What Is the Defense Strategy?

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This thread is about the defense strategy, and part of it was about what the psychiatrist will be testifying to about ICA's "state of mind", and recently Baez has said something to the effect that his strategy has not changed at all. I was bored and have been doing some "perusing" on this site, and came upon several posts from back in July 2010 from "notthatsmart", now, I believe we all suspect who this is. I found some of these posts interesting, so I am going to paste a few here. I believe "notthatsmart" is privy to what the defense will try to do, and started trying to "plant" some theories back then, which would show that JB has had what "notthatsmart" is talking about as his stragegy all along, if we believe any of the below about how ICA grea up. What do you all think about some of these, about the "house of lies" that ICA grew up in, why she had to be the "calm" one during the 911 call, etc. I believe this might be a hint as to the defense strategy, if "notthatsmart" is who I think she is. Here you go, I am not sure how this will turn out since I am cutting and pasting from an old thread, bolding is mine.
thread name: Cindy Anthony subpoenaed to appear in court ......
"Originally Posted by notthatsmart
Why would Kc be emotional? She already knew all this information.IMO She is the one who kept her head during all of this.IMO Someone had to be calm and explain to the police what happened.IMO Ca was in no condition to make any sense at that point. IMO The fact that Kc was not emotional may help her. IMO Many children lie to their parents because their parents simply can not handle the truth. IMO It is my opinion that Ca harbored these lies throughout the years and actually supported them. IMO This was always her easy way out. IMO Kc simply followed protocol and continued to lie to her parents to keep them happy. IMO Once Kc gave Ca the cold hard facts that Caylee was missing, Ca lost it, furthermore proving my point that the parents simply can not handle the truth. IMO Kc grew up in this vortex of circular lies and rules. IMO Kc was never allowed to tell the truth or be herself. IMO, it is no wonder she was looking to move out. IMO At that point on that phone call, Kc had to step out of the family unit and be calm and talk to the 911 operator in a calm manner. IMO This is nothing new in my opinion. Families live these lies all the time. Kc has a personal family counselor type of person that has interviewed her family members. IMO Kc was still a child living in that home (the home of the lies) (the only way to survive is to lie), she had never left home... IMO I am so glad that my parents supported my independence and let me be who I wanted to be and not some lie that they wished me to be. La was able to get out, being single and no children.IMO Lucky him. IMO Once Kc had a baby she was trapped in Ga and Ca life of lies. That is a route to her compelling reasons for her actions, but not motive for murder of her child. IMO This phone call may be crucial in proving to the jury that Kc was not living under ideal conditions. IMO The 64000 dollar question is, does Kc really know in her heart what is right and what is wrong? after growing up and living in this vaccum of lies. IMO So yes, I believe you are right, the gold is in Kc's voice on the phone call. IMO"
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Originally Posted by Cat13067
Why would KC be emotional!!! Seriously Her daughter is gone, and she becomes less emotional as time goes by because she has had time to accept the loss of her daughter. It makes no sense!!! Most mothers would have gone insane knowing their child is missing/kidnapped. As a matter of fact most mothers would have called LE as soon as they went to the baby sitters home, and found an empty apartment. Do you see how this is going to play out to a jury? The jury is made up of those mother's, and father's who would have contacted LE ASAP. "
(this part is from notthatsmart, Navy)
Well, when I look at the way she was raised, it does not surprise me that she did not follow the proper protocol and call 911 as Ca did.IMO I don't really think it has been established when Kc realized that Caylee was missing. IMO I don't believe she ever did. IMO If the state has proof that Kc killed her daughter a month earlier, then all this is mute. IMO I just do not believe they have proof. IMO I think the jury will find out how Kc was raised and how she lived her life, and have a much better understanding as to why she did not call 911. IMO"
Today on Prime News, the bogus motion was being discussed and Mike Brooks brought up the glaring problem of "31 days." They ran some audio of Baez stating that the 31 days would be explained in one minute of his opening statement, and after he gets that out into the open, everyone would understand and be clear on it. This mentality, to me, is beyond ridiculous. There are videos and witnesses to KC's behavior during this time period and I don't believe anything Baez says will simply explain it away. IF he tries that tired old rubbish about how everyone deals with their grief differently...PLEASE gimme a break!! IMO, there is no way to explain this other than KC was feeling free of responsibility and was finally going to live her life the way she wanted without the burden of a kid and that oh so controlling mother. She was oblivious to the store surveillance cameras and probably wasn't thinking about getting caught that quickly. I looked for a link on the Prime News HLN website, but couldn't find one.
Today on Prime News, the bogus motion was being discussed and Mike Brooks brought up the glaring problem of "31 days." They ran some audio of Baez stating that the 31 days would be explained in one minute of his opening statement, and after he gets that out into the open, everyone would understand and be clear on it. This mentality, to me, is beyond ridiculous. There are videos and witnesses to KC's behavior during this time period and I don't believe anything Baez says will simply explain it away. IF he tries that tired old rubbish about how everyone deals with their grief differently...PLEASE gimme a break!! IMO, there is no way to explain this other than KC was feeling free of responsibility and was finally going to live her life the way she wanted without the burden of a kid and that oh so controlling mother. She was oblivious to the store surveillance cameras and probably wasn't thinking about getting caught that quickly. I looked for a link on the Prime News HLN website, but couldn't find one.

IMO, second verse, same as the first. DT has been saying since Todd Black days that they would get to trial and give us all an "oooooh, NOW I understand" moment.
Today on Prime News, the bogus motion was being discussed and Mike Brooks brought up the glaring problem of "31 days." They ran some audio of Baez stating that the 31 days would be explained in one minute of his opening statement, and after he gets that out into the open, everyone would understand and be clear on it. This mentality, to me, is beyond ridiculous. There are videos and witnesses to KC's behavior during this time period and I don't believe anything Baez says will simply explain it away. IF he tries that tired old rubbish about how everyone deals with their grief differently...PLEASE gimme a break!! IMO, there is no way to explain this other than KC was feeling free of responsibility and was finally going to live her life the way she wanted without the burden of a kid and that oh so controlling mother. She was oblivious to the store surveillance cameras and probably wasn't thinking about getting caught that quickly. I looked for a link on the Prime News HLN website, but couldn't find one.

Any explanation requires Casey Anthony to testify, and I highly doubt that will happen.
Are we allowed to post a theory on this topic from another website?

Thanks. :)
Any explanation requires Casey Anthony to testify, and I highly doubt that will happen.

I used to think that she would never testify. But now I wonder. I mean if the judge is allowing all of her lies and her ridiculous statements in as evidence, then what more does she have to protect by not testifying?

And I think she is so impressed with herself and so delusional that she truly believes she can sway the jury. And if Baez says that he had no choice because she demanded to testify then he has an easy was out of losing the case. imo
If, as Mr. Baez has stated "my strategy hasn't changed at all" and that, according to Tracy McLaughlin, KC disclosed "Baez is going for a mistrial" then I believe we are on track for just this scenario. No one can be this incompetent without a studied purpose in mind, can they?

I just can't fathom the benefit to either party if this were the case, Baez, his reputation already sunk beyond redemption facing a Florida bar complaint and KC fated to return to jail until the next trial, would gain nothing either.

If, he doesn't within the first minute of opening statement divulge the so called reason for the 31 days or the Ah ha! moment, then KC is up the creek without a paddle to call her own. Now as he can't ambush anyone, even in his opening statements, I don't see how he can surprise us with much of anything.
So far, from these Frye hearings I've heard two scenarios given for the high levels of cholorform in the trunk...

Baez used CA to claim it was she who put those dryer sheets in the vehicle. I guess her memory got better after almost three years. She first stated in her depo, she didn't know how those dryer sheets got in the vehicle, now it was her..

Then DSimms tried to use this hypothetical...objected to and sustained...

Caylee went swimming in TonyL's pool (yet it's not HIS pool but the complexes pool) and ICA placed Caylee's wet bathing suit in the trunk...that would be on June 2, 2008...so after almost 6 weeks of the bathing suit lying in the trunk, it caused the high levels of choloroform...So, was the bathing suit still in the trunk when the police took custody of the vehicle? Is it in the evidence? NO.....I so hope the jury will be smart and use common sense..JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I actually had a moment, and it was just a flash :truce: of pity for Baez yesterday - for one he is so out of his league and second because really he has no defense.

He is just getting creamed and the passion with which he speaks seems to be more expressing his desperation than his belief than he will get his client off or even prevent her from getting the most severe sentence. He gambled and he knows he is going to lose big time.
I actually had a moment, and it was just a flash :truce: of pity for Baez yesterday - for one he is so out of his league and second because really he has no defense.

He is just getting creamed and the passion with which he speaks seems to be more expressing his desperation than his belief than he will get his client off or even prevent her from getting the most severe sentence. He gambled and he knows he is going to lose big time.

He knows he is going to lose Logical, but he has gained unbelievable notariety from this case. I wouldn't feel too bad for him. :seeya:
Whenever I start to feel sorry for JB, I just remember all the photos of Caylee, the $200,000 and JB playing with his fancy new IPAD.

This brings me back to why he is really on this case.

Like his client, I don't think JB thought far enough in advance to where he is now.

I bet he is now so angry he could choke.
Yowsers! Richard Hornsby speaks his mind about Baez - everyone read this?

He doesn't hold back on this blog article!

That just about sums it up, doesn't it? Hornsby doesn't hold back in his opinion of JB and he says it like it is regarding what JP "should" do before it's too late. The more I see, the more I wonder "what is he doing"? I don't think JB has any strategy other than trying to get the jury to show pity on KC. If this ends in a "mistrial", I will blame the State of Florida for not stepping in and doing the right thing.
Any explanation requires Casey Anthony to testify, and I highly doubt that will happen.

Somehow, I'm thinking she might just testify. ICA believes everyone believes her lies so why wouldn't a jury? Baez stated within the first minute he will tell the whys of ICA not calling authorities for 31 days and put it to rest but it wasn't ICA who called but a frantic, desperate grandmother since ICA couldn't produce Caylee or give her whereabouts...but by this time, it was already too late, Caylee already met her demise...he can't put anything to rest it should be from the horses mouth...

It would be suicide for her to do so, but at this point she must see how things are not going as her defense planned with getting crucial evidence excluded with all those statements coming in, she might just think she can pull the wool over a jury's eyes..hey, her mother is falling for it...why not???

I also feel, His Honor has already made his mind up with these Frye hearings and will rule much evidence in, if not all...it's important for those jurors to get the complete facts, not just those the defense picks and chooses...it all should come in for as the evidence unfolded, ICA built this case around herself with not one piece of credible information given from a mother who's child is allegedly abducted...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
That just about sums it up, doesn't it? Hornsby doesn't hold back in his opinion of JB and he says it like it is regarding what JP "should" do before it's too late. The more I see, the more I wonder "what is he doing"? I don't think JB has any strategy other than trying to get the jury to show pity on KC. If this ends in a "mistrial", I will blame the State of Florida for not stepping in and doing the right thing.

They tried.
Remember the screaming that GA did to the Atty(?) during his deposition when he accused the man of flipping him the bird? In reality it was just pushing his glasses back up on his nose with his middle finger. But, this brings to mind that if GA were to go off on a complete stranger about flipping the bird, I can only imagine that any child[/I]in his home using your middle finger for any adjusting (hair, glasses, etc) would be pounced upon mercilessly the very first time it happened. I cannot imagine that KC could actually argue it was an innocent slip of the finger while adjusting her hair - after GA's extreme outburst over this very issue. GA went off on the person questioning him, (someone he didn't trust and didn't know) in the depo - imagine being "incubated" in this belief to the extent that GA defended it. NO WAY could KC argue that was an innocent gesture. Also NO WAY can JB argue his tongue sticking out was an innocent gesture.
The timing of this whole "ordeal" appears to be that they are all in cahoots to flip off/stick tongue out/cover the camera.

BBM: ABSOLUTELY!!!! Seeing this image immediately brought back the memory of GA in his depo "losing it" about the perception of being flipped the bird. It makes sense that if ICA is accustomed to flipping dear old dad the bird this way..........he would be a little over-sensitive to observing the same gesture from ZFG's attorney. Perhaps this was ICA's little message to daddy also????????????? :sick:

Ha ha! :maddening: We are just laughing ourselves silly out here in the free world ICA...........You and JB are just sooooo entertaining while the State of Florida goes broke paying for this "quality" defense..................:banghead::banghead::banghead::twocents:
I wonder what the odds are that if the DT senses defeat, that they will have her take the stand and admit to an accident, then tie in the family dysfunction for the 31 days unreported d/t fear and PTSD which continued throughout her jail time? Would it be effective? What would the jury do? I think it would be at least a route to get a reduced sentence if that is the goal in mind.
She would likely explain the duct tape etc. was staging done in case they found the body, focusing more on the fear of her parents than PTSD so it would not 'officially' be an insanity or mental health defense persay.
They are hoping beyond hope the Chloroform gets tossed. It is their only hope to keep other options open. If the jury hears about the computer Chloroform searches and the level found in the trunk, they are finished.
He knows he is going to lose Logical, but he has gained unbelievable notariety from this case. I wouldn't feel too bad for him. :seeya:

Oh Lordy don't go thinking I feel sorry for Baez - it was more like this - I was watching his "passionate presentation" yesterday and thinking when will this be over! Ackk + lots of :banghead::banghead::banghead: and thinking "Does he really believe what he is saying"? "He can't possibly still be thinking he is going to win this"!

Then I started watching his body language - and the facial expressions he was making and thought "Bingo" - this is desperation - he's stalling for time because he doesn't want to get to the end of this trial and found out he's lost - big time.

At this point was the milisecond point of pity -Kaboom - over with!! Then I thought something along the lines of - Serves you right! You could have played this straight up - given her a decent defense representation instead of screaming her innocence and come out of this trial with a better reputation than you had, with some cred among your peers and the same amount of publicity, only positive publicity that would bring you more business.

I was also wondering if Baez and ICA have had a conversation about losing all those motions.

I figure it went something like this:
ICA: Jose! You promised you'd win all those motions! You are letting me down - what is going on?
JB: I'm your criminal defense lawyer ICA, not your Fairy Godmother.
I have no respect for the DT. Saying that, I have a thought. JB saw a pretty girl who had a story that he wanted to believe. Maybe he did at one point. He saw this case as his opportunity to become a big time lawyer. I don't think he really looked at the evidence in this case for a loooooong time. Even then, I'm sure he didn't REALLY understand how bad it was. Now, I think he does. He also knows he's in over his head big time. Like Casey, he never, ever will admit it though. I agree with the poster who said JB was desperate at the Tuesday Frye hearing. I have a teen who does the same "panic speech" when caught in a bad place.

JB has no case. If Casey takes the stand it will be suicide.
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