What Punishment Should a Pedophile Receive for Sexually Abusing a Child?

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What Punishment Should a Pedophile Receive for Sexually Abusing a Child

  • Lethal injection

    Votes: 80 6.8%
  • Medical castration and life without parole

    Votes: 186 15.7%
  • Medical castration with intense therapy and a light prison term

    Votes: 25 2.1%
  • Life in prison without parole

    Votes: 194 16.4%
  • Life in prison with a chance of parole but only with medical castration

    Votes: 95 8.0%
  • Life in prison with a chance of parole.

    Votes: 10 0.8%
  • Long prison term with intense counseling then review for possible parole

    Votes: 68 5.8%
  • Electric chair death

    Votes: 17 1.4%
  • Death, any method that works.

    Votes: 172 14.6%
  • Death - unless falsely accused

    Votes: 31 2.6%
  • Blind them so they can never see a child again

    Votes: 8 0.7%
  • The same punishment as the child did, then death

    Votes: 41 3.5%
  • Torture....LOTS of brutal torture....then death.

    Votes: 40 3.4%
  • all of the above

    Votes: 47 4.0%
  • LWOP in general population

    Votes: 60 5.1%
  • SURGICAL castration and LWOP!

    Votes: 59 5.0%
  • Permanent psych ward stay

    Votes: 13 1.1%
  • Verbatim Quote from BH 'Take him to a cabin in the woods, nail his balls to the floor and set the ca

    Votes: 12 1.0%
  • Surgical castration, light prison sentence with psychotherapy

    Votes: 15 1.3%
  • Surgical castration and a frontal lobotomy followed by LWOP

    Votes: 9 0.8%

  • Total voters
or instead of repeatedly wasting taxpayer $$$ to imprison or castrate or kill them, send 'em all to that prison that was on an island (what was it called?) -install some modern security remedies so that they can't get off the island

let 'em sort each other out - they'll be killing each other for food & with whatever weapons they could make

we don't have to pay for their food, shelter, medication, guards etc. :woohoo:

LadyL - YES!! I've been saying this for awhile. Lets reopen Alcatraz, no supplies or guards, chuck 'em out the door of a helicopter, let them take care of themselves, AWAY from the rest of us. They are worse than animals and don't deserve to be treated as human. I don't think we would need to even waste money on security there, from what I understand trying to leave is a death sentence in and of itself. :woohoo:
Read through stories here and you will see pedophiles who killed their victims in jurisdictions where they could not face execution and pedophiles who let their victims live in jurisdictions where they could face execution. If there were an established correlation showing that not facing execution means more victims would be released alive I'd support that 100%, but if there is such a correlation I have not seen it.

I agree with . If there were stats showing that pedos are more likely to kill their victims to avoid the death penalty, then I wouldn't think the death penalty would be a good idea. But if data doesn't support that then we should fry the suckers.

I'm a social worker and I refuse to work with pedophiles. I cannot contain my loath for these animals and it would be unethical for me to try to "help" them. Bottom line, they can't be rehabilitated anyway and should never be allowed to walk amongst society. Why do people keep wasting their time trying to get them to stop?
castration and then death:dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:
Everyone does know Sexual abuse does not always have something to do with the mans penis right? ( am I allowed to say that here?) . You can cut the itty bitty thing off and they still can sexually abuse someone. and yes I call it itty bitty because no real man would ever sexually abuse anyone.

My point is castration will not solve the worlds sexual abuse problem.
I wanted to vote for death, but decided instead for life w/o parole. It was a hard choice--these people don't deserve to use our air and water. I may change my vote.
I know I've already posted my opinion in this thread, but I was looking at the poll categories, and the "medical castration" sticks out to me...I would tend more towards a meat cleaver and a couple of Tylenol for the pain...that's more than their victims get. :furious: Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now
I know I've already posted my opinion in this thread, but I was looking at the poll categories, and the "medical castration" sticks out to me...I would tend more towards a meat cleaver and a couple of Tylenol for the pain...that's more than their victims get. :furious: Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now

NO...They will only become angry murderers.
Just hang them by the *alls till they drop dead.
i voted for death. i don't believe we can "cure" that type of sickness they have, otherwise we'd have cured them by now. they seem to get locked up and then reoffend again, the only way to stop that from repeating the pattern is to kill them.
I wanted to vote for death, but decided instead for life w/o parole. It was a hard choice--these people don't deserve to use our air and water. I may change my vote.

And we do not nee to pay for free room and board, education and medical.
I still say Death....
i voted for death. i don't believe we can "cure" that type of sickness they have, otherwise we'd have cured them by now. they seem to get locked up and then reoffend again, the only way to stop that from repeating the pattern is to kill them.

RIGHT ON :woohoo:
NO...They will only become angry murderers.
Just hang them by the *alls till they drop dead.

My first response was death by any means with castration while waiting...I was only saying the "medical castration" part was too nice (in the poll). Just give me a meat cleaver.
I said life without parole, but I change my miind to death - a clean swwep of this world would be a good thing.
I voted Death - any method is fine with me! I say the sooner the better. This world is so friggin overrun with these scumbags that I personally think it's time to start weeding! If we can have snipers take out drug dealers, terrorists, and such - then why can't they just prune the population & get rid of these vermine? Sometimes I think it should be legal to become a vigilante!
i chose life without parole but i hope they do something to make sure that some of these 18/19 year olds that get caught up with a g/f that is say 15/16 years old and it was consentual don't get this. i do believe there are exceptions such as the cases i just stated. but repeat offenders and those that are definitely predators shouldn't be given a chance to do this again and again.
I chose Lethal Injection. I don't believe there is any kind of help for this type of person. If you give them parole , they will just do it again.
Bold and all else by me:


Opinion of the Supreme Court Majority
On June 25, 2008, the Supreme Court, splitting 5-4, held that "[t]he Eighth Amendment bars Louisiana from imposing the death penalty for the rape of a child where the crime did not result, and was not intended to result, in the victim's death." In its majority opinion authored by Justice Kennedy, the Court explained that the application of the death penalty had to rest on national consensus, and that as only six States permitted the death penalty for child rape, no such consensus existed. In formulating the idea of "national consensus" the Court relied on the previous cases Roper v. Simmons (2005), which outlawed the execution of minors, and Coker v. Georgia (1977), which outlawed the application of the death penalty for the crime of rape.According to the Court, "[t]he death penalty is not a proportional punishment for the rape of a child." The opinion, which was joined by the court's four more liberal judges, went on to state, "The court concludes that there is a distinction between intentional first-degree murder, on the one hand, and non-homicide crimes against individuals, even including child rape, on the other. The latter crimes may be devastating in their harm, as here, but in terms of moral depravity and of the injury to the person and to the public, they cannot compare to murder in their severity and irrevocability." The opinion concluded that in cases of crimes against individuals, "the death penalty should not be expanded to instances where the victim’s life was not taken" [11]

Curiously, the majority opinion left open the possibility of the death penalty for 'drug kingpins', as well as treason, espionage and terrorism, these being considered crimes against 'the State' rather than against 'individual persons':

"Our concern here is limited to crimes against individual persons. We do not address, for example, crimes defining and punishing treason, espionage, terrorism, and drug kingpin activity, which are offenses against the State."[12]
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So, if I am reading this correctly, if we collectively can get EACH of our states to pass the DP for the rape of a child, it would then become OK to have it for a national law???? LETS GET STARTED NOW!!! I understand the concern that they will kill their victims, but honestly, they are now, and what we are doing doesn't seem to be even slowing them down. At least we could prevent some of their victims maybe.

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