, from our good friends over at HM.


She has zero idea that when this is all said and done JB will NEVER answer ICA's calls again. She's a tool and he's a tool. Both serving a purpose for each other at the moment. ICA is delusional enough to think this is a long term ahem, friendship/partnership. JB already has his phone number change request set for the day after trial.

Like lambs to a slaughter. If I were her I'd DEMAND professionalism from this fool. It is her life, after all.
Stupid is what stupid does.

Where's my popcorn while I watch this train wreck. :loser:
Respectfully snipped--OMG jon! I missed this part and thank you SOOO much for posting it. Really would not have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own two eyes.


OK. Sorry, yelling. This whole circus troop just makes me :banghead:.

You're welcome. I hope a juror gets picked who has seen this video or a reporter picks up on this and decides to print/air this little tidbit. (ohhhh Kathi...). :innocent:

BBM- I can't tell for certain but considering the antics before she decided to throw up the one finger salute I think it was the camerman. She was playing a sick game with Baez having him block the view of the cameraman. At least that is my interpretation.

Aedrys, I think you're on to something with Cindy.
Thank you for that video jon burrows. :tyou: Very interesting to me. I wonder if anyone knows what ICA was doing with CM when she was showing him something under the table? TIA.

Really, Jose didn't cover anything because we could see everything they were doing. I wondered if the antics by Casey were because she really does feel the pressure of her life on the line, but I think others are correct in saying she behaves like this because she is confident she will go free. :crazy:

I see these people are really uncomfortable with each other, that is why they act out together, imo. Casey's body language toward CM was telling, she had her arm closest to her as a "bar" between them with her hand crossing her chest to hold her other arm. CM was using his index finger to caress ICA. ICA remained stiff next to him, imho. Jose seems to stay physically away from ICA. He comes back to appease her, I feel-the antics are for the difficult client to keep her happy. imo.

The new guy. :sigh: I saw him looking directly at the camera. IMHO: there is not a lot of "light" in his eyes. After the big laugh they all had, new guy included, they sat there for a while no one saying anything and new guy got his phone out. ICA, instantly becomes interested.

:waiting: for the trial.

I do wonder if the judge sees things like this. If HHJP is allowed by the rules to see such video during this time: IMHO he is the type of person who would want to see this. I don't know how he takes it or if for him this has any impact on his rulings-I don't think they should-other than him understanding who he is dealing with. But I think he already knows that... :shush:
After listening to JB on In Sessions, I now believe that the defense will be:

The pity party defense or, better known as the Big, Bad Evil World against the Poor, Young, Innocent, Loving Mother who is Suffering From a Terrible Tragedy that happened to Her Daughter, through no fault of Her Own, and Now must Defend Herself against the forces of Evil who are trying to Convict her "On a Whim" and who also took away her civil rights ("everything has been taken from me") while torturing her in a dungeon.

Cue the music and references to the Big Bad Wolf (prosecution and LE) vs the Damsel in Distress (ICA)

Once upon a time there was a young, sweet, wonderful mother(cue the photos of the loving mother with her daughter) who loved her daughter more than anyone in the world.

She was the the most attentive mother who could have ever lived. (Cue the Mother of the Year references and her mother's new selective memory on the stand)

Something tragic happened to her daughter and she lied to protect herself from the evil mother and father who were plotting to take away her precious daughter. The terrible tragedy was so horrific that she went into some sort of fantasy land to protect her innocent, sweet self from the emotional trauma.

For this damsel has been unjustly vilified (cue the protesters) and much misunderstood (cue the party photos) and will emerge, and triumph arm in arm with her knights and be crowned Mother of the Year. (Remember "there is no proof").

This defense will continue to evolve until the actual day of the trial depending on how much evidence is actually allowed in. (Cue the references to "discovery isn't evidence" comments.)
After listening to Baez on "In Sessions" - all I can say is -

Sure, Mr. Baez, whistling in the dark will definitely keep the big bad SA away!

Now c'mon - give us a happy tune! :loser:
You're welcome. I hope a juror gets picked who has seen this video or a reporter picks up on this and decides to print/air this little tidbit. (ohhhh Kathi...). :innocent:

BBM- I can't tell for certain but considering the antics before she decided to throw up the one finger salute I think it was the camerman. She was playing a sick game with Baez having him block the view of the cameraman. At least that is my interpretation.

Aedrys, I think you're on to something with Cindy.

She is absolutely using her middle finger to show her feelings. No doubt about it. Thanks for the visual Jon.
One thing I do not want the Defense Team do is leave ICA sitting at the table by herself. This is the first time I've seen this look and my thoughts and reactions were spontaneous - just came sort of "boom" and "boom", just while the camera was on her and I was waiting for something to happen. I guess it was at a break or during a sidebar - not sure - but nothing seemed to be going on.

ICA wasn't writing, no attorneys were talking and maybe it was the beginning of a break. But the camera was on ICA at the table by herself, she quickly looked around, looked down at the table, pulled her sleeves over her arms and looked up again and to her left - and I thought wow, she looks so small and young and the second flash was she looks scared. And in a blink she's put her "game face" back on.

It was just for a moment and I've never seen those two instants before and they were certainly involuntary because I just don't think along either of those line when I am thinking about ICA.

Exactly the reason my son thinks they will NOT give her the death penalty. Also, I believe after she is convicted, the defense is going to zero in on the mother and father and basically blame them for dropping the ball on KC's mental health.
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