What is your #1 top indicator that Terri IS responsible for Kyron's disappearance?

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What's your #1 top indicator that Terri's responsible for Kyron's disappearance?

  • last known person to see Kyron before disappearance

    Votes: 11 3.6%
  • the polygraphs

    Votes: 7 2.3%
  • how she looked during during pressers

    Votes: 8 2.6%
  • hitting the gym posted on FB

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I felt she was guilty from the beginning

    Votes: 17 5.6%
  • not fighting for custody/visitation

    Votes: 17 5.6%
  • not proclaiming her innocence

    Votes: 12 3.9%
  • LE seems to think it's her

    Votes: 10 3.3%
  • the Grand Jury

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • LE no comment statement when asked if TH was seen leaving the school with Kyron

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • No current info convinces me she's involved

    Votes: 28 9.2%
  • liklihood that one innocent person is associated with MFH AND dissapearance slim to none

    Votes: 7 2.3%
  • LE finding MurderForHire credible enough to tell Kaine

    Votes: 11 3.6%
  • Kaine and Desiree's statments that Terri is involved.

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • Having 90 min unaccounted for

    Votes: 14 4.6%
  • Combination of things!

    Votes: 104 34.2%
  • TH's June 5 email about a MMC

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Her timeline disagrees with her cell phone pings

    Votes: 6 2.0%
  • She still has not been cleared by LE

    Votes: 4 1.3%
  • Kaine (allegedly) making her teenage son move out.

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Allegedly creating confusion about the Dr's Appt. Speaks to Premeditation

    Votes: 4 1.3%
  • Not cooperating when 7yo she raised missing 2+mo.

    Votes: 11 3.6%
  • I'm not convinced she is guilty

    Votes: 13 4.3%
  • combination of things

    Votes: 10 3.3%
  • Statistically, children are most often harmed by people known to them. Everyone else has an alibi.

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • seeming lack of concern for Kyron since his disapearance

    Votes: 2 0.7%

  • Total voters
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Can someone please clarify for me about the 90 mins. I didn't realise this was meaning the 90 mins. she said she was driving around on country roads, because to me that is time she has accounted for to LE, whether it was true or not, she still accounted for it.
I thought it was something to do with her meeting DD, because wasn't DD also away from her job for 90 mins? Now i'm getting confused, LOL.

From around 8:45 until 10:10, Terri claims she was shopping at Albertons and Fred Murray, and she says she can prove it. From around 10:10 until 11:39, she claims she was driving around rural roads to soothe baby K. Terri claims baby K had an earache. From 11:39 until 12:40, Terri was at the gym. By 1:21, Terri was posting pictures on Facebook.

DS was reportedly unreachable from somewhere between 11:15 and 11:30, depending on the source, until around 1:00. So, total, at most, there was about a 24 minute window where the whereabouts of both women are verifiable only by their statements about what they were doing during that time.
Can someone please clarify for me about the 90 mins. I didn't realise this was meaning the 90 mins. she said she was driving around on country roads, because to me that is time she has accounted for to LE, whether it was true or not, she still accounted for it.
I thought it was something to do with her meeting DD, because wasn't DD also away from her job for 90 mins? Now i'm getting confused, LOL.

Cypress explained it pretty well, but just to add on --

I use the term "unaccounted for" because, technically, she was. They have verified other whereabouts with receipts and such. But, to me, driving around alone (except baby) on rural roads isn't really "accounted for".

I thought DS was gone for 90 min? According to Cypress, possibly only 15 min? But it was around the same time TH disappeared, so that's definitely hinky.
Cypress explained it pretty well, but just to add on --

I use the term "unaccounted for" because, technically, she was. They have verified other whereabouts with receipts and such. But, to me, driving around alone (except baby) on rural roads isn't really "accounted for".

I thought DS was gone for 90 min? According to Cypress, possibly only 15 min? But it was around the same time TH disappeared, so that's definitely hinky.

Sorry if my post was confusing. Different sources have said DS left at either 11:15 or 11:30 and was gone until 1:00. So she was gone for either 105 minutes or 90 minutes.

Either way, Terri is accounted for by 11:39, so either there was a 24 minute or 9 minute overlap of unverifiable time, depending on when DS left her job.
Well as i was reading info. on the case i came across this.
KATU.com "Kyrons parents testify before GJ".
Part of the story mentions:
Scources have said TH & DD have not been able to account for an hour and a half to two hours on the morning of Kyron's disappearance.
This is what makes me think these two did something, and that perhaps TH was not in this alone!
my trouble is the words "responsible for"... I haven't seen enough to convince me that she's the one who did it or even made it happen, but plenty to convince me that she's "involved in" the disappearance of Kyron.

The single *most* convincing piece of evidence for me is that she hasn't made a statement proclaiming her innocence. IMO, if she was really completely uninvolved, completely clueless about what happened, I think she would have spoken up by now68i9. I mean, if she is completely, 100% innocent, then she knows that a stranger mostly likely took Kyron for the purpose of hurting him and could be hurting him still, yet she would continue, this far out, to remain silent for her own protection? I just can't see that... I mean, first, things are looking pretty bad for her. Second, her other documented behavior since 6/4 doesn't reflect the mindset of a person with only self-preservation on her mind. I just don't buy it, I think she's not speaking b/c she's hiding something and that something is indeed involvement in or at the very least knowledge about Kyron's disappearance.
I think as far as TH's innocence, i don't know if proclaiming she is innocent means that much! There have been others guilty of a crime proclaim they are "innocent" to the general public, only to be later found guilty based on evidence.
Sorry, I'm not going to play - in a big case like this it is never just one thing. It's the accumulation of evidence and day after day with more strange factoids coming out.

People are already in one camp or another - one side of the fence as they say. It's not really fair to parse it down to one thing on each side of the fence because that's just not how these cases go. JMO.

That's fine, ThoughtFox. I know it's hard to identify one thing.

I do have to completely disagree that people are in one camp or another. I see a lot of people who think Terri is involved, a lot of people who aren't sure, and I actually only have seen one person on the net who has stated they feel Terri is innocent.

I don't see the polls as parsing down to one thing on each side of a fence, because my sense is that most people are on top of the fence, keeping an open mind, and weighing things on both sides. I have personally struggled quite a bit because I can neither point to even one thing that tells me Terri is guilty, nor to even one thing that tells me Terri is innocent. I just plain don't know, and I posted just a bit ago on the other poll thread, the top of this fence is a painful and confusing place for me, and one I've never been before.

I will admit the polls are, in some part, self-serving - I'm hoping through the discussions to find something either inculpatory or exculpatory in what my fellow sleuthers point out, so I can end my frustration and get off this darn fence. :)
Okay, just changed my vote to "combination of things". I also don't feel it is just one isolated incident or coincidence.
I know that many people feel it's a combination of things, but the intent of this poll is to try to pin down the #1 thing people see as indicating Terri was involved. So if people can possibly narrow down to one, even if it's not 100% for you, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Thanks! :)

For me, it's pretty much 'all of the above', but the real turning point for me was that she didn't even try to get supervised visitation with her baby. As a mother and a grandmother, I can only say that if it were me, there is no way in Hades that I would let them keep me from my baby, PROVIDED I WAS INNOCENT. She gave up her daughter to avoid going to court, IMO. :twocents:
I had originally voted that I thought she was involved from the beginning but after thinking about it, I realized that I was actually contemplating the idea that none of them were involved even though I was concerned that none of the family had spoken at all and that had me going hmmmm. After the press conference and seeing the strange way that Terri behaved, I did entertain the idea that she was involved and now after all of this time and all of the things that we have learned, I'm 100% convinced that she is responsible for Kyron's disappearance so I need to change my vote to a combination of things.
For me it is a combination of the missing time, failure to declare her innocence, and the bat phones. I don't think I can go there without those three, as a minimum.
I know that many people feel it's a combination of things, but the intent of this poll is to try to pin down the #1 thing people see as indicating Terri was involved. So if people can possibly narrow down to one, even if it's not 100% for you, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Thanks! :)

Good luck on that one, BeanE------that's the thing, it's not just one thing, atleast for me it isn't. I doubt that anyone could honestly say it's just one thing and even more, be close to 100% in that feeling.
Good luck on that one, BeanE------that's the thing, it's not just one thing, atleast for me it isn't. I doubt that anyone could honestly say it's just one thing and even more, be close to 100% in that feeling.

Yes, after I posted that, I noticed that someone had invalidated the poll. Oh well.
Yes, after I posted that, I noticed that someone had invalidated the poll. Oh well.

BeanE - thanks for taking the time to make up this poll for us! I appreciate all the attempts to keep the Kyron threads interesting and up-to-date with the latest info. :hug: :blowkiss:
Can I pick them all! Here's some sketchy behaviour that I've either heard or read in the media.

•Terri’s first polygraph (which she failed) was on Monday, June 7th

•That she flunked two polygraphs and walked out of another one (from prior interviews).

•That she felt persecuted from day 1 and put out by having to be questioned (from statements made by Tony on Dateline).

•Since Kyron went missing Kaine has been told by friends that he and Terri visited and possibly spent the night with that after he and Terri would leave their home their alcohol stash would be measurably lower…which indicates the possibility that Terri continued to hide her alcohol consumption past 2005 when her over consumption was revealed via her DUI.

•While it was not explicitly stated what day Terri took the project to school, Kaine explicitly states that Terri did use the pickup on a previous day to take the project to school.

•That her cell phone pings “pinged in locations she wasn’t at on June 4th”. Remember, that’s Terri’s statements. So, in other words, she was admitting that the investigators were saying her cell phone pings did not match where she said she was.

•Kaine’s understanding, based on Terri’s statements, was that she was going to the science fair and then bringing the project home once the fair was over. TH did not bring the project home.

•The lie that Terri and Desiree were good friends before Kyron was born – a Terri lie.

•I don’t think there was a doctor’s appointment. If there had been - we would have known by now.

And most important:

KATU news: Between 10:10 in the morning and 11:39, Terri said she drove her daughter Kiara around on rural roads in the family’s white truck because Kiara had an earache. She said she was trying to soothe the toddler with the motion of the vehicle.

For me, it's the 90 min. unaccounted or, but maily none of the above. I think that she felt she was about the be dumped and lose every one of her kids to Kaine, including Kyron. I'm not sure that Terri is a narcissist at all either, but may be the victim of one. All the news lately is good, and could indicate that Kyron is alive and that Terri was desperate instead of snapping in a rage.
I picked a combination of things, but wanted to specify the 2 main reasons..

~ I thought Terri looked "off" at the initial press conference, she didn't look devastated, sad or even concerned, I thought she looked worried, but not sad like the rest, she looked like she was trying to look sad, it was weird to me, it was a look that reminded me of when I was a teenager and was trying to look appropriately guilty when I got caught smoking cigarettes!

~Also, the hitting the gym comment (because when I read it she had posted it ahead of time) she didn't post, as spur of the moment and she was out the door, she posted a day before!

It was all down hill after that! lol Her not professing her innocence or fighting for the baby is very weird too. By the time the murder for hire thing came out, I was already to the dark side. imoo of course!

But it was a couple of weeks (at least several days) before I really started to believe she did something. Before that I felt a bit indignant when I read news articles and people were accusing her! I was really thinking someone took him before.
Can I pick them all! Here's some sketchy behaviour that I've either heard or read in the media.

•Terri’s first polygraph (which she failed) was on Monday, June 7th

•That she flunked two polygraphs and walked out of another one (from prior interviews).

•That she felt persecuted from day 1 and put out by having to be questioned (from statements made by Tony on Dateline).

We have also learned that she was getting questioned repeatedly by Desiree and Kaine and that Desiree wasn't keeping her accusations quiet. All of that could have affected the poly's, and certainly would feed into a persecution feeling.

•Since Kyron went missing Kaine has been told by friends that he and Terri visited and possibly spent the night with that after he and Terri would leave their home their alcohol stash would be measurably lower…which indicates the possibility that Terri continued to hide her alcohol consumption past 2005 when her over consumption was revealed via her DUI.

Again, this is third hand information, unsubstantiated. Just because Kaine is saying it doesn't make it automatically true. He was in the process of smearing his wife's reputation pretty heavily in order to proceed with his divorce and custody case. None of that had anything to do with Kyron going missing. It was strictly a marital issue.

•While it was not explicitly stated what day Terri took the project to school, Kaine explicitly states that Terri did use the pickup on a previous day to take the project to school.

I'm not sure how this leads to her guilt. Sounds like smart planning.

•That her cell phone pings “pinged in locations she wasn’t at on June 4th”. Remember, that’s Terri’s statements. So, in other words, she was admitting that the investigators were saying her cell phone pings did not match where she said she was.

I haven't heard Terri's statements on this.

•Kaine’s understanding, based on Terri’s statements, was that she was going to the science fair and then bringing the project home once the fair was over. TH did not bring the project home.

Then once again I ask, why wasn't he curious about this science project when he arrived home at 1:45? Instead, he just casually walked to the bus stop with baby K and waited for Kyron to arrive. He described a rather bucolic time at home, he doing some work on his computer, Terri on hers, baby K playing. If he believed that project was supposed to be home, why didn't he ask?

•The lie that Terri and Desiree were good friends before Kyron was born – a Terri lie.

Terri has never stated this; at best, her mother referred to Terri having been close to Desiree since Kyron's birth. That is still not a quote from Terri.

•I don’t think there was a doctor’s appointment. If there had been - we would have known by now.

This appointment is causing much consternation. The fact that no one but the teacher is referring to it leads me to believe the teacher perhaps is covering her own patootie for not having noticed Kyron was gone earlier and following procedure to determine where he was. It isn't fact, but then, neither is it fact that Terri talked to the teacher about an appt.

And most important:

KATU news: Between 10:10 in the morning and 11:39, Terri said she drove her daughter Kiara around on rural roads in the family’s white truck because K had an earache. She said she was trying to soothe the toddler with the motion of the vehicle.


Who did Terri say that to? Reporters? If not reporters, who? How did reporters get that information? How can anyone be sure that came from Terri at all?

As for the phones, has it been proven they were purchased by Terri for anything other than having a means to talk to her attorney without a wire tap? Has it been proven they were purchased by Terri at all? Has anything other than these friends who did admit to purchasing them for the reason that their cell coverage (Verizon) does not work in Terri's neighborhood and they got the phones for that reason?
I'm now adding mystery person in truck and possibly the emails if they produce something...holy Lord, I'm adding things every day now...
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