What Is the Defense Strategy?

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What's the defense strategy? They don't know yet, there still working on one.
What's the defense strategy? They don't know yet, there still working on one.


Yep, that's been easily seen with all these theories they've floated via the media tours/interviews..

I do think it's about time they find one strategy and stick with it...they've only gotten about 5 weeks left until trial begins...ruts o ruck with that! :loser: JMHO

Justice for Caylee

Yep, that's been easily seen with all these theories they've floated via the media tours/interviews..

I do think it's about time they find one strategy and stick with it...they've only gotten about 5 weeks left until trial begins...ruts o ruck with that! :loser: JMHO

Justice for Caylee

Lately, with the endless attempts by the defense to cast doubt on experts, media, LE, etc,, I see this case against ICA as a set of dominoes. All lined up, each domino a step towards suburban Drive. One represents the smell in the backyard, next to that is borrowing the shovel, next the indention in the yard, and so on. I think the defense is hoping to take out one or more of these dominoes, in hopes the state's case will fall flat.
This won't happen, IMO and once the dominoes are played, they will all fall in accordance, with the last one landing right in ICA's lap!

Does anyone think that the defense wants in on the media meetings in order to learn where the jurors will be picked from before they are told?
their strategy------lie, lie and if that fails find convenient patsy to throw under the bus. I got really po'ed Fridsay when the defense witness tried to discredit our sweet body farm scientist.....yet both the witness and his students cite him all the time. When a scientist is cited frequently that implies he is one of the foremost researchers in that particular area. How can u cite someone ad nauseum and than be uber criticAL. mE THINKS THERE IS A RAT......LIE LIE
Lately, with the endless attempts by the defense to cast doubt on experts, media, LE, etc,, I see this case against ICA as a set of dominoes. All lined up, each domino a step towards suburban Drive. One represents the smell in the backyard, next to that is borrowing the shovel, next the indention in the yard, and so on. I think the defense is hoping to take out one or more of these dominoes, in hopes the state's case will fall flat.
This won't happen, IMO and once the dominoes are played, they will all fall in accordance, with the last one landing right in ICA's lap!

Does anyone think that the defense wants in on the media meetings in order to learn where the jurors will be picked from before they are told?

Yep. The only problem is that the evidence in this case is not a row of domino's. It is more a web. With different pieces cross connecting and reinforcing others. You can call Dr. Vass's air sample testing "junk science" all you want, but it doesn't make the human observations of the smell go away. Or the dog hiys, or the death band hair. etc etc. You can call the hair into question, but that stops being important when you have the actual human remains in play. You can attempt to knock holes in the web, but it is still a web. The chain from crime to client still remains clearly visible and intact. There are just too many points reinforced in too many ways.

Yep, that's been easily seen with all these theories they've floated via the media tours/interviews..

I do think it's about time they find one strategy and stick with it...they've only gotten about 5 weeks left until trial begins...ruts o ruck with that! :loser: JMHO

Justice for Caylee

The truth would be nice.

Really how can they even try to present KC as innocent without explaining the lies about a job and a nanny. There is just no way. If they do not explain how, why, when KC lost/gave away/left Caylee nothing else will matter. They can try all they want to make someone else look suspicious, question the dogs, the air testing, etc. but the jury will still want to know exactly what happened when KC lost or gave up possession of Caylee.
Lately, with the endless attempts by the defense to cast doubt on experts, media, LE, etc,, I see this case against ICA as a set of dominoes. All lined up, each domino a step towards suburban Drive. One represents the smell in the backyard, next to that is borrowing the shovel, next the indention in the yard, and so on. I think the defense is hoping to take out one or more of these dominoes, in hopes the state's case will fall flat.
This won't happen, IMO and once the dominoes are played, they will all fall in accordance, with the last one landing right in ICA's lap!

Does anyone think that the defense wants in on the media meetings in order to learn where the jurors will be picked from before they are told?

One would think they have more pressing things to do, than to attend these meetings. :waitasec:

I tend to think this is exactly why they want to attend.
First suggestion seems to be "What strategy"
Second suggestion "To annoy the prosecution, in the hope of an implosion, causing a mistrial"

Finally -
I didn't watch the early stages of this case, but I was reading recently about the missing 31 days, Caylee being with Zanny, Zanny having a car accident, being in hospital, getting new car - no doubt others know much more than me about this story.

Has it ever been suggested that Caylee died in a car accident - Zanny disappeared, never to be heard of again, after burying Caylee's body near the Anthony home. Sounds as likely as anything else the defense are suggesting. moo
Yep. The only problem is that the evidence in this case is not a row of domino's. It is more a web. With different pieces cross connecting and reinforcing others. You can call Dr. Vass's air sample testing "junk science" all you want, but it doesn't make the human observations of the smell go away. Or the dog hiys, or the death band hair. etc etc. You can call the hair into question, but that stops being important when you have the actual human remains in play. You can attempt to knock holes in the web, but it is still a web. The chain from crime to client still remains clearly visible and intact. There are just too many points reinforced in too many ways.

I like your analogy. Interwoven and sticky!
Well, apparently their strategy is to repeatedly shoot themselves in the foot. Loved this excerpt from Michael Vincent's depo:

'Baez asked Vincent whether he knew who contacted the media. Vincent again said no.

"And did it ever come down from anyone to leave the door open so that the media could see?" Baez asked.

"No, absolutely not. That door was left open because of the smell in the garage," Vincent said.'

JB has a real talent for getting witnesses to underscore exactly the kind of testimony that is most damning to his client. Maybe he should switch teams. (Just kidding, JA! Kidding!)
The truth would be nice.

Really how can they even try to present KC as innocent without explaining the lies about a job and a nanny. There is just no way. If they do not explain how, why, when KC lost/gave away/left Caylee nothing else will matter. They can try all they want to make someone else look suspicious, question the dogs, the air testing, etc. but the jury will still want to know exactly what happened when KC lost or gave up possession of Caylee.

Well i dont think they remember the truth any longer!
When GA and CA get called to the stand they have to be truthfull all those 911 calls everything that they said if they lie they can spend time in Jail also...

What i dont understand is how could they not know their daughter wasnt working. where did they think their daughter was keeping or sleeping with their granddaughter they never met the nanny that was watching
baby for years not even having her phone number? Ignorance is not
The guilt these two must feel!
Well, apparently their strategy is to repeatedly shoot themselves in the foot. Loved this excerpt from Michael Vincent's depo:

'Baez asked Vincent whether he knew who contacted the media. Vincent again said no.

"And did it ever come down from anyone to leave the door open so that the media could see?" Baez asked.

"No, absolutely not. That door was left open because of the smell in the garage," Vincent said.'

JB has a real talent for getting witnesses to underscore exactly the kind of testimony that is most damning to his client. Maybe he should switch teams. (Just kidding, JA! Kidding!)

That comment just killed me! Baez has a real skill for asking a question that is absurd and getting an answer that reconfirms the very detail he is trying to argue against. You gotta admit - he's consistent with it - we see him doing it over and over again....:floorlaugh:
If their 'strategy' is to prove KC innocent - that seems all but impossible. They would have to explain the nanny story. Not going to happen.

If their 'strategy' is to get her off or keep her from life in jail - they should have arranged a plea bargain.
I haven't seen a strategy yet but I've seen enough disrespect for Caylee's death and our justice system to last a life time.

The hearing thread is closed and this may have already been mentioned but I'm just learning of their latest juvenile, pathetic, disrespectful displays in the court room. I wish someone would show JBP what goes on while he's not at the bench.

Casey continues to act like she is the guest of honor at a party. Enjoying her chit chats and physical contact with both attorneys, laughing, have a good old time (nothing new here).

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/user/S0meRand0mName#p/u/17/xTyyQCfo1bg"]YouTube - S0meRand0mName's Channel[/ame]

~2:44 mark - Casey plays a little hide-n-seek with the camera, instructing Baez to stand in front of her (I assume so he can block the camera man's view). Baez does as instructed but he moves the wrong way so Casey points again so he'll move in the right direction (Casey is covering her giggles with her hands). She is clearly amused at herself. You can see Baez' cheeks bulging as he is grinning from ear to ear while playing this pathetic game.

~3:10 mark - Casey decides to flip the bird to the camera. It's a good thing George wasn't at the receiving end.

~3:46 mark - more laughs and giggles from everyone (attorneys and Casey).

~5:00 mark - Baez turns around and sticks his tongue out at the cameraman. Wow, I didn't believe it until I watched myself. Unreal.

You would never believe Casey is the mother of a murdered child and she stands accused of that crime judging by this type of behavior.

Casey puts on the innocent doe eyes act in front of JBP, hopefully he'll be shown this video so he'll know exactly what he's dealing with. I think he already knows but a little reinforcement never hurts.
If their 'strategy' is to prove KC innocent - that seems all but impossible. They would have to explain the nanny story. Not going to happen.

If their 'strategy' is to get her off or keep her from life in jail - they should have arranged a plea bargain.
IMO there going to pawn the nanny story off on fear of G or CA. ICA made it up because she was afraid of them... but what then can she/they say really happened? (Perhaps, "we don't know, we only know ICA had no part in it"...) Their only avenue with the nanny story is to ditch it, its as fake as ICA, and wouldn't fly any better with a jury than it has with LE, IMO.
YouTube - S0meRand0mName's Channel

~2:44 mark - Casey plays a little hide-n-seek with the camera, instructing Baez to stand in front of her (I assume so he can block the camera man's view). Baez does as instructed but he moves the wrong way so Casey points again so he'll move in the right direction (Casey is covering her giggles with her hands). She is clearly amused at herself. You can see Baez' cheeks bulging as he is grinning from ear to ear while playing this pathetic game.

~3:10 mark - Casey decides to flip the bird to the camera. It's a good thing George wasn't at the receiving end.

~3:46 mark - more laughs and giggles from everyone (attorneys and Casey).

~5:00 mark - Baez turns around and sticks his tongue out at the cameraman. Wow, I didn't believe it until I watched myself. Unreal.

You would never believe Casey is the mother of a murdered child and she stands accused of that crime judging by this type of behavior.

Casey puts on the innocent doe eyes act in front of JBP, hopefully he'll be shown this video so he'll know exactly what he's dealing with. I think he already knows but a little reinforcement never hurts.

Respectfully snipped--OMG jon! I missed this part and thank you SOOO much for posting it. Really would not have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own two eyes.


OK. Sorry, yelling. This whole circus troop just makes me :banghead:.
I think whatever strategy they have involves Cindy now. I believe this because all of sudden, Casey is acknowledging Cindy and looking her in the eye. She's done it a few times before, but this time seemed different for some reason. It made me feel like something has changed with the DT, ICA, and Cindy.

I also think George was a red herring. Notice the lawyer never mentioned CA not falling on her sword for Casey, only George. I think the DT believes that it's more believable that George would do something crazy, and therefore, putting attention on George is like getting people to look the wrong way while the real deal is going on elsewhere.

Now, I don't think Cindy would go to jail for Casey. But if there was chance she could do something to free Casey and they could go off and live a happy life together, I believe she is at a point that she's willing to do it. I think the DT has offered Casey's attention on Cindy in exchange for Cindy helping them. I just have this nagging feeling that Cindy, not George, is going to do something during the trial. I think George has been effectually alienated from the DT and ICA, and Lee has definitely presented that he has a separate life from ICA and the trial, and for some reason, I feel like ICA doesn't want to completely throw him under the bus anyway. All they have left now is Cindy, who is desperate for attention like a starving puppy from ICA.

I'm keeping my eyes on Cindy. She's not as angry as she was, and she and Casey are friendly with each other. Something isn't right here. There has been a change that doesn't make sense to me in regards to ICA, Cindy, and the DT. Something is going behind the scenes with the DT, ICA, and Cindy, I just know it. Who knows, maybe ICA threw at Cindy, "Mom, if you really love me, this is what you'll do to help me."
IMO there going to pawn the nanny story off on fear of G or CA. ICA made it up because she was afraid of them... but what then can she/they say really happened? (Perhaps, "we don't know, we only know ICA had no part in it"...) Their only avenue with the nanny story is to ditch it, its as fake as ICA, and wouldn't fly any better with a jury than it has with LE, IMO.

I agree the nanny is all lies but hard for them to ditch it when that is her written statement to LE, told to repeated persons, taped in jail house phone calls and letters. If it was out of fear of GA/CA the DT would have to show why KC told others about this nanny. I don't see how they can avoid the nanny story. They are going to have to explain it because I am sure the state will present her written statement, the 911 calls (babysitter took her) and all other instances where they claim the nanny took Caylee.

Remember way back when GA said "we know who has her and they are being watched"? Cindy said DCasey was watching a ZFG in Puerto Rico?

Hope this works. It is a visual summary of the moral and intellectual level of the DT, from our good friends over at HM.

I think whatever strategy they have involves Cindy now. I believe this because all of sudden, Casey is acknowledging Cindy and looking her in the eye. She's done it a few times before, but this time seemed different for some reason. It made me feel like something has changed with the DT, ICA, and Cindy.

I also think George was a red herring. Notice the lawyer never mentioned CA not falling on her sword for Casey, only George. I think the DT believes that it's more believable that George would do something crazy, and therefore, putting attention on George is like getting people to look the wrong way while the real deal is going on elsewhere.

Now, I don't think Cindy would go to jail for Casey. But if there was chance she could do something to free Casey and they could go off and live a happy life together, I believe she is at a point that she's willing to do it. I think the DT has offered Casey's attention on Cindy in exchange for Cindy helping them. I just have this nagging feeling that Cindy, not George, is going to do something during the trial. I think George has been effectually alienated from the DT and ICA, and Lee has definitely presented that he has a separate life from ICA and the trial, and for some reason, I feel like ICA doesn't want to completely throw him under the bus anyway. All they have left now is Cindy, who is desperate for attention like a starving puppy from ICA.

I'm keeping my eyes on Cindy. She's not as angry as she was, and she and Casey are friendly with each other. Something isn't right here. There has been a change that doesn't make sense to me in regards to ICA, Cindy, and the DT. Something is going behind the scenes with the DT, ICA, and Cindy, I just know it. Who knows, maybe ICA threw at Cindy, "Mom, if you really love me, this is what you'll do to help me."

Yes, I noticed this also Aedyrs, and my first thought was....hmm - is a plea being discussed internally in the DT?

But something besides the trial date zooming at us at an amazing speed seems to have changed things up enough to make it noticeable.
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