What is the "Ninth Judicial Circuit Courtroom Decorum Policy"?

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OT but Eleanor Odom, the Attorney that NG frequently has on her show, says she would put on display two large photos for the Jury to see, as she makes her opening statement. One would be of Caylee as her usual adorable little self.
Alongside it would be a photo of the remains as found in a swamp. She would not mention the photos, but let them speak, and much more eloquently than she ever could.

Didn't they do that in the Scott Peterson trial, show the video of the smiling beautiful Lacey and pictures of her smiling face and then the picture of the remains that washed up on shore? I think I remember that and I think I remember the Jury saying how effective that was to them.

As much as I want the State of Florida to get this trial going, I love the fact that KC just sits in jail all day long, every day, no parties, no dancing, no cell phone. Awwww that does make me happy!:loser:
Yes, but think about it for a minute! Is Brad Conway really going to be able to convince them that better behavior is required? I say that glancing over my shoulder at the past Gonzales depositions.

You do have a point there, localgirl!
It's hard to believe people who are apparently resistant to justice for their dead grandchild will adhere to any chewing gum rules.
I don't think Baez will be able to comply. I think we'll hear a ton of "I'm sorry JUDGE" on Friday. You don't develop appropriate court room behavior over night. Love that this new judge has spelled out "how to act".
Page 5, paragraph 3.

Avoid disparaging personal remarks or acrimony toward opposing counsel and remain wholly detached from any ill feeling between the litigants or witnesses.

Now won't that just bite JB in the butt........:woohoo:
Does that mean Jose can't whine anymore...or better yet, shout out how the State is trying to kill his client?
I am glad that Judge Perry is actually letting the different 'players' know what he expects in his courtroom.

Cindy has sat in court shaking her head when she disagreed with something that was being stated. George gets up and leaves the courtroom when he hears something he doesn't like, then someone else follows him out. Casey whispers "Make him stop" to one of her lawyers when the SA is accusing her of murder. Now none of this behavior is going to be tolerated. That is not even mentioning the gum chewing, or Casey grabbing the pen away from Baez. Baez is going to have to talk to 'his girl' (he called her that) and tell her that the constant poking her finger in her eyes and straightening her hair and clothes needs to stop.

I posted a long time ago that the way Casey, Cindy, and George are going to have to listen to many, many negative things being stated about them and I was worried about how they would behave in court at the trial. I even stated that I thought Cindy would be the first to be held in contempt of court. No more acting as she and George did at the civil depositions.

Well, now all are forewarned as to Judge Perry's courtroom decorum and what he expects. I appreciate it. This is about justice for Caylee and it should be dignified. Judge Perry has insured it will be, IMO.

Thank you sooo much for the link!

oh my, no gum chewing, water bottles, snide remarks, eye rolls. Seems like the judge wants a court room and not a school room, go figure.

Dang, I can think of at least one person who is gonna be in real trouble with the gum chewing and water bottle.

I think he needs to add that there should be no physical contact between defense attorneys and their client (in or out of court). Surely there is an unwritten rule about this?

Hi Stead.:seeya:

I wonder how long this will last or who will be the first to break a rule.:innocent:

No tobacco use in any form is permitted. No bottles, beverage containers, paper cups or edibles are allowed in the courtroom, except as permitted by the Court. No gum chewing is permitted.
Cell phones and pagers should be turned off or in a vibrate mode. Computers should be used with audio off.
We all know that the Prosecution's opening statement is going to be graphic and powerful and is going to depict KC as a cold blooded killer. I predict that KC is going to have a DRAMATIC uncontrollable, can't breathe, burst into tears moment "to make him stop". JB will 'cradle' his client, calling for medics to help KC because she can't breathe, and the judge will be left with the prospect of having to call a mistrial.

I don't see this trial making it past opening statements. KC will NOT be able to listen to the TRUTH and face what she did to Caylee. She is going to come unglued and that could lead to a 'mental breakdown' in front of the jury.

What do you think the judge would do if that happens? Remove her from the court room? Make her watch via video? Order her to be restrained? Call a mistrial because of the jury being predjudiced by this emotional breakdown?

Inquiring minds want to know.
We all know that the Prosecution's opening statement is going to be graphic and powerful and is going to depict KC as a cold blooded killer. I predict that KC is going to have a DRAMATIC uncontrollable, can't breathe, burst into tears moment "to make him stop". JB will 'cradle' his client, calling for medics to help KC because she can't breathe, and the judge will be left with the prospect of having to call a mistrial.

I don't see this trial making it past opening statements. KC will NOT be able to listen to the TRUTH and face what she did to Caylee. She is going to come unglued and that could lead to a 'mental breakdown' in front of the jury.

What do you think the judge would do if that happens? Remove her from the court room? Make her watch via video? Order her to be restrained? Call a mistrial because of the jury being predjudiced by this emotional breakdown?

Inquiring minds want to know.

I hope he will kick her out, like the Judge in Brian David Mitchells trial did (Elizabeth Smart) when he kept on singing hymns, trying to cause a distraction, she can do what he had to, watch it on remote.
I guess I am dense because I have clicked on the link and can not for the life of me find a comment by juror13, I can't see any comments at all...what am I doing wrong?

Okay, maybe a moot ppoint now since I just looked at the dates on the posts I was reading......:loser: Sometimes, I amaze myself!
Okay, maybe a moot ppoint now since I just looked at the dates on the posts I was reading......:loser: Sometimes, I amaze myself!

Oh, Good! I wasn't the only one.
Everything, every post, was relevant to this week, happily smiling at everyone as I clicked a thank you, and when I finally noticed around post thirtyish that I was reading back posts from a year ago..
I felt something in my brain go POING! I'll find it when I vacuum. :crazy:
I guess I am dense because I have clicked on the link and can not for the life of me find a comment by juror13, I can't see any comments at all...what am I doing wrong?

Nor me....

Okay, maybe a moot ppoint now since I just looked at the dates on the posts I was reading......:loser: Sometimes, I amaze myself!

Maybe this post will jog your memories:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5104968&postcount=48"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - What is the "Ninth Judicial Circuit Courtroom Decorum Policy"?[/ame]
I think he needs to add a new rule that there should be no physical contact between defense attorneys and their client (in or out of court). Surely there is an unwritten rule about this?

Sorry, all, new poster here...the above statement was the point I wished to make. It just seems so totally inappropriate for an attorney to be rubbing a defendant's back

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