What Is the Defense Strategy?

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That's just it, she could've gone with an accidental death a long, long time ago. It wasn't accidental. Casey knew she had to let Caylee keep decomposing in the woods because there was a murder to hide. Maybe they're right that she did actually use chloroform on Caylee. She called herself a spiteful b**ch which speaks of intention to hurt someone bad.
From the very beginning of this case, something about George has bothered me....not that I think he hurt Caylee, but I do think he has known all along what did happen...and that his daughter is responsible....this video was the first time I saw GA....interesting to re-watch it now after so long....
Wouldn't KC have to get onto the stand to testify to change her story? Who would believe any other story (not that the original is going to fly) unless she got up there herself and testified? I don't see DT putting her up there and I don't see anyone buying any other story, in particular, an accident because she lies. She was a liar and thief long before Caylee was gone.

If I were a member of the jury I would want to see what the state has and go from there. KC's a liar and therefore she has no credibility, nor do her parents. If you can't trust their testimony, you toss it.

At this point in time the A's have done so much damage by their lying on the stand and in depos that if they wanted to save their daughter's life now no one would believe it. If CA said on the stand that KC had told her it was an accident and she believes it was, no one will believe CA because they know she is an incredulous liar. CA shut that door, tight.

It was an accident and I deliberately duct taped my child's mouth so it would look like someone else did it. Then I schemed while I was out having a good time about someone else having Caylee, just in case her body was found. KC did not place Caylee's body in a remote spot. It was only a few feet from the roadway. If there had been no hurricane there's a good chance someone might have found her early on.

Then when you are arrested and you know it was an accident and can prove it because her remains would reflect that......you wait, and wait....in jail and say nothing. Your DP attorney at the time sends SA a letter outlining "what if it were an accident" and still you turn down the one chance you had to prove it. Why, because it wasn't an accident and there was proof at the time of that.

Then to make matters even worse you have YOUR PI, DC, out there trying to find Caylee's remains which he fully admits doing and there is a tape showing just how close he really was. And you expect the jury to think this was accidential, too. Or was DC's function to get rid of the duct tape and/or whatever was left of the remains.

Accident? I'm not buying it. jmo
From the very beginning of this case, something about George has bothered me....not that I think he hurt Caylee, but I do think he has known all along what did happen...and that his daughter is responsible....this video was the first time I saw GA....interesting to re-watch it now after so long....

What sticks out like a sore thumb is the announcer saying that KC moved out and GA did not correct her. So KC moved out, did not take but a few clothes, took nothing for Caylee, nothing and the A's left it at that.
What sticks out like a sore thumb is the announcer saying that KC moved out and GA did not correct her. So KC moved out, did not take but a few clothes, took nothing for Caylee, nothing and the A's left it at that.

Yeah they were hammering home the "this is about Caylee" tripe because they KNEW they couldn't answer any of the obvious things that needed to be answered about Casey and her behavior. Perfect Anthony maneuver. THEY decide what is relevant, THEY decide what we think about, how searches are conducted, etc.
After watching this:
BILL SHEAFFER: Analysis Of 4 Defense Strategies

I don't think any strategy is going to work for the defense.
Bill Sheaffer is my favorite legal analyst and everything he says in this video rings true and makes perfect sense.
After watching this:
BILL SHEAFFER: Analysis Of 4 Defense Strategies

I don't think any strategy is going to work for the defense.
Bill Sheaffer is my favorite legal analyst and everything he says in this video rings true and makes perfect sense.

Hooray - you posted it! I was so happy when I read this - all is well in world!
Quite possibly the strongest case of circumstantial evidence he has ever seen in his entire legal career - now aren't those words just to warm our little hearts on?

Love, love Bill! Whenever I even start to feel anxiety, there he is with his legal information and opinions and I am calm again.
Casey Anthony is the client, and really is the "CEO" and is in charge of her defense. If she disagrees with a tactic or an approach, they cannot use it. Consider how many times she has been seen poking, clawing and grabbing at her attorneys in court. Now consider how many times this young woman's story changed over the course of just a few months. If it seems that the DT is befuddled, disorganized, frustrated and inept, consider the person for whom they are working and from whom they are gleaning information.
I can't decide if this makes them incredibly long-suffering and noble or incredibly desperate and sad.
That's just it, she could've gone with an accidental death a long, long time ago. It wasn't accidental. Casey knew she had to let Caylee keep decomposing in the woods because there was a murder to hide. Maybe they're right that she did actually use chloroform on Caylee. She called herself a spiteful b**ch which speaks of intention to hurt someone bad.
:hand::snooty: Nope! She couldn't have, not with the duct tape, and she wanted Caylee dead, she can't bring herself to lie about that...
But, but, but hold on there now and therefore and such.

What about the tape? Why did she feel it was necessary to tape her mouth three times around her head?
Anger, plain and simple. JonBenet Ramsey's death was probably an accident- but staged to look like a murder, yet they didn't duct tape her mouth and head, she was wrapped in a blanket!
From the very beginning of this case, something about George has bothered me....not that I think he hurt Caylee, but I do think he has known all along what did happen...and that his daughter is responsible....this video was the first time I saw GA....interesting to re-watch it now after so long....

Thanks for this. This video was before George developed all of his facial tics, mouth pursing, eyebrow raising and shoulder shrugging.
Quite possibly the strongest case of circumstantial evidence he has ever seen in his entire legal career - now aren't those words just to warm our little hearts on?

Love, love Bill! Whenever I even start to feel anxiety, there he is with his legal information and opinions and I am calm again.

There's just something about the way he speaks, I could actually feel the tension leaving my body when he gave his reassuring analysis. I don't know how JB is sleeping nights with the trial so close and NO defense.
Even Casey's own parents were trying to offer her the excuse of an accident in the pool back then. I'm saying she couldn't go with that because it was not an accidental death of Caylee. :whoosh: JMO, and I'm entitled to it.
There's just something about the way he speaks, I could actually feel the tension leaving my body when he gave his reassuring analysis. I don't know how JB is sleeping nights with the trial so close and NO defense.

We are peas in a pod about Bill! :blowkiss:
:hand::snooty: Nope! She couldn't have, not with the duct tape, and she wanted Caylee dead, she can't bring herself to lie about that...

Anger, plain and simple. JonBenet Ramsey's death was probably an accident- but staged to look like a murder, yet they didn't duct tape her mouth and head, she was wrapped in a blanket!

And that is one of the reasons it will be impossible for her to garner any sympathy, even if she does try a last minute admission of an accidental drowning. I believe that plenty of jurors would have compassion for a young mother who panicked and tried to cover up the accidental death of her child but only if she LOVINGLY cared for her remains and showed some sense of grief and remorse. Casey did NONE of those things. And if the 'accident' involved a drug overdose then I think she deserves LIFE in prison because that is not really an accident, imo.
Please don't attack me, but I just want to air my opinion.

The new George-did-it or George-had-something-to-do-with-Caylee's death defense is not going to be used. The only defense that I might believe if I were a juror is that Caylee died accidently from an overdose of chloroform (while mommy partied) OR Caylee drowned in the pool due to Casey's distraction/negligence.
A panic striken Casey then drove around with Caylee in her car trunk finally disposing of the body at Casey's old childhood dumping ground behind her school. All Casey's lies tie in well with this theory and resulted in the post traumatic distress syndrome for Casey's actions afterwards.

This is the only theory I would believe if I were a juror that MIGHT get her off the death penalty and a jail sentence with parole.

Just IMO...don't yell at me too loud).

No yelling from me! This is probably the scenario she should have gone with. But keep in mind that any defense other than SODDI and she would have to admit that she had something to do with it. Which she won't. So the DT will just continue their game of "not enough evidence."
I think the DT has changed their strategy just a little to include overt manipulation of any public that is uninformed or haven't been interested in the proceedings thus far. The ability of this low quality defense team to engage and use the media machine for their own ends is beyond belief and that they have found a so called respected program to run a mock yet seemingly rigged jury, weeks before trial begins, is just unconscionable.

All they have is the a last forlorn hope that Casey can garner sympathy and save her soulless a$$ from the DP...

The fact that the "family for hire" has joined in the misinformation and is engaged with the DT and Media to thwart justice for their own granddaughter...how can one excuse that! I wonder how much they are all getting out of this..and does the media, who clearly are "biased for ratings" realize how much their credibility drops when they troll for ratings.

At least Nancy is taking up for Caylee....

She annoys me at times but she is stepping up for Caylee, because no one else is. (Except us of course)
The defense is using the "spaghetti defense," throwing out anything and everything on the wall and seeing what sticks. The only thing they aren't throwing out is the possibility that this was an accident and that's gonna submarine them in the end. They will make the same mistake that Garegos did in Peterson - they will spend HOURS proving what a "Good mother" Casey was (just like Scott was a "good husband") and that will leave them no room to plead it down to Manslaughter.
The defense is using the "spaghetti defense," throwing out anything and everything on the wall and seeing what sticks. The only thing they aren't throwing out is the possibility that this was an accident and that's gonna submarine them in the end. They will make the same mistake that Garegos did in Peterson - they will spend HOURS proving what a "Good mother" Casey was (just like Scott was a "good husband") and that will leave them no room to plead it down to Manslaughter.
Thing is- they can't put on an accidental death defense without Casey's approval. She knows it wasn't an accident and ironically, won't lie about that, and... they can't get around the duct tape.
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