What Is the Defense Strategy?

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Now we have LKB openly admitting Casey lied. I don't believe for one second that she didn't have the blessing of JB and CM to say that.

So, is this part of their strategy now? They are going to simply say "Casey is a liar, but not a murderer"? :waitasec: I wish I could make some sense of what they are trying to accomplish. :waitasec:
Now we have LKB openly admitting Casey lied. I don't believe for one second that she didn't have the blessing of JB and CM to say that.

So, is this part of their strategy now? They are going to simply say "Casey is a liar, but not a murderer"? :waitasec: I wish I could make some sense of what they are trying to accomplish. :waitasec:
Yup! My counter argument is: how many honest murderers do you know??? There's such a thing as consciousness of guilt, like when a murderer tries to flee- lying is in the same category, because they don't want to get caught...
Yup! My counter argument is: how many honest murderers do you know??? There's such a thing as consciousness of guilt, like when a murderer tries to flee- lying is in the same category, because they don't want to get caught...

Exactly! If she didn't kill Caylee - then why LIE? This is sooo dumb. :banghead::banghead:
There's just something about the way he speaks, I could actually feel the tension leaving my body when he gave his reassuring analysis. I don't know how JB is sleeping nights with the trial so close and NO defense.[/QUOTE]

IMO he is sleeping very well. He's not on trial, his client is and from his behavior and joking around/cracking jokes to the judge he probably is not too worried about it. He's been paid, let's get it done, get it over with and move on. He certainly does not look worried. jmo
Exactly! If she didn't kill Caylee - then why LIE? This is sooo dumb. :banghead::banghead:

No....silly, it's just a game. You have to guess all her clues. It's like the "sunglass game". It's all LE's fault because they "misconstrued" what KC told them and arrested her on a "whim". JB said to wait until the trial so we can hear the "truth" cough, cough....I mean the story of what really happened. How else can they keep it a surprise if they tell the truth? I mean, really. jmo
No....silly, it's just a game. You have to guess all her clues. It's like the "sunglass game". It's all LE's fault because they "misconstrued" what KC told them and arrested her on a "whim". JB said to wait until the trial so we can hear the "truth" cough, cough....I mean the story of what really happened. How else can they keep it a surprise if they tell the truth? I mean, really. jmo

:lol: Thanks for bringing me back to reality. I don't know what I was thinkin! :giggle:
One thing is for sure, now that LKB is openly admitting there is no Zanny the Nanny- that defense is out the window...
me thinks after the new's from LKB that KC lied about zanny the nanny.....KC will have to take the stand......:).....

if i was a jury member.....thats the only way I would even for a min.....think twice about first degree murder.....I would need to hear it from KC's own lips what happend to Caylee....even if I bought into the *junk science* I would need to know the reason behind all the lies and the 31 days....
One thing is for sure, now that LKB is openly admitting there is no Zanny the Nanny- that defense is out the window...

I so agree Linask - whatever it is - it is lying in bits and pieces littering the court room floor around the Defense Team's tables. Humpty Dumpty Baez! Remember? You can never put Humpty Dumpty together again - or your defense in this case.
One thing is for sure, now that LKB is openly admitting there is no Zanny the Nanny- that defense is out the window...

I still think this is JB's way of thumbing his nose at the court once again. He was so sure her statements to LE would not be admitted at trial, now that they ARE being admitted he figured that the "mental health professionals" could tell the court her real story. Thus making all of her prior statements to LE just a pack of lies and confusing the poor jury. Now he's really stuck, lies and no shrinks to speak for Casey.
I think that this whole trial is becoming outrageous. It is all about publicity and a total mockery of our justice system. JB is at the helm and this is what it has been about since day 1. If this had been about the defense of an innocent person, there would have been a gag order in place and we wouldn't be reading and hearing about these antics that these attorneys are pulling. I have absolutely no respect for them and they are disgraceful.

At the end of the day..JB & Company do not care about KC or the memory of Caylee. IMO only.
I think the defense strategy is officially "lie, cheat and steal" I mean really just look at this week?
Yup! My counter argument is: how many honest murderers do you know??? There's such a thing as consciousness of guilt, like when a murderer tries to flee- lying is in the same category, because they don't want to get caught...

Strangely, I've heard of a couple. I want to say Benjamin Atkins, who was accused of killing someone and got angry to be accused of killing "that person" (not a prostitute, whom he was targeting) and had an alibi -- was killing someone else at the time. It is strange, that is for sure.

And then those who kill someone and then calmly call 911 and tell them to come, and stay there until the police come and arrest them.

So yeah, from time to time, it does occur!
One thing is for sure, now that LKB is openly admitting there is no Zanny the Nanny- that defense is out the window...

I think the Zanny the Nanny story is like an ugly relative they want to disconnect from. Seems like they have drafted LKB to begin the process for them. ' Sure, she is a lying thief, but that doesn't make her a killer.'
Yup! My counter argument is: how many honest murderers do you know??? There's such a thing as consciousness of guilt, like when a murderer tries to flee- lying is in the same category, because they don't want to get caught...

Along with lying, ICA displayed a consciousness of guilt when she stayed away for 31 days and avoided her parents - she was totally conscious of what she did and how she did it. IMHO, the duct tape points to that fact.

And, how can the DT claim post traumatic stress syndrome for their client who claims she was searching for 31 days? The DT better hope for a jury comprised of persons with no common sense whatsoever. Their attempt to flood the media with a "campaign of confusion" is a long shot - the smoke screens do not erase the hard, cold facts, which the jury's decision should be based upon. I just have to believe that Caylee will receive justice.
Personally, I think (JMHO) that the DT is flying by the seat of their pants at this point. Major changes are being made daily, motions that should have been handled long ago, weren't, and now it's crunch time. They're making stupid mistakes. Motions to add witness, then the next day, changing the phase they want the witness in, then days later, now they retract the witness altogether. Gives the impression that they have no clue what they're doing day to day. It's getting old, and the fact that everyone on the DT is in this for personal gain, makes it even worse (well, amaybe an exception or 2 to that), but Baez, and Mason definitely. Just waiting to see who gets their tell-all book to the publisher first once the trial is over.
BBM: ABSOLUTELY!!!! Seeing this image immediately brought back the memory of GA in his depo "losing it" about the perception of being flipped the bird. It makes sense that if ICA is accustomed to flipping dear old dad the bird this way..........he would be a little over-sensitive to observing the same gesture from ZFG's attorney. Perhaps this was ICA's little message to daddy also????????????? :sick:

Ha ha! :maddening: We are just laughing ourselves silly out here in the free world ICA...........You and JB are just sooooo entertaining while the State of Florida goes broke paying for this "quality" defense..................:banghead::banghead::banghead::twocents:

Casey is probably very impressed with herself and her "ability" to cost the state of Florida so much money. Ever the extravagant spender of other people's money, that's Casey!!!
I am sure ICA was a real hand full for years and years. Cussing at her parents and letting the "F" word fly was probably a normal everyday occurrence. As for flipping her dad the bird- why not? George wasn't going to do anything about it. He was outnumbered in that house and Cindy was the undisputed Head of Household in every way. ICA was strong-willed like her mother, and also very much about "impressions" like her mother (we must appear to be the perfect people at all costs). And of course she got lessons in lying growing up from both of her parents. They set a poor example, IMO.

And look what it got them.
I hope when the prosecution has Cindy on the stand they point out a few facts:

Cindy and George trusted Casey, apparently, to have hired a "nanny" to take care of Caylee while she was "working". Yet they don't, like any grandparents who are helping to raise their grandchild, bother to get nanny's phone number, address, or even express a desire to meet her!! So they blindly accept what Casey tells them of nanny is the truth.

-Yet Cindy had already known, before the 15th, that Casey had stolen money by way of check fraud from Cindy's mother as well as from Cindy, by way of using her credit cards. But Cindy TRUSTED her?

-Due to the fact that "the truth and ICA were strangers", Casey's lies (that sound outlandish and unbelievable to us), were readily accepted by C & G. She was a known and proven liar to almost all that knew her well. Even to out-of-state relatives and longtime schoolmates. But her parents, who knew her better than anyone and even admitted that she told half-truths and mis-truths quite often, defend her AND her lies.

-Ask Cindy why, after the medical examiner concluded that the tiny skeleton was that of Casey Marie Anthony, Cindy still tried to float her theory that Caylee was still alive- out there, somewhere. Who does Cindy think the tiny skeleton, wrapped in Caylees blanket and bearing Caylees DNA, with duct tape that was an unusual brand, wrapped around her tiny head- (which matched a roll of duct tape that C & G had in their very own garage) was, anyway? How did another child- Caylees age and size, end up in a cloth laundry bag that was identical to ones Cindy had in the house, then bagged two more times for good measure? And if the remains are not Caylees, whose ashes have they claimed and now keep stashed away in a secret place? A strangers??

-Ask Cindy why she is not working. I doubt if this would be something the State would be allowed to ask her, but I still wanna know.
KC made a comment to Kio that CA did not care for hispanics and did not want them in the home, I believe. What better way to insure that CA would never ask for any information about the nanny than to make the nanny hispanic. Obviously it is true because clearly CA never asked to meet her. jmo
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